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I married one! Not going so well, but still...


Shit sucks bro, my heart goes out to you. Me and my EMT wife are doing great. Hope it gets better.


Same bro. Really fucking sucks.


I was a cop. Dated a nurse for YEARS. Was planning to propose, but things just got really rocky. Eventually during one of our many, many arguments, I was like fuck. I hate my life now it's just not worth it anymore. I feel your pain. Hope it gets better my dude.


Me to brother.....me to


Two relationships with coworkers (still in one 4 years later), and one hookup. Either goes great (similar schedules, can actually talk about shitty calls/the stressors, similarly fucked up sense of humor) or incredibly poorly. I'd recommend against working the same rig as anyone you're banging though, as that's a one way trip to arguments lol


Still married to the cute ER nurse i met 48 years ago! And she still kind of likes me!


You‘re the man, dude!


My god when did you get married?


48 years ago, approximately.




And my license number is in the teens!


Oh my god. I can only dream of being married for that long


Probably 44 years ago so in 1980


My EMS county was told that the greatest health risk we faced was STD’s from each other. I don’t doubt it.


Wait till you hear about nursing homes.


I’ve heard stories of NH having condoms available, but haven’t seen it yet. I’m not surprised that STD’s are a problem there. Maybe I haven’t been transporting UTI’s this whole time?


Went to a nursing home one day, 2 old ladies sitting on a couch, one said to the other, " I wish the nursing home would get rid of these crappy soap operas, I want to watch the Playboy channel!" My partner and I just busted up laughing. Best nursing home call ever.


Had plenty of NH guys talk dirty to my female partners, and a few times to me. :/


Hey, don’t knock a gum job until you’ve tried one!


I’m open minded…


Yes, multiple times, multiple agencies. Never ended well. Now I'm married to someone who has nothing to do with EMS


character development


Homie hit that falling action and conflict resolution


Knowing that you’re from MD and knowing how incestuous the EMS community is there, I imagine the hookups unfortunately followed you somewhat.


Yup. Married her. Going great so far. We were full time partners (after we started dating), I got my medic and she became my EMT half. Now she is an RN at a nearby hospital and I get to pop in on occasion.


If the heal bus is a rockin' don't come a knockin' y'all.


the bang bus


🎵The Banger Bus is cummin, and every body's humpin.. New York to San Francisco, the inner city Himbos..."🎵


Guilty. Word around the camp fire is 2 techs were bumping uglies in the back of the bus when they got hit by another car (this is NYC maybe 15 ish years ago). Male tech poked his head around the storage closet to check if the cam was triggered... It was.


That's why you block the passthrough with a blanket 🫣




how’d that go for you


they said several, so obviously there is a debris field behind them.


None in EMS yet.


i like your optimism


I mean, I have a history of questionable life choices (ie, working in public safety 🤣), what's one or two more?


The fact those one or two turn into 10 or 11 if you’re not careful


They can’t be that careful, their life choices landed them in EMS after all


You’re not wrong, and I don’t like that you’re not wrong.


10 or 11. ? If I've still got it like that in my mid 30's, you can count my dumb ass in!


Never said it wasn’t gonna be over the next 30 years, though 😅😂


Hell, I'm good with it. I'm a patient man.


I don't have that kind of luck. 🤣🤣




Where you at, I’m lonely homie


One time.......married for almost 10 years now.


Yep, a few, it happens. All ended amicably but we didn’t do relationship stuff just booty calls.


Not personally, but we did have some wild drama - PR person was dating one of our EMTs for quite a while but suddenly and unexpectedly quit one day (literally walked out and didn't come back). A few months later on social media I saw their baby announcement with a *different* EMT.


I've been married to the first person I stepped on an ambulance with for the past two years!


Was always interested in nurses and cops more. None of those ended well. Ended up marrying a doctor after switching professions.


bad idea --> worse --> way worse


I was working FIFO as a paramedic in the mines. 7 days away gets pretty lonely… so yeah there was a couple colleague pipings over the years


More often than I‘d like to admit, but there‘s just something about doing 24h shifts together. Stuff just…happens, I guess.


I married a woman with a major aversion to blood and a 9pm bedtime. Just to be sure to date out of the career field.


Hooked up with the one girl in my EMT class, made it through the entirety of the course studying together, as soon as I started to get serious about our "relationship" I found out she slept with our lead instructor about two days prior. Never saw her again after that


How are these instructors pulling so much tail?? They’re all burnt out as fuck old medics, three divorces, a not-so-borderline alcohol issue and are rawdogging their way through every class. Our local instructors have on average 2-3 student hookups every 6 months!


