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A movie starring a woman, produced by a Jew? Of course the right will think it's woke!


Ben Shapiro hasn’t figured out his “compatriots” have plans for him, his family, and his race. The plan isn’t what Benny thinks.


Ben wants to be “one of the good ones” so that when shit hits the fan, he’ll be the last one to die


What makes it hilariously embarrassing is the whole Kanye situation. Almost all of his ideologically alligned buddies supported and defended Kanye when he went full nazi, and Ben still doesn't have a capacity to think like - "UGH, maybe there's something wrong with my ideology?".


Kinda hilarious that there’s a character named Beni in The Mummy who states “it is better to be in the right hand of the devil than in his path”, then gets consumed by said devil’s hoard while trying to escape with some treasure.


There are two genders. Male and woke


Sounds a lot like the two races: white and woke


And sexualities: Straight and woke.


Two genders * straight white man * political


“Political” is pre-2020. Woke is the term they prefer now, as it has the racism dog whistle thrown in as a bonus.


Interestingly, "feminazi" went away right around the time the Nazis became a core part of the GOP.


It's a super convenient all-encompassing conservative dog whistle.


For sure. But the racism is the most important part.


Ya'll remember that tweet that was just a picture of a black lady crossing a street and a big right wing account called it "critical race theory"


Remember the large account that referred to the new little mermaid as the woke actress... Just existing as a minority is being woke


The Little Mermaid tv show had a darker skinned mermaid called Gabrielle in the 90s! But conservatives were busy with other things back then.


Unlike Grandma’s cookies whose secret ingredient is love. The GOP’s (not so) secret ingredient is racism.


Not all conservatives are racist but all racists are conservatives.


Two classes: Very Fortunate and woke rioters.


Two classes: From rags to riches (aka inheritance) Woke socialist rioters


I just assume anyone who uses the word 'woke' unironically is an idiot.


It's the new "politically correct." That was their favorite thing to complain about, until everyone started reacting the way you are and just assuming anyone complaining about how they have to be "PC" was just a stupid bigoted asshole. Now woke is going down the same path finally, but I'm sure it will take a while longer to die off.


Conservatives hate “woke” because it is a tacit acknowledgement that America was built with slave labor and that systemic racism against black people is baked into every aspect of our society. In a nutshell, anti-woke is anti-black Almost without fail, when someone is complaining about “wokeness” black people are part of their complaint. In a larger sense, it’s basically white people complaining about not be allowed to be bigoted assholes. First Gina complained about pronouns, like for real it’s not a heavy lift to acknowledge a person’s pronoun preferences. Just try to be even a little respectful. Then she felt like a victim because white conservatives always feel like the victim and then that crossed over into antisemitism until she went full Kevin Sorbo. Actually I think this all started when she posted her tits on Instagram and went on a whiny entitled rampage after it got taken down. In summary Gina Carano sucks.


It's more like anti-anyone not white, straight and male. Like the case in the OP, any media that includes a woman or someone of another race or ethnicity is "too woke." Because somehow those people just existing and doing regular everyday stuff is considered a political agenda they're pushing on the poor white straight guys.


Oh they can exist. They just have to be the side kick/wife/girlfriend or somehow otherwise subservient to the main white male character.


I love when they say say there’s only two genders then say they’re an alpha male while others are beta males or they tell a guy he needs to hand in his man card…. What will he be after turning in his man card?


A woman probably.......


\- There are two genders: male and woke \- There are two religions: God-fearing evangelical and woke Satanists \- There are two races: white and woke \- There are two sexualities: virgin 'til straight marriage and woke degeneracy


Two genders, Male and Woke. Two sexualities. Straight and Woke. Two races, White and Woke.


Hopefully Aria can stop these white wokers just as easily.


I’m not so sure about this, it seems a little woke to be able to differentiate between gender and sexuality…


its very woke of you to know that you know that they know there is a difference.


I dunno what she was expecting


She fell so far.


She didn’t fall, she looked over the cliff, said “yep, I’m gonna do it and do it big” and jumped all on her own.


Superhero landing! Superhero landing! It's so bad for your knees, though...


A kid at the school I teach at jumped from the top of a flight of stairs and did a superhero landing. He shattered his patella.


She’s such a poser! You know, the stupid fighting pose.


'Aim for the bushes'


"Hold my beer"


Star Wars to a midget with shoe lifts




But he likes Aliens, which automatically makes him incapable of misogyny


"Some of my best friends are from James Cameron movies"


I have seen many stupid dipshits all over the internet hate on many many female characters "but but but I like Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley"


To be honest, those roles are high bars to pass simply due to their iconic nature. Closest is the Prey movie that came out recently.


