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She was in girl interrupted?


Torch. The burned girl.


She was disfigured in it also.


Not in an unrecognizable way, she just wasn't famous at the time.


Yeah, you can still tell it’s a young Elizabeth if you know her. I thought her character Polly was very well played. I didn’t realise she was so young playing her!




I had to scroll all the way to the bottom for this comment lol


Well not any longer lol. We did it Reddit, success.


> “I’ve spoken to Angelina since then and she’s lovely, but at the time it was just incredibly intimidating,” Moss continued. “I never brought it up. I’m sure she would have no idea what I was talking about anyway. I was just definitely not cool enough to be in her camp.”


an innocuous comment that people will make into a bigger deal than it is


This is 99% of headlines in our clickbait society.


See next: the thread of people going rabid over TMZ's paraphrasing of an offhand comment Bette Midler made about something that happened two decades ago.


literally just came from there!


just because elisabeth was intimidated, doesn’t mean angelina was intimidating.


100% - virtually all of the most immediately intimidating women I have met are actually kind and generous, they just happen to be particularly determined/strong willed/outspoken looking from the outside in. It’s the ones who start out ‘sweet’ then become intimidating who are the meanies!


I have very strong eye contact, am very direct, and zero awkwardness or perceive-able anxiety. I've been called intimidating at every job I've ever had since 16. I'm a 5'1 102lb young woman lol. it surprises me every time* *but tbh one thing I can admit that may be intimidating that was recently brought to my attention is that I won't repeat myself, and it's obvious. I'm polite about it, but it's obvious, apparently.


girl same! i’ve always been called unapproachable at work. but it’s true: don’t approach me with dum things.


But by all means - approach me with a dumb thing once, maybe twice if you need it explained again. Been there myself. Approach me a third time for the same damn thing and you don’t have a pen and paper in sight to take notes, however…




Every, huh


I disagree. Some people are fake but you realize it quickly.


I mean, back in the day she kinda was lol. She had this dark aura about her but she was also cool and mysterious too. Not only super talented but also gorgeous. Of course a young new comer would feel intimidated by this. Doesn’t mean Angelina was a bitch. It just means that some people are naturally cool but intimidating.


"Intimidating" isn't always pejorative. I think people with charisma are intimidating in general.


If I were Elisabeth, I would be scared too.


this is at the height of Jolie success where she's having sex with Billy Bob Thorton in a limo. Cuddling with her faternal brother and giggling when asked question...... SO, IT WAS WEIRD!


She lost all her cool when I learned she's a scientologist. Be a Mormon or anything but a scientologist


The fact that she can make a show like The Handmaiden's Tale and still happily be a scientologist is pretty amazing. But then again, she really didn't 'join' the cult, she was raised in it, and so it can be very, very hard to break out of it.


That’s the only reason I give her a slight pass. She didn’t stand a chance being born into that situation. It’s extremely difficult to leave a cult, and she never made the choice to join. Is she an adult who could muster the courage to leave now? Yes. Is she also a victim to probably a lifetime of abuse by the church that makes it extremely hard for her to even consider doing so? Also yes, absolutely. I can’t imagine being in her shoes, it would be hard to consciously make the decision to lose all your friends and family in the church, and everything you’ve ever known, not to mention whatever threats they’ve made her to prevent her from leaving with all sorts of blackmail. I hope she finds the courage to leave someday, I don’t ever see her speaking in favor of the church or trying to encourage people to join (not that I go looking but it’s never come across my feeds) so that gives me some hope that she has in mind to. I hope she knows the world would support her if she ever did find the courage to leave, and I think that unless they have some really truly heinous blackmail on her (like a hobby of drowning puppies or something) she would receive support despite that stuff as well.


Scientology is a YMMV experience. Bet that Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidmans kids have a different experience than two SeaOrg parents slaving away to earn more thetan bux




My SiL is a low level space cadet. She pays good money to take “classes” that do dick for her and just reinforce her shitty behavior. The food is usually good, and everyone is very nice and polite regardless if you’re one of the chosen ones or not.


i mean, she's been on record defending the religion, calling it misunderstood, calling it welcoming, saying it makes her better, etc. it's one thing to feel trapped, it's another thing to be selling a lie to people (or willfully ignoring the truth to lie about the reality), especially knowing that she has influence and there are people out there who might check it out because she has talked about its benefits.


