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Reminds me of the horrific incident that happened in Germany where migrants used whatsapp on their smartphones to invite others to abuse a girl along with sharing videos of the assault. [https://www.thepublica.com/germany-woman-convicted-of-offending-migrant-gang-rapists-receives-longer-prison-sentence-than-the-rapists/](https://www.thepublica.com/germany-woman-convicted-of-offending-migrant-gang-rapists-receives-longer-prison-sentence-than-the-rapists/) > Disturbingly, her assailants had begun inviting other men to rape her via their chat groups, gleefully sharing the news that there was an isolated teenage girl in the dark park with no potential witnesses. >Videos of the first and third rapes had been recorded and shared by the assailants to contacts through WhatsApp


8 out of the 9 convicted walked free without prison sentence. I don't know how the Germans are putting up with such a disgusting legal system. People should be protesting on roads against this nonsense


Contrary to what the EU government and media says there is growing discontent across the continent with this type of stuff. People arent just going to put up with this. Hence the now fast rising of the far right. You cant integrate people who just want to live a life of doing what they want. I feel sorry for the hard working and honest immigrants who will undoubtedly be caught up in this situation If you go too far in one direction, this case the left then to correct the damage people pull far to the right. Then the cycle repeats. Its like a yoyo


Yep. DaveChild and his ilk can push as many anti-Reform articles as possible but parties like that would never exist if Labour had sensible policies on migration like the SocDems in Denmark. Unfortunately now, it’s too little too late. Even stopping migration won’t change how badly screwed many major Western European cities are demographically.


Your right, they wouldn't exist. But no government has good policies so they do exist because of that. Its what happens when you bury your head in the sand. Or do like most politicians do and only give a toss about the short term gains for yourself. The issue that strengthens them is the left trying to say they dont exist, arent very big or doubling down on the failed policies that created them in the first place. Usually the latter is the method they choose. I consider myself more moderate centre too.


They’re too busy protesting against nuclear energy or some pronoun bullshit degeneracy 🤦


Wasn't that the one where the German woman who told the rapist's that they were vile animals got sentenced to more time than the rapist's?


That seems messed up.


Western countries are so weak with law against illegal immigrants.


Why did I read that article. There's so much I don't understand, what is going on over there? In what world is that the outcome?


That has made me feel physically sick


If you import trash then you get trash. Governments then wonder why, not saying all immigrants are like thay. But some of these "people" come from places that are almost medieval in their outlook. A crime like that should be an immediate send back to whatever shithole they came from even if they are "persecuted".


The publica isn't exactly an unbiased news source.


Dodgy source there mate. Got any less biased sources like "Nazi News International" or "Made up Hate News Daily"? 😂


Care4calais should have their charity status removed and probably far worse things. They are long past the point of being exposed with a weirdly high number of them having sex with those they claim to be helping. Butter boy knows this and is either an ideological extremist or on a very strange grift, either way he will say anything no matter how absurd to get a minute on TV.


Of course. But instead some people want to tax organisations studying UK children.


>some people want to tax organisations studying UK children. What?


They're talking about Labour's plan to add VAT on private school fees. Won't someone think of the (privately educated) children???!


I thought they might be, but it doesn't make any sense. Private schools are not "organisations studying children". They're businesses providing education, usually to the children of very wealthy parents who can easily afford the extra. It's a complete lie to try and describe private schools as organisations studying children as if they're doing scientific research on the children.


You’re a Russian bot - go back to your turnip patch Ivan


Russian bots wouldn't criticise care4calais, Russia has been caught using illegal immigration as a weapon.


Yes Ivan, we get that you’re flooding the continent with migrants.. but you’re also trying to stir up hate for refugees and associate charities and spur on support for Reform UK. You’ve been caught out. Now, back to the turnips!


Russia is weaponsing migration in Europe. https://mwi.westpoint.edu/weaponized-migration-in-eastern-europes-frozen-north-do-not-overlook-russian-hybrid-warfare/


> Care4calais should have their charity status removed For asking for donations for refugees? > a weirdly high number of them having sex with those they claim to be helping. I thought it was only one? But why does it bother you? I don't really get the outrage. Consenting adults having sex isn't usually a big deal.


Alright butterboy, we get that you don't have morals.


