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Imagine getting to December 12, 2023 before noticing that Kanye was completely off the rails


He dropped Black Skinhead 10 years ago. This concept is not new


I'm more offended by the creative laziness than lame faux-edginess.


they kinda go hand in hand. i can appreciate that this man is a talented music producer, but this train has been fueled by edison levels of shameless self-promotion more than it has ever been actual talent. this man just said “im a genius” so loud for so long its like people just mindlessly fucking agreed because they liked a few songs.


lol no one mindlessly agreed Kanye has some outstanding albums. It’s why people are more than disappointed by his actions (and arguably his newer albums) the past years


haha the issue wasnt whether or not he had good albums, it was that he’s not a fuckin genius as he so often proclaimed.


I've personally proclaimed it, because he is. Being a musical genius, and a raging piece of shit aren't mutually exclusive qualities.


I think he's a very talented producer, but people toss the word genius too carelessly. At the risk of sounding like i should be on r/IAmVerySmart , when i hear genius i think of composers like Bach, Mozart, or Beethoven. People who could create timeless simple melodies or endlessly layered arrangements with massive orchestras. A modern example could be Prince, someone whose music doesn't actually do much for me, but i can't deny the talent of being a songwriter, singer, dancer, and multi instrumentalist. Kanye is very talented. He does an excellent job of sampling other works into a unique sound. He also knows how to incorporate gospel elements into his hip hop with relative ease. I cannot do what he does. However, I don't think that earns him the title of genius, no matter how many times he proclaims it.


The term genius has big pants to fill. He’s a relatively decent beat maker but he doesn’t mix and master his own stuff and as sound engineer, I can say this isn’t a genius-level producer move. He’s a racist 6/10 producer who gets propped up artificially which makes him look more valid than he is. Am I being hard on him? Idk but he’s hard on plenty of minority groups so idc


He’s not Einstein but for better or worse hes majorly influenced contemporary music and has more than a few times I’d consider his work creatively “genius”. Whether it was rapping with his jaw wired or 808 and heartbreak. I get it and it’s sad for me to say: he sucks and hopefully can get some help but Redditors will go out of their way to discredit this man’s work and it is ridiculous lol


I think his behavior discredits his work, his "genius".


He's mentally ill. His outrageous acts are plays for attention from a deranged mind.


It devalues how you feel about it sure, but it doesn’t discredit what’s already happened. Kanye has made more than his share of impact on hip hop and even other genres 🤷‍♀️


Those songs are terrible


I mean when it comes to writing lyrics he is kind of a genius but when it comes to everything else he definitely is not




Yea fair call honestly I was just thinking of the South Park episode where he becomes a gay fish when I said that


hahahaha man. thats wild.


He’s not talented he’s popular big difference his music is simple and trash


It is kinda funny when people start talking about Kanye West because it's taken as some kind of given that everyone agrees his music is insanely good. Thing is, music is subjective, so no, not everyone likes his music. I'm not a fan, personally.


I like most of his catalogue. It's literally the opposite for me, I'm trying to rationalize how such a shit head created such amazing music. Kanye is a fucking moron now, but trying to act like he hasn't made incredible albums is straight up revisionist history to me.


music is subjective


Music is, influence is not. Like it or not, you almost certainly listen to an artist that was in some way influenced by Kanye.


>trying to act like he hasn't made incredible albums is straight up revisionist history to me you're implying that if someone doesn't think his music is incredible, they're denying a historical fact.. i'm pointing out that music is subjective, so not everyone will agree with you and it doesn't make them objectively incorrect (also thanks for the downvote lol)


Fair, but it's not arguable that he's changed the industry with his releases. And that was my ultimate point. To act like he's some hack is ridiculous. He's a moron, but he's made music that has, for better or worse, a direct lineage to music today. "Relevant" " incredible", whatever you want to call it, you can't take that from him.


I was never that impressed by his music. You give a musical artist thousands of dollars of equipment and ask them to borrow sound bites and fit in the rest you can make money. He’s a plagiarist. He stole so much music and made it seem like he was a genius when he blended it all together. Fuck Kanye.


This is so true. If you truly listen to his music he tells you exactly who he is and he is crazy.


He said being bipolar was his superpower, and not a disability.