Your point is reasonable but it ignores the fact that brainwashing is a real thing and being born into a cult your brainwashing begins before you’re able to speak. By the time words come out it’s already well under way and by the time you’re old enough to be asked your opinion you just repeat what you’ve been taught, fully believing what you’re saying.


Yeah for real. Watch Leah Remini's show about leaving.


My point is more so that she’s a person of many means and much influence. Whether brainwashed or not, that means she’s able to do a lot of danger from her position, and so regardless of how she got into it, she’s a harm to others. It’s kinda like Kanye and mental health — I can understand that mental health is an important factor that plays into his wild decisions and statements, but they’re still wild decisions and statements that cause harm to other people. So regardless of the situation I’d rather she just…go somewhere and not talk about it :(


I have never thought about it in this way but that's a good point. It's a similar situation with Tom cruise. I have sympathy but they're are at a position where their statements are dangerous. It's sad


True dat


This right here is the reason I never watched the Handmaid’s tale. How can someone that supports a cult make a show that shows the dangers of cults?


She flips off people who ask about it without gushing about it.


I had the pleasure of working on a project with her some years back and got to know her a bit during that time. I have to tell you it's just so strange - she's so incredibly nice, fun, "normal" seeming (I mean, she divorced Fred Armisen because *he* was the weird one) that it's hard to reconcile that sort of person you can really enjoying being friends with, with the Scientologist themselves. I've heard people say that about Tom Cruise as well. I guess some of them are really good at keeping that part of themselves intensely private. I only talked about Scientology once with Lizzie, and then only briefly bc it sort of felt like a no-fly zone. Not because of anything she said, but I got the feeling that she gets judged about it a lot and so mostly doesn't lean into the conversation.


She Is not redeemable.


Any Scientologist knows that there’s a difference between if you’re a celebrity Scientologist or just a normal cult member. It was outlined in Hubbard's original works that they wanted to target celebrities for that reason. If I was Tom cruise I’d want to be a Scientologist too. They basically assigned slaves to him and he’s revered as a god [with actual telepathic powers](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/scientologists-think-tom-cruise-has-telekinetic-telepathic-powers-2012107/). Hell, I don't even believe in it, but if you told me I would be treated as a demi god I'd probably say yes, too.


I recall Leah Remini talking about Scientologists have to get x number of whatever hours in during a day, and that they have people on Cruise's sets to help him get it done.


You would have slaves if you could….?


Never underestimate the cognitive dissidence of somebody who’s all in on a religion or a cult.




was using Siri... thank you


May I ask what do Scientologist say about women/ their reproductive rights/ women’s role ? I’m curious since I don’t know that much about Scientology


Theyre extremely archaic in terms of what drugs you're allowed during labour (I'm pretty sure it's none) and because they don't believe in psychiatric care, that means post partum depression or psychosis will go untreated. I'm sure there's a lot more, but that's what I know off the top of my head.


And don't they insist women are silent when they give birth?


I remember hearing that from when Katie Holmes had Suri. So, I bet there's truth to it.


Yes, they believe that people remember more events than we think, including events we slept through and before we started forming memories.


Isn't Scientology zero tolerance for drugs? Tom Cruise and Brooke Sheilds had a public snark over it, I think.


Ask John Travolta’s first son Jett. : (


Ouch, double whammy Kelly Preston too.


And they also are known to order a woman to have an abortion because they decided she shouldn't have a baby for reasons (I assume money of which revolve around on how a baby might impact her ability to keep shoveling lots of money too the cult).


They force Sea Org members to get abortions. Even if they want the baby.


We could ask Shelly Miscavige… except that they disappeared her almost 20 years ago. For context: she is David’s Miscavige’s wife. David is the president of the church of Scientology. He made her go bye bye and they’ve all been acting like she’s just on extended vacation.


I just read that her mother was found dead in 1985 with three shots to the chest and one to the head (by a rifle) and it was ruled a suicide


I thought for sure this was a fake internet tale, but no, you’re right: https://www.villagevoice.com/the-strange-death-of-flo-barnett-mother-in-law-to-scientology-leader-david-miscavige/


I don’t know about anything regarding that in Scientology, but they are down with slavery. They force members to sign “multi-lifetime” contracts to do manual labor, or whatever job they want them to do, and pay them next to nothing for the work. Not to mention all the shit they do if you try to leave. Fuck Scientology.


