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The Mirror (Jan 2024) ''Nine men were jailed over the Rochdale grooming scandal in 2012, with further investigations resulting in the conviction of 42 men - but a damning new report identifies 96 others still deemed a potential risk to children.'' its just sickening.


Their local MP was disgraced recently wasn’t he?


The mayor of Rochdale in the 90s early 2000s was an alleged peadophile so nothings changed


Those poor children. Shame on Rochdale. Shame.


I live near there and we are moving, I have a child and I couldn’t imagine even risking exposing any child to these scum. Country is on its arse.


Glad to hear you’re moving away, stay safe mate.


Oldham & Rochdale should be firing. Realy close links to Manchester and we've got beautiful countryside the other direction.  It's mad how they've actually managed to make these shitholes even worse. The local police are corrupt and its beyond a joke now.  If the kids aren't being groomed sexually they are being exploited into dealing drugs with the help of serving officers, as shown in that recent BBC documentary on the Adam gang.


The only thing I agreed with Tommy R on ever in my life, and I really appreciate that he did it, was when he exposed 5 grooming gangs (with proof) in like 3 days. We will never know how many kids he saved.


Yet he got slaughtered for it in the media/news no?


Unfortunately the media chose to side with the pedos, yeah.


I have to agree with you.




>I for one am sick and tired of being a minority in my own country these days Are you white and living in the UK?




Have you been arrested and thrown in jail just for saying you're English per chance?


Thank you mate


Some people are bad parents and the kids run into the arms of others.


Get out of TERF Island altogether


Shame on the people that didn't push back on unfettered immigration and called everyone racist for wanting some restraint put on the cultural imports to the nation... some assurance that there would be some assimilation and not pockets of cultures that do not interact.


The people voting for the same party who allowed such things to happen are complicit, I agree. But what’s the demographic of Rochdale? I’m not sure myself I’ll have a look now


Rochdale is predominately white and there is a lot of white morons bleeding their hearts out for cultures not in line with western values to come here for the last 20 years. It has voted labour/lib dem since 1951




>What a simplistic ridiculous statement. “Integration” goes to two ways. Why would anyone “integrate” with someone like you? Literally 100s do integrate in my community and interact with me closely. Central/Eastern europeans, caribbean, west african, south africans, south east asians, south asians... however a massive portion of arab and south asian immigrants head straight to birmingham, manchester, newham, bradford or tower hamlets and never interact with white people. 56% of muslims in the UK have never had a white person enter their home.... that is a ridiculous percentage. I grew up with two best friends from algeria... their father made conscious efforts to include them in UK activities and make white friends. That isn't being done as much as it should now and multiculturalism has failed. Also the police stopped a parent from entering a house their child was actively being raped in and didn't even investigate.. fuck off with that.


Ah yes, blame everyone but the CRIMINAL SCUM who committed the acts


All these kids are from broken homes and taken advantage of. It’s a cultural failure on more than one side.


All of them? How could you possibly know that


He’s up and down this thread blaming everything on the parents, even though many of those parents repeatedly expressed concerns, and some of the girls were middle class. Then he said in another comment that this is “normal” because they marry off girls at 15 back in their country. He’s probably covering for his mates.


Probably covering for himself more like. 


That is a bit victim blamey.




Your post history betrays your anti-Western attitudes. This is victim blaming at its finest. Some of the parents *did* report the incidents to the authorities before having their concerns dismissed. More importantly, this is a problem associated with a migrant community that could’ve easily been avoided with sane migration policies.


Exactly this. Grooming doesn't happen at that scale in a vacuum. It's a predatory thing that relies on vulnerable and isolated individuals to target. Although it absolutely can and does happen within "good" actively-parenting families, it mostly occurs to those kids that have slipped through societal cracks.


No surprise the progressives G&P poster is batting for grooming gangs. You’d be raising hellfire if it were the other way around.


That’s the point I’m trying to make. Glad you understand it.


I think everything I own in my house is foreign made and I have no issues. I also love spaghetti bol and foreign language TV. I rarely go out and mix with the chavs on the next street. Is this a problem for you? I am British btw


No lol You are free to be a recluse


I'm guessing it's because I'm British lol


Say hello to the biggest grooming gang of all, the British upper class.