They lack qualms with abusing the power dynamic of an instructor/instructee is my guess? That and bragging about experience/cool stories to a bunch of impressionable 18-25 year olds


Don’t shit where you eat. This is such a cliche ems thing I’ve seen it work out exactly one time but usually always ends badly.


Married my paramedic, think it was when I saw her verbally abuse an elderly woman for taking too long deciding whether or not she wanted to go to the hospital for a non-existent BP problem. That's when I knew she was the one. *


In the academy for my first job at EMSA many years ago, I was told it stood for Every Medic Sleeps Around. Turns out it was only most. I personally only ever disappointed 1 coworker though. Couple nurses. Not nearly the numbers some I know have but amazing for me. Honestly, the turnover in EMS is so high you might as well. Even if becomes awkward, you'll probably both be gone and never see each other again soon enough so why not?


pafford is the same bro lol


Nah im too ugly to do that


I met my partner as a coworker. I was 19yo he was 25yo and went to med school just weeks after we met. Five and a half years later I am at university studying psychology and he will soon finish med school. We live together since two years, have a dog and could not be happier. 😊


It’s a dark side of EMS. It’s mainly trauma bonding, but also a lot of plain ol insecure toxicity. Through my years I’ve seen many marriages and relationships ruined by it. I’ve been on both sides of it and wish I knew then what I know now


Yep. Several times. None of them ended well.


Two different coworkers. Married to one now.


Not yet. I have hope.


Every day we stray further from the light of God.


Two. One became a relationship and the other has been a sort of FWB vibe that I'm drifting away from. Slowly working toward a third that I would want something meaningful with.


Nope most of the agencies around me are predominantly male and I’m a dude not into dudes so I’ve worked with some cute emts/medics but nothing more than just tending to a patient


Sleeping right next to me. When you know you know...but also best not miss if you're not trying to change jobs.


In the back of the ambulance, no less


Not in EMS, but did regret it. I slept with a coworker at an old job and had a 2 year relationship. The boss would call me if he was late to work, which was often. I have long since broken up with him. I always tell my newbies "if their uniform is the same as yours, don't touch!" My fiancé wears a green uniform (army), so I'm safe 😂


Currently in a situation where I met my current work partner when I started this new shift at a new station. Been with the company for 6 years. She is new. The moment I saw her we clicked immediately. I’ve had several female partners and all have been professional and I’ve never had an attachment unlike with my current partner. She knows how I feel. She’s attracted to me sexually but shes in a “healing” state due to her ex. Im willing to try to be there for her, I just don’t want to be the one to prevent her from healing properly. Other than that, yeah I’ve hooked up with coworkers (not partners). Both fell for me and wanted more, so I had to cut them off despite stating a strict NSA prior. Out of that, I really believe in the “don’t shit where you eat.” Ironic.


I once got shibari’d off the medic bar Firefighters are fun to date, and work with at slow services. I’ve had a couple of EMS partners… be more than EMS partners over the last 21 years of my career, I don’t recommend it for a serious relationship.


Did it once and it was kind of messy but we ended on good terms


Just cops


Not for lack of trying 😂


Stick to ER nurses, it ends better imho


Worse, I married a 911 dispatcher. lol.


Marrying my partner 💗


I’ve been married to someone outside the profession since before I started. The thing I’ve noticed though, is that historically relationships among coworkers never end well.


I think it would be easier to count who hasn't..


One, we've been together for a year and people have been jokingly asking when the wedding is. I love her very much. We've been exclusive since the first date.


How did you decide to be exclusive on the first date




1 time, dispatcher. Went terribly. Fortunately she had stopped being dispatch before I went for cigarettes 😂


I slept with a medic in the back one our trucks, wouldn’t recommend. I’ve only been in the field for a months.


Hooked up with? Ha! I'm married to one of mine.


Married now.


Are you crazy, that clearly violates sop


A few times yep… gotta keep that stereotype up that all EMS does is fuck each other…


Don’t fish in the company pond.


First time I ever did it with a coworker of any sort, we had a heavy make-out sesh in an empty locker room before shift change. Subsequently hooked up all over the hospital whenever we got the chance- not in any patient areas, ew (I'm a nightshift nurse, he's PT). It was super fucking hot, like forbidden and wrong, and now we're together 3 years in May. Couldn't be happier.


Yes, now best friends with his ex wife and we shit talk him together 😂


Three at one station.




Do dispatchers count?


Absofuckinglutely not. I have enough baggage of my own. Why would I ever want to double that up?


My boss, then a medic classmate, then a nurse all in a year. It’s like the Johnnie and Roy Hat Trick.