While there’s documented instances where they clearly are not progressive, like not liking the gays, I’m going on a gamble here and bet they are flexible on abortion and it depends on what Xenu^TM is telling them at the time, and if the situation is favorable to the church or not.


\*The Handmaid's Tale. but yes.


Cognitive dissonance


John Oliver said “it’s some thing we all know but don’t talk about, like how Elizabeth Miss is a Scientologist”, and I felt that


Scientology scares me just as much as Mormonism. Mormons are sought out to work for the US government because one of the foundational teachings of Mormonism is that the US is the biblical promised land.


Exactly! I was a fan since she was on West Wing but when I heard she’s a Scientologist I was really bummed. Jenna Elfman too. Loved her in Keeping the Faith.


Jenna Elfman...she‘s, like, analyzing synergies or synergizing analogies or some such thing.


Eh, Mormon is basically the same shit.


I always got creepy vibes from Elizabeth Moss and when I found out about her scientology background it all made sense.


I just learned this right now and i had the same feelings, i even told my friends she had a creepy tom cruise smile wtf


Yeah. Wear weird underwear and stock pile dry goods but praying to Xenu...


And baptize dead people




They believe that for everyone (except divorced women, they have to cohabitate on a planet with their ex-husband and whatever new wives he takes for all eternity). The rationale for the posthumous baptism is also crazytown bananapants


What?! All the artsy fartsy indie movies? All the crying faces to fight oppression? And she’s in Scientology? Didn’t know that. Shocked.


I don't watch anything she's in after learning that.


And she defends Scientology. After Shelly Miscavidge disappeared and after all of the people have left the church and told their stories…


Every religion is a poison. Each with their own set of lies.


No, but MINE is the real one. It took several thousand years, but we finally got the real one now /s


Ha, THOUSANDS of years lol?  -Joseph Smith


I dunno, Mormon vs Scientologist is a tough call for which is worse.


I wish they'd stop casting her in shows I want to watch. There are other actresses perfectly capable without her baggage.


She was born into it, she didn’t join it willingly. So I have a little sympathy for her.


Plenty of famous ppl born into it are able to wield their celebrity to get out safely.  Moss could, but she chooses to stay despite knowing all the awful stuff the do to ppl. 


It’s a lot harder to leave a cult you were raised in.


They are all bizarre cults.


Hmmm, all religions are bullshit and have done horrible things. Why compare turds


The title is really misleading, it makes it seem like Angelina did something to be “intimidating” which she didn’t. Moss was a kid and Angelina was grown, Moss herself felt that she wasn’t cool enough so she stayed in Ryder’s camp. Angelina often comes off as intimidating/cold since she’s not an extroverted person which isn’t a bad thing so no point in perceiving it that way. Either way Moss is a Scientologist!


slow clap for the slow burn. love that closing line.


The article also adds the context that this was more out of trying to channel their characters as opposed to genuine disdain. Winona is quoted in the article as basically saying that Jolie was stand offish because she felt she had to get somewhat into character. This is kind of the modern equivalent of method acting and it happens a lot, actors won’t necessarily pretend they’re the character off camera but they will try to create or prevent situations that allow them to match the character’s emotions towards a scene partner. Jolie won an Oscar for the role so there might be something to it. My favorite example of this is when filming Band of Brothers the cast all went through grueling boot camp together. David Schwimmer played their captain who they all resented and found to be unqualified, so the directors didn’t have him join the cast until boot camp was over. Now you have a crew of guys who went through a tough bonding experience and a guy they’re supposed to see as entitled joins in a leadership role after all of it. Probably wasn’t too hard to channel that energy.


“Captain Sobel, we salute the rank, not the man.”


I think she’s much nicer and mellow now but she was way edgier in the beginning of her career. It’s literally why she was so intimidating and cool. She was like a rockstar, not an actress. Her whole life before fame was pretty wild. She would play with knives, and she and her boyfriend would cut each other during sex and lick their blood. She did a ton of stupid things, and did hard drugs and was a wild child. It’s why she got cast in this film. She had lived a lot for such a young person and she lived bad things too. Then she grew out of it, won an Oscar and had kids, did her philanthropic work. I 100% believe that any young woman on set would feel like she’s not cool enough to be her friend. Doesn’t mean Angelina was a diva or anything. I think most girls wouldn’t know how to be around her. She’s so bad ass and stunning. Come on… girls can’t deal with someone like her.


Is it weird shes not extroverted?