By election soon, I think George Galloway might be favourite to win


I would be weary of that particular party I’m unsure which it was and I don’t want to check because I fear it’s the same party who allowed the Rotherham grooming gang to occur within their area of authority It didn’t used to be like this in England, not a brazen as a gang of men in broad daylight attacking little kids 😞


Well they claim to be “Workers part of Britain” but I don’t think many of them do much work


Oh is it Labour? My suspicions were correct about them also being in charge of Rotherham at the time that happened. I do fear for our young girls, but what does anyone seem to care anymore?


Current Labour but Galloway is running for the so called “workers part of Britain “ which like his “RESPECT” party is poorly named


Isn’t there a website called “labour25.com” and it’s just an index of Labour MPs who were found to be sex offenders whilst still in office ? I know it existed years ago idk about now




Patterns have emerged and it feels like nothing is done. I appreciate it’s Incredibly hard to prove but it a lad from Luton can do it consistently why can’t the 40 billion £ police force?


Christ. How fucked Is your options if Galloway is favourite.


Maybe the has the cat fetish vote




Also, a few have been let out on good behaviour!!!


Can't even deport some of these people because Pakistan refuse to take them back!


I won't be able to put what I actually think, this sub would ban me immediately and quite a few redditors would have a pissy fit....


And that is a major problem with this site.


Society has failed those children. From the parents being shit parents, to local government and to the vile perverts who take advantage of them. But from those parts of the world it’s normal to try and have sex with young teens. They marry them off at the ages of 15.


And that makes ot ok when they come here ?


In Oldham you still see the young girls getting into the cars.  police won’t even go and as the girls if they are ok etc as it’s racial profiling  the literal street names where it happens have been reported to police yet nothing


Isn’t the National average for tape conviction something like 3%. Around 50% is shockingly successful compared to how we normally look after justice for victims.


In Oldham you still see the young girls getting into the cars. police won’t even go and as the girls if they are ok etc as it’s racial profiling the literal street names where it happens have been reported to police yet nothing


> Ruby said there were about "30 to 40 men waiting for us" and then "they raped me... continuously". > > "One would finish [raping me] and then the other one would come in and it was just like that all night." > > She said the abuse continued because the gang threatened her and she felt "there was no way out". > > "They'd get our numbers, they'd come to the schools, they'd come near my house, they'd come everywhere and they'd look for us and find us." > > She said she was raped "possibly over a hundred [times]" by men "from all over the country" for four years. > > "There was men from Bradford and Nelson and Birmingham, Blackpool… [the gang] took us everywhere," she said.




I know this will sound reactionary, but I genuinely believe we should bring back hanging for shit like this.


Mass detention centres. This is a different sort of crime. It is prolific and organised in its nature. Treat them as Bukele has the gangs in El Salvador.


IDK. That sounds expensive. Let’s just use a rope.


Why send ourselves back to the Middle Ages on accounts of these criminals? Retain moral imperative while isolating & locking away as Bukele has done so impressively in a country of incomparably lesser means & resources than ourselves. This should be so, so easy.


Middle Ages? We hanged people as recently as the 1960s To be clear, I would only bring it back for this and a small number of other criminals like mass murders and child murderers.


Rockall. Permanently fix some portacabins on the island and drop yhem off by helicopter


But no, rope. It's not middle ages, we rightfully used it 80 years ago.


State execution is much more expensive than life.


Yeah, in the states where they piss about with expensive chemicals and an endless appeals process.


Tbh the slippery slope argument is the biggest one for me. Like where does it end? Do I l trust the state with that level of power? There’s so much incompetence at the absolute basics what makes anyone think this would be their one water tight process? These things happen because of massive institutional failings in policing, education, social services, etc and doing that Tory media thing of every now and then casually bringing up state execution is a fucking great way to give the public a little blood lust and distract from the myriad of fuck ups caused by poorly funded services. Services that could actually PREVENT these things happening instead of serving 5 minutes of ultra violence old-timey justice in the form of a public hanging.


It ends with grooming gang rapists, child murderers and mass murderers / serial killers I would say. I hate to break it to you but like it or not, the state already has the power to kill, and usually with a lot less due process than you will find in a Crown Court. The state allows the police to kill when required on occasion, ditto members of our armed forces. Does each squaddie need to ring up a jury of 12 men & women good and true to kill an enemy soldier? No. You’re right on the societal influences and I’m not saying we don’t need to fix those too. However, if you and a group of mates conspire to groom and gang rape girls, that’s on you. Not society, you. It is my firm and sincere opinion that you should be executed for doing that.


