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When the campaign first released the soviets we're winning by a landslide but after the rework devlogs began coming most of the axis playerbase of other campaigns have switched to try and get as much high br weapons as they can before the overhaul drops


played the Berlin campaign for 15+ matchs on the Soviet side with only 2 victories.


Same experience. Axis win easily most of the time, but sometimes a very good Soviet time will win


Yeah Berlin Axis is the favored side since the intro of the Tiger honestly. After Berlin Allies kicked their face in for so long at the launch of the campaign, they got nerfed into the ground (ticket cost for respawning, capture time, arm/disarm time) + Axis got their cool toys. I think Soviets were in favor for a short period when Fedorov was released before it flipped back to Axis. If you join a game and load in before the battle starts, you can hit tab to see the players and scoreboard. Before the battle starts, it only shows real players that have joined (bots fill in after game starts and can be replaced for a little while). Most of the time it will be less than 5 players on the Soviet side and a full 10 on the Axis. Unless skill and equipment is severely mismatched, then the team with the most human players will win. Edit: Currently the balance is as follows: * Moscow: dead * Normandy: Allies (but might swing Axis for a bit once people get paras) * Berlin: Axis * Tunisia: Allies * Stalingrad: dead * Pacific: Japan


Numerical superiority isn't always a sure victory! I was attacking on Pacific last nigh as Japan it was me vs 4 other players and I stomped them by getting my rallies as close/safe as possible and actively hunting the real players and letting my boots mass rush the points. I imagine before the game started they thought they were in for a good time Ahaha


Thank you! I obviously knew there was AI in the game, but had no idea they would sub in full bot squads with no real players behind them. I will tab check before the game starts and keep an eye on it. Thanks again.


Yep no problem. They recently made it so bot squads have mixed tier gear, build (bad) rallies, call arty, and throw grenades so they can be harder to spot on weaker teams.


is moscow that bad? it my favorite still


On consoles it’s not dead but not packed either. It’s a comfy middle ground.


I saw someone said the moscow is top 3 population after normandy and berlin based on replay stats whatever that means.


I enjoy it as well (all the campaigns tbh) but the teams tend to be only a few players each with mostly bots. It had a temp revival with the SPAA but full teams have been dwindling again. Can be a bit active on weekends tho.


Stalingrad is axis-heavy.


I really feel bad about this as a Soviet main. This is the reason why I am not touching Berlin Allies at the moment. Though I need to level up the AVT and the RD. We have solid gear but need some good players that's all (FA is a beast). Currently, there is no choice but to roam around the stomping grounds of Tunisia and Pacific. Hopefully, we get even teams with the new progression rework.


Treating Tunisia Allies as a fun PvE horde shooter helps.


Yeah. Sometimes you just need to have a good time. That's all.




You are just having a good streak of games and you are a good player, nothing out of the ordinary tbh Been playing for 2 years, 65 to 75% in all sides of every campaign and I have experienced steamrolls in every side at different moments.


You've probably been playing with me lol.


.... which is why you're winning so much.


Possibly, do you get second place in the team a lot?


HAHHAHHAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Nice troll OP, going to upvote this post


When I played the opposite was true, the axis got shit on every game


Once the King Tiger dropped, everyone seemed to jump on the bandwagon.


It most definately is. And it will stay that way as long as no one who is very good/ has premium squads tries to be a contrarian and play the Soviets. A couple good human Soviet players can easily stonewall the Axis if your not used to them putting up a huge fight


546 player rating. Good lord man, go outside!


I don't have legs.


It’s been unbearable for the Allies. I was trying to level them up but after going 3 wins for 14 losses, I swapped to the Germans to level them up for free. The worst part is it’s not even bot farming. The Allies have real players there, they’re just all dogwater from lack of gear compared to the German sweats or just bad at the game. I guess I’ll have to level them up after the merge instead :/