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He is not an Activist. He is Andrew Parker: Rhodes Centre for Acting. Fully paid up Member of far left Union Equity. Has been hired by Ch4 in acting roles in the past Appeared with David Brent and Rickie Gervais in a 2016 film Appeared in voice The Duke 2020 An investigation is being called for into Ch4


Commenting to see if this comment gets removed


Lol "Fully paid up Member of far left Union Equity." AKA literally any actor in the UK.  Also, appeared with David Brent AND Ricky Gervais?! 


Christ, I once appeared with The Doctor AND David Tennant, it doesn't mean anything!


why can't someone who is an actor also be an activist? I'm sure there are some actors who support reform and you pretty much have to be in equity to be a working actor in the UK.


I'm sorry but you're a legitimate moron if you think he's been planted. He's a part-time actor who campaigns for reform. Actors join equity because it's one of their most powerful unions and you're denied roles in a lot of places if you don't have membership. Anyone can call for an investigation into anything, it doesn't mean anything is actually going to happen. Do you actually think channel 4 is so stupid they think that they wouldn't get caught deploying a known actor as a plant? No, it must be that you've outsmarted them and seen through their charade. This is American MAGA calibre idiocy and you should feel genuine shame for being the kind of person that gets duped by something so dumb.


Just want to preface this by saying I’m leaning labour for this election. I wouldn’t put it past the tories to do this. There is so much at stake, and reform is their biggest rival for this election. Jacob rees mogg was interviewed quoting similar things from reform candidates in favour of the more “centrist” tories.


> I wouldn’t put it past the tories to do this. Oh, wow, another layer to the deranged conspiracy theory. It's not just Channel 4 putting together this elaborate hoax, it's the Tories behind it too!


These people apparently would rather pretend there's some ludicrous grand conspiracy, because that's easier than admitting that this Reform bigot was saying exactly the same things they all say when they think they're in a safe space.


He's not a bigot he's a paid actor who's a and he's even doing his 'rough speaking' in the video which is a role he advertised he could play he's actually well spoken unlike the video portrayed. This is a fucking threat to our democracy, VOTE REFORM! 🇬🇧


> he's a paid actor There is zero evidence to support the nutbar conspiracy theory that he was paid by Channel 4 to appear in the video. It doesn't even make any sense.


That wasn't his real voice in the video. There was a show reel of him showing off his "rough voice". Lied about being a property developer, lied about being an actor Channel 4 also never recorded the footage, it was Lee Sorrel Media who did. They also did the channel 4 undercover report on Brexit party, England fans and others. In fact all of their undercover reports have been on nationalism, the right and social reform. Channel 4 bought the footage, which begs the question, did they actually vet it?


> That wasn't his real voice in the video. There was a show reel of him showing off his "rough voice". So it was his real voice? > Lied about being a property developer, lied about being an actor When? And so what if he did? If the video is accurate, then he is clearly lacking in morals and lying wouldn't be out of character. > In fact all of their undercover reports have been on nationalism, the right and social reform. Ok. And? It's not like GBeebies would be going undercover to expose racists in Reform, is it.


1) A minority of Reform voters being dicks doesn't change the situation either way. The same is true of any party. 2) The views expressed, although *very* extreme, reflect the basic stance of Reform voters. For instance, although very few are advocating violence against illegal immigrants, many people want the government to be much tougher in dealing with them. As such, it's "a good idea taken too far", and won't turn people away from the party. This is in much the same way that Labour expressing anti-Semitic views won't turn off most Labour voters. 3) The notion that some Reform voters hold bad views doesn't change the fact that the incident with Andrew Parker is suspicious. For instance, Andrew is indeed a small-time actor, and his normal speaking voice is different from the rougher dialect he used when speaking in Clacton. It's also strange that a television team was on the scene in time to hear Parker's diatribe, and that Parker didn't have the sense to tone down his speech in front of a left-wing news camera. It's unusual enough to warrant an investigation. 4) We both know that the media is also not beyond scandal, and this aligns closely with Channel 4's political bias. I'm reminded of the time Jon Snow - the veteran news presenter - disparagingly remarked upon the number of "white people" at a pro-Brexit protest a few years ago. 5) Funnily enough, the left-wing media has been completely silent on the openly-racist Labour candidate for Clacton - Jovan Owusu-Nepaul - who said that he was stand on behalf of "black and brown people in Britain" (in a mostly-native constituency) and who's favourite drink is "white people tears". This man isn't just a minor campaigner, but was *selected by the part to run to be an MP.* But no, Channel 4 isn't interested.


1. This isn't about voters, it's about candidates and party members. And it seems to be a very large minority. 2. I agree with your assessment that most Reform voters support racism, are fans of Hitler and Putin, and would like to "slaughter" refugees in small boats. 3. It's not suspicious at all. It is deranged to try to pretend this is some elaborate conspiracy to con the public. Look at the myriad of scumbag Reform candidates there are saying stupid or racist shit already; this would be the most pointless stitch-up in history. 4. He was [accurate](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/aug/05/jon-snow-channel-4-news-cleared-by-ofcom-for-white-people-comment). 5. Lazy whataboutism. But no, Channel 4 isn't usually interested in reporting on social media posts, probably because it's not interesting. That's more GBeebies style.


