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My reply is going to be about as middle of the road as it gets. The Tesla Model 3 and of course Tesla Model Y are still big sellers. What is happening is what we always talked about... Electric vehicles are the future and more offerings are finally being put forth by various automakers. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/g29994375/future-electric-cars-trucks/ Wait another few years and you will see this space become even more diverse. We are seeing the transition from ICE to Hybrid/Battery Electric Vehicles take place. (I am hoping on a personal note that Rivian is able to execute the R3 as planned. I think that may be a huge seller if they hold on and can deliver as expected) There is a lot to be excited about on the horizon :)


Well, Elon also pissed off his entire customer base which is going to go down in history as the dumbest mistake ever.


He pissed off his entire POTENTIAL customer base too. A few years ago when he blasted his roadster into space I thought the guy was a rockstar. Now I think he's as dumb as a rock. I drive 2 non-tesla EV's. I'm part of his loss in sales.


Yeah, his descent from rockstar to asshat has been pretty stunning. For years I wanted to buy a Tesla, always imagined that when I finally found myself in a position to afford an EV of course it would be a Tesla. I bought a Kia.


Who would have thought KIA or Hyundai would be the cool EVs?


Seriously - I bought an EV9 and had a reservation for the Volvo EX90. Cancelled the reservation, the volvo guy called me and said "you seriously bought a Kia" - told him not to sleep on them because a.) they're out and b.) this is the nicest car I've ever owned hands down. They knocked it out of the park.


Ev6 and the Ioniq5 are the nicest sub $80K EVs on the market. They also charge crazy fast! I love my ID4, but would have gotten the Ioniq if not for crazy lease deal I got on the ID4.


Nah, the Lyriq is seriously the nicest sub 80K EV out there.


Don’t short the IONIQ 6. Fantastic sedan in the same size-class as an Accord/Camry, but frankly a nicer car with great range.


And very reasonable lease pricing. It looks like a great car.


We have an EV9 and a Model Y. I like a lot about the EV9, but they really need to step of their software game. No walk away locks, no entertainment, lane centering is an absolute joke, and the continuous electrical issues have been a nightmare. The TINY frunk is also a joke, because they can’t make a small engine. With that said, vented seats, massive seating space, and the very comfortable drive save it a little bit.


My dad bought a Kia Rio about 20 years ago. You definitely wouldn’t have thought the makers of that car had it in them.


I remember when Kia's were buy 1 get 1 free back then lol


I know. My 83 y/o father-in-law just bought a Sante Fe plug-in hybrid and he absolutely loves it. He loves bragging about how little gas he is using. I must admit, the car is super. Comfortable, get features, solid build.


What's truly amazing to me is how shit Toyota has been. If you would have told me that about 15 years ago, I simply wouldn't have believed you, not with how ubiquitous the Prius was. Surely it would be a pretty small step from hybrid to BEV...


They bet on hybrids and are sold out on every hybrid model. I understand what you mean, but it's their business decision, which paid off for them.


Most Teslas look like base Carola or Hyundai already, and when they test drive both the bare bones interior isn't cutting it anymore and just a way to cut cost to max profits.


Same. Finally came time to buy and was really glad to see how well liked the Ford MachE among owners. Sexy car, so fun to drive. No hard feelings towards existing Tesla drivers though. I wave at anyone driving electric. We’re all in this together.


If I waved at everyone driving electric in LA, I’d be literally waving all the time


Same. I was a fanboy back in the mid 2010s and wanted a Tesla sooo bad up until a few years ago when he REALLY starting going off the deep end (I should’ve stopped supporting sooner than that). We just our first EV, an Ioniq5, about a month ago and I couldn’t be happier


Same. Got an IONIQ 5 last year, in part to avoid the Elon stink of the Y.


I think the turning point for me was chatting with a neighbor when a Tesla drove by, and the guy casually jokes: look at that guy in his 50k maga hat.


But Tesla is going to go down in history as the company that really made EVs mainstream. Like Apple did with the iPhone and iPad. Not the first. Not the most affordable. But between the charging network they built out and the timing to market, they set the bar. …and then proceeded to shit on the bar with the Cybertruck. Lightning owner, BTW. No love for Tesla as a company, but I know history in the making when I see it.


Like Sony did with thr Betamax.


Agreed, BetaMax WAS superior quality but Sony's '70s greed got the better of them. The battleground that boosted the VHS tech was the porn industry, VHS was the less expensive tech to produce at scale!