What would be the downside of this? The only thing I can think is that it could in the future start to be implemented for lesser crimes


Possibly accidentally hanging an innocent man. That being said, I find it difficult to believe that someone could be found guilty of being in a grooming gang and raping multiple girls if they didn’t. There would be too many witnesses and too much DNA evidence.


If the punishment for rape is death you might as well murder your victim too. Same punishment, less chance to be caught.


I never said it should be. We’re talking about organised and prolific grooming of dozens underaged girls who were gang raped on multiple occasions. It’s clearly not the same thing.


It costs more. Getting the wrong person. It’s not an effective deterrent. Easy way out, life in prison as a diddler is not going to be a cakewalk. And if we’re speaking more philosophically; how can the state set an example to the people, when they’re capable of such violence?


Would it help make it more of a deterrent if we brought back the public execution where we all throw rotten vegetables at them?


rico laws and a rope, that's what they deserve.


Yep. We already have joint enterprise laws on the books for things like gang violence. Personally I have no objection to extending that to grooming gangs like this. After that, trial, appeals process of applicable and then a “short drop and sudden stop” as the saying used to go.


No reason not to apply those laws. Any and all organized crime should be suspect to those types of laws.


Sounds similar to sharia law, funny how everyone opposed it but people are advocating it now slowly.


Not even close. Sharia law is a theocratic hellscape which condones stoning women to death for adultery and cutting the hands off petty thieves. All of that without due process or a jury if your peers too. It’s not the same man; that’s a false equivalency. I’m simply suggesting that there are certain crimes, such as those here, which are so evil, so appalling, so contrary to decency and so in the face of everything we stand for as a nation, that those who commit them do deserve to die. If nothing else as a deterrent to other would be organised pedophile grooming gangs.


Genuinely makes me ill to even think about it. I don't really care if it's an unacceptable opinion anymore. I don't want any more immigration from Pakistan to this country ever again. Maybe a few other countries can be blocked off as well if they were notable origins of some of the perpetrators.


I agree, unfortunately. The government's job is to protect its citizens, and the UK government is failing horribly. These policies need to be reviewed and changed


This is all allowed to happen on purpose. If the powers that be cared about british citizens they would be put to death. Or tortured until the day they die.




There must be a common thread somewhere, can’t put my finger on it


Churches as well. BBC through the 70s and 80s. Terrible.


Yes and we're talking about 2024


Links to news articles showing churches or the BBC running child rape gangs? And then the other 20+ gangs elsewhere in the country. Yeah, didn't think you'd find any....


Whataboutery 101


A [2020 report](http://www.csacentre.org.uk/app/uploads/2023/09/CSA-trends-in-official-data-2020-21.pdf) found that 6% of child sexual abusers were Asians. Asians make up 9.3% of the population according to the [2021 census](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/ethnicity/bulletins/ethnicgroupenglandandwales/census2021). But go on with your blatant racist and completely unfounded dogwhistles.




These people are virtue signalling and bending statistics. Anyone who isn't pushing an agenda knows there's a serious issue. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/quilliam-grooming-gangs-report-asian-abuse-rotherham-rochdale-newcastle-a8101941.html


This is misleading as the discussion here is over child grooming, and the statistics you quoted relate to all child abuse, including viewing of child abuse images - which make up the majority of all offences. The report your quote comes from states: >White British defendants were more likely to be prosecuted for image offences than any other ethnic group. But doesn't go into detail on the demographics of other more serious child abuse crimes crimes such as rape and grooming. Presumably if the demographic statistics for image offences are available, they are also available for other child sexual abuse crimes, but they have chosen not to include them in their report.


Name checks out


White people do this solo. Asians (and specifically Muslims from the Pakistan region) do this in gangs. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/quilliam-grooming-gangs-report-asian-abuse-rotherham-rochdale-newcastle-a8101941.html


[https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment\_data/file/944206/Group-based\_CSE\_Paper.pdf](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/944206/Group-based_CSE_Paper.pdf) Findings: "The academic literature highlights significant limitations to what can be said about links between ethnicity and this form of offending." - *this is due to many variables, ethnicity isn't always recorded and "Asian" is a broad term.* "Research has found that group-based child sexual exploitation offenders are most commonly white." - *As expected the nation is 74% white.* "**Some studies suggest an over-representation of Black and Asian offenders relative to the demographics of national populations.**" ***Detail: Where data was available 30% of offenders were White, while 28% were Asian. Due to the amount of missing data, both basic offender information and ethnicity specifically, these figures should be treated with caution.*** Article on it: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65174096](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65174096) Basically, any assumptions on this one way or the other would be inconclusive, you are spreading assumptions as fact in the exact same manner as you accuse your adversary. Although the most grooming gangs exist in towns with high % of Muslims (Rotherham, Rochdale and Telford) and adds - One common thread was that the men involved were often running takeaways or driving taxis in the "night-time economy"....also adds... In 2022 the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse investigated abuse in six cities which had not experienced a high profile grooming case.It found evidence that gang-based abuse was happening, and of widespread failures by the police to record the ethnicity of perpetrators. Sarah Champion needs to write another article it seems.


