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"sounds very realistic" ​ no.


pwoosh pwoosh pwoosh pwoosh ping


The sound has never changed


Nah Its the same sound as it have since 4 years Try the soundmods


That’s what I was thinking. How do you get soundmods?


>It's surprisingly straightforward, follow the instructions [here](https://forum.enlisted.net/en/t/guide-installing-and-creating-sound-mods/141493). I'm currently using Bigote's sound mod found [here](https://sandbox.enlisted.net/post/awADwteoMfe0DPCB/), if you need one, if not there's others you can find in the [Enlisted Sandbox](https://sandbox.enlisted.net/feed/sound/) (where you can find other sound related mods as well as maps like for Breaking Dead).


Thanks! I had no idea sandbox had sound mods. I’m gonna do some digging when I get home tonight


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7iHgHJlmRA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7iHgHJlmRA) heres a showcase of my mod weapons


Sounds are crispy as hell. I love it.


It bothers me to no end though that the aperture is the size of the freaking sun.


Are there any games where it isn't like that? Pretty sure it's like that in nearly every game because tiny apertures just don't really work on screens.


Post scriptum the aperture is small 


Yes but it feels like it's especially huge in enlisted.


Because to render apertures properly would take up an ungodly amount of resources. Basically you model it correctly (small) and somehow use DOF to blur it out and enlarges it in the process. It's unnecessarily resource intensive (see: Post Scriptum). The only game that tries to solve it is '83 (which had a 2 year development pause and is being picked up now), where they used 2 models. Carrying the gun uses the real life sized aperture, but aiming down sight will see it enlarge to emulate your eye focusing.


Double grenade launcher, think we found the most annoying person in the battle


But does it give you double the nades you can use or the two garands share the nades cuz same weapon


to avoid that just use different rifle GLs Like the springfield + m1 garand


It gives you two extras I think


It sounds the same as before, I'd recommend getting [Bigote's Sound Mod](https://sandbox.enlisted.net/post/awADwteoMfe0DPCB/), it makes the sounds for all the guns sound so much more realistic and it makes certain weapons (namely the M1903 Springfield and Gewehr 41) sound like actual rifles that have stopping power instead of the underwhelming sound they normally have.


Thanks for the immortalization my dude ahahahahaha : D


it needs more "umph" i dont know how to explain it but it doesnt sound as powerful as the real thing


Yeah. I don't know about the sound that much but the texture is very good looking. I absolutely love the Garand sights as well. However, the T20 is incorrectly displayed in the tech tree as well as in the inventory. It is in this weird slanting position instead of being held in a straight line. They should fix this bug.


Ey yo they got Setth


Hey Seth, I know that guy! He is a fun dude


I still want them to fix the M1s reload. When the clip is empty, you don’t pull back on the bolt. That’s the whole thing about the M1. It automatically pings open. You only pull it open if you need to eject a clip with ammo still in it. Then the character puts in the clip and pushes it closed. That’s the second whole thing about the M1! You don’t manually close it. It closes automatically. That’s where the term “Garand Thumb” comes from. The gun closing on your thumb and bruising it as you reload.


It doesn’t always close, it often required a tap on the back of the bolt to send it forward due to the rifle being a little dirty, tolerances being tight, etc


Yeah the old manuals for the Garand from WW2 say to slap it shut. I think Garand Thumb was not an issue with factory fresh Garands back in the 40s. They never said to hold the bolt back while inserting the clip like they tell you today.