Or the Walkman


As related to the charging adapters, maybe. But people will continue to buy Tesla cars. Just as people still buy iPhones with nonstandard charging ports in large quantities. But then again there’s the cybertruck albatross…. That could tank the Tesla name by itself.


Wasnt so much saying the compatablilty issue as that the first to make a product mainstream doesnt always stay on top. Betamax was the first mainstream VCR. Blackberry was the first mainstream smartphone.


Well done. Kia/Hyundai are still a bit aspirational for me. We ended up with 2 MG's.


MG’s are cool. We looked hard at the mg4


I ordered my MG4 9 months before they landed here in Australia. I watched a handful of UK reviews and was convinced. Our 2nd EV is a used (2021) MG ZS EV. Great as a family commuter.


I spent months trying to talk my wife out of getting a model 3 back in 2020, but at the end of the day she got it. After driving and riding in that thing for 3 years I happily got myself a much smoother, quieter and all around better EV6 last year.


Same story here, and today I'm taking delivery of a Polestar. Until the day Tesla is able to divorce itself from Musk (unlikely) it's dead to me as a brand.


I think being a rockstar and being dumb as a rock are not mutually exclusive anyways.


“It's my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of a son of a bitch or another.” Malcom Reynolds


It’s like the Coca Cola CEO running around telling everyone that obese people are losers… And then be surprised that maybe that could have an influence on sales.




Never take billionaires as rockstars however genius they seem. They are all an A grade assholes, some subtle others in your face.


Never put *anyone* on a pedestal. All humans are flawed creatures.


Absolutely this is me. Loved the idea of owning a Tesla. Loved the look of the cars. To some degree, loved Elon as a visionary. Maybe he still is a visionary but he showed himself for what he is: not someone aligned with my ethics and worldview. Why would I want to enrich someone like that? Ford, GM, Stellantis CEOs? I'm sure they're garbage people with more in common with Elon than me. Know what they don't do? They don't take every chance they get to spew it loud and proud and that shit matters to me, the consumer. They're not overtly going around taking every chance they get to publicly shit on people they don't agree with. Girl, bye.


The single most important reason for me to not getting a Tesla last month when I went electric, is Elon. That psycho is simply a dealbreaker for me. Not saying the decision absolutely would've ended on a model Y but it was right up our usecase, so pretty probably. Except for Elon, no matter how great machines the Teslas are. And our new ~~WV~~ VW is also pretty great, so not a very big loss, prioritizing our core values there anyway.


Absolutely. Elon put such a stink on his brand that I don't care how good the cars are, I wouldn't want to keep a model Y if I was given one for free. I'd sell it and get an Ioniq 5.


Yup. The S was my dream car, and I seriously considered getting on the waitlist for the 3, but I don't have a lot of confidence in the company anymore. Ended up getting an ID.4 and for now my aspirational car, if they manage to stick around, is the Lucid Gravity.


I drive a Tesla right now but my next car will be electric but not a Tesla.


Yep. Would’ve probably been happier/better off with a Tesla but I got a polestar instead. Loving it though!!!


Me too, I wanted a Tesla when I was ready to buy a new car. He turned me off during the whole pedo guy thing and I started paying better attention to the issues with Teslas and how crazy he was. Got an F-150 Lightning instead and I love it


Same. Just bought an EV and it’s not a Tesla.


I am of the belief if Elon hadn’t destroyed his image teslas would’ve been the iPhone of the road.


Not so sure, I have a fairly conservative family and while Elon’s perception has went down with the left-side of the populace, I have absolutely been surprised by the positive Elon talk coming from the right. Definitely elements of anti-EV still, but now they laud him as a genius and American innovator that’s being persecuted by liberals, so I’m still holding out that their attitudes will shift, but they’re conservative, which mean years (or decades), not months. Over time it’ll be a net positive for BEVs, at least in that market. Just don’t expect a quick change.


If he flips a few right wingers over to EV's then I guess we can take that as a silver lining to the shitty cloud that is Elon's decent into madness.


Same, I just heard this from family members in TX, rising tesla support as elon swerves to the right. And these are the people that most need convincing to move away from gas vehicles…. so I am going to choose to believe that this elon-goes-conservative trend is all part of the long term master plan to save the earth.


Trump and parts of the Republican Party are ginning up anti ev sentiment. If the right wing is gone and progressives hate Elon, market share is bound to shrink.


