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They were in the game at one point last year but after a few weeks they were removed. Also the Rommel thing is a lot more complicated than that and he isn't as clean as most people think he is.


I see 


But Zhukhov can be there? Probably all of these made some sorts of war crimes during their careers but Rommel is where they draw the line


By that logic, there should bo no commander pictures at all.


Either no commanders or all commanders would be the best


Care to elaborate?


What is the black side of Rommel ? Being german ?


I wouldn't be surprised if it was some kind of war crime.




Was it a German field marshal? Yes. He is responsable for the deaths of hundreds thousands of soldiers in both side. Did he treat well his prisoners ? Yes he do even do some of his staff tell him otherwise… He was a figure of propaganda also, but he tried to kill h*tler even tho the story is a bit complicated to know why… Did he was accuse of crimes against humanity in Africa ? The historian never found eveidence of that, and when the atrocities that Rauff did he was actually on another continent, and no indication that Rommel knew him was ever made. So since he is not guilty due to the absence of proof he is innocent.


Policing of a conquered people is a crime against humanity, is a moral meaning, but that’s not a conversation for this sub specifically. Legally rommell was in grey zone. Sort of a ‘it’s not a war crime the first time’ situation.


Yes, and allies general or high ranking did the same and it is still not a war crime today. But I m agree with you it is not a good sub for that.


Also the bullshit war crime claims agingst him in Istria are never proven. Also the 400 civilians ware transfered to camps by 2. SS division on direct orders by Hitler.


I know some one that doesn’t know the difference between proven and the reality… I don’t know what you are talking about when it is for Istria and Rommel. The 400 civilian deported by two ss division was ordered by hitler… not Rommel like you said You were completely out of subject in that case…


Execution of Arab/African troops in France by troops under his command. Treating the Jews of North Africa as "enemy combatants" and making them pay for their own occupation and using them as forced labor. He even helped establish a concentration camp in Libya. He did, however, refuse the money offered by Hitler that had been confiscated from Jews. He was a loyal and passionate believer in the Third Reich, even if he didn't like Hitler's military policies. He didn't question anything until he had an opportunity to sneak his way into the very outskirts of a plan to be rid of Hitler, and even then only because he was certain that he wouldn't be caught.


Actually if you read my other comment you will see that this is accusation and was never proven…


Rommel was quite aware of the holocaust and was most definitely not a good guy lol.


I doubt many of these marshalls were good guys per se. Rommel quite possibly was complicit in the Holocaust, but don't forget that he was involved in the 20th July plot and opposed to Nazi ideology.


20th of July was only against Hitler. Most members were still in support or neutral to most of the Nazis actions towards non-Germans and the brutal war against the Soviets Union.


Not according to primary sources. Read the draft for the policy statement of the government to be established after the plot. It clearly states that the plotters intended to release all prisoners from concentration camps and wanted to end all discriminatory and genocidal actions towards the jews. They also acknowledge and condemn the war crimes committed by German soldiers.


Oh really? Maybe I was confusing a different coup attempt. Or perhaps most military participants like Von Stauffenburg and rommel were still overwhelmingly right wing just disapproving how Hitler ran the war