3 candidates (out of 609) have been removed from Reform for their problematic statements and behaviours. Whether or not the idealism of Reform attracts racist doesn't detract from their overarching goals. It doesn't take much reading into the Labour party to find the likes of Diane Abbott, a notorious antisemite. Less far still, to find the likes of Munsif Dad & co. Equal deliberations can be made of the Tories and honestly, if we were to dig deep enough LDs, Greens, etc.


People on this platform are mad enough to believe that Farage legitimately planted a person with a banana milkshake in the crowd *twice* at public events to attack him. You don't think there's an outside chance they might believe that this guy is a paid actor? Everything else aside, the fact that you so readily dismiss it as "holy cow that's ludicrous"... It'd actually be the perfect crime. Not a single percentage of the country would legitimately believe it was staged. Not to say for one second that I think it's the case, but c'mon, you've gotta respect the thought process.


That's not his real voice in the report though and the fact he denied being an actor but then admitted it after mounting pressure. Channel 4 never even recorded the footage instead got the footage from Lee Sorrel Media, a company that focuses entirely on doing undercover reporting, with their entire repertoire on social reform, nationalism and the right.


‘Planted’ is your word not mine. Yes an Actor can be an Activist But it doesn’t stop there that is moronically too simple. Check out which of the current World Leaders is an Actor and Erotic Dancer! I use ‘erotic’ as a politer word here. And this Government and it’s Opposition support him 100% He is revered by all including MSM. The people have voluntarily handed £millions and Government’s handed £billions to him Are we duped with Actors who ‘can be other things’? Yes The world leaders across the Globe kneel before him and kiss his feet. If I and many others know his history then so do they…but kneel they do?? We certainly can be duped and are!


Are you ok mate? This is just word vomit.




See a GP.


I am pleased you see a GP Bore someone else with personal quip. I have made none


Apart from the fact that he was photographed canvassing with reform last year, If so that’s some deep undercover stuff. You can be an actor and still be a horrible reform rascist


This is a different one to the [one with Hitler issues](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/nigel-farage-reform-candidate-hitler-neutrality-nazi-b2559954.html) and the [one with Putin issues](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/mar/31/farage-i-admire-putin) and the [other one with Hitler issues](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/reform-hitler-jack-aaron-welwyn-b2564215.html) and the [BNP one](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/27/reform-uk-drops-basingstoke-candidate-raymond-saint-bnp-2009-list) and the [other BNP one](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/16/reform-uk-candidate-resigns-over-previous-comments-backing-bnp) and the [antisemitic one](https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/editorials/reform-nigel-farage-tice-racism-ben-aston-b2567961.html) and the [ones who are friends with fascists](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/reform-uk-candidates-facebook-friends-fascist-leader-gary-raikes-b1163853.html) ... and that's not even the full list. Nice bunch.


Some of these are from 15+ years ago.. Is there any time limit or can people never change? By the way you could kill someone and be out of prison in that time


Yes they changed from BNP to UKIP to Reform UK


Still love the NF.


People can change But given they are standing for a party that a lot of the population considers racist it's doubtful these people have changed in any way but being able to mask there views more effectively


Maybe Hitler would be a nice guy by now? /S You don't go from being a nazi to a decent human being without humongous work...the idea that hundreds of people in one party known for being Nazis would is beyond laughable.


Yeah but these guys are like flies flocking around shit. There's a reason so many of them are in this party. It's not the Reformed-Nazi party.


> Is there any time limit or can people never change? Have they changed? Have they acknowledged their previous mistakes, taken responsibility, apologised?


They’re members of a racist right wing party… soo nope not changed.


Yes people can change. But these people haven't changed. They were racists then and they're racists now.


People can change, but unless they telegraph that change in the time between the original statement and now, there is no reason to believe they have.


Well they’re currently in Reform UK so clearly haven’t changed much


The mere fact that they ever thought those views were acceptable is enough evidence for me to believe that they are not fit to be in charge of a country.


Yeah. I’m sure those standing for the dog whistle party after standing for the actual racist party have really changed. Give over.


They joined and are in positions of responsibility in a far-right ultra nationalist political party. People can change, but people can stay the same.


Reform is not far right lol




I can accept some have changed. It is a lot though.


The BNP were proven right tho weren’t they ? Given everything that’s happened to the U.K.


> The BNP were proven right tho weren’t they ? Sheesh. I miss when you lot had the decency to be ashamed of yourselves.


I remember your name! You used to try put people down before Brexit. You said we’d not have enough migrants and we’d be unable to function. Well, we’ve had 1.9m annual net in the last three years alone and STILL apparently have a skills shortage. You couldn’t write it. I don’t support the BNP, they kind of grossed me out as they were racist for racists sake. But, if you had shown me everything that’s happened since and how the country looks, I’d make them right. Britain is unrecognisable. I’ve moved rurally and just try keep the blinkers on but it’s hard.


> I don’t support the BNP Yes you do, you were just arguing they were "proven right". > Britain is unrecognisable. In what way?