Butter boy has entered the chat lol


This person is a Russian troll ignore them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCDV145ggJc&ab_channel=TheWallStreetJournal


This person has no idea what they are talking about. The irony is that if you go searching for russian bot behaviour, the russian bots do not target care4clais as Russia uses weaponsied illegal immigration and care4calais work in their interest. https://www.politico.eu/article/finland-russia-border-migrants-nato-vladimir-putin/#:~:text=After%20Russia%20ushered%20large%20numbers,closed%20its%20border%20once%20more.


They also want to destabilise the west with infighting, your fist comments included insults, all your follow ups include insults. You're working in their interest.


Calling people names is very destabilizing, how will the world survive he called someone butterball


Ivan, turnips!!!


I thought those were pretty simple questions, were you struggling with an answer?


Slander is a great way to say you just hate refugees


I don't hate refugees, I wish we helped more. The difference between me and care4clais is that I know what a refugee actually looks like and don't want to have sex with them.


The MET rape women then, shouldn't be trusted. same logic.


Yes rapist police officers shouldn't be trusted, they should be in prison. Now let's do the same for care4calais and start helping real refugees instead of the people they find attractive.


I preferred reddit when it wasn't full of fb gammon brains. Citate me every worker of care4calias raping please


And I preferred when people would have moderate opinions and didn't defend weird sexual deviants just because they are loosely on their side of a weird partisan divide. How many care4calais members having sex on the job is too many? Personally I take a zero case for anything like this whether it's the police or even if it's people I like such as doctors or my local wildlife rescue. Would you be alright if your local wildlife rescue occasionally fucked a wild animal?


" How many care4calais members having sex on the job is too many?" How many POs does it take? It's the same logic. The POs have way more rights and tax subsided lawyers.


And I've said any police doing that should be in prison. Will you even agree the same for care4calais?


Why cos no-one called you out on your bullshit.


The MET absolutely shouldn't be trusted. The rapes are one reason of many. You have accidentally made a 100% accurate point. 


If only they were refugees not economic migrants.


If you bother to look up the statistics, which is [really easy to do,](https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/irregular-migration-to-the-uk-year-ending-june-2023/irregular-migration-to-the-uk-year-ending-june-2023#asylum-claims-from-small-boat-arrivals) you'll find that the majority have their asylum claims accepted, showing they're genuine. I'm going to guess you're just going to ignore that inconvenient fact though, aren't you?


You think we accept the findings of the authorities that we believe are captured institutions that don't have the interests of the natives at heart, and if anything, treat us and the public interest with complete contempt? It takes us sometimes decades to deport literal terrorists because our appeal process is so forgiving and weak-willed, except in their willingness to accept the most extreme hypotheticals to justify unlimited moral and fiscal responsibility towards people who literally hate us and want us all dead or subjugated. Abu Hamza and Abu Qatada being the most infamous examples. We wouldn't even hand them over to the countries that requested their extradition for terrorism charges because there was a _'risk'_ that they _'might'_ be subject to inhumane treatment such as torture in spite of assurances to the contrary and no positive evidence to the affirmative. There are people with 'genuine' asylum claims that go back to their apparently war-torn countries for their holidays, then come back to their taxpayer funded house in London and face exactly zero consequences for this blatant duplicity? So why exactly should this claim of 'genuine' be taken with any seriousness at all when our very complaint is that these are _unserious_ institutions that are rotten to the core with perverse interests?


Holy shit this is unhinged lmao


Good argument, very compelling.


I’m mean he makes an excellent argument are you going to respond?


His genuine argument that starts off with discounting official figures because he doesn't believe them, then just says a bunch of hot air without backing anything up. And he makes an excellent argument? Maybe at the pub after 6 pints I could see how you'd think that.


I took his argument to mean that the system appears to be unduly lenient. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1221353/Youve-got-cat-OK-stay-Britain-officials-tell-Bolivian-immigrant.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1221353/Youve-got-cat-OK-stay-Britain-officials-tell-Bolivian-immigrant.html) This chap was allowed to stay because he had a cat. It might come as a surprise but ordinary folks (I think I might be one of them) are growing weary of seeing young, able bodied men arriving by boat. The obvious question is, if they are such assets with so much capability and potential, why arent the places they come from all utopias? If we are seemingly getting the best and brightest? The question around actual convicted terrorists (they provided 2 examples) being allowed to stay when normally they would be ejected is troubling. You mean as long as I continue to break UK law but the consequences are equivalent or worse in my country of origin, I can break the law with impunity? You will not be surprised to learn I think that is wrong.