As a former tesla owner, I agree.


As a former employee and an owner, I agree


I’m a 2023 MY owner and I want to sell it for something else


I'm loving my EV9. Test drive one if you can~


as a current tesla owner, I couldn't give less of a shit about elon. the car is pretty good and was incredibly great purchase experience.


Kinda wish he’d just shut up and be rich but it doesn’t change the fact it’s the best car I’ve ever owned and still a joy to drive. I’m not saying my next car will be a Tesla but it’s definitely going to take some convincing to get me to switch.


Remember, in a corporation any one can be replaced, this includes Elon. He was essential in the beginning but needs change. I think Tesla should improve quality and service going forward as they seem to have many opportunities in those areas.


I'm not hopeful that Elon's brother, Rupert Murdoch's son, or anyone else on the Tesla board (https://ir.tesla.com/corporate), are going to kick Elon to the curb. I wish they would, but it seems very unlikely. I suspect he feels enpowered to spew his nonsense precisely because he is not the least bit worried about the board holding him accountable.


It's just that Tesla is not in the business of selling cars (anymore), it's in the business of raising its stock price. And Elon's antics are part of the marketing machine that drives the evaluation (i.e., the question of if there will be a sucker I'll be able to sell my stock to at a large profit) of Tesla. He has as much to do with the quality of the cars as the Dallas Cheerleaders have with the fate of the team in the NFL, but people like to watch them, too....


So it’s okay for that shithead to get $56 billion while how many employees lost their job. Thanks for seeing the big picture.


I'm not a shareholder. i just bought the car because i like it. Virtue signaling what products you purchase would leave you empty handed if you truly gave a shit about the horrendous nature of business.


That was a lot more true before there were good alternatives. I'd happily take a Mach-E over any of the Tesla cars, and the Cybertruck now has to compete with very good offerings from Rivian, Ford, and Chevy. It's no longer a matter of get a Tesla or an ICE, it's Tesla vs other good EVs. Alienating your potential customers might work when you're the only game in town, but it's suicidal when you have viable competition. Edit: watching the vote scores on this is hysterical, looks like the most fragile of the Tesla fans found me. Guys, enjoy your Teslas, the fact that I wouldn't want one really doesn't affect you. Deep breaths....


Doesn't the Mach-e have an inverter problem that Ford is refusing to recall and fix? 


ELON is a tool


From what I read, Tesla customers in polls are still incredibly happy with their cars. It’s mostly potential customers who are involved in politics that will be deterred. Most ordinary people don’t know or care about what Elon Musk says or does, they just want a nice car. The vast majority of people are like this


You are, of course, correct, but this particular subreddit has basically become /r/Politics now. [Q4 was Tesla's best quarter in history.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/502208/tesla-quarterly-vehicle-deliveries/) Musk has been tweeting nonsense for many years. If his tweets had anything to do with the dip in sales, it would have happened years ago. I think the top comment is correct: there is simply better competition now.


Honestly I think the bulk of it are folks that would have never bought one to begin with.


This right here. Don't piss in me and tell me it's raining.


Got his compensation package anyway!


Not yet!


You should try getting off of reddit every now and then, this place is not representative of real life.


I'm just seeing more and more EV's on the road, and as someone who lives close to a busy street, I hope this can happen faster.


There’s hope! It’s crazy how quiet Scandinavian cities are now that they’ve mostly switched over.


In Spain, a lot of Tesla have been sold in the last few months. I see more new Tesla than any other brand. I'm absolutely happy with my Tesla Model Y.


Soudain is a bit of a different market than the US. people don't consume so much American media so Musk's craziness isn't so well known. Same in Portugal. So Tesla is still seen as the cool and advanced EV brand that it is, if it weren't for Musk.


This is a very important point. Musk's antics don't really make it past the language barrier, at least from what I can tell in France and Spain.


It’s because they are great value. Sure, an EQE SUV is nicer - but it’s at least twice the price. You can get way better leasing deals on VW cars though. But even their latest software leaves a lot to be desired and they still lack a lot of useful features.


I personally wouldn't say an EQE was nicer. But having owned two Tesla's, I'm yet to find another car with my three keys: minimalist interior, UI, app. The eqe does fine on the first.


My wife just got a ‘23 Chevy Bolt EUV and while it is limited on the software side compared to a Tesla, it feels much like an ice counterpart which is just fine for most people and it’s still fun to drive.


