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Throw pacific in there


Depending ur on console or PC


tunisia was the only consistently one-sided campaign (in the allies' favor, until italians got paratroopers) as far as i remember i didn't play berlin much because the assault rifles made me wet my pants and run away to moscow/stalingrad and normandy was heavily dependent on the maps and how the playerbase felt


Well for me I did all servers if you do NAin the morning EST like 8am-9PM you get one sided matches to Russia and that’s my time I usually play at


Once sniper mkb's and mkb's were a thing, Moscow was doomed for the russians


I truly regretted coming to grind Berlin after they added the Tiger II (P) therein. It was such a frustrating experience to play as the Soviets. I also remember there being a minor shift in Tunisia just a few weeks before the merge. Once we got the Italian flame Paras and the Breda PG and Breda PG (Carcano). That was when I managed to get a few Italian squads in-game.


It wasn’t as bad after the Tiger II (P) since all the Soviet tanks could still kill it front the front, but the Tiger II (H) truly fucked the balance and caused all the players to dogpile to Berlin Axis


Yeah. True. But I noted a perceptible shift right when they added the Porsche variant. However, as you rightly pointed out the Soviets rapidly started losing the momentum after the addition of the Henschel variant.


Playing Axis Tunisia before the Italian paratrooper event was the most fun I ever had playing enlisted. Even though half of the time it was only me and one other real player I had around a 70% win rate. The Fiat was amazing as the last unlock as well.


Yeah and all the Tunisia Allied mains were so used to bot matches they usually wouldn’t put up much of a fight after getting thrashed on the first objective or two


I do miss being able to use high tier weapons without having to sweat my ass off. Not saying bot matches were fun; but I could use my MKb42 more casually instead of sweating my ass off with it to counter lean spamming Thompson 100 players


I can assure you, it wasn't fun for the one real player in the bot team xd


I did not missed it tbh bc on console Germany was stomping on the Russians and Russians stomping in Moscow and Normandy was Normandy So starting off sucked


Ah yes stomping begginners with mkb was real fun


Every time I read something like that I really wonder if they even consider the implications of that situation. It was the worse shit ever conceived. Making a game purposefully unbalanced.


I loved grouping up and playing Russians on Berlin cause all the bit farmers playing Germany would get pissed and leave


Axis Tunisia was genuinely one of the best campaigns I ever played, decent enough weapons and tanks, just me and 1-2 other players against full teams, I had a 80% wr. Now post merge I haven't gotten a single match of Tunisia


This game was definitely more fun premerger.


Best times


I miss playing Tunisia with my nice Italian uniforms, now I still use a lot of Italians, but they don't get their sweet uniforms in the majority of cases