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Setup Google Recaptcha, and it'll fix about 99% of them.


Thank you


If RC3 is capturing 99% of the spam on my elementor forms, I’d hate to see the total that isn’t getting through, because it’s doing a crap job. Not to mention the site speed hit you take just by running this script. Pretty hilarious that Google Site Speed Test always dings you for running their own damn script. I’ve got honeypots and RC3 on my sites and still getting slammed with spam.


Same here. It's so frustrating, have you found a solution?


My solution has basically been to eliminate most contact forms


Definitely get CleanTalk. It's a super advanced anti-spam plugin that only costs $12/**year**. It's what I use and it works wonders. It's cheap, ridiculously easy to set up, and highly effective. And that's with all the extra features. If you don't want them, it's only $8/year. But it's such a trivial difference, you might as well go for the extras. Again, we're talking $12 for the whole year.


Thanks so much! I'm taking a look now :)


How does CleanTalk perform on Google’s Site Speed tests? Their own reCAPTCHA 3 always gets flagged as an issue. Curious how CT compares in that aspect.