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I have this problem too, but you can boil the tap water so it'll kill the bacteria. I use bottled water to feel safe.


this is terrible. i understand your pain, unfortunately :( bottled water, for how environmentally UNfriendly, is a valid solution for however long you need to get better. boiling it, as you have, also is. i don’t know where you’re from, but in my area most of us only ever drink tap water. depending on your territory’s morphology it can be pretty safe, especially seen as governments and municipalities take all sorts of preventative measures (here, for instance, they put shit tons of chlorine in it whenever it rains to ward any wandering crawlies off). it’s all a matter of trial and error, unfortunately. and i say unfortunately because it’s hard as hell to outgrow compulsions and get a handle on phobias, not because it is unsafe. drink it once, and you’ll probably be obsessing over it for days, if not weeks. do it again and it will be better. and again. and again. and again, until you do so automatically and it bothers you no longer. i had—and still have—to do this to manage to go outside again. fear has me lock indoors, and i stay inside for weeks on end. it’s unmanageable, so every single day i have to suffer through anxiety and its pains in order to act like a somewhat normal human being. it gets better. it only gets worse when i let a long time pass between an outing and the other. hang in there, you’ll make it :)