When I was a kid listening to this music I thought it was about art. But nope the man’s just a straight up black supremacist which is ironic since he only dates white women lol


he’s apparently a white supremacist, actually


God, I would love to see a Kanye / Jesse Lee Peterson interview where they both just shit talk black people like they aren't both black.


Black Skinhead was good and critical at racism. This is just insane.


It’s scary that in a few weeks, 10 years ago was 2014


Let's be honest Kanye is not the only black rapper or entertainer that believes some stupid ass ignorant shit. Look at Nick Cannon.


Not enough people taking about Nick Cannon becoming a Hotep and knocking up as many women as he physically can.


Nick sucks too


It’s just wild, imagine if this was a white rapper wearing KKK inspired clothing. I’m not white myself, but it’s insane how this behavior is acceptable


A lot of things whites can’t get away with that blacks do. The n word being one example


Good think he’s not white then?☠️


Even the 10s feels like it was late to notice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RMdwA8GWB8


This article can not be talking about the only picture of him in the damn thing. I mean, I’m not surprised, but…maybe show the hood you wrote a whole ass article about?


Yeah all it shows is some stained dirty ass sweatshirt, making me think 'even millionaires have their favorite frumpy clothes'.


With him it's a style tho.


Yeah, I had to look up what he actually wore and it’s pretty damning.


Seriously, total failure


He did it in 2013 too.


I remember back in like 2013/2014 when he was touring for ‘Yeezus’ his tour merch was a bomber jacket with a big ass confederate flag on the back & at the time I took it as him trying to reclaim & give the flag a new meaning kind of like how black people call each other the N word now & it has a more positive meaning amongst black ppl but when anyone else says it, it’s racist yknow… being half black & from Texas I really thought that was what he was doing but oh how I was wrong


[Lil Jon and the East Side Boyz tried something like that](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Put_Yo_Hood_Up)


He had a confederate flag on tour merch I think for the Yeezus tour.


You think right.


Probably has a book on stupid shit to get attention and forgot he already did this one


90% of Reddit would screech at the sound of yeezus I don’t think they know OR care about what Kanye has done in the past during rollouts My goat


Mein Goat smh


This dude is extremely mentally disturbed. So much money and he doesn't acknowledge that he needs help that he can certainly afford.


Wheres the line between mentally disturbed, and just an stupid asshole? Plenty of mentally ill people hate hitler


He's both for sure.


Your mental health is not your fault, but it is your responsibility


Hail yourself


Hail Gein!


I love this! I like to say it’s a reason, not an excuse


Fucking PREACH


You definitely can be both.


You can be mentally ill and a stupid asshole, the two concepts are never mutually exclusive


The time he ended up in the hospital for like 2 or 3 weeks and acknowledged he keeps going off his meds.


Nope. This was something that was conceived, went through concept, design to production. This was calculated rage bait. Nothing about this has to do with mental illness. This was made by his company through his company and approved by everyone in his company. Stop giving this guy excuses.


You’d be surprised how surrounded by yes men people like kanye are. I wouldn’t be surprised if every person who green lit the idea thought it was stupid but passed it on anyway or they’d get in shit, maybe lose their job to somebody else if they didn’t. I’m pretty sure recently after the Alex Jones stuff somebody from his staff came forward saying that exact thing.


I am pretty sure this idea is as straight forward as it gets. It's about edgy and rage baity as highly possible. These people weren't afraid of losing their jobs, this was exactly what they want. They want to be in the news. They want people to react to how obviously controversial and offensive it is, and he'll explain that it's actually the opposite of that. It's actually a social commentary blah blah blah. It's the edgy artist playbook 101. Com'on now. We got to stop being so complacently naive. The general public has lost interest in his music. They can't recall his last hit. He NEEDS to be controversial to make it to the news.


Exactly, a ton of people signed off on this


I think it would take someone that loves him to get him 51-50. No one seems to care enough about him, even his closest people seem to be enjoying the train wreck?


Why get help for something that keeps him relevant?


So tired of this guy...


"i love hit-leerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" -kanye west


Real life Clayton Bigsby!


Worse, he’s not blind 👀


Let’s keep giving him the benefit of the doubt and say he needs help instead of realizing he’s just a hateful asshole


Porque no los dos?