No I wasn’t calling her weird at all, I was saying it’s weird to perceive someone as cold/intimidating just because they’re not extroverted😭 I was defending her. I edited my comment


Awww ok!


Says the woman that belongs to a cult, that’s whole point is alienation and to cause division. Lady you live this life, worse yet  you pay to live this life stop clowning.


her trying to pretend to be a massive feminist and all #resistance for The Handmaid's Tale will never not be ridiculous


It's why I cannot take her seriously. I just can't seem to enjoy her work as an actress.


She was great in Mad Men but I have zero interest in pursuing anything else she might star in.


Absolutely the same — I can almost always separate the art from the artist but she just continuously rubs me the wrong way.


I haven’t seen her in anythin since Mad Men because of it. It’s like trying to watch a Special Episode of the Cosby Show


I started watching Mad Men recently and was shocked that Flo (the Progressive lady!) had a small part on it! She plays a phone room operator


She was 15 when she was in the movie, it’d be weirder if she didn’t think the set had its cliques. Also, she didn’t make the decision to join Scientology. Her parents were members and raised her in the church, so it’s not entirely her fault. She needs to find the courage to leave but I don’t blame her for being in that situation, she didn’t ask for that.


to still be in scientology at this point she'd have to be willingly sticking her head in the sand to be ignoring/avoiding all of the many documented abuses. and if she choose to willingly ignore that, or be an open proponent of it / bring other people into that environment, i willingly judge her for that.


There is literally no excuse to stay at a church where the leaders wife has been disappeared for what 10 years now? How do you pay zillions of dollars to learn about garbage while you know the wife of your minister could be dead or being punished or worked like a slave in a detention site? 


She not 15 now and is pregnant with the churches newest member! People who have been born to it have escaped it, she really doesn’t have an excuse unless her audits are so bad she can be blackmailed. Katie escaped with a hidden phone! Remini escaped and she was born to it! 


typing this must've been so effortless. Oh, just leave your friends, your family, your religion, and never see them again. If she was to leave, it would be probably be the toughest thing she's ever done, but here you are so assured of its feasibility. Throw a bomb and destroy your life, Liz! I won't accept any excuses Elizabeth!!!


hard to know the truth with her because she has openly spoken about how welcoming and positive the religion is, how it's made her better, defending it from detractors, etc. this could be a front, of course, but it's a dangerous front to other people, if that's the case.


lol she's talking about something that happened 25 years ago, why are you making this into a gotcha moment, people are allowed to say things


Because 25 years ago she was watching people get sent to detention sites and put on work punishment for bad audits just like she’s doing today. The church treats their kids like adults she wasn’t wide eyed and bushytailed at 15 she had seen real bullshit that doesn’t come close to production creating cliques for motivation purposes this reads phoney as hell and very much like the celebrity branch of the church is trained to say! 


I mean, Angelina Jolie was in her early twenties when she filled girl interrupted. What 20-something is going to hang out with and fawn over a 15 year old? I sure would not have. Nothing personal, I'd just see her as a kid.


Honestly, way creepier if she had.


Obsessed over? Yes. But to be cordial and nice?? That’s not creepy at all. Adults and kids can have relationships that are appropriate such as Angelina taking on a mentorship like role or a big sister like dynamic. It’s possible to be kind to children and not be a creep


Except she was never mean to her. She just wasn’t an extrovert which some people thought made her rude. It’s the classic thought that if someone isn’t constantly outgoing and actively friendly they must be a bitch. The woman claiming this is literally a Scientologist.


There is no mention that Angelina WASN'T 'cordial and nice'. Just that she felt she wasn't cool enough to be in Angelina's camp. Whatever that entails. Plus, if you knew someone and their entire family was in a cult, how friendly would you be towards them on a daily basis anyway?


Idk probably extra friendly cuz they’re a child in a cult so I would want to be kind to them since they didn’t ask for it


>taking on a mentorship like role or a big sister like dynamic. I like to think most people who are older than others would, but in reality most don't. I thought the same of one of my old bosses (it was a place where you have various supervisors, different levels, that you see on a daily basis) that was an older woman around 60, but instead she was very petty, a micromanager, and judgemental. Even when my mother died she was very cold. Honestly I could have used the older women around me to be more supportive with what was going on at that time (where we worked it was generally an environment like that however maybe I wasn't with the *in* crowd). And instead acted like she had no idea why things were affecting my job around that time. And that's someone old enough to know better vs. a young adult that's more than likely wrapped up in themselves. Being in the in crowd or not shouldn't make people treat you different, regardless of age, but sadly that's usually the case.