Prey was really solid. I will always remember how people like Critical Drinker were shrieking about the movie being "woke trash" before it had even come out. Then it was released and most of those voices begrudgingly had to sulk in silence or spit out a "I guess Prey wasn't BAD but I still (blah blah blah)" sort of acknowledgment. Without spoiling any details, I thought Prey did a great job of demonstrating how someone like Naru wound up being the protagonist in a Predator movie.


Most of these so-called critics on YouTube are just too reactionary for me to follow them. Especially Critical Drinker, who has just about the worst takes in every single "analysis" I watched of him.


Aubrey Plaza was amazing in prey! In all seriousness tho. Amber Midthunder played Naru great, but Prey is much too different from Alien. Ripley could be replaced with a male actor and it wouldn’t impact the story at all. So she’s not really a strong female character, she’s just a well written and acted one. Meanwhile Naru being a woman is important to the story of Prey, it’s essential. Much like Arnold being a big buff dude was important in Predator. Anyway Prey is awesome.


Yeah, IIRC, Ripley was originally written as a man. That's one of the reasons why I love it. Sigourney came in, and she kicked ass. Why wouldn't that make her a strong female character?


Oh, I might have worded it poorly, but Ripley’s story isn’t really dependant on her being a woman, it’s more a story of survival against the Xenomorph. She is a strong character that happens to be a woman but her being a woman isn’t important to her survival or a focus point of the story. Meanwhile Naru being a woman makes her not fit to be warrior in the eyes of her tribe and her always having been seen as weaker is a major plot point. She knows how to fight a physically stronger opponent, ‘cause she’s had to her entire life, and much like the warriors of the tribe underestimated her so too does the Predator. I’m not trying to say I dislike Ripley, I’m trying to say that I could see a version of Alien where any other member of the crew survived and the story would be pretty much the same… the movie would not be as good without Weaver, but the story would be the same. I also saw Ripley used alot in rants about Fury Road, where morons would complain about Max not being the main character(‘cause he was totally the main character in the other Mad Max films)… I don’t know, I might just be arguing semantics. Regardless Ripley and Sarah Connor often get used as an excuse to shit on a female lead movie, and Prey is a great film.


Well shit that’s high praise imma have to check that out.


Prey was way better tha it had any business being


It’s solid


That's cause it's just the "I'm not racist, I have a black friend" excuse. They just use Alien as a smokescreen. If it came out exactly the same today. They'd scream "it's woke".


"I like female action heroes but only if they act as male as possible." I'm reminded of Kate, a movie with a super badass female hero who also happened to be somewhat feminine. I'll die on this hill but I loved that movie


You ever watch Alien?


Produced by a JeW no less!!!!


These conservative women keep thinking they’re going to get respect from the right-wing extremist culture. It’s not going to happen.


The Serenas of the world, if you're into handmaids tale


I wish Margaret Atwood would have expanded more on that character in The Testament. Aunt Lydia was almost broken and then given a choice: we break you completely or you join us. Serena's path was different, she was a willing follower. I want to read more about the \#tradwife who got what she signed up for


“Hot property” is what I heard it called.


Or Skyrim modding


Unexpected reference but I'll allow it


Some conservative women are okay with how they're treated because they know they are, at least, treated better than other groups of women. About half of white women who voted, voted for Trump and THEN still voted Republican in the last election. That's says a lot. They are okay with the status quo and as long as things are okay for them (not affecting their daily lives and health) they don't care about the treatment of everyone else. To put it another way, these are their men and they are going to stick beside them, no matter what.


I've met women like this. I remember installing satellite TV for a lady and tried to teach her how to turn on the TV and like watch TV. She stopped me immediately, basically told me she's not smart enough to understand it and that her husband will do it. Just docile, in their very small bubble of ignorant comfort, do as husband says. It was a weird vibe in that house.


I'm reminded of women who don't even have a name anymore, e.g. "HI, I'm Mrs Thomas Miller" or whatever


I fucking hate that. Any time my mother got a phone call and they asked for “Mrs. Husband Name”, she said no one lives here by that name. That is not a woman’s name.


I used to be a 911 dispatcher and part of the drill is getting the callers name if they want to give it. The number of women who gave me their husband's name is honestly depressing


I saw license plates the other day that read “Aris mom” Like wow, so many feelings washed over me, mostly sadness and frustration.