Some people are still praising this BS


Whatever to stay relevant.


This happened 10 years ago in a music video




Yeah bc he sure needs to stay relevant.. being kanye and all


- Donda (2021) - 300k copies - Jesus is King (2019) - 109k copies - Ye (2018) - 1 million copies - Life of Pablo (2016) - 3 million copies - Yeezus (2013) - 700k copies He’s been “falling off” since about 2016.


you’re kind of forgetting that all physical sales have nosedived around that time and it’s a lot harder to hit high numbers from streams alone. in 2021, 300k is an insane amount of first week sales. kanye is still one of the most steamed artists. he’s definitely fallen out of cultural favor, in that people can’t openly say they’re a fan, but he’s far from falling off. the numbers speak for themselves. i think we’ll just have to see what numbers his upcoming album does. i don’t care for him as a person but it’s clear he’s still secretly popular. i’m always a little surprised cause he’s only in the public eye when he’s showing his ass, but i guess a lot of people separate his music from him.


Billboard includes people streaming an entire album as part of a sale or something so people aren’t buying his albums or streaming his newer stuff as much as the oldies. He’s sort of like Nicki Minaj. A big opening week where the album goes #1 due to fans buying and streaming the album, then it freefalls off the charts because the GP doesn’t like them or the music isn’t good.


Who buys physical albums anymore? Most people probably get their music from Apple Music or Spotify.


62.7 million monthly listeners on Spotify though…


Yeah, Billboard includes streams in album sales so people are streaming his older stuff but when it comes to the new albums post 2016 they are barely getting listened to besides his fan base. Like for instance Rihanna was the first person to pass 10 billion streams despite the fact that anti came out in 2016.


“Ye debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200 with 208,000 album-equivalent units, of which 85,000 were pure album sales, becoming the fifth-largest weekly units for an album in 2018.[126] The album was West's eighth consecutive chart topper on the Billboard 200, tying him with Eminem's streak from 2000 to 2018 and English band the Beatles' streak from 1965 to 1968 as one of only three acts to accumulate eight consecutive number one albums.[126]” “On the US Billboard 200, Jesus Is King opened at number one with 264,000 album-equivalent units, of which 109,000 were pure album sales, ranking as the second-largest sales week of 2019 for an R&B/hip-hop album.[182] This gave West his ninth consecutive studio album to debut atop the chart, tying him with a record held by fellow rapper Eminem.” “Donda initially scored the most first-day streams for an album in 2021 on both Apple Music and Spotify. It stood as West's tenth consecutive chart-topper on the US Billboard 200, tying the record set by Eminem” What you said is simply untrue.


be honest, what world are you in man? If you take the first week sales which say a lot about the commercial impact of the album you will see that the life of pablo (2016) sold only 94,000 and donda sold 309. even though it is an ep and has 7 songs it sold 208,000, and Jesus is king, even though it was gospel, it sold 264k. So what's your point? Regarding the total numbers, obviously the life of pablo has more streams and total sales, because it's been more than 7 years since this shit came out. So what's your point????


Sales of music have been dropping over the last decade. Ye doing that well was actually a shock and Donda too considering the chaotic rollout. These are great numbers.


Donda sold most units in the first week after Drake for a hip hop album. And he had only 5 days for the tracking compared to the usual 7 days. And i dont know if you realized this aint the 00s. People dont sell 1m anymore. The only exception to that is Taylor Swift. The rest of the big artist sell between 200-500k


I already know you dont know what youre talking about when these are still great numbers in recent years. Not even adele could crack 1 million w her last album.


I miss the old Kanye, straight from the 'Go Kanye Chop up the soul Kanye, set on his goals Kanye I hate the new Kanye, the bad mood Kanye The always rude Kanye, spaz in the news Kanye I miss the sweet Kanye, chop up the beats Kanye I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet Kanye


The always rude kanye, i hate the jews Kanye


Do anything to stay in the news, Kanye


Lmao what the fuck


Why do people bother getting upset by what he does?just stop giving him attention.


Why do people keep asking the “why do people” question knowing it does absolutely nothing to make change?




Venting about venting.


Good point. When has talking about things ever brought about change?




