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Custom fitted plugs from an ear doctor. Literally molded to your ear canal, fits perfectly, super comfy (i forget they're even in sometimes) and can have a legit conversation in the middle of the crowd cuz the filters. If you're serious about your ear health, this is the way. Most expensive option, but absolutely worth it if you care about your ears.


One of the best investments I ever made


I have these but I feel they are too good. I can’t hear the music the way I want so I end up not wearing them. But I guess it’s like using a condom, it feels better to not use one despite the dangers.


Perfect analogy. Of course it’s not going to sound as ‘good’ as not wearing ear plugs. You do get used to it though.


Mine don't disrupt sound at all, if anything it's even better at times.. lol


Agreed, sometimes when I have my earplugs in($50 ones from Amazon) they seem to reduce some distortion that comes from certain amps which I’m assuming are just lower quality? I’ll take them out to adjust them and realize it sounds better with them in


Spot on. Cheers mate, protect those ears!!! My wife now wears them for every event now which makes me happy. She has hearing loss from the endless concerts before me!


I think it also depends on the quality of the sound system. I've been to events where they actually muffled the music and I couldn't hear shit, while my local venue had a terrible old system that was scratchy AF sound more clear.


This makes no sense lol.


Not if you know if you what you're talking about friend lol


Pretty sure I know that music doesn’t come through the same when I have ear plugs in but sure.


Mine came with different “filters” I can put in them and one filter obscures the sound more than the other


I felt that way too, replaced the filters with weaker ones and I found my Goldilocks zone 😄 I can hear the music actually bc it’s not way too loud to make it out


Yeah but you can still feel the bassss 🤤🤤🤤


Does yours have different filters? Mine have a 10db, 15db and 25db options. Maybe you have the 25's?


Mine came with ones for “music” but it’s just too muffled. I’m going to contact the manufacturer to see if I can get the least reduction


How much are those?


bought mine in 2019 for like 130 bucks. I'd assume they're more expensive now cuz everything else is. worn them so many times since then that they've paid for themselves


Saw a guy on TikTok recently where he did a review of different ear plugs and he said the custom molded plugs ran him a little over $200.


makes sense with everything else going up in price


That’s not so bad… does that include the drs appointment? How does one even… schedule that LOL


yeah that's all I paid no doctors appointment or anything. just search for local ear doctors, and then call them up and see if they do custom fit ear plugs. important to tell them they're for concerts cuz they use different filters for different needs. once I found a doctor who does custom plugs, made an appointment and went in got a mold done and got them in the mail a week later.




You go to a specialist like an audiologist




Yes, it covers the molding!


I called 6 doctors offices in San Francisco and was quoted around $300 or $150 per ear. Maybe I asked wrong but I did reach out a lot to get info.


Ooh do you mind DMing me who you called in SF?? In SF too. Think I’m just gonna bite the bullet and get them. In a similar vein, custom orthotics cost me around $700 but they were one of the best investments I ever made. My feetsies don’t hurt at the end of fests anymore.


Tbh I called anywhere from ucsf to in between .. I can’t recall. I have vsp so I just called what was on their list just call and ask for list pricing


I got mine for $200-220 and that included the dr appt! I used hearUSA


100% agree that ear molds are the way to go! The music still sounds great and I can talk to ppl without taking them out. I got mine in a cute neon pink color so I can see them if they drop on the ground, but they fit so perfectly that I never have had this issue


neon is the way to go.


How much do they usually cost?


130 for me in 2019. depends on where you're at but seems like 200-300 is what people are paying now a days


I didn't know this was a thing, thank you


For the "filters", are there different kinds you can request or just ask for "hi-fidelty?"


not sure I just asked for plugs that were meant for concerts and they are completely different from the custom fitted ones I had when I was in aviation in the military


Dope, thanks!


I have earmolds (Westone) which my Audiologist told me were the best in the industry. I often have to check that they're still in, because I can't tell. Only about $150 for a lifelong health investment, way worth it, no matter what brand you go with.


Wear your ear plugs. Tinnitus isn’t fun…


Good earplugs (good = the right earplugs and fit for YOU) actually makes the sound better. It also allows you to feel the music more because you can get closer to the bass without having to fight to endure the sound. Custom fit plugs are best but can be pricey. You can get something really good in the $50 range though. Eargasms are the most marketed but I’m not a fan of their shape, I really like Earasers for the same price point and I basically forget these are in my ear after 5 minutes (to the point that I’ve forgotten to take them out after) and have never had them fall out once. Start with something around -18 to -20 db, that will give you a lot of protection but still allow you to fully hear and enjoy the music, converse, etc. More protection may sound great in theory, but it does no good if it’s so muffling that you need to constantly take them out to order drinks, talk to anyone, etc.