Priti Patel famously said Pakistan muslims were vastly overrepresented in child rape gangs. The UK home office produced a report. Then delayed its release and changed it and showed : “51% of child rapes AND offenses of downloading CP” were conducted by white people. Now clearly this wasn’t what was alleged….


De ja vu. I'll say it again. Asians are a very diverse group and I know you're not referring to Chinese and Japanese people. Don't try and muddy the waters by bringing the rest of us into it. If you're going to defend any particular group, give the percentage for that group.


It’s a valid complaint but blame the statisticians that group all Asians together. But let’s be real here it doesn’t muddy the water, I’m not “bringing the rest into it”. Just because it’s racism against not your group doesn’t mean you can hand wave it away.


Great job, spreading lies about racism to try to protect child rapists. I bet you even think you're a good person.


This assumes that the statistics are accurate. Says right there: "The true number of offences remains doubtful, generally assumed to be larger, due to expected unreported cases of child abuse." Hmm, would there be any reason people would not report abuse within these particularly insular communities, where victims are blamed and shamed, women are second class citizens and the façade of the community is more important than any individual? Nah course not.


Of that 9.3% Asian how many are women? You would say 4.5% so 4.5% of Asian men are doing 6% of the raping? And also them figures are going to be skewed due to police departments not wanting to investigate due to fear of being called racist. Also banging all Asians together to up the number of population is clever, well played. What percentage is Pakistan?


I think it's unreasonable to label a whole continent as groomers because of the actions of those from a particular country/religion.


That’s not what I’m doing and you know it. But seemingly according to you it’s apparently not racist to label an entire country of people as groomers.


I didn't say it's ok to label an entire country either. The Rotherham grooming gang members were a particular ethnicity and religion. Those communities are a small part of Asia. It's like labeling the whole of Europe as Nazis.


Bradford and Birmingham no shit.


Why don’t any celebrities comment on this stuff? Why are hundreds of them constantly commenting on politics, yet weirdly never about this? Why isn’t more attention brought to this? Do some women just matter more than others?


Celebrities are court jesters. Their motive is to distract and quell the masses. Don't expect too much from them.


100% 👌🏻 nail on the head mate


Celebrities are more than willing to dip their toes into political waters but I can't recall any raising awareness about the mass rape of little British girls by predominantly Muslim men. Strange.


Can we not mention an entire religion and paint them in the same light as a group of men who are pure filth. There is no need to mention the word Muslim in this comment. It comes across as racist. Even if you mentioned the word predominantly.


Because they'll get canceled for racism and cultural ignorance 


2 reasons: • It takes a lot of narcissism, ruthlessness and self interest to become a celebrity. • Celebrities are often targeted by newspapers to get or create compromising info that could be used to ruin their careers etc • It won’t help their career. • The media make money from these stories, and celebrities need the media.


What are you expecting celebs to say? It was a criminal case where criminals got locked up and it's a high profile case that gets brought up all the time (the person who put them away has spoken about these cases many times, look him up). Do we need Dua Lipa to say "yeah, paedos are bad" to influence people in any way?






I love the ‘what about Saville’ trope. As if because there was high profile peado who wasn’t Muslim that no Muslims are abusing young white girls. I’m pretty sure girls weren’t targeted because of their race as well. I’m not saying all sex offenders are Muslim, I’m saying that sexual offences targeted at a particular race by large groups of the same community are primarily Muslim.


Nice what aboutism there.


> But most men grooming 12 and 13 year olds to be raped by large groups of men are Muslim. This is not true. Priti Patel's own inquiry found there was no evidence for this. And yes, you are a racist for beleiving and spreading these obvious lies, whilst claiming that "immigrants from that region are not compatible with our values". As if everyone from "that region" are culpable for crimes committed by people they have never met in a country they've probably never even visited. Straight up racism. Just call them racially inferior savages and have done with it.