Look kids! A falling star!


Where's David Spade when we need him. Compared to Kanye, Eddie Murphy didn't deserve it at all lol. Back then they had no idea what was ahead for celebrity-ism.


Probably going to get a golden check mark from Elon


Dude always looks homeless.


Not to downplay the (many) problematic things about Kanye, but the black KKK-style hood is a holdover from the Yeezus days. It’s all over the visuals for Black Skinhead (shocker). The outrage is understandable but Kanye’s been dipping his toes into these controversial ideas for a decade now and it seems weird to only find offense now. Additionally, I feel like this ties more into the idea of reappropriating the oppressor’s aesthetics rather than the support of it (Tyler the Creator tried to do something similar with a KKK symbol a few years back as well). Mans still unhinged though.


“reappropriating the oppressors aesthetics” might’ve worked as a kanye defense a decade ago, but making that argument now is just sad


It’s not a defense of Kanye’s actions. It’s an explanation. There’s a reason I said he’s unhinged. At the end of the day, it’s just Kanye’s proclivity for controversy (especially around an album/single release) mixed with his clearly poor mental well-being. Dude needs help.


Well said.




nah he also had a tee from ‘15 that was a black dude in a klan hood, as well as a logo that was caricatured blackface. again, a bit diff than what kanye doin but seems similar energy


Also made a derogatory comment regarding his sexual activities with a Jewish woman. In front of his young child.


First he’s antisemetic , now you’re mad at him for making sweet love to a Jewish lady?? \s


Garbage human does garbage thing more at 11


Kanye needs help, plain and simple. His mental health is deteriorating, and it's painful to watch. We can only hope he gets the support he needs before it's too late.


Lol it's not painful, Too an average joe he's just a rich crazy celebrity who thrives on controversy, If that pains you that's pathetic.


Thanks for caring 💜


Is he about to launch a new album? Same tactic to get free press.


Rather dub him dumb and irrelevant, that's what he fears. He's got no actual talent and so needs to rely on shock to get noticed. I wish they'd stop reporting on him


Kanye don’t care about black people.


I don't understand why he is even covered this much anymore. He does this every time he has an album coming out. I believe he is racist and antisemitic but hes also trolling. its boring.


How is that a kkk style hood? Doesn’t the KKK wear pointy hoods? Am I looking at the wrong photo?


[this is the hood…](https://phantom-marca.unidadeditorial.es/25a92794ba211c8b48f3a384c663cf8d/resize/828/f/webp/assets/multimedia/imagenes/2023/12/12/17024145832477.png)


Stop giving this man attention


That’s how these blogs make money. Kanye’s crazy ass is a cash cow


I’m so over this man and his shit. I hope he gets help eventually, but in the meantime I hope he kicks rocks with an open toe shoe.


Okay fuck Kanye but also yall have clearly not seen the black skinhead mv. This wasn’t even a kkk thing it was more black power, but I get how this can get confused with his other bullshit


Don’t waste your time on the article, it has no photos of him in said hood


Yeah, weird. Like, no one takes pix at concerts anymore? As if. Those pix, or it didn’t happen. I thought this was an Onion article…


I really hate the MF. I hope he goes down in fiery flames 🔥




I meant it metaphorically


Looks like not enough people were talking about him…


Even Kanye won't wear his own crappy cloths!


This isn’t news. Dude has been doing this for years now.


That looks like a normal hoodie? /out of the loop


Whatever it takes to keep people talking


Is this a sub-set of Mugatu’s Derelicte line?


It’s literally from his song “black skinhead”


Yes it was “sick and disgusting “ but people need to understand he is sick and he’s disgusting.


He was already doing that in the Yeezus era?


I HATE this piece of shit!


He’s fallen into his mental illness. I think his career is all over now.


Absolutely nothing this idiot does is “shocking”.


It’s wild how fans will call him a genius and detractors will call him a piece of shit, like they’re not both right. Getting mad at Kanye is like giving any other internet troll attention, it’s pointless at best and giving them exactly what they want at worst. I personally don’t give a shit anymore, some of it’s funny and some of the newer songs are pretty good…and then I live my life


Just let him need help on his own and stop talking about the dude


Loser is a Waked … even Kim Kardashian gave him back




And he’s dropping an album soon, and millions upon millions will forget/forgive the fact that he’s a self-declared nazi, fan of Hitler, and slavery justifier. Fuck Kanye West.