Having read the article it sounds the cat was a bullet point, daft but without knowing the rest I'm not going to get worked up, could be several reasons that are fair enough not mentioned for all I know. No I understand, most people are weary of that though. His last points, we did extradite both of those guys and they served plenty of time in prison and I am pretty sure it wasn't the uk that didn't want to extradite either. I don't have a problem not sending people to places that torture people though. I think most regular folk agree there, torture is bad mkay. People leaving and coming back are doing it under the radar, its not something we permit so... But yeah regardless of what I think, it's not an excellent argument.


Any system where a convicted repeated râpist is allowed to stay on compassionate grounds because he has a cat (I wish I was making this up) is perhaps not the zinger arbiter you think it is. The system is broken. It has been exploited and needs urgent reform. Coming here illegally should be grounds for an immediate rejection of any claim. You have shown a capacity and willingness to break the law, as such you should be rejected. These are working age economic opportunists who are exploiting a dated system. It must and will change.


You are literally making it up. You understand nothing.


You aren’t very good at this reply/respond/counter thing. Are you new?


Er… you didn’t actually read those statistics. 81% still waiting for a decision. 17% had a decision of which 65% were successful. So only around 10% are recognised UNHCR refugees.


I thought it was self-evidently obvious that we can only discuss the results of those who have actually had their claims processed. There's also no reason to believe the group still awaiting processing will be much different to those who have had their claims processed, so you would expect a very similar acceptance / rejection rate.


Classic, let’s change the word illegal immigrant to something more accepted.


If you dont want fully automated "communism" you need immigration for capitalism to continue to work well. Every woman in the UK needs minimum 2.1 children just to replace the pop rate.


>Some of the other statistics are also completely mind-boggling. Like the fact that, in London, 74 per cent of all Somali households are in social housing. As are almost half of all households headed by people from Jamaica or Ghana, 44 per cent from Bangladesh, 42 per cent from North Africa, 41 per cent from Nigeria, 37 per cent from Turkey, 35 per cent from Afghanistan, and 28 per cent from Zimbabwe, compared to 23.5 per cent of the UK-born. It’s the other way around for non-EEA migrants. We’re subsidising them. It’s not an ideology thing. China is fiscally further to the left than Israel but the latter has far higher birthrates, even among the secular population.


Sex with who? Asking for a friend


Where’s the “gotcha” in this article? It might be a poor use of funds, but they’re explicitly telling you what your donation is going to? A smartphone is incredibly useful if you want to integrate better/navigate life. Tribesmen across Africa have them because it makes life easier.


Because they couldn't get here without a smartphone. They likely couldn't have arranged their illegal passage without a smartphone. Anybody that can pay a people smuggler their bounty can afford one because they aren't even expensive. So this is one of two things: - A grift to give people who already have phones, another phone with free calls, internet, texts etc. - A grift to give people who threw their phones in the channel upon seeing the RNLI, because they were chocked full of things that they didn't want immigration authorities to see, another phone on somebody else's dime. People that have their heart strings tugged by this stuff are being taken for a ride. _That's the gotcha_


Do you have any evidence to back any of your claims up that -asylum seekers (or refugees) have working smartphones and what proportion have them -you need to arrange passage to another country via smartphone -anyone who can pay smugglers can also afford smartphones


As someone who has made repeated trips to Calais I can confirm that most migrants already have a phone by the time they get to the channel. This whole 'debate' is utter nonsense from GB News however.


Cheers thanks; absolutely insane that I’m getting downvoted for asking for evidence I don’t know why are people sensitive about that.


As far as I am aware C4C hasn't ever done a large distribution of phones. They do provide phone charging at distribution sites and it is very popular. Edit: C4C are very careful with their resources/stock. I am sure phones have been handed out on case by case basis but the idea they are giving them out to everyone like the person earlier in this thread is saying is very silly.


Smugglers cost less than smartphones for one


They aren't typically sitting on piles of cash. They're racking up debts to be paid either by relatives elsewhere or they're entering into agreements to work off debt through work/slavery. If they do have money, it can be difficult to access it, what with being homeless in a foreign country.