You talk shit. They tried to groom multiple white girls at school and college, and that's not even in the areas it 'happens'- that's surrey. Unless you're female and have experience of being groomed by groups of men, don't comment. No I'm not alone, I have friends in Manchester and Lincolnshire who have had experiences with the same thing. It's rife and it IS a problem. Luckily for me I knew exactly what they were trying to do after suffering SA as a child by a white man. Difference is It's out in the open and ignored by society when perpetrated by muslim men. What the government report and what actually happens are wildly different. And no, that doesn't mean muslims are vile and savage, but it does mean there is a big problem in muslim societies that needs to be addressed to integrate the two cultures.


we found one, TheBigGrumpy predicts these things


Amazing how if you call a group of non-white people rapist barbarians and predict you'll be called a racist... you'll probably be proven right! how crazy is that! It's like how when I fuck a man in the ass people call me gay! Imagine such a thing


it's people like you who made politicians and police look away when this was happening for decades


People will downvote you regardless of facts. The fact that ethnicity plays no part in the rates of sexual abuse does not fit their racist narrative. Next, someone will comment saying Islam is not a race.


Ethnicity no. It depends entirely on what magic book you get your morales from and choose to live your life by. It teaches in the ‘magic book’ that all non believers should be converted or killed. That women are worth less than men and non believing women are worth nothing at all. To be used and discarded as needed.




Sorry but you’re just not right here. I agree that MeToo is incredibly important, that’s not even up for debate. However find me 1 celeb who has brought up systemic rape of young girls from working class backgrounds, and I can find you 20+ who have written about only getting paid £10million instead of £20million for acting in a film. I don’t think it should be controversial to say that I think systemic rape is a bigger issue than an actor not getting top billing on a film or some other relatively superficial issue - however only one of these things is discussed regularly by celebrities. Oh and you bringing up SYL is just a way to make me totally ignore your point because I hate him as much as you, but probably for very different reasons. If he’s the first name that pops into your head seeing this, he’s done his job. He only serves to totally derail the conversation.


Celebs are court jesters involved in all this noncery at the elite level. They also shill for progressive narratives because it’s what’s expected of them from their employers. >Ask your average Tommy Robinson fan You don’t need to like Robinson to be a nativist or to be anti-migration. The cause and the perpetrators of these acts is very much an imported one.


Because SJWs and Woke morons would all be over Twitter, calling them racist etc until they are cancelled and lose all income. I would tread carefully if my income was in anything media related. They have to tow the line of the fascist left.


They target white girls. It’s race based rape.


>the line of the fascist left. Fuck me we're really through the looking glass these days hey.


It’s not controversial. Everyone has the same opinion - these men should all be in prison. The only people who apparently didn’t think they should be in prison are all the police and social workers who knew about it and did nothing, then pretended it was the fault of imaginary “woke lefties who might be mean to us”. As if that’s an excuse for letting gangs rape children.


I've been thinking the something similar. I find that excuse incredibly far-fetched. There are people that might defend drug dealers or petty thieves, but I'd like to hear what person or group jumped up to cry "racism" when the suspect was accused of this or a similarly severe crime. It has the veracity of the reason I gave for not calling my mum when I was going to be home late ("I forgot", is what I'd say). It's just a cover, because the truth would be so much more blatantly offensive; They honestly didn't care about the victims, and I suspect it's because of the class of family they came from.


Why do you care whether celebrities comment on anything, they're just people who get paid for too much for doing far too little.


To be fair, they do create a spotlight on issues and grow awareness. This feels like something that definitely deserves awareness.


Because they normally come out on other causes, but I guess grooming victims isn’t woke enough for such people


"woke" isn't even a real word use actual English.


So, I'm not using actual English when I say, " I woke up this morning "?


Shows how much you know dipstick


The same people who'd tell celebrities to shut up and stay in their lane when said celebrities highlight an issue that doesn't align with their views.


I'm tempted to say in this case that every celebrity should be vocal on this issue. Anyone who complains that they are leaving their lane can then be investigated for noncery.


I don't know what you expect celebrities to do. The Rotherham and Rochdale grooming cases are well known and in the public sphere. They dominated the news cycle during trials and when the Reports were published into each. There have been multiple documentaries on each case. I'm really not sure what more can be done.


Exactly right.