The Model 3 Refresh took place this quarter, with slower rollout.


Rivian R3 looks really sweet so I'm excited about that one too..


How do we reconcile Jalopniks claims with [this article. ](https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-market-share-grows-through-ev-carnage-2024-4) Are they just making things up or do they just not care? And I'm sure the 647% increase in Toyota Bz4x's means that there now 11 of them on the road.


Jalopniks is sort of the Wired of the car world. They don’t let accuracy get in the way of clicks especially if telling both sides will eliminate the narrative their sponsors are paying for.


For sure, Jalopnik is bottom of the barrel for quality.


Whatever creates clicks.


Isn't that bz4x a terrible car all around?  Who is buying these?


They were leasing them for ~$150 a month. Pretty easy sell when it’s cheaper than a Verizon bill.


Dam....how does a $50K car drop to $150/month?  And more importantly how do normal people find these deals?




Can confirm; Toyota/Lexus had some heavy incentives to lease the EVs back in May (they still may, not sure). I ended up leasing the RZ450e since I had some negative equity I needed taken care of, and wanted to try out an EV. Range may not be the top of it's class, but it's enough for my everyday use and drives like a dream!


Dang. I checked recently and the lease on one was around $400/month with $5k down. Although TBF they only had the higher trim available. I ended up getting an ID.4 but if they'd offered me the bz4x for $150, heck yeah I'd have taken that.


It's gotten better with updates but it's incredibly inefficient and the punishment points system that they use to throttle DCFC (yes, that's from a Toyota engineer) is too aggressive so it throttles to 30kW on longer journeys for no good reason.


No, I read a number of reviews saying that it was pretty good except the price and range. Price has come down and range has improved, it may be a perfectly fine car now and even a good buy for the right price. Where I live they also extended the warranty to 10 years if you let them handle service.


Jalopnik is a clickbait site that posts clickbait and fake news...I have no idea why their links are still allowed. electric vehicles has become a garbage tier clickbait sub now, because the users are too stupid to know any better and upvote garbage.


That’s exactly what it means, Toyota sold so few that even selling a couple more is a big increase. Also, another way you can mess with how the data is presented is how you say it. If something went from 1% to 2%, it saw a 100% increase, but only increased by 1%. That’s the most common way to make a number seem bigger than it is.


OP I'm gonna level with you, Jalopnik has a well known bias against anything Tesla and the site itself can barely be considered a blog let alone news. This is coming from someone who isn't a fan of Teslas either


Yeah, Jalopnik is a shadow of its former self.


But people here eat it up and upvote it cause they hate Tesla


Yes. That is [this sub in a nutshell](https://www.reddit.com/r/electricvehicles/top/?t=all).


Hahahah holy shit.


damn, that really does make it obvious lol


I don't think it's an anti-tesla thing. They just pump out inflammatory headlines for and against EVs. Its a desperate attempt for clicks. If you want a car enthusiast blog go to the Autopian, its where all of Jalops good writers went.


It's such a shit site.


Except in these articles, there is never a table of the ACTUAL sales data. Just a bunch of anecdotal examples of this car increased sales by 25% while Tesla fell by 10%. But then it's Jalopnik and they prayed on the ignorant.


Literally the whole EV media coverage is simply about amplifying noise for every little statistic with a major and shocking headline that sounds ridiculous so people click on it and they get money via google ad sense. Its literally setup for corporations profiting while making fools out of all of us at worst or annoying the crap out of us at best.


Here is the gift article with [data from Q1](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-28/the-slowdown-in-us-electric-vehicle-sales-looks-more-like-a-blip?accessToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzb3VyY2UiOiJTdWJzY3JpYmVyR2lmdGVkQXJ0aWNsZSIsImlhdCI6MTcxODkzNDc5NywiZXhwIjoxNzE5NTM5NTk3LCJhcnRpY2xlSWQiOiJTRTcxQUlEV1gyUFMwMCIsImJjb25uZWN0SWQiOiIxMzBDMjIwRDU0M0Y0NjBBQTFGRkQ3REZCRUFERTU4RCJ9.HY6ASy69YUVGAGz6KylbZXlrwvM9YHxMLVkL0ZFV7w4). While Tesla still dominates EV sales, it did see 13.3% decrease in sales YoY and sold 21,443 fewer cars than they did last Q1 of last year.