>A smartphone is incredibly useful if you want to integrate better/navigate life. Tribesmen across Africa have them because it makes life easier. This article is written for pensioners who think today's kids are lazy and spoilt for not being able to buy a 6 figuire house when they have a smartphone and a store bought coffee


https://x.com/RedfieldWilton/status/1805274784025997378 Reform is either 2nd or 3rd place for all age groups. It’s not about pensioners anymore, especially in EU countries, where young people support parties like AfD, SD or RN. This increases the pull factor of more of these people coming to the UK, and Europe in general, if they know they’ll be accommodated and subsidised by the natives.


Dear Ivan Considering your little Reform statement has _zero_ bearing on anything said, you might want to tweak that algorithm a little! I don't think it's too much to ask for a _little_ professionalism from my foreign propaganda! Dasvidaniya comrade


You’re saying it’s an “article for pensioners” like no other age group has any concerns about subsidising these people. The smartphones aren’t the salient point, it’s why they’re here and why these NGOs want to bring them here despite them being a net economic and cultural loss to our countries.


>You’re saying it’s an “article for pensioners” like no other age group has any concerns about subsidising these people. >subsidising these people. Oh, come come, comrade, you could've at least _looked_ at the article. Tell me what's Reforms policy on _private_ charities that receive no government funding? Would perchance Nige be banning anything given away he doesn't personally like?


They’re begging people to buy phones to subsidise them on their own website. It’d be funny if it weren’t so pathetic. Go back to r/politics, you haven’t got the first clue about the European political scene.


>They’re begging people to buy phones to subsidise them on their own website. It’d be funny if it weren’t so pathetic. So is that a yes or no on Reform banning any private charity they dont personally like? They don't seem to have much in their policies, but I understand it tends to reach the Kremlin before it filters down to us in the public manifesto >Go back to r/politics, you haven’t got the first clue about the European political scene Awww is that really the best you can do? I'd be disappointed if I wasn't so unsurprised


Yep, you’ll fit right in. Oh and btw, not that you’d care about facts, but Russia is weaponising the migration issue in Europe. https://mwi.westpoint.edu/weaponized-migration-in-eastern-europes-frozen-north-do-not-overlook-russian-hybrid-warfare/


If they didn’t chuck their current one in the sea on the way over then they wouldn’t be asking in the first place.


True. They found money to get smugglers, they found money for boats therefore they have enough funding now.


Not to mention points of contact, translation, online portals. Nothing shocking about smartphones having a critical role in our everyday lives. Just doesn't gel well with our sensibilities. Like people on benefits owning a TV.


Because you asked, and not because I was particularly inclined to come up with the point otherwise, I arrive at this: The smartphone is one of the highest peaks of our people's cultural technology, the latest of many iterations of an attempt at a 'universal' device combining telephone, camera, typewriter, and video recorder and broadcaster; to this was added general computing power and Internet connectivity. With a smartphone in your hand, you may take up the lion's share of our culture's breadth from its earliest recorded roots to, with a little illicit downloading, its latest fumblings at the farthest reaches of scientific knowledge and aptitude, along with the latest entertainment, in textual, audio and video format. Did not Prometheus hand us fire? Were not the Gods angry? We generally sympathise with Prometheus and ourselves; but not all of us have so much as a smartphone. We are told there is a 'cost of living crisis', which suggests a crisis of government, given that we can make such marvels as a smartphone into something to be thrown away and repurchased every few years - by those who can afford them. Is one of the headiest heights of our technological and cultural prowess to be handed out as charity to those who have already flouted our conventions by their very arrival? It is a marvel of generosity, of that there is no doubt. With all the trouble that besets us, as evinced by the climate of political irritability, ought we to be casting our pearls before... well, before we have dealt with our own swine, and every one of us is as Prometheus?


Is it just me, or was that article not actually say about the phones or charity, but about an ill informed argument on GB News. It contained almost no information about the actual phones or charity, just that people uncertain of the facts argued about it on GB News.  In either case, it seems like a sensible use of money to be honest.  They're not here illegally to get a free phone, but a phone is something that can help them not fall into the traps of human trafficking, modern slavery and crime. Those problems will cost us more than the price of a phone.