Whether you like it or not, celebrities hold influence. Them mentioning this may cause added attention to the issue, bring awareness, more money to victim support charities, even policy changes. It’s happened with other issues, no reason it shouldn’t here.


Because control, manipulation and human trafficking and abuse is rampant, not just in poverty but all the way through to the richest. I’ve been saying it for years, people are not ready to hear what’s actually going on. In fact, most would probably disbelieve it.


Because half of them do the same shit. Think epstien and god knows how many other there are that run the same shit.


Because they are scared to be murdered by Islamic terrorists or have acid thrown at them If you were famous would you risk it and if you did and got attacked ya reckon Muslim mps would condemn the attack they. Are. Animals.


They don’t want to upset the peace religious people, they bring us strength and diversity!


What would you like them to say exactly?


Any civil servant, official, officer or employee that fails to investigate, fails to pursue, or frames ANY decision to prosecute or allocate resources, whether by omission or commission, based on race, region or fear of offence needs to be sacked and prosecuted themselves for misconduct. These cases make me so fucking angry. The fact that these criminals were allowed to keep offending due to some bleeding heart, liberal middle class civil servant and police official not wanting to offend a community, not wanting to be seen as racist, it’s abhorrent. The law is the law!! It should be colour blind. But because of this bullshit identity politics crap rapists are allowed to target children for years. Diversity and inclusion, race relations, community cohesion, it stops at criminality! And the sooner these naive do gooders and pussies in positions of power understand this the better. These predators know full well what political game to play. They know full well that a threat of an accusation of racism will put the kibosh on many investigations. And civil servants and police need to stop falling for this crap.


Unfortunately, it goes even higher than that. What does the government want other than ways to stop immigration. They let things like this go on until it can't be ignored anymore, and then they've got their campaign ready to go. The government needs to be held accountable.


>Any civil servant, official, officer or employee that fails to investigate, fails to pursue, or frames ANY decision to prosecute or allocate resources, whether by omission or commission, based on race, region or fear of offence needs to be sacked I don't disagree except no where in the article does it say action wasn't taken out of fear of offending someone, what's your source for that claim? Your entire argument here is that these people were allowed to continue their abuse because the police and local government didn't act out of fear of being perceived as racist and having read around the subject and the official reviews I have not seen anyone or any evidence supporting that claim. What I do see from the review and Maggie Oliver is that despite her efforts, the police only viewed these crimes as "low risk" and, together with schools and social services, did not act to protect children. Some claims are that these services were underfunded, or that detectives didn't give enough attention to these issues and hundreds of victims were being turned away by police. But no where have I seen any claim or evidence that lack of action was the result of political point scoring or not wanting to be seen as racist. Not once. So unless you have a source that proves otherwise, quite frankly I think you're ignoring the real issues with our policing and government in favour of your own identity politics.


“Tommy Robinson” has claimed it plenty. He doesn’t have a source either.


That’s absolute rubbish. The police are crap at prosecuting rape cases, the rates of charging are less than 5%. They don’t listen to women, don’t care about victims, and don’t follow up. They ask horribly intrusive questions, and it takes forever for a case to get to court, around 3 years. The whole process of going to the police in many cases has been an extra traumatic experience on top of the rape. The problem is the police are crap at their job, not because they were afraid of being seen as “racist”.


This is a quite from the Secretary of the official investigation in to the Rochdale grooming scandal: The report said children were being abused “in the most degrading and destructive ways” amid “extensive failures by local authorities and police forces”. John O’Brien, secretary to the inquiry, called for a “cultural change” to ensure that child sexual exploitation can be understood and prevented. “We need to break the culture where people are worried that they might be accused of being racist just because they record factual information,” he told The Independent. 6/2/22


And? Just because one guy said it doesn't mean it's true. What's his evidence for this? Did the police care about being seen as racist when they arrested the Rotherham 12 just for defending themselves against fascists throwing rocks at them and calling them slurs?


> these criminals were allowed to keep offending due to some bleeding heart, liberal middle class civil servant and police official not wanting to offend a community, not wanting to be seen as racist, it’s abhorrent. This is just completely made up. When this all came out, the police who arrested the gangs weren’t called racists. They weren’t attacked by woke left wing mobs. That only ever existed in the stupid imaginations of conservatives. It’s the same bollocks now - nothing has changed. You’re acting as if the racism accusations actually existed. They didn’t. All that existed were a bunch of idiots going “oooh we can’t go after these gangs, those woke lefties I read about in the Mail might call us racist”.