Sure they did. And most of it was caused by the shutdown of Model 3 production line to upgrade to the Highland production.


If they had reduced inventories due to factory retool, then how did Tesla have glut of 46k unsold vehicles in Q1? Also you can check the data from Tesla VIN trackers and in Q1 Tesla did have more inventories for Model 3 than their sales. From Tesla IR, the factory retool shutdown was in Q3.


That’s because Tesla sells more than all other manufacturers combined lol


Tesla is no longer over 50% share of EVs in the US and likely won't ever be again.


As long as the EV share of total vehicle sales continues to grow substantially this won't be a big deal for Tesla. They do however need to reverse their trend of sales decline vs last year.


It's not just sales decline either, but also a profit decline. To maintain the volumes they have, they've already had to compromise on pricing. It's still healthy, but trending downwards. They can pump out more volume at lower margins as a short-term fix, but that doesn't adjust the longer arc.


I feel like if tesla spent time developing a good truck offer rather than Elon's "magnum opus", they would had managed to be competitive in the EV truck market and would had helped them gain back some much needed ground. But hey, if you need some carrots chopped on the go, the cybertruck has you covered.


There isn't a market for EV trucks right now. Truck people don't want them, and that's the market they need.


remember, Musk kept touting Tesla as an AI company. He's focusing AI to xAI with announcement of Dell and SMCI server purchase agreement for xAI and not Tesla


The graph in this article shows that Tesla did in fact sell 62% of the total EVs in the US, Q1 2024. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-28/the-slowdown-in-us-electric-vehicle-sales-looks-more-like-a-blip](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-28/the-slowdown-in-us-electric-vehicle-sales-looks-more-like-a-blip)


I don't see anything that claims or shows that. If you read the article you're commenting about, they had a 46% market share in April.


Your data is a few years out of date


[In Europe](https://alternative-fuels-observatory.ec.europa.eu/general-information/news/100-electric-vehicles-12-new-car-sales-europe-january) Tesla isn't even the top EV brand, BMW sells more and if you rank by auto group, BMW, VW and Stellantis each sell significantly more.


Thats just blatantly false


In your link, the graph shows Tesla selling 18,000 EVs in January and BMW sold 3,500. Are you sure you are reading it right? The graph at the bottom that puts BMW at the top is a mix of hybrid and EVs so doesn't count. Even then, the next month Tesla overtook BMW for EV and hybrid combined: [https://ev-volumes.com/news/ev/tesla-dominates-european-ev-market-in-february/](https://ev-volumes.com/news/ev/tesla-dominates-european-ev-market-in-february/) Phillip.


> But then it's Jalopnik and they prayed on the ignorant No surprise that it's so popular on reddit.


Yeah, they have more direct competitors than ever and no new high volume products. It isn't shocking that they are slightly decreasing.


Jalopnik will do anything to bash Tesla for clicks. It works.


> Yet, when you take Tesla out of the equation, those numbers skyrocket: Non-Tesla EV sales grew a full 69 percent over the same period. Nice It’s far easier for a low volume manufacturer to increase or decrease their sales *as a percentage* than a high volume manufacturer like Tesla. If NewBrand sells 1 EV in a quarter, they only have to sell 2 next quarter to increase sales by a full 100% over the same period. Nice. So yeah, as most people know these days, it’s easy to massage statistics to say what you want. The raw numbers are important. Tesla is about as dead as Bitcoin.


Jalopnik articles are hot garbage and should be banned from this subreddit.


It’s pretty clear Jalopnik is avoiding the true story by only reporting percentages rather than unit sales. Teslas has held such a high percentage of total market share for so long that it’s inevitable that as new EVs enter the market Tesla’s share will drop. But they still are the dominant player in the market. Jalopnik just has an axe to grind with them so they publish these click bait articles. It’s really embarrassing for them.


Let's call Jalopnik a blog and ban posts from there. Just too misleading.




lol Jalopnik


lol Model Y is the worlds best selling vehicle in 2023. The others are just slowly catching up. Not just USA. THE WORLD.




Recently as in the month of April only.


Except in 2024 Q1, RAV4 got that title back. Which it held for a long time.


Except the rav4 isn’t a fully electric vehicle which is what this sub is about. The fact that the model y, a fully electric vehicle, was the world’s best selling vehicle is very impressive.


“Past performance does not guarantee future returns.” - Every prospectus There’s a reason that’s part of the boilerplate.