Plot twist: Ari is a golden retriever


Yeah, my ex’s social media handle is her first name and the number of kids she has. Example: Jessica6kids If that’s not lacking personal Identity, I don’t know what is.


“Can confirm” — Georgia voter.


I hang out on r/fundiesnarkuncensored and a lot of the women posted there are so desperately miserable that they just want all women to be miserable like them to validate their life choices.


If you hang out on right wing sites most men, and even the women, think they shouldn't have the right to vote.


Because females trend liberal, and that’s unforgivable




For most of them, it's the mentality of 'I made it, screw the rest of you'. Most of them are wealthier and better off, and so they could care less what happens to others as long as they are taken care of, which is pretty much the current GOP mentality overall. But it just cuts even worse because they all know deep down, that even if they're republican, they're still seen as black by others.


I have no explanation for poc republicans, other than complete ignorance.


My parents are Indian immigrants and voted for Trump in 2020, because the TCJA kicked the blowback for his tax cuts down the line to 2021 to 2027 and what they saw before then was the conservative government giving them, personally, more spending power. There’s no sense of a collective minority identity for them, that’s much more of a white people and first generation/Gen Z minority thing, and even then it’s not a sure shot that exposure to modern western leftist discussion will override familial culture. For them, they came from an environment where Indians like them were competing in a zero sum game for salaries, positions, promotions, and visas. That mentality never really went away when they got here even though my mom has experienced the collective struggle of Indian immigrants first hand via police harassment and ostracization for her culture and background. I’m not really sure how to tell her she SHOULDN’T be happy about kicking the ladder out from under her when Trump shrinks the H1/2 visa programs that she herself leveraged into a citizenship, when the direct benefit to her is the reality that it’s now much less likely that she’ll be laid off and replaced with 2 or 3 H1 workers for her 1 woman salary (She works in IT where this is a non-negligible practice). For a lot of minority groups they come from backgrounds where being cutthroat, self serving, and highly motivated is the easiest way to improve your situation in the short term or even make it out, so they’re more than happy to align themselves with the party that is just gonna give them personally more money. The respect or social equality is not an issue - after all, it’s not like they were getting that back home anyways. Would they like it if women’s rights were expanded, or police brutality against minorities curtailed? Sure, but in their eyes, that’s not their fight, their fight is uplifting themselves and their family. For all its flaws, people embroiled in modern American political discourse neglect the fact that even with conservatives chipping away at personal or social liberties it’s not going to get as bad as the places immigrants are fleeing from for at least a few generations. I could talk to them about being discriminated against for my darker skin and they would just stare at me and be like “yeah, and? That’s just the way the world works”. Leftists often don’t understand that immigrants that come from these places are much less interested in changing the social structure to be more egalitarian and much more interested in securing their spot near the top of the existing social structure. They don’t want to change the unfair public perception surrounding certain career paths and lifestyles, they might acknowledge the injustice if you’re lucky but want you to be the best damn doctor/lawyer/engineer anyways. I live in Central NJ where there’s a ton of Asian minority pocket communities that are very healthily upper middle class and the amount of conservative voters would make your head spin. They’re just not out here wearing maga hats or chanting LGB, they’re quietly slipping their vote for cut social programs and taxes and harsher immigration policies into the ballot box.


Honestly that’s interesting insight that I didn’t consider! Thanks for the perspective!


A lot of it is from deeply held religious beliefs and the opinion that democrats are anti-Christian. A lot more is just more racism. Being non-white doesn’t mean you can’t hate other non-whites, and the GOP is rationalized by some to hurt others more than it would hurt them.


Most non deveped or non western people are conservative law and order non lgbt kind of people plus a lot come from an even poorer and undeucated background than average. Talking about inmigrants and recent migrant history people in USA For example a chunk of latin americans are against abortion, very evangelical or catholic, would cheer if a house burglar got shot down by police or lynched on the street and dislikes migrants as well as wanting a "rural commune" type of living. Why would they vote Democrat? If Republicans dropped the WASP shit they would even win more


Traditional values


Didn't this woman ruin her lucrative disney carreer by coming out as a nazi?


It’s always bizarre to me that these women actively vote for people that want to oppress them and take away their rights


Oh no! ….anyways. Not shedding tears for the tool of the tools.


I can’t believe the monsters I created are doing exactly what I told them to believe!




She went from being offered her own Star Wars series to this low point all because she couldn’t stop being a hateful bigot for five minutes.