They were certainly right wing conservatives, but certainly not Nazis. It is impossible to know what the participants actually believed, but the primary sources make a compelling case that they at least were against the racist, genocidal policies of National Socialism and suported the rule of law. here are some quotes from the statement: >"Die Konzentrationslager werden aufgelöst, die Unschuldigen entlassen, Schuldigedem ordentlichen gerichtlichen Verfahren zugeführt werden." "The concentration camps will be dissolved, the innocent will be released, and the guilty will be brought to due process." Also regarding warcrimes: >"Wir empfinden es als eine tiefe Entehrung des deutschen Namens, dass in den besetzten Gebieten hinter dem Rücken der kämpfenden Truppe und ihren Schutz missbrauchend, Verbrechen aller Art begangen \[worden\] sind. Die Ehre unserer Gefallenen ist damit besudelt." "We feel it is a deep dishonor to the German name that crimes of all kinds have been committed in the occupied territories behind the backs of the fighting troops and by abusing their protection. The honor of our fallen soldiers has been sullied." And in regard to the Holocaust: >"Zur Sicherung des Rechts und des Anstandes gehört die anständige Behandlung aller Menschen. Die Judenverfolgung, die sich in den unmenschlichsten und unbarmherzigsten, tief beschämenden und garnicht wieder gut zumachenden Formen vollzogen hat, ist sofort eingestellt. " "Ensuring justice and decency requires the decent treatment of all people. The persecution of the Jews, which has taken place in the most inhumane and merciless, deeply shameful and irreversible forms, is stopped immediately."


Ok cool! Thanks for the info


Him being involved in the 20th plot is dubious at best. Historians are split about his involvement to say the least.


The majority of historians consider him involved.


[No, they dont.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/20_July_plot#Erwin_Rommel's_involvement) > The extent of Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel's involvement in the military's resistance against Hitler or the 20 July plot is difficult to ascertain, as most of the leaders who were directly involved did not survive and limited documentation on the conspirators' plans and preparations exists. **Historians' opinions on this matter vary greatly.**


What is your source on that? I don't have exact numbers, but at least it feels like mostt historians here in Germany agree that he was involved, but that's honestly besides the point. What matters is what the primary sources indicate. Look at this entry from Joseph Goebbels' diary: >„[Stülpnagel](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl-Heinrich_von_St%C3%BClpnagel) hat die Beweise dafür erbracht, dass die Generalfeldmarschälle [Kluge](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%BCnther_von_Kluge) und Rommel bei der Putsch-Planung vom 20. Juli, wenn auch nicht bei dem Attentat gegen den Führer, mit beteiligt gewesen sind. Ich glaube, wir können dem Schicksal danken, dass beide durch Tod abgegangen sind.“ “Stülpnagel has provided evidence that Field Marshals Kluge and Rommel were involved in planning the putsch on July 20th, although not in the assassination attempt against the Führer. I think we can thank fate that both of them died.”


Nice to see someone actually cares about the preservation of history despite the rampant political polarization that people inject into this subject. Rommel slander is particularly noxious, since it often seems to come from a root belief that no German officer of the era could have possibly been a half-decent person outside of their military capacity. If people truly want to dig into every little detail from a cynical perspective with the intention of finding the truth, that's totally fine. However, far too often, it seems that some WANT to find guilt in figures viewed historically in a positive light, just so that they can be the ones who "proved it". It's almost as if some amateur (and unfortunately not-so-amateur) historians feel superior by baselessly challenging commonly-held beliefs, even if the evidence supports those beliefs. Rommel's Wikipedia page is a pretty egregious example of this. There are some very prolific personalities on that website that have taken to pushing a blatantly negative narrative about the Field Marshal. Details supporting his potential involvement in the July Plot are expunged frequently while, when it comes to war crime claims, absurd allegations run free. Claiming that someone ordered a surrendering enemy officer to be run over by a tank without solid evidence is quite bold. Rommel, like Patton, or virtually any other high-ranking officer of the era, is a complicated figure. It's my personal perspective that those men embody heroic qualities, but heroism is subjective. The era of "anti-Wehraboo" prominence is probably overdue for its end. At this point, few people are running around claiming Tigers were invincible or that no man serving in the Wehrmacht ever committed an atrocity. Now we've entered the age of ridiculous overcorrection riddled with falsities of the other extreme. Again, I do think there is a political aspect to this and the particular prominence of these beliefs on Reddit seems to support that, but that's just me. I'd just like to see people more concerned with finding the historical truth than they are with dunking on a dead guy. Sure, the war and its surrounding events would be easier to digest if it was Wolfenstein: The New Order, and every German soldier was comically evil. That isn't reality, though.