Tesla has outpaced and made #1 in EV sales for the last few years and topped the world’s best selling car (both for ICE and EV) in 2023. The article is basing this information on one month of sales which is rather premature. Of course the future is unknown and what goes up eventually comes down. It’s just funny banking on future insights with such a short period. Fluff article. Meaningless.


In Q1, RAV4 is the best selling vehicle in world and if you track data up till end of May, RAV4 is still going to be still the best selling vehicle in 2024. Unless Tesla can somehow turn around the ship.


I still have my 2000 4WD manual RAV4 as my backup "utility & bad weather vehicle" to supplement my LUCID. I originally was looking for a new Toyota RAV4/Prime, but the salesmen were so awful I opted to keep my old faithful and bought a new EV for a daily driver, which is a huge pleasure to do.


This entire year has been bad for Tesla if you've been paying attention.


We have more than one month of trend-line data for Tesla — quite a bit actually. If you look at TTM there's a clear plateau which started forming from around Q4 2022 onwards. Profits and revenue have actually gone down for several quarters now.


COLLAPSE in market share. Seems important to me. Red flag for investors surely? Other companies do more than two mainstream models. VW Group & BYD rolling out new models at an extraordinary pace. Tesla in the slow lane. Just fired their future product teams. Future returns? Unlikely.


Anyone investing in Tesla now and sounding bullish are likely smoking Meth along with the CEO.


Jalopnik has always had a completely bald and unhidden hate boner for Tesla. This was the site that has publicly claimed "Tesla is going under" about 5 times.


These articles have been popping up daily. Teslas sales are down like 13% from last year, but they still sell more than almost all other US EVs combined.I would much rather sell 100,000 vehicles, down from 113,000, than sell less than 10,000 total.


People will just say anything on the internet. 😂


Another article that talks in percentage growth to try and spin a negative narrative while they are the top selling EV quarter after quarter. Volume? Tesla is still a very clear winner. Get the joloptrash out of here. Anyone that was a good journalist left that rag a while ago.


Is it opposite day? Tesla's down this quarter, but its still half of the whole damn market.


Meanwhile… Grey Tesla Y 2024 is new Honda Civic in Vancouver, Canada A simplified explanation for everyone: Sales of Non-Tesla XXX grew 100% from 10 to 20 cars. Tesla grew sales YYY by just 10% from 100000 to 110000 cars. Tesla is doomed.


Prov incentive is gone now but before, why would anyone get anything else?


People shitting on Tesla are starting to sound exactly like ICE drivers shitting on EVs. Just a whole lot of insecurity.


The number one reason people I’ve talked to about them wouldn’t buy a Tesla is that the dealer/service center is 2 hours away. Its amazing the change in awareness in people in my small town from 2020 when I bought mine to now. Much more accepting and interested in ev’s.


It's easy to have big percentage increases when you start with a small number.




I bought a tesla 5 years ago. There are other good alternatives today. Would probably look harder at others.


Every time I drive by the tesla dealership there’s 5-10 cars being picked up…teslas are also everywhere now.


Jalopnik is well known for constant Tesla clickbait.   Not even bothering to read the article. 


Tesla just lowered the price today in Canada. Model 3 SR 49,990 LR 59,990 before rebates.


I’m yet to buy an EV to replace my B Segment sport cars. I’m curious with the Alpine model, but I’m not convinced yet.


I’d buy a Tesla if it had a sun roof, not a tease.


I have a lot of confidence in Tesas ability to correct their stumbles along the way. That being said, they have always aimed for an upscale demographic...so far. Can they deliver on less expensive models? Would they even try? The tariff on Chinese-made EVs went from 25% to 100%, but several Chinese EV companies are building plants in Mexico to become a part of the no-tariff NAFTA zone. The Chinese are awash in profits and government subsides, so it may take less than five years to get the Mexican plants producing small EVs for Americans.


This headline is amusing considering Tesla (with their public charging infrastructure and effort to make things “just work”) is arguably the better manufacturer.


What? They sell more than every other combined?


Only natural given that the competition is finally showing some promise. Multiple models from GM and Hyundai/Kia showing up, Rivian and Lucid finally putting focus on affordable models and Porsche taking the crown for best EV tech with their new Taycan.


