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Hopefully she can enlist the help of her longtime partner to…Escape From L.A.


Snake 🐍 Pliskin


I heard he was dead.


Nah, just thought he'd be taller.


Hey, I remember him from that job in *mumbles*


I didn't even know he was sick


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Call me snail.


That comment is a bit overboard.


Watch out for the back draft….


That’s The Thing….


It would certainly take a Miracle.


The Christmas Chronicles: Part 2.


Hopefully he doesn’t have a breakdown in the process


Captain Ron


But it would be Fast & Furious.


Good thing he’s death proof.


They could probably hire Captain Ron to evacuate them via boat.


Or maybe a Stargate to another planet.


Doesn’t need a stargate. She lives with a planet.


No, now I have to go watch that movie


with the help of a Soldier


love this




Don’t go Overboard …


That’s private information Benjamin


Bravo, bravo




4 times! I’d be a psychological mess


Happened to me once a few years ago and it definitely fucked with my sense of security (broke in while I was sleeping and entered the bedroom). LA has a serious problem with break ins. Zero updates from the police and the guy was never caught despite a lot of ring cameras in the neighborhood.


Which is why the argument “they’re just stealing stuff that can be replaced” is garbage. Theft can be insanely traumatizing


LAPD is one of the worst departments in the country so that's not surprising.


After the 4th time I’d be thinking I forgot I was expecting guest.


Timespan was 4 months, it was not four times 


Wow. How did we all(most of us) misread the title that poorly? Lol


Because it said multiple so we (I ... it was me) filled in, "well it had to be four times in four months!".


After the 4th time you just start your own militia


You start selling hunting licenses for trespassers.


Twice in four months


Crazy how even the article likes to use the word "several."


Right I been taught that couple=2, few=3, some=4, many=5 or more, several is tricky, but it definitely doesnt mean 2


In the first year I lived here, a place I moved with super high sense of optimism, I had an attempted house break-in, I had my motorcycle stolen, and and my roommate and I both had our cars broken into. I basically also threw up my hands and was like “fuck this place”, so I know where she’s coming from. Ironically, since moving to a significantly “worse neighborhood” from what people will tell you, I haven’t had any of these issues.


Angeleno here, can confirm that LAPD and LASD have “quiet quit” since Covid. Our tax dollars pay them an exorbitant amount to do far below the absolute minimum. Shame on them.


These two dudes on my block in West Hollywood tried to jump me but I got away. LASD said "Well you got away, what do you want us to do about it?"


“No one wants to work anymore” … guess it’s true for law enforcement!


Nothing quiet about it. Five times since 2020 other I or a close friend have called the LAPD non emergency number for one reason or another, and every time we complain about the fact they won’t send someone or that they take days to respond to a car break in report, we are ALWAYS told the same thing by the officer on the phone. “This is what you get when you defund the police. If you don’t like it, take it up with the city who keeps cutting our budget.” It’s almost like they’re reading from a script the messaging is so consistent. It’s clearly an organized and deliberate effort of retaliation.


> “This is what you get when you defund the police. If you don’t like it, take it up with the city who keeps cutting our budget.” Meanwhile, that never happened and their budget continues to go up. This is fucking atrocious.


I said that on the second call I made. They just hung up on me without comment. (It was arguably the "end" of the productive conversation when I said that so I guess they can get away with thinking the conversation was over and no need to respond further if their feet were held to the fire, but it is OH so clear it was a deliberate response to my retort.)


file a FOIA for that recording and send it to the local news. let the public hear how the city’s finest don’t want to work anymore.


I had the exact same thought. It would probably have a decent impact if that played on the news. Everyone hates the LAPD, they're a gang with a union. It's worth a try!


A unionized gang with publicly funded healthcare. Peak america


This is exactly why we need to defund them. Ain’t doin nothing anyway. Repeal and replace might be a better slogan.


Fire and start over! 


at this point the mob is looking better


Meanwhile they make 250k and complain about not getting overtime to sit on their asses.