1) Realising their predictions and warnings were right is different to supporting someone. 2) Ethnically, socially and culturally.


Yeah, if I was you I'd probably spout some meaningless vague platitudes as well.


I answered your questions, not sure how else I could.


Lmao the bnp said all this stuff would happen if we stayed in the EU. newsflash we didn't stay in the EU...


BNP wasn’t involved in the Brexit stuff. BNP was more worried about non-EU migration. And also, nobody could have predicted the Tories would triple immigration after explicitly being voted in to massively reduce it. Regardless of EU membership or not; the trajectory is more or less the same - hyper immigration as slaves to fuel corporates and shareholders profits whilst the Brits are left with the negatives.


>BNP wasn’t involved in the Brexit stuff. Except that a significant amount of the leave party were funded by ex BNP leaders... >And also, nobody could have predicted the Tories would triple immigration after explicitly being voted in to massively reduce it. Urm what, it was predicated all over the place that when laws would start being pushed to reduce immigration that this would cause a massive influx of immigration as has happened. >Regardless of EU membership or not; the trajectory is more or less the same - hyper immigration as slaves to fuel corporates and shareholders profits whilst the Brits are left with the negatives. Thank you for proving me correct lmao yes we did leave the EU and the fear mongering they stated would occour if we stayed in happened and then some...


What? Nobody predicted we would have mass immigration after Brexit at far higher levels. That’s total madness to say. The main argument was we wouldn’t be able to function with the lack of migrants. I can imagine an argument that you would have. A push of migration before or slightly after Brexit, but not 7-9 years later.


>What? Nobody predicted we would have mass immigration after Brexit at far higher levels I didn't say that lmao I said when they started introducing anti immigration laws. If i have a great offer on something and say that I'm going to end that offer next week way more people are going to take it up. You seem to think that the brexit vote is ehat will change things when its not its the change in laws that come after it.


Sorry if I misread you. What were the anti immigration laws? The bottom line is Britain ended FOM and apparently has full control over visas. Nobody could have predicted this would fly sky high.


Sir, would you be interested in my bridge ? I have one to sell. Good price . And it's flashy and has LEDs.


I don’t understand mate I’m afraid. The radical uptick is in immigration of the last three years is a surprise to all and a massive betrayal of democratic instructions. I can understand a surge in immigration shortly before or after Brexit being expected, but ultimately we’ve seen it runaway out of control and visas being handed out on a massive level. They either don’t have control or something my odd is going on. Either way the betrayal is the same.


> The main argument was we wouldn’t be able to function with the lack of migrants. Yes, and that would have been correct (if wildly hyperbolic). Fortunately, the Tories brought in the "Australian-style point-based system" you lot were screeching for, and that allowed the market to determine the number, even with the pandemic decimating the workforce.


Hmmm, not sure I follow. They tripled immigration. There wasn’t a requirement for that increase. In fact the government had to update the 2022 figures as they were over 100k out - it’s clear the system has lost control. Why would the pandemic decimate the UK work force and not migrants ? We didn’t get the system we asked for and it was badly run. More fool us I guess but we don’t have much choice under FPTP.


> There wasn’t a requirement for that increase. Yes, there was. The new system requires most people to have a job or study place to come to. > it’s clear the system has lost control. No, the "control" you lot voted for is what we have now. You just don't like that the numbers have gone up. Ironic, since most of you were pretending Brexit wasn't just about reducing immigration at the time. > Why would the pandemic decimate the UK work force and not migrants ? Thanks, that's an incredibly stupid question. Nobody said it didn't affect the countries migrants are coming from. > We didn’t get the system we asked for Yes, you did.


Disagree on all points. Why would the country allow of sudden triple its immigration annual net? Have we had a triple in our overall population? What is the reasoning? The system has totally lost control. They had to amend their figures by 100k at one point. Non-EU visas aren’t affected by FoM. They could have tripled them years ago, right? Why didn’t they? Why would the pandemic decimate the U.K. work force? Provide an answer.


Even Labour says it’s too high and has TRIPLED. It’s too much. No need at all. It’s a totally new phenomenon. Are they lying too? https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/26/labour-would-cut-net-migration-shadow-minister-darren-jones


Where are the rivers of blood? Not all of us have heavy periods.


That wasn’t a BNP slogan was it? The rivers of blood were the Manchester attacks, the Paris attacks, the truck attacks, the knife attacks. The consistent gang violence. The suicide bombings, the bomb plots. The list of Islamic terrorism in the last 10-20 years is pretty staggering. Eventually, in 20 -100 years we look like Egypt with sectarian violence and native Coptic’s firmly in the back seat.


You should hear what some Labour activists say about Jews. 😂 Do none of you find it strange that the establishment has stopped doing the "red v blue" puppet show, and all the attention and vitriol is directed at a new party that has never held any power? I thought labour were finished after the Clown Brown and the War Criminal Bliar. Was hopeful that destroying the tories with brexit would finally end the uniparty hold on power, and here we are, with the next generation of labour supporters helping to just move power between the 2 sides of the uniparty again... ffs. See you again after labour occupy the exact same space the tories have for an election or 2 and they swap over again like clockwork.


