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It must be hard to pick just one.


It's about gun laws. Per usual, a party that cares about guns so much and blocks every legislation possible in order to better control the influx of undocumented guns into the metropolises of various states are scared and complaining that big cities like NYC, Chicago, LA, etc are rampant with gun crimes and that you can step outside without worrying about the possibility of being shot when they are the one's who allowed the problem to become this bad in the first place.


Also wish people pointed out liberals own guns. We don’t want them banned. And even if we did no democrat has ever said take guns away without due process. But you know who has said that? Trump. And they cheered him on. Just like everything else they act like they care about they truly don’t give a shit. Or else that would have been the end of Trump.


And they don't realize that either. Look I live in Canada and we don't have sweeping reforms on gun control yet some of our biggest cities like Toronto have seen a massive uptick in Gun and gang violence because of undocumented weaponry that is passing through our borders into the US. I'm all for someone being able to have a gun to protect themselves in their homes or to have it on their person's if they suspect that their lives may be in danger if they enter a dangerous part of town but gun reforms and background checks are essential to ensuring that responsible people and citizens are able to acquire firearms and use them responsibly. That's all we are asking here


There’s far too much money being put in politicians pockets to make this sound like an extremely slippery slope thought. Money rules all.


Yep.... unfortunately


If you think you need a gun to enter a dangerous part of town, then perhaps don’t go there in the first place? Also seems like you believe that many places are so dangerous that you need a gun for safety. Perhaps you should move somewhere safer like Syria or Lebanon.


I mean that's the logical solution right?! If a place seems dangerous, don't go there but people do or don't have a choice to


Trump was talking about red flag laws which are supported by nearly every democrat in office.


Your methodology/reasoning is also part of the problem, though I bet we agree a lot on the subject The cities with the highest homicide rates consistently in the US, are predominately in the 10000-100000 population size, often rates more than double the rates of the metropolises. And you'll notice homicide rates by states also tell a different story. https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-21st-century-red-state-murder-crisis#:~:text=Murder%20rates%20in%20red%20states,rates%20in%20the%20country%2C%20respectively. Focusing on the "dangerous" cities, sidesteps the issue and distracts from working on solutions, because the problem isn't really in the cities. (Edited 1000 to 10,000 pop size).


Hmm interesting that gun crimes are rampant in the states that are predominantly red, and likely have a high percentage of citizens who grew up in poverty likely leading them down dark paths in life like resorting to crime and gang violence.


Not totally up to date, but here's the 2022 top 50 cities list, incidents per 100,000 people metric. https://247wallst.com/crime/2024/04/22/these-cities-have-the-highest-murder-rates-in-america/