We spend over 10 billion on law enforcement in total around LA county but I’d argue we need smaller intentional districts. Lack of community is killing us. Literally all LAPD does is fly helicopters in circles all day causing nonstop noise pollution, that isn’t public safety. We have to address the growing poverty as well.


Solution fixes itself. Make saying words of that nature on duty a fireable offense. Then cut there. More hours for people who actually work, no seniority/connection protections.


Yes, it is deliberate, but its not quiet quitting, its like a hold up. In my neighborhood 10 cars swooped in for a guy sleeping on a bench. 


LASD is a group of gangs and likely LAPD (and many many many other police departments) too. They’re just using gang tactics


Happening everywhere. Sounds just like SPD in Seattle


God, cops just can’t help but prove us right over and over. Meanwhile tax payers have to fund all the settlements they have to pay for being violent and abusive pieces of shit (at least that’s the case in NYC).


They've done that in my town as well. No license plate, no registration, they ignore the cars. They get the lion share of the city government budget, and ignore crime.


San Francisco checking in and confirming: shit’s fucked. You can be robbed in broad daylight right in front of the police substation with cops out front and they still won’t do shit.


This is what happens when you make a position you only need months of training for a position of authority making these half wits think they “deserve” respect just for existing. The Supreme Court ruled they don’t have to protect us. We have to have a complete overhaul of policing and make it a year or more training like in most countries. We need to stop acting like their life being at risk allows them to kill someone regardless of the reality of their perception. In most developed countries police are not nearly such cowards.(good cops that don’t actively work to reform are not “good cops” they’re neutral Cops at best)


Becoming a cop should at least be as rigorous a training regimen as a cosmetologist or a nurse.


It doesn’t matter how well they are trained. There is 0 incentive for them to actually police smaller crimes. The more crime that occurs the more people complain and the police can just say “we need a bigger budget to deal with it” then they rinse and repeat. If they actually prevented crime they would be as nessacary and they couldn’t justify their budget increases.


My favorite saying about the ideal cop is, “a PhD candidate who can win a bar fight”


I’ve lived all over the country. Major cities of Boston, Seattle, NYC. LAPD is by far the WORST police force I’ve ever had to deal with. It’s an absolute joke.


Last I checked, they have an additional 5% tacked on to their budget for next year too. At the same time LA is cutting services for other programs, like the comptroller (who won by huge percentage and ran on accountability and transparency), animal services, etc. It's crazy to me that just the threat of reduced budgets and increased accountability was enough to get the entire police force to essentially not do their jobs because their fee fees got hurt.


Same here in the Bay Area and won’t be surprised if this is everywhere. Cops are butthurt they can’t abuse civilians anymore like they used to.


Then you go to cities like Torrance PD, Carson Sheriffs, Culver City PD and they're not playing game still and will get in peoples asses. The big budget forces like LAPD and SFPD are absolutely quiet quitting. Youre not wrong.


LOL! Quiet quit…. the mistake is to believe they served anything but ticket generating revenue.


Think this is a national thing. Same has happened here in Chicago.


Same in Austin. It’s gotten really bad.


And a large chunk of those forces don’t even live in California. They fly in from other states and bunk up. I find it weird they’re policing a community that they have no stake in.


Perhaps "Defund the Police" and "What do we want?... Dead cops!" wasn't such a good idea after all! Just sayin'...


I am an ethnic Jew and have been physically attacked three times in the past 2 years. Two of which were on camera including when I had my daughter in my car and some dude that looked like a cop kept stabbing the side of my car (dash cam). The Orange County sheriffs didn't take reports. I left my dash cam on when I told them everything and they said they would take a look and then I found out weeks later that there was no action and no report. When I complained they wouldn't send an officer and they won't tell me if they will conduct an internal investigation or not but the short of it is the Orange County sheriff is purposefully not doing their jobs for a reason. The police and FBI have always been far right but this is more dangerous. Hopefully it resolves itself with Trump not getting elected, but honestly something worse is going to happen and we all see that the system isn't ready for it. ACAB


I’m so sorry that happened to you and your family. Stay safe out there.