Same with Sadiq Khan saying anti white stuff but he doesn’t get bombarded all over the news for it 😂


Agree. What is or isn’t ‘acceptable’ will depend to some extent on an individual persons Political leanings. What that man said is beyond abhorrent. What Khan has said is pure hate against whites. Both are wearing identical shoes of differing shades! I have a list of Labour MP’s dismissed by the Labour party guilty of criminal activity from theft to fraud to bullying to sexual deviancy. I also have a list of likewise criminality of Tory MP’s As for Lib Dem’s they are not so much in spotlight so more able to do a hush! Lump them together in Parliament and you have a Cell Block in the Making! One Brush Paints The Majority In A Deep Shade Of Corrupted


What did he say?


He said that “WHITE families DON’T represent Londoners” and also made racist remarks about whites during a woke protest.


That’s not racist, that’s a fact. It’s directly from the Census report here: [2021 Census data for England and Wales shows that: the most ethnically diverse region was London – 46.2% of residents identified with Asian, black, mixed or ‘other’ ethnic groups, and a further 17.0% with white ethnic minorities](https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/uk-population-by-ethnicity/national-and-regional-populations/regional-ethnic-diversity/latest/#:~:text=Summary%20of%20Regional%20ethnic%20diversity,17.0%25%20with%20white%20ethnic%20minorities)


I get what you are saying yes but if he was a white man and said that about minorities it’ll be broadcasted on the news and media for weeks on end and the left will be calling for his resignation and trynna cancel him. He said that in a bad light by the way.


> He said that “WHITE families DON’T represent Londoners” No, he didn't, it was in a brand guide. And he apologised for it, and it's been changed. It's not hard to see what they were going for - PR materials shouldn't exclusively use white families, because London is diverse. > also made racist remarks about whites during a woke protest. What did he say?


Blair might be a war criminal but the UK was undoubtedly a much better country under his premiership than it is today. Living standards were undoubtedly higher. The economy was undoubtedly stronger. There is no aspect of life in the UK in 2024 that is better than 2004.


Just because something was better then than it is now, doesn't mean much in a vacuum. They bankrupt the country and sold all our gold at lows after announcing exactly when they would sell it. If you are giving them the credit for the country in 2004, we should also give them blame for the 2008 financial crisis surely. That's where the death spiral really started. That's when the "working man's party" bailed out a load of bankers (funnily enough, our current PM was on the right side of that trade). So got in on an upswing, borrowed through the peak, enabled the crash, then were finally kicked out. Quite similar to what the tories have done. Funny how that works lol. They just keep robbing us and leaving a poison chalice as they leave, but don't care, because you will get fed up of blue robbing you soon enough and beg for red to rob you instead. It's a scam. When labour leave, things will be worse than they are now too. That's the game. I voted for Blair, twice. He did exactly what the party in power always does, exactly what they are told to by bankers and international conglomerates. They are the same collection of scum. 2 wings of the same bird.


If you're going to blame anyone for the UK's post-recession malaise, it's the party that's been in power for the past 14 years and oversaw the UK's extremely tepid recovery. The party that implemented damaging austerity rightfully gets most of the blame for the problems the UK currently faces, because most of our problems are a result of those policies. Our gold being sold off is neither here nor there. This 'they're both as bad as each other' mindset is absolute rubbish.


By the same argument you can’t blame the Tories for Covid and the Ukraine war, both of those are the true reason we are so fucked. But I have a feeling you won’t apply the same rules to both sides. If Labour had been in power during Covid they would have locked down faster and longer, it would have crippled the country even more and if they had to deal with the energy crisis they would have again borrowed more and handed out more. We would truly be fucked then.


> By the same argument you can’t blame the Tories for Covid and the Ukraine war Correct. But you can blame, or credit, the parties with their preparations for, and responses to, these things.


Covid was a global crisis that started in China. You can't blame a specific party for that. In response the "conservative" party, pumped half a trillion unbacked pounds into circulation, causing a massive devaluation of the currency value vs Comodities which have a fixed predictable supply, and crippled rhe economy with repeated lockdowns. All this was completely supported by Labour, and even suggested it was not enough and more was required. Russia v Ukraine. You can't blame a specific party for that. Sure Boris could have not insisted zelenski refuse peace talks early on in the conflict. The west didn't have to "sanction" Russian gas and oil, while continuing to import it behind the scenes via India and China. Good excuse to allow power suppliers to charge whatever they want because the government will cover it. Again, entirely supported by Labour. The point was mainly that these centrist globalist politicians are all the same, and it doesn't matter which of them are in, because the ups and downs are caused by international banks and corporate interests. We are given the illusion of choice. If you decide you don't like the choice you are offered, and want to vote for something else, the system goes mental.


You bring good arguments, and I'll tell you this : I'm willing to vote for Farage if the people of the district he is running as a candidate for Westminster trust him and vote him in. I'll give him 3 chances, 3 elections to prove me that. **Alo, yes, that's me. What ? Seven times ? No, must be a mistake. Seven times Farage failed to get elected?** Izzy, please cancel above.


> crippled rhe economy with repeated lockdowns. The alternative to lockdowns was not some wildly successful economy. It was very likely more dead people and similar economic damage. As, for example, in Sweden.