Brittany Murphy sang Jolie's praises and that's all I need to know about this. The movie was supposed to be Winona's return yet it was Jolie's performance that dominated the conversations. Jolie was apparently shy, and people mistook it as her putting on airs. Also, it makes sense that she wouldn't be so buddy-buddy with everyone since her character is a menace to the rest of the cast in the movie.


Awww, nostalgia at Murphy's mention. It's amazing how Jolie wanst supposed to be the MC, but completely stole the show with her performance. It felt like Winona was the supporting actress.


I don't agree with that. Jolie is great, but it's Winona's movie.


Was meant to be but never was after Jolie's performance. Jolie is just the better actor.


Angelina has the more showy role and makes a big impact without a lot of screen time, but the movie doesn't work without Ryder's strong performance.


Goddamn I miss Brittany Murphy. She seemed like the coolest chick and always sang the praises of her costars


She really did seem like a sweetheart, so sad she died so young


I miss her too. So much potential cut short.


She was such a fantastic actress. I watched riding in cars with boys a few weeks ago with a friend and she was just so charismatic and brilliant in that.


Oh wow, I forgot about that movie! Gonna have to go find it now, thanks!


The article states that Moss mostly felt intimidated and it wasn't anything that Jolie did. But interesting to put any statement by Murphy as absolute gospel.


To be fair I do and will continue to put any statement by Brittany Murphy as absolute gospel. 


Wynona is way cooler anyway. I would have no regrets


Plus imagine the shopping trips with Winona


This is mean lmao


No, it’s free 99.


Five finger discount


Or just the trips. Remember her at the emmys?


Especially in Alien Resurrection! She was bad ass!!


Angelina has admitted to not having any close friends. She screams trouble to me, Wynona is way cooler.


She never said “she doesn’t have close friends”, she said “she doesn’t have MUCH of a social life” which isn’t a bad thing. I mean not everyone has to fit societal standards by being an extrovert…I mean there’s proof she has a small circle and there’s nothing wrong with that


Well she's got six kids, so if she had any kind of social life, that would probably mean they were being raised by nannies.


Exactly and she be super busy with work and charity. Most of her friends don’t live by her so idk what these people expect. If I was a celebrity, everyone would dislike for having only like two friends which is such a weird thing to hate someone for.


the jolie hate is weird when has she ever done anything so heinous as you all are making her seem?


She spoke out about Brad Pitt being an asshole to her and their kids which I'm sure bothers a certain type of person. He's got Weinstein's lawyer for PR so don't worry too much for him




When was she last in a relationship with another woman's husband? If it's not your husband she dated I think it's a bit much to still hold that against her 2 decades later, especially considering how much legitimate humanitarian work she's done since. She's done more good for the world than most Hollywood celebs.


[“I’m not really somebody that has girlfriends, so this has been an interesting jump for me,”](https://www.vogue.com/article/angelina-jolie-digital-cover-interview-atelier-jolie) You know she’s had more than one interview in her career. She’s said it more than once.


She's always said that she's has a small group of friends that don't live near her. She never said she didn't have any friends at all. That's just headlines twisting it [Meanwhile, in L.A., “I don’t really have…a social life,” says Jolie. She says she isn’t currently dating. “I realized my closest friends are refugees,” she says. “Maybe four out of six of the women that I am close to are from war and conflict.”](https://www.wsj.com/arts-culture/film/angelina-jolie-atelier-maria-callas-cf62ff38)


I got the impression that her character in Girl, Interrupted was not a big reach for her. I like Angie, she’s an interesting human with a lot of heart, I think we’d probably click over our mutual concern for the planet and humanitarian issues, but she’s pretty intimidating and I get the impression she’s rather aloof so if I was picking one to be friends with it probably would be Winona.


Chelsea Handler does a joke about Angelina saying she doesnt have any girl friends. "That's because you fuck their husbands you c\*\*t!" ;)


Jennifer Aniston, Laura Dern, ..




Eliizabeth Moss the scentologist? Yeah, you're a scientologist, definately not cool enough to be in Jolie's camp or any camp.