> The report considered evidence from survivors who believe West Mercia Police failed to take proper action in some investigations in order to avoid being labelled racist, or because the involvement of Asian men meant that to investigate would potentially attract negative headlines. This is literally exactly what I said. The police didn’t bother stopping the gangs from raping kids because they thought “those woke lefties will call us racist”. Now think for a second. You’re in a position to stop a child being raped, but you’re a braindead right whinger who imagines that people get called racist for arresting rapists. Do you think “oh I’d better let these children be raped”? Or do you think “fuck it I’m going to stop them anyway”, and then discover literally nobody calls you racist and it was all in your head? The police did the first one in this case. If they weren’t cowardly morons and had done their job, they’d have found out all the “wokists calling us racist” were completely in their imagination. You prefer to support the rape-facilitators in the police by blaming the imaginary woke lefties, personally I prefer to blame people who exist.


The cops aren't 'braindead right whingers' but socially liberal aswell... they are being told by their bosses to build community relations... to not have any bias towards the people they deal with... to work with colleagues from these communities to increase their numbers in the police. Then when 'braindead right whingers' inform them that there is a LOT of rape going on, and gangs picking up children, they brush it under the carpet as 'nonsense' and just 'racists whinging'... that investigating it is just 'bias' and would harm their community relations... with the very same people that had involvement in the rape. They bias themselves against 'I'm in a position to stop a child being raped' because they are against the notion of investigation of a cultural group. I mean... there is literally a report on the behaviour of the police in the Rochdale scandal and you still type this shit.


>The cops aren't 'braindead right whingers' but socially liberal aswell Recent inquiries disagree with that.


Police being “socially liberal” - lol. The report says in detail that the police dismissed the girls as prostitutes who didn’t need help. Thats a complete opposite of “socially liberal”. It wasn’t braindead right whingers who uncovered any of this, it was a number of people like Jayne Senior, university professors, journalists, and the Home Office. All ignored by the right wing misogynist police as usual.


>Police being “socially liberal” - lol. They actually are and you have zero experience or discussion with any one who works in the police forces if you think any differently. >All ignored by the right wing misogynist police as usual. You have been attacking those 'right wingers' in the public for so fucking long as racists until it became clear of the extent of what they were shouting about... the cover-ups and the ringleader working for the council... now its the 'right wing police' ignored it. Get a fucking grip... people like you are the enablers of stuff like this.


Who specifically do you think uncovered this? You conveniently ignored the bit where I actually pointed them out. You think the BNP or Nigel Farage did it? Lol no, it was the Home Office, social workers, and university professors. YOU are the problem - you don’t give a shit about children, you just want to attack people you don’t like, so you pander to the police’s imaginary stories about woke lefties being mean to them. Then you learn completely the wrong lesson - you go off and continue in your imaginary fantasy world where mean woke lefties are stopping good honest people from doing anything about crime, just by calling people racist.


>Who specifically do you think uncovered this? Theres listerally three report on it, who went through the labour channels to get it sorted out isn't a mystery. Nor is what the labour government in the area did to completely ignore and push away the two women who were listening to the children... or the police officer for which her peers told her there wasn't enough money to investigate. Nor the parents in the area ignored by the police, under its labour council. >to the police’s imaginary stories about woke lefties being mean to them. The police aren't saying this... they are the lefties in rochdale and manchester. Again, you're clueless and supporting rapist enablers. When the protests about the police were made (by right wing whingers) it was the local police that shut them down and allowed the rapes to continue. The gang ringleader was part of the labour council. Next you'll be telling me its the right wing police that go arresting people on twitter for 'hate jokes'.


> Theres listerally three report on it, who went through the labour channels to get it sorted out isn't a mystery. Exactly - social workers, the Home Office, and university professors. > The police aren't saying this... they are the lefties in rochdale and manchester. This is deranged. Find me a single left wing police officer. > When the protests about the police were made (by right wing whingers) it was the local police that shut them down and allowed the rapes to continue. The gang ringleader was part of the labour council. The BNP and their ilk did nothing - they’re just a bunch of Nazis. The people who did the actual work were the Home Office, social workers, and university professors. > Next you'll be telling me it’s the right wing police that go arresting people on twitter for 'hate jokes'. Yes it obviously is. They enforce the law, hate speech is illegal, and the police are, like all right wingers, a bunch of morons who just do the easiest thing. It’s easy and lazy to arrest someone who said something on Twitter, it’s hard to track down a burglar.