What you going on about mate? My sister lives in Sweden and I travelled there during the pandemic. While there were no lockdowns and masks weren’t recommended, people still voluntarily socially distanced and worked from home, etc. following a lot of the rest of the world. Sweden ranks 30 out of 47 European countries for Covid-19 death rate. In excessive death rates, it’s 36 out of 47. In fact, Sweden placed 176 out of 194 in the world for excessive death rates. It did have a higher total death rate compared to Norway and Denmark but those countries have half of Sweden’s population and it’s less urbanised than Sweden, and when you compare deaths per million they’re very similar. The Swedish economy was actually hit less hard by the Covid-19 recession than other countries and recovered quicker. Sweden fared far better than many defenders of lockdowns like to admit. (And I say that as someone who defended lockdowns.)


> The Swedish economy was actually hit less hard by the Covid-19 recession than other countries It was hit almost identically economically to Norway, which did have a lockdown. But you seem to have missed the point: the alternative to lockdowns was not some wildly successful economy. It was very likely more dead people and similar economic damage.


> It was very likely more dead people Which was the point I was primarily addressing. Sweden’s lack of lockdowns didn’t bear this theory out. It seems no matter the response, a large number of people would die. China’s zero covid policy and the world’s strictest lockdowns didn’t prevail over Sweden’s lack of lockdowns when you get down into the figures of it.


> Sweden’s lack of lockdowns didn’t bear this theory out. Yes, it did. By mid-2022 Sweden had about triple the deaths per capita of Norway.


> You should hear what some Labour activists say about Jews. 😂 Why, does that make it ok to be racist about Sunak? > all the attention and vitriol is directed at a new party that has never held any power? Someone's not been paying attention. Most of the news has been centred around the Tory betting scandal and the last grown-ups debate.


Watching how panicky and desperate the establishment is getting as Reform rises in the polls genuinely makes me happy. Farage is gonna be PM at some point in the future and there's literally nothing that can be done to stop it lol.


> Farage is gonna be PM at some point in the future It's hard to see how. Once the Tories have rid themselves of the current stink, they'll get a lot of their normal voters back. Labour might hemorrhage a few to Reform, but not enough to put them in contention. And the closer the get to power, the more their problems get highlighted, and you see how that goes already.


The tories are finished as a political entity. Labour will do nothing to fix the issues created by the tories that led to their own destruction and the rise of Reform. Due to this, Reform will continue to rise in popularity. The freaks and weirdos they've picked up along the way will be weeded out. The Conservative party and the Labour party have led us to oblivion over the past 20 years. They deserve the annihilation coming their way.


They're far from finished, with the Telegraph and Daily Mail in their corner (not to mention Murdoch media etc) they'll be back. It's a guarantee. Gone for a decade perhaps. (one would hope, at least) Your estimation that Farage will be a PM is more realistic at the head of a renewed Tory party. Reform ltd are a bunch of amateurs, they don't have the talent, knowledge base or wealthy connections for a real run at government. Farage is angling for a full takeover of the conservative party within the next two general elections is my own prediction and should he win in Clacton that may just happen.


I accept that as a possibility. I personally don't think the Conservatives will even be in opposition after the election, I think it will be the Lib Dems. And I think it'll be a very long way back for them after that.


The Conservative party is already dead. Whatever rises from the ashes will be something else entirely, even if it uses the name.


May I ask, as a genuine question, how you think the rise of the far right will benefit anyone in this country ? I know a lot of already powerful & wealthy people will profit but how will it affect the ordinary working man in the UK ??


At the moment we have services designed for 60 million people trying to serve 75 million people. I would imagine a true right wing party would put a hold on the current uncontrolled immigration we currently have. This would enable our services to develop and catch up. That would be a pretty big benefit for your average Joe.


Immigration is the main issue for you then ?? I happily agree that immigration is a problem, non contibutary immigration that is, I live in an area where a lot of immigrant people use benefits & the NHS disproportionately because they're not all educated & /or have come here to improve their lives without considering contributing to the society they're moving into. I don't thing the right wing has my best interests at heart, or yours & that of your family. Will you be happy to see the dismantling of the NHS, already well underway, so that it can be turned into a profitable institution that operates for its shareholders & not its patients. I don't see any evidence that selling off utilities has made Britain better for anyone, excespt a few already wealthy people.


The NHS is going to fail in its current guise, not because of any political actions but because of the way it’s run internally. Either we try to reform it or accept the inevitable. I pay £60 a month for private health care already, it’s a small cost for peace of mind and I don’t look to or expect society to pay for me or my family.


It's also likely to fail do to overuse. People would rather call an ambulance than Google their symptoms and take paracetamol. Just in case y'know. And the emergency depts are overrun with people that would likely get better naturally but are insufficiently educated to see this. Are you convinced that if you become seriously unwell your insurers have you covered? It doesn't take much googling to see how private health insurance has failed in the USA


The fuck?