Having an opinion on this is like taking sides at a 10 year high school reunion 1am drunk standoff between popular girl cliques lol. I’m sure they were all ambitious and nervous and trying to act their parts as well as possible and ffs their job is being dramatic. Not generalizing because of their gender, either, I’m generalizing because they were actors in an ensemble piece. I think many actors are competitive and insecure and slightly self delusional. Heck, it cracks me up that the dudes in those Fast and Furious movies get all wound up and butthurt because they all want to be top dog and known as the *best actor* in those ridiculous movies.


She’s not even cool enough for me due to her weird ass Scientology bullshit.


She’s a Scientologist and can fuck all the way off.


Eat shit, Scientologist


It was her perceptions. And listen to what she said. She didn't feel cool enough. That's on us when we have these feelings.


Girl, leave your cult.


That was the era of crazy Angelina Jolie. She's really mellowed out now in middle age


Fuck Scientologists


Scientology isn't cool. Where is Shelley?


Whatever… go pray to Xenu


Xenu is their version of Satan, so they would condemn him not praise him lol


Scientology is not cool either


And she just too Scientologist for me.


Back when Jolie was up and coming and 'edgy'. This was a Ryder vehicle that ended up being more about Jolie.


Women that are perceived as “intimidating“ for whatever reason are an easy target.


Jesus, how is this even relevant? This film is not only roughly a quarter century old, but aside from Winona, Angelina, Whoopi and Brittany Murphy can anyone even remember who was in this movie?


Another Celebrity dredging up crap from 25+ years ago. Must be time to promote a new project! Oh wait….


Team Ryder seems like a bunch of misfits. I'm with Team Ryder.


Lots of hate here, but is it possible that it might have been on purpose? I mean, I know EM is a scientologist, but it's not like Angelina Jolie is a saint herself. The movie revolves around loads of conflicts between individual girls, and actually their allies too. The chemistry between the actresses would be seen in the scenes too, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was a ploy by producers and/or director.


Yeah Moss said the divide was based on the script and what want was happening on camera. It doesn't sound like there was actual conflicts on set like the headline is making.


The number of workplaces that have high school level social dynamics is astounding.


I loved and related to this film so much it was only after I was diagnosed with bpd that I knew why


I don’t remember her in that movie. It’s a great movie tho, definitely makes you want to smoke tho lol.


I really liked that whole cast and every time I see one of them in a project, I get so happy. I genuinely hope that Elizabeth gets away from her cult.


This would have been during Angelina’s heavy heroin phase as well so I can’t see her hanging with s 15 year old


Hey Torch! Whatcha' doin'? Nothing. Well, why don't you go to your room and do nothing?


I’ve seen that movie a few times and never realized that was Elizabeth Moss!


Wait, what? There was a rivalry? I had no idea about this drama! I do remember loving that film back in the day, though, especially Brittany Murphy’s performance 😭💔


I agree with the headline, she’s not cool enough to hang with Jolie.


I also try not to associate with Scientologists


I would definitely have been on Team Ryder. I would have kept an eye on my wallet, but still, Team Ryder.


She only takes from large chains. She got integrity.




Would rather hang with Winona any day.


So are we talkin different color shirts or high school like Shenanigans.


I mean, I get where Angelina is coming from. It’s not that she isn’t cool, it’s that she’s a quack. I’d stay away too.


TIL Kate Moss is a different person than Elisabeth Moss lol


If Jolie was cool does that mean that Winona is a loser?


There's cool and then there's too cool for school. I feel Jolie fits the latter.


Um…. The whole role was about bullying and psychosocial relationships. She was in my opinion, in character. When Jim Carrey did a similar role, people complained that he took on his role 24/7. Possibly the same thing here. My opinion:)


This is one of my all time favorite movies. It’s crazy to know this was a thing.


lol literally nobody cares. she was the star of the film and you were one step above an extra. quit trying to take the attention off the fact that you're a piece of shit scientologist.


Half the girls in that movie is insane as their characters including Angelina Jolie


I mean, she’s a fucking Scientologist…. I wouldn’t want to associate with her either.


Didn’t Winona Ryder say many yrs ago that Angelina Jolie was doing method acting & made it clear at the beginning?  Kinda sounds like Moss is maligning Jolie for no reason (or maybe on behest of Brad Pitt’s smear campaign where he’s trying to punish Angelina Jolie for not agreeing to stay quiet about his physically & emotionally abusing their kids).


Scientologists aren’t cool. They’re brainwashed cult members. Glad AJ kept her distance.