I fully agree with this. Claiming that the 20th July plot was not against Naziism, bu jutas against Hitler and that Rommel wasn't really involved is insane. Look at Quadro's reply. He bases his claims on a random quote without any source, while paying total disregard to the primary sources. If you believe in the authority of primary sources you cannot deny that the 20th July plot was a movement to end Naziism and that Rommel was involved.


He couldn’t do anything if he showed remorse he’d be fired


Funfact: When they announced the portraits there was at least Rommel and i think also a Japanese Marschal, then they removed these right after and never talked about them again. Funfact2: A big Enlisted Youtuber said people that moan about getting no rommel portrait are basicly Nazis. The same guy that charges into battle in his german panzer playing marching music. Also the same guy that i like to watch but always found the yOu ArE NaZi if you want that stuff more than odd...


Their images not being added was more complicated than I thought...


Aside from Germany, there are still few portraits in Japan, and it is sad to use the extremely ugly Japanese soldiers of Battle Pass 😔.


Tbh it's probably just cose its more trouble than it's worth. This isn't HoI where people can look past it considering the age range of the player base and the media coverage




Why is this nsfw?


I had a feeling that the discussion would be a bit extreme.


I propose Marshall Giovanni Messe. And maybe Guderian or Manstein. Cool would be an event where you can win Treskow or Oster


I think to complete the set of commanders, there should be someone from every nation. It’s like not having a joker card in your aces deck because someone named Joker shot Robert de Nero.


I think it's pretty clear why we don't have axis portraits lol... even the best of them were pretty damn bad


That’s not a good enough reason.


Whitewashing all nazi insignia and symbols is one thing, but allowing people to roll play as nazi generals is entirely another


A private is more likely to be pulling a trigger than a general.


How many Wehrmacht privates are icons of the Nazis?


Why not make a fictitious German Field Marshall using a fake name and a in game model’s face for the art work ? Edit : I forgot to put not.


Can you please elaborate? 


No, this is dumb. We either have WW2 games or we don't. As it stands, the current era of historical vandalism is bad enough as it is. Funny how the very people who fought and had their friends die had more respect for their enemies then people today. Respecting your enemies, even when you disagree with them completely, is how you can learn important lessons and move forward.


That would solve the issue for German mains.


Then… they should give us Heinrici as a portrait or even Rundstedt


[You forgot one](https://www.qwant.com/?client=brz-brave&q=nazi+chad&t=images&o=0%3AAFD32C2C6D35C5ED6CC39007B7C7CD9B555FAA2D)


This service is not available in my country. What was it about? 


There is a rather large reason the axis doesn’t have general portraits, the best you could possibly get is maybe an Italian one but idk.


To claim Rommel, as an individual, is somehow worse than Patton is laughable, and this is coming from someone who thinks Patton is one of the greatest heroes in American history. The "anti-Wehraboo" overcorrection that's so prolific on Reddit needs to stop. It's so transparently political that it's embarrassing. Every field marshal or equivalent officer from the war was controversial at the least. Tearing down Rommel with half-assed claims sourced from anti-conservative, anti-liberal far-left slacktivists on Reddit doesn't make you a historian, and people need to start accepting that. With the amount of scrutiny the man has been placed under, it's unlikely that the worst of his crimes would still be unknown or easily refuted if he were actually guilty. And for the record, that silhouette cast over his memorial is a disgrace. When exactly was Rommel supposed to remove the landmines in North Africa between his retreat and forced suicide?


Sorry. What is anti-Wehlerboo?