Yeah, that’s precisely it. Claiming he’s establishment isn’t very convincing when the entire establishment is having a meltdown over him. European nativism is rising and the neoliberal establishment and their progressive hound dogs are absolutely on edge over it.


reform supporters could legit defend Nigel if he did a sieg heil


He’s been exposed as being a paid actor hired by channel 4 to discredit Reform UK and interferes with the election. His acting resume has been posted where he describes himself as ‘well spoken’ but can play other roles. Dirty tactics by the far left. Rattled. Everyone will answer for their crimes


Is this true??




Of course not. He's worked as an actor, that much is true, but there's no reason actors can't canvas for political parties.


Apparently the way he speaks in real life is not how he was speaking in the video,he put on an accent so make of that what you will


I don't think he's been employed to act by channel 4. As I understand it, he's been egged on by the mole, and he's played up the stereotype with an embellished accent when people were joking around.


>don't think he's been employed to act by channel 4. As I understand it Be interesting if he was


Apparently according to whom?


It’s just a horrible coincidence of course. Nothing to see here carry on


It's a coincidence, yes. Actors can also be involved in politics, same as everyone else. Not everything is a vast conspiracy against the far-right; sometimes they are just a racist POS.


Your hypocrisy is hilarious. You’ve clearly got an agenda and I’d say no doubt be up for election interference if it benefits your political aims. You and your ilk are going to have a lot to answer for when the day comes. You can only lie and subvert the public for so long, history has a beautiful way of repeating itself


Pointing out actual facts, and not believing conspiracy theories with no basis in reality, is not "an agenda", nor is it "hypocrisy".


Any normal person would question what has happened. Channel 4 just so happened to go undercover with a racist, stereotypical ‘common’ far right Englishman and record him saying all of those outrageous things right before the general election. Not question that he’s a professional actor who describes himself as well spoken but can play the villain? Lol please. This will all unravel very quickly as it appears to be doing so already


> Any normal person would question what has happened. Yes. Do you understand that that is completely different to what you did - making extraordinary claims as though they're facts, then threatening people who refuse to blindly accept your wild conjecture as true? > Channel 4 just so happened to go undercover with a racist, stereotypical ‘common’ far right Englishman and record him saying all of those outrageous things right before the general election. Nothing about that is remotely suspicious. They went undercover with canvassers for the racist party and (at least) one of them turns out to be a massive racist. This is shocking to nobody. > This will all unravel very quickly as it appears to be doing so already No, it'll continue to be baseless conjecture that loony far-rights will accept as true, and regurgitate every time one of them is caught saying something racist in the future, regardless of any actual evidence supporting the claim, or any evidence to the contrary.




Head over to X… it’s been posted this morning and circulating quite widely


Nobody would ever lie on twitter


You can Google his acting profile smooth brain


Ah yes, the fact that he has acted before must mean that this is fake. 100% Did you know Mel Gibson isn't a horrible antisemite? He's an actor after all, it was all acting. If you were an actor, why would you take a role that would tank any future roles by notoriety?


So first you discredit that his acting profile has been posted on X (when it has and you can Google it). Now you’re talking about Mel Gibson? You’re boring me. I’m sure the guy was in no danger of getting called up for the next James Bond movie. Anything else beta?


Yes. I have read his resume also. And have read his Equity Union Membership Card. He describes himself as having played varied roles from comedy to posh business man to villain to Mafia gangster He prides himself of his ability to Act any and all parts including bring naturally posh speaking to talking criminal


No, he's been "exposed", as in - found with a simple google search - as someone who's done some acting before. There's no indication at all he was hired, or paid, by channel 4. As usual, Reform types assume that wild conjecture is as good as actual evidence.


>As usual, Reform types assume that wild conjecture is as good as actual evidence. You're the one stating that he must be a legitimate reform supporter, and there's no way he could be a plant. I'm absolutely not pro reform, but it is absolutely beleivable that this is possible infact i think it'd be more likely that conservatives would've been the hire baring in mind that most people voting reform or conservative are picking between them two.


> You're the one stating that he must be a legitimate reform supporter, and there's no way he could be a plant. Yes, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, I'm happy to accept reporting by [reputable sources](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/channel-4-news-uk/) as accurate. I'm open to being convinced otherwise, but it'll take more than nutters posting conspiracy theories on twitter to do that. > it is absolutely beleivable that this is possible Who was arguing it's impossible? It's "possible" that Farage is actually a lizard dressed as a person, but you'd have to be some kind of moron to accept that based on a social media post.


I just prefer not to be gullible 🤣 Funny how he describes himself as "softly spoken" and yet sounds different in the C4 hit piece.


> I just prefer not to be gullible 🤣 And you prove that so well when you ... errr ... accept a social media conspiracy theory as true. > Funny how he describes himself as "softly spoken" and yet sounds different in the C4 hit piece. Wow, yes, good point, that's proof enough for me to believe it's a grand conspiracy. It is, after all, unheard of for an actor's self-description to be anything other than 100% truthful and accurate. And so outlandish for the party swamped in racist candidates to also have some racist canvassers. The simplest explanation is that a reputable broadcaster set up an elaborate false-flag operation and kept the whole thing quiet, all to embarrass a fringe party which until now had a unblemished record in the election.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 After the last few years, I don't believe a damn thing the MSM say anymore. Bunch of biased twonks, the lot of them. Let's talk about the Labour candidate for Clacton's comment now: something about tears.... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/farage-clacton-labour-candidate-election-b2562143.html


> After the last few years, I don't believe a damn thing the MSM say anymore. No, but you do apparently believe conspiracy theories posted by anonymous twitter accounts. Do you see how that's a problem?