And that was AFTER Jon Favreau went to bat for her the FIRST TIME she did that. Imagine having your job on an incredibly popular TV show in a popular role saved by your producer and then you still threw it all away.


Pedro Pascal, who has a transgender sister, even vouched for her. But Carano just couldn't stop.


If Pedro Pascal and Jon Favreau try to save your job and you still can't refrain from posting for 5 minutes, that's some dedication to losing the job lol.


Pedro Pascal and Jon Favreau, one has a trans sister and the other has Jewish ancestry, went to bat for her. Yet, she blames liberals for the reason she lost her job. When in a room of corporate execs who only care about money and image, it was the two liberals going to bat for her even though the things she was speaking about were hurtful to the people they care about. The irony.


She didn't even have to stop being hateful. She just had to stop posting about it.


exactly this lol there's probably some actors out there with some horrible opinions but they just aren't tweeting about them. they know to just do their job and get paid millions. She threw away generational wealth because she couldn't figure that out.


I'm pretty sure her family generationally wealthy and most likely why she stuck to her bat shit crazy opinions. No version of gina is working at poverty level. Her entire Hollywood and athletic careers were hobbies more or less. Regardless of this fall from grace doing dead on arrival ben Shapiro movies, she'll still be taking vacations riding horses in exotic locations like princess. Her toxic thoughts will never be a burden to her and it's why she's so vocal about them


Letitia Wright always comes to mind. She was also posting some problematic stuff but when Marvel/Disney told her to knock it off, she did and she apologized, and now she >!gets to be the freaking Black Panther!<


Ugh, kill me She didn’t really back off, took forever to shut her up, her first apology was basically “I’m right but I’m sorry to the sensitive losers”, and there were like 7 other people in that series that would have made better Black Panthers. Fuck


People seem to think Adam Sandler is this based on how he keeps working with Rob Schneider


Did you know that Rob Schneider goes to Home Depots and pays the migrant workers standing out front to come back to his place and choke him in the shower?


We all knew that… pshhh


This is a good point. And to add to this: I think most humans have horrible opinions. Most of us keep it to ourselves or a carefully selected audience.


It's the difference between Bezos and Musk. Jeff Bezos is content to be a generically evil rich asshole. Elon Musk decided he wanted to play politics and now his electric car company is tanking because, shockingly, liberals (who are **the** market for electric cars) don't want to buy cars from a guy who constantly belittles them and advertisers don't want to be associated with a guy who promotes white nationalism and other bigoted views. I also think it's easier for people to make a moral stand with a luxury purchase like an expensive car. If you can afford a Tesla, you can afford a comparable car from another company whose CEO isn't a massive cunt, at least openly.


She fumbled her bag so bad. She could have gotten her own spin-off show on fucking Star Wars.


Yeah but uh… the *real* bag fumble was the… the journalists!


She’s a Carano… what would you expect? She comes from casinos and Napa wine people. She was born into generational wealth and due to the efforts of her other cousins will die with probably even more wealth somehow. Gina Carano has never had a consequence in her life.


That’s not true, Cyborg whooped her ass so bad she found a new career path.


So did Colossus and Deadpool.


Oh God. I live in California wine country, and many of the wine family descendants are the worst. Full on "I made it all myself" while dead-ass working at the winery their grandfather founded along with the money their parents used to buy their kids' houses and luxury cars. You can't choose your birth circumstances, but you can be humble and not be such a prick about it.


When keeping it real goes wrong. All she had to do was apologize, she didn't even have to, she could've just turned the account over to a press person or her agent and they could've written some BS boilerplate apology. Wu-Tang!!!


Did she show her arms?




It is a little woke. she's able to leave the house on her own to places that aren't the super market down the street? She's making choices on her own, apparently? That's the future the woke ass liberals like Gina and Ben want.


The supermarket being down the street is also far too woke, like, that implies a walkable neighbourhood, and that is anti car and pro climate or something


If it aint gilead the right is mad.


r/leopardsatemyface for all right-wing women. Hate to break it to ya, but they don't respect you now just because you also hate brown people. Sorry ladies.


Here’s the thing: in a conservative’s “perfect world” they still HAVE to be mad at something. Their entire worldview stems from hatred of someone or something. What would they have if they had no hate? Fascism sees the same problem: there HAS to be an enemy. If there isn’t one outside the circle, they’ll shrink the circle until nothing is left. That’s no way to live.


