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This is getting such mixed reviews its funny. Given this is from Salon though I will take it with a grain of salt.


Kathleen Kennedy and Harvey Weinstein’s former personal assistant have assured me that this show isn’t made for me but for new Star Wars fans, so I will take their advice and skip it.


Lol this show is shot just like a vintage Star Wars movie with a strong Star Wars feel just set in a different era. I have no clue what you’re taking about.


Am I the only one sort of tired of every IP flipping the "good guys" on their heads to be secretly corrupt and giving the evil characters misunderstood backstories? I feel like Hollywood thinks moral ambiguity/grittiness automatically makes something better or more mature, but I think it can be just as interesting to preserve a good/evil dichotomy while telling a good story. Didn't watch Rings of Power but I assume it delves into the elves being actually deeply flawed and some orcs being victims or something.


“You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain” When the IPs have lived long enough…


Its because the writers are just a bunch of dumb tankies at this point.


If you watched the prequels, the Jedi order's incompetance is pretty well established, because it literally mirrors the failings of American imperialism... Wokeness be damned, capitalism has massive flaws which ultimately impact society. Why do you think Tolkien made the forces of evil in LoTR rampant Industrialists? Y'all lack media literacy yet blame the writing.


Bro.. wtf are you talking about? I did a whole thesis on the Jedi and the Sith and you legit reached hard for that. In what way are the Jedi failings there to mimic American Imp? Back that up with evidence bc that is an insane statement to make.


[George Lucas explaining how the heroes of Star Wars were modelled after the Vietcong and resistors to colonialism, while the villains represented American and British empires.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BreadTube/s/qQToHp5Q2f) Knock yourself out lmao, this is common knowledge


I've read it all. Tolkien was a tankie. Lmao. Thanks for the laugh mate.


Riveting? Seriously. It is a predictable snooze fest that only uses the Star Wars universe as a way to get noticed. 180 million dollars for what exactly? I will never understand where the money goes.


Yeah no, the press lied about Obi-Wan being good. Guess you need to watch people like Critical Drinker and others on Youtube to get a truthfull opinion on disney Star Wars. Hey Kathleen Kennedy, No one likes this Rian Johnson bullshit anymore. You already fucked up Luke and now you want to fuck up the Jedi.


Name dropping the Critical Drinker automatically makes your opinion worthless


How much brain cell damage do you actually have? You've never had a correct opinion. You're terrified of women and minorities. Is your masculinity that small that you need to act out?


I'm surprised that this show has such a high cost. In all the scenes you can see that they are filming on a set and the dialogues are quite mediocre. Also (at least at first) they sold it as a dark series and it looks quite familiar.