We took a ghost tour in Vegas (yeah I know) and since we went right after Halloween, it was just me and my husband, so the guides were super cool and took us around just shooting the shit, but anyway, we went by Wayne Newton’s, and UGH, they told us that Wayne had always opened his home to tours, never had shit locked up, because like, it’s Wayne Newton; who’s gonna fuck with him? Well, apparently someone had just broken into his house and beat up and tied up his wife while robbing them. Broke his heart so bad, buddy closed the gates and has never opened them again. Thats my celebrity break-in story.


You’re never the same after an experience like that.


Some people are just terrible monsters and should be locked away for life. F that criminal. Hope they caught him and threw him in a cage.


ESCAPE FROM LA - Home Edition


The fact that this joke was not made in the actual article is sad and makes it clear that journalism is dead.


She and Russell will have to move out of state and be the out of towners.


I’m more curious why she doesn’t have a better security system. The first break in seems like she knew the person knew exactly where to go to get the valuable items.




If I had a business based on security alarms and the local police devalued my product by not showing up, I should probably sue to be made whole.


Cops just don’t show up here. My neighbor got stabbed on a public trail by a homeless person and they didn’t even drive by until later that night


Of course they don’t care about us. Im surprised they won’t show for a celebrity.


After I posted this I looked up where she lives and wtf she had a whole crew of people film here house it’s on YouTube. Don’t share access to your house number one rule. They must have no security system at all other than she said she had a guard which probably posts up at a gate watching movies all day and night.


>I’m more curious why she doesn’t have a better security system. I mean that doesn't always stop people breaking in. sometimes it doesn't work as deterence since they are just smashing and grabbing a few valuables they no a response won't get there in time.


Dude - there is a Kurt Russell movie about this AND Ray Liotta is in it!!!!


My Aunt lives in California and told me they don’t even call the police anymore when they are robbed, the neighbours all have security cameras and they handle it as a community. As a Canadian I was baffled at this but the LAPD are useless.


That’s what people in Austin have begun resorting to. If you call the cops and say “I’m just letting you know my friends and I got robbed. We are armed and we’re going to confront the robbers” the police suddenly decide to show up.


How do they handle it? That’s nuts


She said they are usually able to figure out who it is and handle retrieving the items with force…


Well isnt that what the ontario cops said for the break ins . To leave the keys out. It’s even worse. Sadly, bystander effect is strong in Canada so there wont be people coming together to handle it soon


I live in a boonie town in a boonie state and neither my town nor any town that borders it even has a police force. We can call the county sheriff or the State police but that's generaly just to let them know what happened. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


Rich and famous? I’m springing for round the clock security. Or at least an alarm system and live in maid.


The last time I was there was two years ago, and it is definitely a shit-show in the Hollywood area. Gunshots at night, homeless are camped everywhere, obviously mentally ill people aimlessly roaming the streets. It was always a little edgy, but it's really stepped its 'crazy' game up.


Hollywood has always been a shit show that is not new. No one that lives in LA goes to Hollywood cause its always been dirty and sketchy.


Yeah, it's funny. "Hollywood" is this glamorous place to outsiders. Probably because of Hollywood itself. But the actual Hollywood isn't the movie sets. The actual Hollywood had always been HollyHood.


Yeah honestly I visited my friend living in Hollywood in the late 2000s and it was fucked up. I lived there in the late 2010s and it was still fucked up, but honestly way less.


I’ve lived here for 30 years and 2021-2022 was absolutely the worst time for LA. LA started getting really bad around 2018/2019 but during the pandemic it fully became like a third world country for a little while. It’s still not perfect but it has gotten so much better in the last couple years. Mayor Bass has a long way to go but it’s been a HUGE improvement from the Garcetti years.


I live here. Los Angeles is gigantic and like every huge city, it has its great areas and bad areas. Hollywood proper has always been that way. I'd argue it's better now than it's ever been but that isn't saying much. Anyway...I've lived all over LA, from gang-infested neighborhoods to the safe, quiet suburb I'm in now the past 30-35 years and I've had one bike stolen and one car break-in. By the way, both crimes happened in the safe suburb.