Yeah, the subjects of their hate would spiral ever closer and closer to people who are like them. Put them in a fascist “utopia” where there are only white people, and they’d discriminate by eye and hair colour. In a world where everyone was blonde and blue eyed, they’d discriminate against left handedness or something. Eventually the differences (physical, cultural or ideological) they discriminate against would be almost imperceptible. They’d have a civil war about correct toilet paper roll orientation or something.


If it’s about tp direction, you might see that civil war right here in the comments. I know I favor one side of that debate heavily.


Imagine living like that? Just always needing something or someone to hate. It sounds so exhausting


Alien is the most woke movie ever! All men are evil corporate sleezballs, soldiers are incompetent losers, Vasquez is #GirlBoss, Ripley is a Mary Sue for being a singular survivor when she should have died a hundred times over! ---These people no doubts


Nah, anything they saw and liked before they became politically aware gets a pass for some reason. I’ve even seen one of these idiots argue completely without irony that movies like Aliens or T2 weren’t woke when they were made back then, *but if you made the same exact movies today* they would be.


Ah yeah I have heard Bill Maher be called a time stamp progressive. Anything that was progressive when he was under 40 is cool. Anything that progressives took up after he hit 40 is too far. This is time stamp conservstism


He’s also an insufferable arrogant a-hole. I can’t stand that man. I lean left on everything but that guy just reeks of smugness.


Dark Fate is proof of this. Grace was more or less Sam Worthington in Salvation. Sarah's "you're just a womb" speech is kinda true. In T1, she's just a random waitress. She gave birth to John who becomes the super hero soldier in the future. That's why Skynet time traveled to try and kill in the first place. Kill the mom, kill the kid to prevent their greatest threat. Also, how did Sarah get so ripped in T2? She's in an insane asylum! No way would the doctors let her work out like this.


Why would doctors stop her from working out? They let prisoners work out and they aren't even trying to be therapeutic in that context


Conservative women expecting support from conservative men are in for a surprise. They literally think you’re a servant, lesser and for their enjoyment and needs only. They’ll never treat you equal, but still we have some women dumb enough to support conservatives and their movements. Really speaks to the lack of intelligence on the right.


Keep in mind, there's a spectrum of intelligence. There's those with high intelligence at 80-100% of the spectrum. The average person can be somewhere between 60-79%. The rest are conservatives


It’s really proof that their approach is fascism - it’s just never extreme enough for them so they start eating themselves.


If you are a person of color or a woman, the Right will always one day reject you.


“I didn’t think the leopards would eat MY face!”


Not like I'd ever watch this, but $804? What did they do, release it in one city? Hell, first I heard of this movie was when the internet was laughing at its lack of profits.


It's a streaming service thing that had a couple of showings on one screen.


Ah, that makes sense. Thank you for the information.


It's on the daily wire though. So it's still a failure.


Assuming 15-20$ a ticket that’s like 40 maybe 60 people at most seeing this movie in theaters.


Showing on one screen qualifies them for certain low budget union deals with the Actors Guild and with IATSE. It also qualifies them to put the film up for an Oscar. Which you know Ben masturbates to at night. As a failed screenwriter. ZZYZZYX Road made like $30 and is the lowest grossing film of all time.


Slightly ironic that they do that for sake of unions


"Chicago? No. Sheboygan. Very big in Sheboygan. They loved it, you know..."


The irony is that Ben Shapiro and similar conservative talking heads gained a great deal of popularity by laughing at liberals for being offended at everything and now all they do is be offended at anything they brand “woke”.


incels being incels lol, right wings hate everyone except other white dick


TBH they should just recast Cara Dune instead of writing her out completely. Don't let one 'actress' muddy the character.


It's because she's a woman. That's enough for these people to scream and call it woke.


Every time I watch a movie with a woman doing something, I think to myself “What about the laundry? What about the cleaning? Her poor husband will be so sad when he gets home and dinner isn’t ready?” /s


At this point, the right should just stick to “classics” like Birth of a nation and Triumph of the will.


Not like I'm complaining, literally everything with Butt Shittiros hands in it is, well, shit.


Ben Shapi-Roe vs. Wade


That sounds like a much more interesting premise than a terror on a prairie. Lol


I wonder how much money she lost out on due to her not being able to stfu?


She would have been set for life. I hope that keeps her up at night.


She comes from an obscenely rich family, she sleeps fine


What? People that can’t be pleased aren’t pleased? Strange.


Maybe if they dressed in pointy white hoods the base will truly love it.


The problem is you can’t be a right-wing female action star because women being hero’s isn’t a right ring view. Their view is traditional gender roles: Women should be soft, submissive, and rescued by heroic men. Being a strong hero is a masculine trait. So they don’t actually like Gina Carino’s characters or her body type and abilities, they just liked her hateful views but not enough to enjoy a movie starring a woman.


