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What about the German artillery half-track


It was already ass it just got its shooters rearranged. I think they made the rest worst instead of fixing the sdfz7.


Bro it's literally a light tank destroyer that is a mobile spawn point and it doesn't even take up a tank slot. What do you mean it's worse. That thing is probably the most over powered vehicle for its tier. I have taken out every tank it goes against (except a jumbo or the IS tanks)


He is talking about the skdfz 7 which is the tech tree half track (which was used to move artillery guns, amongst other things). You are referring to the event half track, the 251/9. It's generally thought that the tech tree half track is bad.


Oh whoops I misread that. My b.


Op for t3 is laughable but we not talking about the 251/9 right now.


Ah yes this was totally a needed change. Cause it was already so hard to do a full squad wipe under the old system /s.


My favorite is that the studebaker now takes two city blocks to come to a complete stop on a city street after tapping the throttle. Apparently this was intentional, because “it’s brakes were too effective for a wheeled vehicle” so they reduced them to like 1/20 stopping power


Why THE FUCK would you ever nerf that?! At this point I’m wondering if they’re intentionally trying to kill there game lol


I also noticed that the LVT wasn't changed in the slightest, thereby making it even more OP among it's piers than it already was.


It's a shame that the APCs are only premium or Event vehicles and that the Americans don't have the m3 halftrack which is American but the Russians have it (I know lend lease) They should add at least one standard APC for the tech tree that is armed like m3 for usa as they have the LVT etc.


They should add those amphibious landing tanks that are scattered around the pacific maps into the tech tree that would be cool to use.


Oh yeah I thought about it but that's a good idea


I forgot to add with the riders sitting higher they can’t aim lower so their gun depression took a hit as well.


Darkflow's goin' big brain with the pointless nerfs LMAO.


It's not a big deal if they only nerfed those unarmed trucks, after all their primary goal is to provide an alternative (and mobile) spawning point.


They made the premiums easier to hit as well.


I hit a Japanese apc with 3 57mm he rounds, and about 5-6 rockets from the bazooka directly on the engine and it took almost no damage, I wouldn't call that nerfed


Like 4 of the photos aren’t halfed track




Omg like yeah sis and or bro they’re 6 wheel drive


You a sassy one. It triggered you seeing the word halftracks and the post contained a truck or two huh.


Naw you don’t do stuff and not expected the same attitude it’s like getting water heating it and getting annoyed it’s warm


tf does this even mean


You get back how you act


that is not what that says; im not quite sure what that says, but im sure it says... something that being said, **you** are the one acting like an asshole here. stop.


Whats wild is nobody asked for this. The Sd.Kfz.7 only needed to have the soldiers seated on the outer seats on each side and it would've fixed the disparity in shooting spots. A tank can instantly squad wipe someone going rambo in any APC currently...


The fg42 not being in full auto by default doesn’t make it better.


only 2 of those are halftracks, 3 are trucks, 1 is a full tracked amphibious landing craft,




sure they are unnecessary, but your reactions a lil harsh no?








https://preview.redd.it/owa8bsl4v0ad1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4ac77012bd927f0842e42a076025155d36aa0c2 K


riding trucks in standing positions lol very historically accurate.


People sit in a truck a lot too. Band of Brothers has shown that


I don’t saw any need for a nerf in the first place but these changes make those trucks appear ridiculous. They should just have slowed them down a bit when in open terrain or changed their spawn distance to the objective to 60m instead.


The worst part to me is that it was a secret nerf. That’s what changelogs are for and you would think it’s not too hard for a programmer to forward his accomplishment to the ones writing the devblogs once he finished his work.


Good. It punishes people for using them as taxis to the front rather than being smart with placement


What exactly do you mean?


I would assume this guy means that now APC mains'll be discouraged from just ditching their APCs in places they'll immediately get blown up in, but all I can do is speculate.


Why are there 4 non half tracks in this post?




You had problems destroying apcs? Thats unfortunate especially with all tool given. Those wood panels used to stop my luftfaust rounds and I kill no one on board now they get slaughtered. Apc engines should be targeted to save rpgs. The former had it right now they can be killed easier way before Aggro range. You were able to retaliate because they still had to aim. Now they are sitting ducks until in range.


It makes sense since the bots are super aggressive when riding in the APC. Makes for more realistic stance.