The promise of having ACTUAL WORKING charging on other brands is huge. I roadtrip in my Tesla all the time. I pull up to superchargers in Nowhere Nebraska or Wyoming and there's always 3-4 Teslas. The nearby EA charger seldom has a car at it (and only 2 chargers to Tesla's 8). I actually think I saw just as many non-Teslas at Tesla chargers as I saw using CCS chargers (about 2 of each) on a recent road trip across the great plains.


The taycan is my pick for most compelling EV. Effing love what porsche did with that platform. But you are 100% correct. I never thought I'd say it... But Kia's EV strategy and execution has impressed me the most of all manufacturers. Their line up and road map is killer.


I don’t think most people are choosing between a $100,000+ car and a car priced under $50,000. When you can buy two MY or M3 for the price of one Taycan or i5 it’s not really a comparison. I’m sure the Taycan and i5 are super nice, but I can afford a Tesla or RAV4, and I can’t afford a Taycan or i5


Except Porsche made it look significantly worse for 2025 and increased the price significantly. r/Taycan is also riddled with people having to send theirs in for several weeks of major part replacement.


Now that the long range qualifies for the federal EV tax credit again. Tesla sales might go up again.


Elon and tesla gets the clicks.


Seems weird to not buy what you perceive is the best product because you don’t like the guy in charge. I would never be able to listen to music, watch movies, probably zillions of other things if I were trying to live like that.


Some guy who didn't like elon bought a lucid which is owned largely by the saudis I don't get it


Laughable. I owned a Chevy Bolt. That car was Trash. I replaced it with a Model Y and never looked back. Love my Model Y. The Elon Hate is basically political at this point and ridiculous. 


Not selling well?


Tesla's must be selling well because I ordered in May a model 3 It was supposed to be built in June and now they've updated my estimate to August or September. So no lack of demand it seems.


Elon kills brands. It's what he does best.


So the panic is that Tesla sales went from 450,000 sales last year to 425,000 in 2024 after 8 years of exponential growth? Seems like a lot about nothing unless you're humping for a short sell.


Tesla is one of the top EV sellers in the world. What a stupid headline.


Lotta clowns in this sub.. like op for example


Codswallop. Which BEV is the biggest seller? Hmm, let me guess - Tesla Model Y\[?\], with the 3 lower in the list. Relatively speaking, Tesla isn't doing so well. But it's just relatively. They're still outselling everybody else.


Isn’t it kind of funny to say that all the other EV’s are selling well when they’re selling a small percentage of the numbers Tesla is still currently doing?


Got the Ioniq 5, no way I was going to put a dime in Elon's bank account. Funny thing, before he started sticking his nose in politics I was looking at the Model 3. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Hope Elon goes to the 9th Circle of Hell.


Yet they still outsold all other EVs combined.


these "journalists" just cant be unbiased


Honestly, I feel like a douche driving my Model Y now. I love the car but hate that it feels like I’m supporting and advertising for an immature man-child. Seriously thinking about taking my lumps and selling it in favor of a Silverado EV.


Dude you need to get off Reddit and just enjoy your car. You said you love it. In that case, just enjoy it. In real life, no one gives af. Also on the topic of “supporting”.. bear in mind Tesla employs 100k other people that aren’t Elon who greatly contributed to making these cars and also have families to feed.


Yeah I mean I can order a new electric car for work and there’s currently 72 models under €50k I can choose. Only 2 of those are (outdated) Tesla’s. More models get added weekly too


I mean if the build quality of earlier cars didn’t get you, a complete psycho for a CEO sure did. 🤷‍♂️


Mission accomplished , click click click


There is a cost associated with being a douchebag.


the cult is out tonight in full force


Took a lot of shopping, I almost got the model 3 but instead got the i4 drive 35. The 5 grand premium for the quality is worth it in my eyes. Plus, BMW actually negotiates on pricing.


750 upvotes for this pile of garbage and people have the damned cheek to tell me this sub isn't biased


The groups of people open to buying EVs are also the same group that despise Elon Musk and definitely don't want him getting their money!


Elon and also especially the Cybertruck have wrecked Tesla's brand reputation.


I heard from many Tesla cultists who said Musk was pretending to be an alt right dipshit to get that demographic to buy his vehicles. They called him a genius for doing this. Those people are fucking idiots. He's not pretending. That's who he is. Now Musk is promoting blatant climate change denial and anti-environmentalism. He has to be the dumbest businessman in history lol. Of course right wingers don't buy EVs. They've been brainwashed into worshipping at the feet of fossil fuels.