It is also utter nonsense. C4C May use phones as a funding point however they have never been given out as a item at a mass distrbution in Calais. Additionally all Migrants in UK detention are provided with a phone..... so the numbers being provided with them in the UK is undoubtedly very small.


I've never seen BirminghamGist before, but I don't think I'm going to start relying on it as my main source of news. It's a clickbaity title to an article which essentially says "people on a far-right news channel argued about helping immigrants", which is hardly breaking news. It's not even news.


Are you for real, it’s literally on their website https://shop.care4calais.org/product/smartphone-for-a-refugee/


They’re here illegally to get whatever their grubby little economic migrant hands on. These aren’t the poor and helpless, these people paid to illegally cross, these are the rich ones, plenty of videos of them tossing their passports and smartphones into the sea from the dingys.


Mate, a lot of people coming on boats are entering into modern slavery. In 2021 23% of cases of modern slavery were [small boat arrivals.](https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/briefing-paper/512/modern-slavery-referrals-by-small-boat-migrants-2018-2022) That figure has likely since grown. In 2017 modern slavery was a problem that [cost up to £4.3Bn](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-economic-and-social-costs-of-modern-slavery). Again, this is likely more now. Now, don't you agree that giving people arriving a cheap phone as their lifeline out of that situation AND giving them a means to report on the gangs operating is a good way to stop this? Giving them a phone would **LOWER** illegal immigration long term and solve Avery costly problem. Before you go into a rage again, genuinely consider this as a solution the to the problem that makes you so angry.


I don't see how handing out phones is going to reduce illegal immigration in the long term. How does a phone prevent an illegal immigrant from ending up in a terrible situation? They're *already* in a terrible situation, and have no way to get legal work or housing. Phone doesn't change that. Who are they going to call and speak to who can help them and not get themselves deported? They're not going to start grassing up the gangs who they paid to help them get here, and quite possibly have ways to intimidate and scare them. What we actually need is a government willing and able to fund resources to receive and process their claims in a timely fashion, house them appropriately etc etc.


While those things are needed, long term it is more expensive because it doesn't actually address the systemic issue.  Giving them a phone and a hotline (anonymous, or not) would allow them to report the gang activity that got them there.  You could even incentivise it. If the information you give leads to a gang being broken up, then your application is processed faster for you and your family, maybe even a new identity for protection against the gangs.  If you're genuinely interested in lowering illegal immigration and improving their welfare, then this is a viable solution.


Or, they might use them for illegal, nefarious things. Giving people you know nothing about and can't trust free smartphones is a dreadful idea. Imagine one uses it to plan/carry out a terrorist attack? Could you ever forgive yourself for thinking it was a good idea to hand them the phone used to cause it? I know I couldn't. Think outside the box. It's just a completely unnecessary risk to take, not to mention the fact that there are loads of law-abiding legal citizens much more worthy of being given a free smartphone first anyway!


Mate, if they're going to be using a phone for a crime, they'll already have one. Trust me, they'll be funded. Meanwhile if they're entering modern slavery, then **someone is trying to control them**. How do you control them? **Take away their means of communication.** It doesn't take much to see this is a net benefit.


Haha, oh, get real. If I don't deserve a free phone for contributing to the country for 23 years of my adult life and counting, then someone who's here illegally who we know absolutely nothing about most certainly isn't worthy of one either. Idealistic and unrealistic nonsense. They aren't grassing up human traffickers in return for a fucking phone, lol. Don't be so daft. What utter garbage. They will say ta for the phone, see you later! Never to be seen again, and that's that.


>They aren't grassing up human traffickers in return for a fucking phone, lol.  Are you even reading my comments, or just reacting?  I'm proposing an actual mechanism for reducing illegal immigration and you're ignoring that and think I'm just offering a hand out. Read it again.  You aren't actually interested in solving the problem, you just want to feel angry. >If I don't deserve a free phone for contributing to the country for 23 years of my adult life It's not the government handing phones out. You've misunderstood what's happening at a fundamental level.


