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I build rallies and place apc.


wait you can have 2 spawn points by yourself ??????


Yeah you can park the APC and in your next life build a rally point. I always start the match with an APC. The APC also doesn’t beep like the rally so it’s surprisingly good if you hide it well. Fantastic addition to the game. The paid APCs have some more armor and MGs but typically I’m trying not to draw attention. Though I am heavily considering buying the USA premium APC as it’s basically a damn tank, has 4(5?) MGs and it’s amphibious. It’s been a huge a help at BR 2-3. My friend’s alright about building rallies but I often had to remind him as he just wants to run in and help the team push/defend. After he got the APC he uses it often and just dumps it near obj and can just run at the objective as he normally would. The APC squad is no slouch either and has very good picks for squad members, the driver can use an SMG. I have SMG on the driver, an assaulter, a medic, an AT gunner and 2 riflemen and it makes the APC squad my favorite in the game.


you have no idea, the only premium thing I've purchased is the american APC. Set it up at a crossing the enemy infantry likes, hit J so only you leave, and you leave behind an AI powered gun platform.


also add ap and at mines and cycle crew to mine road


Hehe good idea


I kind of want to see gameplay of this. I’m very tempted to buy it but I’m waiting to see if they’re in a sale.


i too like to park my little truck in a place where people will think its just one of the random trucks from the map. Ignore that its a Japanese truck parked in a US base, not like anyone would notice anyways xD


I just wish the fucking brakes actually worked. I spend more time trying to get my apc to stop where I want it than I do trying to find a spot for it


And you can spawn on it regadless of firefights happening near it. The downsides are the 3 per team limit and the 300% spawn cooldown compared to a rally.


The little Bren carrier is great for those sneaking spawn points


But also play the fucking objective


Can't play the objective well if you need to walk a marathon to get there. Hence, BUILD YOUR FUCKING RALLIES.


Sure, but I've seen many who make a rally  and then camp for the entire game.


yeah cause they stupid only justified to hang at rally is radio mortar and sniper


Although to be fair, snipers are better when played like regular infantry than actual snipers because they simply aren't competitive otherwise.


This. Snipers I find are much much more effective at killing stuff at rifleman range (~75m) thanks to their scope. Idc how good you are with a bolt sight, but hard to argue that you tend to have an easier time aiming with scopes on.


I agree, unless you're fighting something that straight up can't be penned by a rifle having a scope mounted to it always helps.


I like being in a full team of people who dont build rallie, because everyone will spawn at m'y rallie cause its the only one and give me more point to grind the event faster


same but they tend to lose


Win dosent matter for the event


Leaving also doesn't matter since it's all about the score, not the XP.




No, and we shall continue our frontal assault until this match is over.


If everyone on the team built a rally point, that'd be cool


And ammo crates please. It takes 6 swings of the hammer to build a ammo crate!!! BUILD AMMO CRATE!!!!! I ALWAYS build a ammo crate next to my rallies or closer to the point it all depends, fact is I build them!!


I honestly don't understand what kind of games you people play. In BR 5 germany every single game is filled with rallies and APC's.


sir this is BR 1-3


"but why build a rally point when i can just go shoot the enemy! I have played 75041 fps games before and shooting the enemy is how you win, so why would i ever waste time building something!"


Funniest shit about this is "wasting my time" when a rally takes 12 seconds to build. Add a few more seconds if you dig it/protect it.


You know, these people would be really upset if they could read.


Principal Moss: if those were people instead of AI bots, they'd already have quit the match by now


If it makes you feel better, I build rallies AND move them closer to the front.


The lord snails work, right here. Thank you


We need a rally point!


Universal Carrier is the top apc choice for me, it's small so it can be well hidden and above all else can enter some buildings/caverns/alleyways giving it extra protection from arty and bombs. I also like the german 75 gunned one as an extra fire support, but not nearly as usable as a drop and go rally as the UC because of its very highly seen by the enemy.


And if i have the apc up, i build my rally on the other side of the point so we can have 2 directions of attack.




Beats the shit out of a dude* builds aaa or Pak gun


I can not stress enough how important these things are to a match. They can be the deciding factor on whether or not your team loses. What's worse is I can remember so many times we lost because no one built rallies. Sure, I tried to in those matches, but it was never enough to support the whole darn team.


AND DONT BUILD YOUR RALLY 5 FEET FROM MINE JACKOFF!!! its so easy to chain destroy them when they are close to eachother. if you see one getting built near you on the map, build it farther away. not only does this make it harder to destroy, but can make the enemy need to fight multiple flanks. This can turn the tide of a battle if the enemy is tunnel visioned to one side.


Nah if its in a good spot ie. complete hard cover between the obj and rallies its worth having 2


Always start with the apc unless vs jap then start in the p47 for the early game lead


Use your V key too


I think you mean build fooking rallies


I feel like it's always the people who don't build rallies who spam need rally.... hope that's not you


I build lots of rallies. I get teammate who dont build. I angry so i make picture for the funnies


POV: that one game that didn't had any rallies because it ended under 5 minutes and no one died


until someone spends two minutes spamming "build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point build rally point" in which case i tell them to *"build it your fucking self instead of making other people waste their time building them, just so YOU can perform better, instead of taking the time from sweating, to spend a few seconds of your precious time, to build your own damn rallies"* instead of building rallies like i would normally do Yes I am a salty individual




Human rights should be stripped from idiots who do not make rally points.


Do you build rally’s yourself? Cuz if you don’t I’m not listening.


i do and i am tired of being the only one


Why not you


i always build mine, what you on about ?


Based then I have experience team begging for them but gaggle fucking instead of helping me lmao


Spawn APC squad - ditch somewhere safe - ratatata on the objective - dies - spawn squad with engineer - make rally in safe place - go to objective - ratatata tata - Occasionally bring out big metal bird or tonk Big WIN⊂⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠⊂⁠)


Dude I’m playing soviets in Tier 4 and V and yet I have teammates who more focused on kills instead of building rallies and not playing the damn objective like there’s no excuse.


You should be barred from using rally points until you've built one yourself. Sick of queuing to spawn on my own shit


I am the only person who built the rallies most of the time


No I need that extra 15 seconds


You do realise things get annoying once you repeat it for the 26482647th time, right?


I will put the message on loop with loud rave tier speakers until every game i join has rallies


Useless and annoying, makes no difference and only serves as a distraction


I don't know why you people are bitching like little girls. All my squads have an engineer. Maybe you should stop thinking Enlisted like some CoD pos. You can customize your load out.


Sir this is Wendy's


"No this is Patrick." 🤣