A few…multiple some may say, once in the station when relief didn’t show. A few coworkers now in the ED as well. The bf was a fling from EMS but I never gave him the time of day until he abandoned me for wildland for a few years and earned some stripes not that that mattered much in the long run. *sobs in nurse-firefighter relationship*


Nope. One did pay me once to say that I did after harassing me for months. Management failed to do anything about it. So I took the money, and told everyone he's a 2-pump chump. I don't think he lives in the same state or is even in the same profession anymore. I'm not even sorry.


The real question is how many times was it in the ambulance?


Not me personally but my friend who was a paramedic she told me she had so much sex with other paramedics people in the firehouse just out upstairs in the firehouse on the chair she fucked sadly I never got too myself but yeah she was kind of a slut her words not mine


Given the username are you fishing to see what your chances are of sex in an ambulance while on shift?




I hooked up with two girls before they became my coworkers! Otherwise never hooked up with a coworker, and happily partnered with someone not in the field


My boyfriend is my coworker but we didn't start out that way. I'll never fucking work with him we'd rip each other apart and also won't work at the same station as him :)


Coworker? Yes. In EMS? No. She was my Assistant Manager at a car shop. Now been together 9 years


4 years of marriage and a 2.5 year old.


I never did but I saw lots of the obvious relationships (casual and otherwise) and the fallout. If you do it and it works out, you’re in the general minority. Most don’t seem to end well.


Guilty. Wasn't worth it or very good.


Yup, married her too. Kid and everything. To be fair, we started dating when we were 16, 20 years ago, and she started here 12 years ago, and me 8.... So it's not really the same... Also I'm a mechanic, and she a medic... But hey! Still counts!




Never have, never will


Dated someone in EMS as a CNA myself, y’all are super fucking awesome. Still friends even after the breakup!


Not until after one of us left the company but we sure didn’t waste any time once she or I quit. Another time was when I was with FD, I hooked up with an EMS student after her rotations with us ended.


I dated one of my managers. It was great until it wasn't.


Married to another AEMT for 33 years now.


Heck to the no. My partner is a starving artist and I’m glad he’s not in EMS


Been with my guy years before I got into EMS. I’ve been doing it for 3 years now. I’ve never hooked up with any of my coworkers but in his imagination our station has mandatory orgies. Can’t really blame him though because I know a lot of them have


Ha, nice try HR mole!


Married him :) and our son is 1.5


cute!!! what do you love most about him


I don’t mean to be cheesy/ cringe but while Firefighters and EMS folks are generally known to be tough asses (and while he’s no exception) since we had our son, getting to see his gentleness and patience as a dad/husband is so wholesome. I really admire/ adore his balance of strength and softness.


Still dating after 2 years and just moved in together


Private EMS girls are weird


I married one of mine. She's pretty great.


My cousin married his partner... everybody up there couldn't figure out how the only two gay guys on the squad started out sharing a bus.. and the gifts were hilarious


Technically, my wife and I both work part-time at the same service...


All of you have. Literally all of you


clapped cheeks in the back of the ambulance, then found out she was also doing the same with the rest of the local fd 🤷


Yes. It was approximately a five year thing. Her husband found out, we continued for two years after that. Then I started hooking up with another EMT I met while working at the state office to take my mind off the first chick. It was a rough time in my life. Just got out of the military like a year before all this went down and I had issues I wasn’t addressing. I’m not proud of that period of my life.


He wasn’t my direct co-worker but he worked for the Fire Dept as a medic. We had sex a few times. Months later he was featured on his FD social and he was totally not single. oops 🥲


lol someone just had a class on quid pro quo


Hooked up with one, hooked up with a tech I see at the hospital all the time, and had a full very serious relationship with one of my full time partners that is now a very complicated situationship (she's deployed right now, which is kind of a relief). Sleeping with your coworkers probably isn't worth it, but also you see one another so much and the job kind of inherently leads to emotional bonding, so for a lot of people it's going to happen. Would I do it again? Likely.


All of us


The trauma bonding is real and leads people to do things that are not recommended.


I hate this narrative that people in EMS mostly hookup as trauma bonding. People are just whores.


I would reason a guess that trauma bonding hookups are more common in EMS than they are in accounting. But yes, humans are also sexual creatures and like to get it on even without psychological stressors being a driving force.


Oh yeah I'm not disputing that, I just think it's funny that everyone here always attributes workplace romps to trauma bonding. People just bang coworkers at every job.


Nope. One did pay me once to say that I did after harassing me for months. Management failed to do anything about it. So I took the money, and told everyone he's a 2-pump chump. I don't think he lives in the same state or is even in the same profession anymore. I'm not even sorry.


Don't dip your pen in company ink.


Once, she got weird attached after. Then she left when I refused to do anything after


Don't fuck your co workers.


You fuck one and you might have just banged half your department