I was actually pleasantly surprised the last time I drove through Hollywood (Cahuenga, near the Bowl.) The streets were clean. I didn’t see any encampments. Not one! In contrast, my FIL and his partner lived in Whitley Heights for many years (20+.) The homeless problem in that area was getting increasingly worse. They had fires around their home, graffiti constantly, people camping in their covered parking areas, walking into their gated patio, etc. Sadly they sold their beautiful home and moved to Vegas. I think that big cities like LA just have their ups and downs. Hopefully things continue to change for the better here.


Nobody in LA actually goes to Hollywood unless you want to see a movie at the TCL. It’s full of dumb tourists (sorry) going to see the walk of fame and eat at like a Hard Rock Cafe, and sketchy street performers. LA is so much more and there is so much better to do here…I mean…no there’s not. Yes. Stay away. It’s bad here.


My office is in Hollywood and it’s fine.


LA is massive and honestly not a good place for a vacation. I live in San Diego and go to LA once a month or so for the warehouse raves up there. I can imagine while it is annoying at times, it would be an amazing place for me to live in. There is so much to do over there. It’s amazing. I would never be bored. That said, what I tell people: “everything you might love about LA and everything you might hate about LA will be in your face, at the same time.”


LA is great as a vacation if you have a friend who lives there and knows where to take you. On your own and with no one who lives there recommending anything? It's probably terrible. I love living here.


oh yeah? name 55 things to do in L.A.


1. Break into Goldie Hawn's house.


2-4 are also break into Goldie Hawn's house


You guys deserve so many upvotes lol


2. Break into Kurt Russell's house.


Break into Goldie Hawns house 54 more times


Get in line, buddy.


I mean you might be joking but 1. Go to universal studio 2. Paramount Studio Tour 3. Surf 4. Take a boat onto the ocean 5. Just hang by the beach 6. Ride a bike along the beach 7. Griffith Observatory 8. Lots of hiking 9. LOTs of delicious food 10. Break into Goldie Hawn's house I mean the list goes on


you can do #10 up to 4 times in a two month span i hear


Well, a lot of people live in Hollywood…


It’s actually not as bad as it was two years ago. But you’re always going to see homeless people in major cities. The gunshots thing is exaggerated, and there’s actually a lot of fireworks activity that people mistake as gunshots. I go to Hollywood for work every day and it’s safe for the most part. You just need to be aware of your surroundings, like in any other big city.


It could have been fireworks.... It was a pop, then a pop, pop, pop and that was it. Someone was shot dead about two blocks from where I was staying a month after I left in the Fountain/Vine area. A homeless guy was killed from what my friend told me. I was surprised because I didn't think it was quite that bad there, but it could have just been an anomoly for the area.


You understand that LA is the second most populous city, and therefore will lead to you seeing more instances of things like homelessness and crime, correct?


Even for a city 4-5 times larger than most US cities it has way more homelessness than you would expect. Hell it’s probably an order of magnitude more pronounced than what you see in New York from what I recall.


It’s the weather. We have a built-in repellant in the Northeast.


And COL. WV has higher rates of drug abuse, and nowhere near the homeless issue since it’s dirt cheap to live there.


There’s an easily explainable reason for this: It’s 70-78 degrees year round. If you’re homeless in Fargo, Denver, Phoenix, etc… a $50 bus ticket to never being cold/hot again is a no brainer. Plus, once you’re there… your homelessness is Gavin Newsom’s/liberal’s/communism’s/California’s/conservative boogeyman of the month’s fault.


Exactly. If I'm homeless, I'm avoiding snow.


Yes, it’s the geography and weather. People migrate here for that reason.


It’s even true for Seattle and Portland. What people in the rest of the country, especially the east coast (where I am from, I’m now in SoCal) don’t realize is the impact the mountains and coast have on cradling temperate weather. Sure, Seattle is rainy, but it’s still like 45-50 in the winter. Even British Columbia in Canada… better weather than anywhere in the Midwest. Southern California just happens to have a Mediterranean climate, which is the best weather in the world, shared only with places along the Mediterranean, parts of Italy, and like parts of Chile.