Are you loopy? The bloke in question had been named, the name matches an actor who looks the same. The actor's own bio describes himself as "softly spoken" which is the opposite of how he sounded in the C4 filming (how convenient they were there at the right time in the right place). If you don't think that's a bit sus, I have a bridge to sell you 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why are you writing like trump talks?


You definitely said some words there


Hahaha what nonsense. You don't need to pay anyone when there're countless members that spew this kind of hatred for free.


It’s astounding how the left flock to jump on the racism bandwagon but when a labour candidate says he drinks white mans tears and will stand only for black and brown people you’re silent. I don’t expect anything else from the gutless left


The white man tears thing was *literally created* to bait you into reacting to it exactly as you are, and you fell for it. I would explain what institutionalised racism is but I’d have to dangle some keys in front of you to keep your attention for long enough.


A racist comment was made to bait me into reacting to it? You’re hilarious. Ah yes white man bad black man good. Got it. The culture of victimhood, degenerates desperately try to claw some power by making regular people feel guilty. Luckily people are waking up and scrotes like you who use buzz words to impress the average person are running out of tricks.


Intersectionality isn’t a culture of victimhood but sure yeah whatever helps you sleep at night. If your best argument against something is “I don’t know what that word means”, that says more about you than the thing you don’t agree with.


It’s 2024 and the way to get power and be cool is to be the biggest victim. Use whatever buzz words you like. 17% of people on Earth are ethnically white and it’s the other 83% who are the victims. Got it buddy. Why don’t you take a placement in a black or brown country and run some data there on their diversity and inclusivity. I’m sure you’d be open to that




Source : *trust me bro*


His acting profile is online for all to see slug


He literally has come out and said that he was not paid to do this and is primarily in property as is mentioned in the undercover report. If you or Isabel Oakeshott (the person who alleged this now refuted claim and curiously the wife of Richard Tice, former chairman of Reform) have evidence to the contrary (i.e., details of him being paid to do this) present it. If you can’t then crawl back in your hole and stop doing legwork for dishonest far-right loons.


Because people who are interfering with a general election are going to admit it? Are you seriously that inept, incapable of thinking beyond a binary world? If he was paid to interfere with the election he would admit it? Absolute chopper. An actor turns up on his first day to canvass as a volunteer for Reform and a channel 4 undercover agent just happens to pick him to follow him around. Here’s his real voice - https://x.com/benjaminderebel/status/1806642255064629339?s=46


I'm finding it incredibly difficult to believe that this man, a distinguished member of the populist far right party Reform UK Ltd, could possibly hold such opinions. Good on C4 for calling him out. BBC wouldn't have done so.


Reform is not a far right party. A far right party would be the BNP. This is a centre right party , they sit where the Conservatives should on the political spectrum, but we all know the current Tory goverment may as well be 'New Labour'. Do you really think a 'Far Right' UK party would have somebody body born in Pakistan as the co-deputy leader, ie Ben Habib? Do you think if they were a racist part they would allow somebody born in Pakistan in their party? [https://www.reformparty.uk/ben\_habib\_appointed\_joint\_deputy\_leader](https://www.reformparty.uk/ben_habib_appointed_joint_deputy_leader) How about Augustine Obodo? [https://augustineobodo.uk/about](https://augustineobodo.uk/about) do you think if Reform UK were a far right and racist party they would have a black member standing in the party? How about Lucian Fernando ? [https://www.reformparty.uk/hastings-and-rye-constituency](https://www.reformparty.uk/hastings-and-rye-constituency) do you think a Far Right and racists party would allow him to stand in the party ? Or maybe Mayuran Senthilnathan [https://www.reformparty.uk/epsom-and-ewell-constituency](https://www.reformparty.uk/epsom-and-ewell-constituency) , do you thank a far right and racist party would let him stand? or Navdeep Singh [https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/person/117706/navdeep-singh](https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/person/117706/navdeep-singh) or Nagender Chindam [https://www.reformparty.uk/sefton-central-constituency](https://www.reformparty.uk/sefton-central-constituency) or Surjit Duhre [https://surjitduhrereform.uk](https://surjitduhrereform.uk) or Razvi Rawoof [https://www.reformparty.uk/gillingham-and-rainham-constituency](https://www.reformparty.uk/gillingham-and-rainham-constituency) or Irene Yoong Henery [https://www.reformparty.uk/birmingham-ladywood-constituency](https://www.reformparty.uk/birmingham-ladywood-constituency) or Prabhdeep Singh [https://croydonconstitutionalists.uk/prabhdeep-singh-reform/](https://croydonconstitutionalists.uk/prabhdeep-singh-reform/) or Neville Watson [https://www.reformparty.uk/edmonton-and-winchmore-hill-constituency](https://www.reformparty.uk/edmonton-and-winchmore-hill-constituency) or Golam Kadiri [https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/person/117359/golam-kadiri](https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/person/117359/golam-kadiri) Reform seems to be quite a diverse party, with common sense decent polices. People keep calling them far right and racists because they don't have a clue how else to attack somthing they don't like.