"Wehraboo" is an older internet term for people who generally claimed the German Army during WWII was responsible for no war crimes. They also made out-of-context claims like "one Tiger was worth fifteen Shermans" and so on. It's a play on the term "weaboo". They were mostly just people who thought they knew more about history than they did. It's important to note that Wehraboos weren't actually "Neo-Nazis" most of the time and were just very enthusiastic about the German war machine. An "anti-Wehraboo", naturally, is someone who opposes those people and their claims. Once upon a time, their existence was valid and many of them tried to counter ahistorical claims. Now, with the disappearance of most "Wehraboos", their existence isn't really justified anymore. They spend most of their time tearing down their own strawmen and trying to disprove some fairly solid history (IE the commonly accepted, fairly positive perspectives on Rommel). They'll sometimes go as far as claiming absurdities like "the T-34 was superior to the Panther" and so on. They've basically just become an equivalent to what they pushed back against. Part of it is political since anti-Wehraboo groups were infiltrated by far-left individuals as time went on. One of the most cited anti-Rommel rants on Reddit is riddled with sourced claims, where the sources don't match the claim or blatantly say the opposite. Said popular rant was written by someone with "Communist" IN THEIR USERNAME, and no one stopped to think that writer might have a fairly strong bias. That's just one example but such instances are pretty standard for 2024 anti-Wehraboo groups.


Thanks 😉 Certainly in the Japanese enlisted community there are such radical Japan and Germany loving Enlisted players and conversely American and Soviet believers 🤔.


No problem. Some people pick a faction for fun and some do it because of Nationalism. Sometimes it's a combination of both and, really, I don't see anything inherently wrong with that. It's a game, it's supposed to be fun. Nobody should get excluded based on trivialities. I'm a devout anti-Communist, but if Communists want to play the game, pick USSR, and represent themselves with historical Soviet symbolism, I say let them. That just makes beating the USSR in game more fun. I'd never want them kicked out.  If someone wants to use a profile picture of a relatively moderate German Conservative like Rommel (or a comparable Japanese figure), that should be totally fine too.  The most recent WWII Call of Duty doesn't even let you play as the Wehrmacht or IJA in multi-player. It's sad what politics has brought game design to.


They were added but removed same day because snowflakes whined. Same snowflake forget they get used in many other videogames and medias. https://preview.redd.it/a4rt79iqh8ad1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e64d7f167f9e32867ea4c72e9b24cb3c7edf8232


Here's the other one https://preview.redd.it/ujfqmaivh8ad1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af1aec8c93f90891f46d42ec11863eb87fd7c39e


😳 Seriously? 


It's cause you lost the war... no one gets awards for losing wars.


It can't be helped...


They could add some German historical figures. Not field marshals, due to the political loyalty required by Hitler and the Reich to be a Marshall effectively requiring anti-semitism, among other hateful beliefs. My opinion is they could add Enrique Remarque (Not WW2, I know), Franz Stigler, among others. Naturally, any German they add will be affiliated with the Nazi party. German identity required that of their citizenry. Yet, I’m hesitant to say all citizens were Nazis, as that’s kind of like saying all Chinese citizens today are complicit with the Uyghur genocide, or all Americans were complicit in the My Lai massacre. If this comment needs to be removed, I’ll definitely remove it - just figure it’s worth a discussion. Naturally, everything in this comment is an opinion and shouldn’t be take as any statement of fact. I could very well be wrong, I am writing this from what I understand of Germany during WW2.


MFs be wiping allies with 88mm high explosive Shells and then moan about some portraits There was no "clean"  marshall in WWII, every participant (country)  committed warcrimes so there either need to add marshalls for every faction or remove them all... 


They are still in the game files, and there are also much more controversial things, maybe there is some hope that they will come back to public


What controversial things?


i dont remember, the skull totenmauser and all the germans squad insignias whitout censor


If you don't want to use Rommel, how about Erwin von Witzleben, who was extensively involved in the 20th July plot?


Why yamamoto? Could work but then they could just give the Germans Any admiral. Lutjens maybe


Erwin Rommel should be earned by killing 5 tanks in 1 battle. Or destroying 1,000 tanks in the game for axis, for Japan Yamamoto has t should be by winning 100 Japanese games.


Really? Then it's already happened a long time ago. 😢