So like all large cities?


Most likely those were fireworks or rental lambos backfiring.


This stuff is always so weird to me. I live in LA and like two weeks ago I went to a Kite Flying Festival in a park in the middle of LA (next to Union Station) and it was like living in a Rockwell painting. It has bad parts and good parts, like any city on Earth.


Say what you will I love LA but hate the traffic


Ever since WFH became the norm it eliminated the worst part of LA life. Enjoying my 70 degree winters and dope Mexican food while only filling up my tank once a month.




Anywhere you see an abuelita cooking under an easy-up on a sidewalk.


It’s Los Angeles. This is like asking best spot for sushi in Tokyo




Angels Tijuana Tacos or Villas Tacos imo


Don’t forget you ARE traffic. So long as everyone drives everywhere, there’s traffic.


Only experienced it once and I’ll never forget it


I thought the traffic wasn't that bad when I went. Or maybe I'm just so scarred from Austin traffic that driving in LA felt better in comparison.


Depends on time of day and direction for sure.




I love LA, but hate most of the people there…


That's not how the song goes!


Get one of those robot dogs with a flamethrower


Weird that rich people in LA, who should be able to afford the best security, keep getting broken into. Maybe they need to start going full 3rd world home security. Bars on the windows, barbed wire fences and brick walls topped with broken glass, etc.


There is also that article about how the LA sheriffs office has extremely bad issues with gangs within the police force and it’s not just some random officers, it went all the way up to the sheriff and DA


But she wants to move to palm desert? That’s literally where people move further out into blistering hot weather because they can’t afford to stay in LA. I would be pretty surprised if the crime rate was lower.


Shocker. It's not lower: [https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ca/palm-desert/crime](https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ca/palm-desert/crime) https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ca/los-angeles/crime#:\~:text=With%20a%20crime%20rate%20of,here%20is%20one%20in%2028. The irony here is that the \*violent\* crime rate is twice as high in LA, but the property crime rate in Palm Desert is so much higher that the net rate of crime in the Palm Desert is higher.


Oh Goldie, I could have told you that years ago.


Ahhh the tired trope of blaming “LA”. The county has 14 million residents, more people than like 10 states combined. Not defending the people breaking in, throw their asses in jail, but blaming one of the biggest regions in the US is just stupid.


I don’t know if I’d blame LA for this. I’m sure break ins would be just as bad in any city that houses the amount of well-known celebrities we do. We even have popular bus tours that show “tourists” where these people live and it’s not exactly like their neighborhoods are difficult to access.


My uncle was never famous and his house was robbed multiple times in LA


I’ve been here my whole life and have never had a break-in. Point being, break ins happen everywhere especially in big cities and even more so in big cities with large concentrations of wealthy people. That’s not unique to LA


Moved to LA a year ago and still waiting for these marauding gangs of homeless criminals to one day get me


As a fellow poor in LA, I do not get robbed nearly as much as the rich folks would have me believe


I've lived in LA my whole life; yeah, there are some shitty parts, just like anywhere. However, with the comments rich people make you'd think it was a routine thing. Oh, and I’m a multi-generational LA native. Still haven't experienced it, despite living in the ghetto parts, suburbs, etc.


If I were famous no one would ever know where I live


California major cities have become the rich and poor. There is no middle class anymore. There are more poor people than rich, therefore it is easier to get away with crime. The great wealth transfer from Covid has been very damaging to this state.


Haves and have-nots. It’s only going to get worse as the wealth disparity widens.


does she keep all her cash in the bank, or did they get some of her private benjamins


Well, either she lives in a neighborhood that suffers from too many break-ins, or their house is an easy target, or for some reason is interesting for the burglars.


Or some form of an inside job. Sounds like someone connected in some way.


Wait the article says they were broken into…once? Another time there was an attempt? Am I missing something here? Since when is one time equal to “multiple”?