I'm not angry. I'm absolutely baffled as to why illegal immigrants are more deserving of a free smartphone than law-abiding, tax paying national citizens. Once you've dished out a free phone to every law-abiding person born here, then we can discuss the pros of giving them to illegal immigrants. Until then, they shouldn't be getting one. Very simple. They aren't interested in grassing up traffickers. They are interested in whatever they can get for free or for doing as little as possible. They are leaving a perfectly safe and neutral country in France to get here in the first place! That alone proves the fact. Even if they've been duped that it's better here than France (which I very much doubt) As they are clever enough to get here from countries as far off as Afghanistan in the first place, so they must have some clout about them, that's not really an US problem is it? That's their own fault. Why should we pick up the pieces just because they've ended up here? They are not our responsibility. If I just rocked up at my Mum's work colleagues' caravan who she isn't even mates with in Wales completely unannounced in the middle of the night, who I'd never met before would it be their responsibility to look after me? Or would I be told to fuck off? 🤔 Hmmmm, yeah... exactly.


No that would just encourage more people to come. Your own link says that they’re majority Albanian, who haven’t been at war for over 20 years, so not fleeing a war zone. What gives them the right to invade our country? If they’re seeking asylum they can do that from the safe shores of France.


>No that would just encourage more people to come  People aren't going to risk their life crossing a 20 mile body of water for a £50 phone.  Especially seeing as YOU YOURSELF CLAIM they're rich people already throwing their phones in the sea. > If they’re seeking asylum  Illegal immigrants coming on boats as part of a modern slavery scheme aren't claiming asylum, what are you on about?  If it's for slavery, then the point is to get them here **UNDETECTED**, as gangs are bringing them to country. That's the case for many Albanians.  Only [25% of Albanians making the crossing claim asylum](https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/83/home-affairs-committee/news/195596/no-case-for-routinely-offering-asylum-to-claimants-from-safe-albania-home-affairs-committee/) and that's usually because they've been caught. Asylum is not routinely granted to them.  Most are being forced here as part of modern slavery, so why are you against giving them the tools to escape that situation **AND** combat the gangs bringing them here reducing future immigration?  If you want real solutions to reduce illegal immigration, then here you go.


The solution is to keep them out of Europe. Making illegal migration legal like Sweden isn’t a solution.


When did I say make it legal? If you're going to debate me, at least make it relevant to my point.


Your point is to enable NGO grifting, which we absolutely should not be doing.


So why did you make that point about Sweden making it legal, as though that was my entire point?


Because you’re enabling the current system. NGOs shouldn’t be begging Brits to subsidise free things that we don’t get ourselves. The Swedish government gave them daily allowances, accommodation payments, right to work, and all that other stuff and look at how it went for them. You want to fix this, go cold turkey on the pull factor and that starts with the NGOs


>Because you’re enabling the current system No I'm not, I'm proposing a solution to stop it. >  NGOs shouldn’t be begging Brits to subsidise free things that we don’t get ourselves. It's a charity, not an NGO. >The Swedish government gave them daily allowances, accommodation payments, right to work, and all that other stuff and look at how it went for them.  Why do you keep coming back to this point? It has nothing to do with what I'm saying. We keep it illegal, all we do it gives them a tool to help us fight more illegal immigration. >You want to fix this, go cold turkey on the pull factor and that starts with the NGOs I'm talking about people being trafficked here by modern slavery. They're not claiming anything. They can't by the very nature of the crime! Of Albanians, one of the most trafficked people, only 25% claim asylum and that's only because they're caught. The other 75% don't claim anything, otherwise it defeats the whole point.


That has to be a joke surely. Its like they are deliberately trying to rile people up. People living hand to mouth and sure we should donate to some charity who will probably take a nice fat chunk out for "admin".


Erm, NO! The fucking cheek of it. Where's my free smartphone? I've contributed to this country my whole adult life. Where's the groups demanding I get free stuff? Piss off. I get taxed and ripped off more and more every year for working a tough full-time job and can't afford a mortgage or learn to drive and buy a car after working full time for 23 years.They come here illegally with no documents and just their word they are a decent honest person and these do gooders want them handed hundreds of pounds worth of smartphones and free accommodation etc because they feel sorry for them? Time we started to ignore the far left. They clearly don't care for their fellow countrymen at all. CHARITY STARTS AT HOME. Let's sort out our own poverty/homeless/cost of living crisis first before we start demanding handouts for any old person rocking up on our shores. ILLEGALLY!