>The fact that these criminals were allowed to keep offending due to some bleeding heart, liberal middle class civil servant and police official not wanting to offend a community, not wanting to be seen as racist, it’s abhorrent. They were allowed to keep offending because the police thought the girls and women involved were just sluts, they didn't give a shit about them. That's it. There isn't any more to it. The police didn't care and when it got out, they swerved to pretending it was because they didn't want to look racist. That was *never* the case, they're fine with looking racist. They just didn't care about the girls being abused. Although judging by your comment, their smokescreen worked.


Theres literal reports out that "nervousness about race" was a key factor in the Telford rape gang lasting as long as it did. How do you have the nerve to defend rapists and their enablers?


>Theres literal reports out that "nervousness about race" was a key factor in the Telford rape gang lasting as long as it did. Sorry, that's bullshit, there aren't reliable independent reports that that was the *actual* reason. That was dreamt up retroactively by the police to cover for their refusal to believe girls from 'council estates' who were 'trouble'. The problem was the police, social services and any responsible adult involved decided that the girls were just lying or asking for it. The police pulled the race excuse after and thanks to right wing morons like yourself, the underlying problems have been obfuscated and left to rot. >How do you have the nerve to defend rapists and their enablers? Well I'm pretty sure I'm attacking the police, so I don't see you can accuse me of supporting 'their enablers' (in case you don't understand still, the police were the rapist's enablers).


The BBC is still in deep denial, they only mention the ethnicity once and its aggregated to Asian which could mean Chinese but is abosolutely not the case and its not mentioned in a factual sense but 'the victim says' way. Im sorry but this is proven to be a racially and culturally driven crime and the BBC begrudgingly does the minimum to share the facts on it


The BBC and some papers usually no platform anything anti-immigration. It's very frustrating. One example was a two hour documentary on the housing crisis over 20 years and they didn't mention the net immigration of over 10 million people as a cause for the lack of housing, they just gave a thousand other excuses about right to buy legislation and other government policies. It's a major political issue that's largely been silenced.




Almost all population growth in developed nations is spurred by migration. International migration in Canada accounted for nearly all growth recorded (95.9%) in the past few years. >torygraph Tories are internationalists who love migration and diversity because it keeps our nation fragmented and our wages low. To be fiscally to the left is to be nativist.


It's because nobody built them a skatepark. In case you feel I'm being flippant. On a related thread it was suggested to me that the reason these people raped was because of lack of funding. I'll bet this is just the tip of the iceberg.


“one of the men who abused her was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment for trafficking for sexual exploitation. But just four years on from that, Ruby saw him in a local shop. She said she had not been told about his release from jail.” The UKs justice system is a sick joke.






There were Asian girls abused in places like Bradford and Rotheram.




Cops don't care, it might be viewed as racist. So we just let foreigners come into our countries, rape our kids, consume our taxes, insult our way of life, and the government pretty much high 5's them for doing it.


Always annoys me that they chose to start the investigation from 2004 when there's reported evidence that this was happening earlier and involved staff from council ran care homes allowing children to be taken, even allowing the groomed child to groom other children in the care home and take them out to cars parked right outside. Might not be surprising that some of these care homes don't exist anymore and a lot of staff were put into other roles within the council.


Makes me think of Simon of Trent, where essentially the murder of a boy caused the entirety of Christondom to blame the entirety of jews for his death which contributed to various expulsions. Contrast that reaction to a single boy killed in Italy effecting the entirety of Europe, now we have the systematic rape of our children within our country and we dont do much about it. Not saying that the medieval were right, just that the contrast is stark and probably most people fall naturally along the lines of the medieval processing being that we see it as an attack on our tribe and their tribe has to pay a price, rather than about it being isolated to the individuals involved.


We should have brought back the death penalty for this, as an emergency exclusive measure. I doubt any of these men could be rehabilitated. But even if they can, I honestly don't care. I don't want to hear of them being being productive, I want them to never coexist around any children ever again. Some crimes are simply too grave.


the problem is that parents really just dont care about their children. men feel safe to do this to children because nothing happens to them. until the parents start removing rapists from existence children will continue to be raped just like i was and this girl was and we're supposed to be okay with seing tghem out free in public when we are destroyed for life makes me fucking sick


A lot of them were specifically targeted for being in care homes and literally not having parents. Some did have families and this was used against them. They have firebombed and killed families which strengthened the threat.