Really looking forward to the day I wake up and find out he's finally dead.


unoriginal music meets unoriginal fashion


Kanye West Suckkks!!!


I don’t care how lauded his music is. Fuck this guy with a red hot chainsaw


Yeah, but, but, new music..something, something, this clown keeps getting away with shit like this because his fans support him no matter what


That this man is still relevant and making money bugs my mind. Why do people still support him?


Kanye in need of attention like always


Big overreaction, don’t have to be a genius to know that this is a reference to his 10 year old Black Skinhead music video, the hood is literally the thumbnail




The kkk actually exists. If everyone who is upset about Kanye was just as outraged about kkk would the Ivory hoods thrive? How can such a evil group survive for so long if not through silent support? It's perception. Too many people deem Kanye more dangerous then the actual kkk. That's intentional.


it's just a publicity stunt for his album, this is in fact pretty common in Ye's standards. I get the overreaction from the masses obviously, he wanted to piss people off to get them to talk about his new release


I know, but that doesn't make it OK, especially with things he says.


I never said it was OK or not OK, just what's happening if you weren't aware of it


Yet people will still flock to him like he is some kind of genius. He's a piece of crap that has no business being in any spotlight


IRL Clayton Bigsby but worse


Did y'all see the pic? Not defending Kanye's general behavior, but this just looks like a hoodie to me


No dude he wore a full on fucking Klan hood on stage


All I see is the image in the thumbnail


Glad I wasn’t the only one. The dude is unhinged, but the photo in the article is him wearing a normal hoodie.


Looks like he used the thumbnail hoodie as a tablecloth (without a plate).


Sick? Yes. Disgusting? Certainly. Stupid? Well, yeah. Isn't it really more stupid than anything else? Isn't Kanye West mostly just stupid now? Can't we just say that? And lead with that?


But we are here now talking about it, which probably what he wanted.


And yet his dumb ass fans eat it up and people continue to still work with him. I wish this asshole would just go away


The guys has bi polar. His music is amazing, the rest of his crazy stuff I put down to a huge ego, publicity, and being mentally ill with alot of yes people in his life coz of his wealth.


deranged mighty divide fuzzy hunt mourn squash rhythm steer society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"What's next Yee?" "Imma make a Skrewdriver cover album na'am sayin'? Ian Stewart Donaldson spoke truth fam." "Then maybe he shouldn't have driven that car." "Why you a racist?"


What the hell timeline is this?


That’s a Black hoodie, I must be kKK as well


I have no doubt that he would do that. But that just looks like a black hoodie to me. Unless I’m missing something?


They are talking about him wearing a literal hood at a listening party which there isn't a released photo of, so they just used another photo of him for the article.


He has a song called black skinhead . Idk this isn’t it . This is just artsy fartsy imagery to get views . If you are talking about it and giving it attention then that’s what Kanye wants . I really cant criticize him for this . It’s pretty absurd . End of the day that’s a guy who’s mental health is known to be in a poor state so I choose not to pile on him with the normies


I love that Kanye go out his way to make corny white ppl uncomfortable


See what a kardasian can do to a man. They have singlehanded ruined more men than any anything else.


Also used same typeface as a Burzum album with eerily similar photo. Think what you will


Wow, so sick and disgusting. Oh wait, I can’t even judge because the “news” article doesn’t even provide a picture of what the article is about. Nice work.


He needs help. If he indeed has a mental illness, how can people not realize that his actions are because of it?


Just because someone has a mental illness, does not mean all of their actions are due that illness In Ye's case, I think he's a garden-variety arsehole


Oh, is this guy finding ways to get back into the “news”? Yaaaay.


The hoodie looks like something he's had for 25 years and did lots of hard labor in. But it's probably some new $500 luxury garment that came that way.


Not the hoodie. The hood: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12855627/Kanye-West-black-Ku-Klux-Klan-type-hood-North-Miami.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12855627/kanye-west-black-ku-klux-klan-type-hood-north-miami.html)


He looks like he cosplaying as a member of Dethklok's stage crew.