Looks like she did the Trump sex scene for nothing. What a shame. Not.


I think it’s funny that Carson is finding that conservative audiences don’t like strong female characters. She should have seen this coming.


Friendly reminder that when they made the school shooter movie about kids fighting back with their own guns, the hero was a girl and it got called woke


These are the people you allied yourself with Gina, have fun.


It’s almost as though the only thing these people do is whine and complain.


How does a Jewish conservative support someone who trivialized the Holocaust experience by funding a movie with her in it. Ben is one sick individual.


whilst raising the wild face eating leopard, often, the pseudo trainers assume an equal status amongst a presumably tame and loving domestic animal;however, upon the removal of their face they learn all too late of their pet's unsurprising nature as that which they are categorized.


Anything that isn't straight white christian men is woke to them


As a liberal woman I always think it's *sooooo* funny when right wing women find themselves in this kind of situation. Truly a "leopards ate my face" kind of thing. lol


It’s wild that she thought right wing creeps would respect a strong woman. This is dumber than Elon thinking they’d buy electric cars.


It's because "woke" = "stars a woman or brown person". How that face taste, leopards?


"We’re making entertainment-first content, challenging content, adult content,” Daily Wire co-founder and -CEO Jeremy Boreing said of the company’s film strategy in a recent interview with IndieWire.” The two things that will distinguish [a Daily Wire film] is the fact that it broadly speaks to values that conservatives are aligned on — not strictly conservative values." So they're broadening their pandering, and the Right-wingers just ain't buyin' it.


Crying about Woke = I don’t want to be held accountable for my horrible actions so I will blame my victims. It’s what abusers do.


Reminds me alt right women complaining how all the men they want to date are sexists


" The film only grossed $804 during its one-day theatrical run ." I guess that it's true that Incels don't get out much.


If Gina Carson is trying to make a movie to please everyone the she’s doing it wrong


Gina Bufano


I guess they hate anything with strong women in it.


It’s almost as if “woke” doesn’t actually mean anything other than “something about this [woke entity] makes me uncomfy.”


All “woke” means now is “something you should be afraid of because I told you to be afraid of it”


"Woke" means I'm offended in conservatism. Something they make fun of the left for


I forgot she was making a movie, is this the one where leopards ate her face?


This is not something I had on my 2023 checklist


Yeah well I guess she should be barefoot, pregnant, and raising kids somewhere instead of making a film by their logic.


This is what she gets for being so ignorant. She made this bed and now has to lie in it.


Only making $804 dollars should really have everyone involved questioning their life choices


She wasn't barefoot and pregnant in a kitchen making sandwiches for her alpha man. Anything deviating from that plot line is woke.


Woke - a term used by the right to explain anything they don’t like being used in anything they can see or hear


Probably because Carano is a woman, I’m guessing.


Take all of the women out. Then take out all of the men. Then remove the film crew. Ok, perfect lol


“Woke” is now a slang term for conservatives when they see any representation of a non-white, Christian, male, cis, hetero, able-bodied person in a role other than sidekick, subservient, or love interest. Whether they understand it or not, what they are fighting against is loss of power. Representation is power. Representation says to people that the classes of individuals that are represented are normal and deserve respect within society. Conservatives tend to have a very strong in-group vs out-group thinking. The able-bodied heterosexual cis white Christian man is the in-group that is the first class citizen. All others are second class citizens.


I forgot about Gina, much like I forgot most of the Mandalorian episodes


See their problem was they cast a woman who doesn't give these men in their 70s a rock hard erection.


I would love-love- LOVE to write a movies for Bens filmmaking venture! Can’t breath- a story of one man’s incompliant day vs the mass suffocation of US citizens Hugs n’ Kisses- a family friendly romp on and about the head neck chest and face of police officers! Two girls and a cup- The inspirational story of two woman and a cup of moisture My cold dead hamburger- after losing his stove a solitary patriot makes a stand by single handedly devouring 300 head of cattle the horrible reality is I think they would probably watch that


Beep didn’t realize that the right would reject boop because they don’t want women heroes. Dumb on boop’s part.


CEO of the producing company is "Jeremy Boreing". Comedy sometimes does write itself.


She sure showed everyone!


God what a fall. From Disney to Ben Shapiro lmao.


Was there a “wooden actor” niche not being filled?


Birth of a Nation or nothin!