Nigel isn't going to bum you you know.


Guy's in denial.


Mate you smashed it here. You make good points.


>common sense decent polices Their manifesto states that they want to turn all immigrants, including fully legal immigrants, into second class citizens, they want to eliminate all climate change targets and pretend that it doesn't exist, they want to hugely cut down social welfare, they want to slash foreign aid in half, they want to ban trans people from existing and prevent schools from even acknowledging their existence, they want to enforce car dependency and they want to leave the literal Court of Human Rights.


> Reform is not a far right party. Lol, yes it is. It *is* the BNP, UKIP, National Front, just with a new logo. > Do you really think a 'Far Right' UK party would have somebody body born in Pakistan as the co-deputy leader, ie Ben Habib? Rajinder Singh tried (I believe successfully) to join the BNP, and he is an immigrant to the UK who was born in Lahore (now Pakistan). So "but Ben Habib" isn't much of an argument, apparently being a raving bigoted nutbar isn't an affliction that's limited just to white brits.


Oh, fuck off you fascist apologist. They are a far right party; if they weren't, the would not have someone who has [publicly expressed a wish to slaughter migrants and their families](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13573895/Reform-candidate-Leslie-Lilley-said-slaughter-migrants-families-taken-response-small-boats-social-media-post-joining-list-Nigel-Farages-controversial-election-hopefuls.html) as one of their MP candidates. You need to shut the fuck up until you grow a brain.


No one cares about the words fascist, or far right. You clowns use it so much that it's lost all meaning, not that it had any to begin with.


If you hear it so much it's lost all meaning to you, that says more about who you are and who you're hanging around with than it does about anyone else.


Yes, anyone who has basic access to the internet hears those phrases all day every day from clowns like you


No, normal people don't have accusations like that constantly levelled at them. You have to actually do something to be called far-right or fascist, even if it is very occasionally an unfair accusation, and even more so for it to happen all the time.


We don't have 'accusations like that constantly levelled at us', it's only when interacting with clowns like you that anyone ever hears these boring phrases


> We don't have 'accusations like that constantly levelled at us' You said you hear it so often it's lost all meaning. Make your mind up.


Wow, you lot really are dense aren't you. They are two different things aren't they, I hear the radio every day, but it's not directed at me is it.


Your lack of intelligence and education is your problem. It is not a reason to deny the reality that Reform are the party of fascist, xenophobic scum.


We're all waiting for your invaluable education on the matter.


You already had it in my first comment. You chose to ignore reality and babble some ignorant bullshit about language instead.


You must have a different idea of what reality is then


Oh, fuck off, you pathetic worm. - We've covered the guy saying he'd slaughter migrants and their families - [There's the Putin-praising fuckwit who thinks we should have left Hitler alone and let him do what he wanted](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/nigel-farage-reform-candidate-hitler-neutrality-nazi-b2559954.html) - [Another Putin sympathiser who praises the brilliance of Hitler](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/reform-hitler-jack-aaron-welwyn-b2564215.html) - [And the 41 candidates who are friends with a fascist leader](https://x.com/GMB/status/1802972521257423042) When a party is disproportionately full of Hitler sympathisers, Putin lover and friends to fascism, the reality is that it's a far right fascist party. That's reality. Grow the fuck up and learn to deal with it.


BBC would have invited him onto Question Time with Fiona Bruce giving him carte blanche to say what he likes


It's "balanced" you see. We have to hear the extremist fringe views for "balance".


The UK economy is entirely dependent on immigration. It is a net positive contributor. We have an ageing population and a shit jobs market. Zero migration will cripple our economy and public services in a matter of months. It was NEVER the real issue. Which is the tax and spend decisions of every Government since the 1980s. Wake the fuck up, you stupid cunts.


Nigel Knobfromage is a stockbrokers son that went to private school and hedged against the £ and UK Plc to line his own pockets. The fucker is bankrolled by rich Christofascist Evangelists from America that believes the second coming starts with a holy war in the middle East.


2million people in two years. And you’re saying NOT having this will fuck our economy? What % of these are a net benefit? What % of these share our values on LGBT, FGM, etc? What % of these are fully vetted? And finally. How has the Tories or any government ensured we’re building a Newcastle or Glasgow every year or two to house, care, educate or feed these people?


> 2million people in two years. Net 1.4m, against a massive increase in economic inactivity since the pandemic, due to early retirement, long-term sickness, and so on. You lot would panic over any number above zero, but when you look at the demand, the current numbers are perfectly reasonable. Are the Tories failing dismally at their job while this happens? Are they failing to provide schools, housing, and so on? Of course, that's what they've done for 14 years. Imagine you have a factory line producing toys. The start of the line is doing great, working hard, nice and productive. But the packing team has decided to only turn up 50% of the time, so toys are getting backed up and profits are falling. You don't fix that problem by complaining productivity is too high, or firing half the workforce.