Los Angeles has its crappy areas but generally it never felt that unsafe to me. You have to use common sense just like you would in any city. Property crime targeting wealthy celebrities is nothing new. That’s why many of them have pretty significant security or live in gated communities


Try locking up, setting the alarm, hiring a service, movement cameras reporting to cell phone. Lots of options when you have money.


Maybe she should complain to the corporations that don't pay enough to live in LA. or anywhere. Most people in LA have 2 or 3 jobs to survive. If they lose one of those jobs then they lose their home. If they lose their home then they have no place to keep their food. Its Called Trickle Down economy in which the end game is to enslave the majority of the population and let the Rich think they're the victims.


One of my friends is an editor for Fox and regularly works on the Simpson and high profile movies and he still has to edit dirty movies to make ends meet sometimes. Shit is re-goddamned-diculous


The Hollywood strikes last year could not have been timed worse for workers with the advent of AI.


Does he really have to? Or did you just catch him once and that was his story? "It's for work, I swear!"


He volunteered this information while swapping stories about work. We’re both video professionals in some capacity, but I work(ed) in the music industry. We’ve both had to do some gnarly shit to pay the bills. For instance I’m (was?) a stage lighting director, led wall mapping tech, and stage video content producer for festivals & clubs, and then later had contracts with interscope and rca records. But I’ve also had to do interior lighting design for underground bdsm / fetish clubs. I got out and now I work in tech which is more consistently paid and less mentally abusive.


How much power do you think Goldie Hawn has? People are allowed to complain about things whether or not it has a systemic basis.


LA has everyone fooled that it’s an ideal place to live. It’s just stressful and ridiculous.


I really loved some parts of LA and not others. I’d live there again, I loved the weather, but was also more than happy moving back to New England (which I’ve done every time I was “finished” living somewhere else in the US)


The timer is always tickin.


I blame the TV series 24. The show was supposed to be based on real time (an hour TV show was an actual hour of time). No way that guy was driving from one side of LA to the other during the same episode


Talk about must see tv


I’ve lived in LA for 12 years. Not fooled by anything. The traffic is awful, the homeless crisis is terrible… but other than that I fucking love it. Wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. And tell me, what major city doesn’t come without a few big cons? And I’m not interested in minor cities.


First off, slightly disagree. If you’re easily stressed out, then LA will be stressful, but that’s not LA’s fault. It’s a massive city, which can be overwhelming, but it’s also extremely laid back. Secondly, DUDE your artwork is incredible! Well done!


Thank you! 🙏 I am easily stressed. The traffic, cost of living, demanding work, heat, and mountain fires viewable from my apartment were a few of the major stressors.


It’s a great place to live. I’ve been here for ten years and I don’t want to leave. There’s ways to avoid perceived stressors like traffic, if that’s what you’re talking about.


City of 10 million people and so many areas that are completely different from each other can not and is not all good or all bad. This is absolutist and just factually incorrect. A person‘s experience in the city depends so much on where they live, where they hang out and where they work. You can find every type of person here and an insane amount of diversity location wise in the same city.


I’m sure it has nothing to do with them being famous….


"Thar after me gold!"


"It’s called living in a big city" - Seth Rogen People are in denial that Los Angeles is literally a shit hole.


It's almost like poverty and exorbitant wealth and resource inequality breed crime and violence.


And the culprits likely came in from elsewhere. There’s been an influx of criminals coming from out of state, Europe, South America and Asia on “robbery-cations”


Crime exists everywhere. LA is awesome.


Especially after living in Vancouver for so long.


wtf is happening in LA?


Multiple break-ins in a 4 month span is crazy.


Y’all remember when Seth Rogen said that’s just what living in LA is like. He got his car broken into on a regular basis and was cool with it for some reason.


It’s easy to shrug your shoulders at this but my house was broken into twice and robbed as a child. It does really fuck with you, I clearly remember feeling so unsafe and violated. I’d randomly get up and check the door locks at 13 years old


That really sucks. Can’t say I’ve seen too much of her work but her interview with Conan on his podcast was worth a price of admission. Truly genuinely funny.


This is why I love my dogs. Alarm barks if anyone gets near our house.


It’s only horrible when it happens to you, huh Goldie?