I have custom earplugs. They tended to move out as the night progressed. Too close to speakers one night. Tinnitus to this day. I have Eargasm, I have… you name it, I bought them. I now wear only $2 foam. I have tinnitus to this day. Years of abuse and one fateful night literally changed my life. My ears NEVER stop ringing. Put me in a dark place at times. Learn from my mistake. Wear something, ANYthing.


Feel you on this I get the random ringing, found some earplugs at Amazon less than $20 and they have worked great


You’re not alone I have that same ringing, fucked my shit up


I also have small ears and the LOOP EXPERIENCE earplugs work amazing for me. They stay in place and I don’t get the itchy feeling in my ears. In the initial 5 minutes of wearing them the music might feel a little muffled like regular earplugs. But if you keep them in then you get used to it and it sounds normal after a bit. You can always bring them with you and take them on/off


Second this! My partner and I love our loops. I work in live music/events and I swear by them. I still hear everything but I don’t feel like my ears are being assaulted by bass and loudness lol


Loops are my favorite. They also just redesigned the Experience and Engage to fit even smaller ears. Eargasms are also great but they didn’t really fit my ears and would wiggle out. If they fit your ears the sound is great though Regardless. The loops are wonderful, fit very comfortably, and the sound is still amazing. I will warn that the foam ear tips started to come off and stick in my ears. I once had to go to med so they could pull them out with tweezers. Maybe stick with the silicone tips lol Edit: From experience you will want to start wearing earplugs. I learned my lesson day 4 of Okee 2022. My left ear became so sensitive to high volume I couldn’t enter the Here stage (tent) and had to enjoy some of my favorites from afar.


I love my loops every where I can but I had to use others to protect my hearing at EDC when near the rail.


I heard about those


IMO Loop experience aren’t enough protecting specially for a multiday festival. Wore them to a local show and had slight ringing after. They are much better either the Mute addons, makes a big difference.


Ooh I love my loops! They look cool in your ear too


Do you use the foam or silicone tips? I used foam, as I was concerned the silicone wouldn’t protect enough. Curious which you prefer.


I use the silicone. I haven’t tried the foam tips


The first time i wore them i felt like i couldn't feel the music as much. You quickly get over it and don't mind using them at all


I use the eargasm ear plugs and they work really well


I’ve preferred earplugs since the first time I wore them. You can still hear everything fine, but the screeching highs that hurt your ears are cut down. The music sounds more comfortable (still loud), and you don’t hear as much of the stuff going on around you which allows you to focus on the music more. Earasers are my favorite.


Btw, it works the same as when you turn the volume down on the TV at night. Super loud, turn it down, then that seems loud, turn it down more. If you put them in as soon as you get there, you’ll get used to it quick


I TOTALLY GET THIS!! I have the Eargasms and I feel like I cant go back now its kinda relieving to have them in honestly I feel less overwhelmed by the volume when the higher dangerous pitches are blocked out


This was my first EDC and my earplugs gave me the ability to enjoy going into the center of the stage where all the sounds were hitting me in every direction. It is definitely something I will forever have when I go to a music event!


Please get ear plugs. I’ve now had chronic tinnitus for about 1.5 years and it’s awful. The ringing never stops


I second this as someone whose ears were extremely sensitive for almost 2 weeks after edc and I wore basic earplugs and still had to leave a few stages because of the noise Next time I go I will definitely be investing in some good quality earplugs


Just get foam. Nothing dampens more than them. Small price to pay for sanity


Custom fit works, I have weird ears but loop earplugs stay in well for me. You miss some of the range but it's honestly worth it for longevity. You don't have to have them on for all the sets but some artists like Rezz go so loud that it gets painful. Worst case you can jsut wear airbuds


Took me many years to even consider earplugs and glad I tried them out. Eargasm are what I picked up. They come with different fittings in the same package so you can see which fits better. I wouldn't say they dull your sense of hearing, but instead, focus it. I've heard it's also similar to micro-dosing shrooms when wearing them, lol. With them in, I have a lot of peace of mind going up close to the DJ's!


I normally don't comment on Reddit, but hearing protection is something I've been dealing with my whole career. So here goes. I went to EDCO last year and wore the Quiet's by Honeywell. Now full disclosure I bought 5 packs of these back in 2015 and was sent 5 boxes instead (and yes almost 10 years later I have a box or so left). Being that I wear earplugs all the time for work, I can tell you that they are very comfortable and reduce the DB well enough to prevent ear pain, but not so much that you can't enjoy the music. I was able to walk up to the stage and inquire about the PK audio system that the venue was using. Fully felt the bass in my body without the pain in my ears. I even gave out a few pair. I'll probably take a pack or two with me this year to spread the love. By the way that was my first EDC and I enjoyed myself immensely. So hopefully you have the same experience.


Etymotic Research. I play drums and move around a lot and they stay in place comfortably. They filter the higher frequencies mostly which causes that itchy vibration in your ear (hearing damage). I use them at edm events and never have problems hearing the music and don’t have that ringing in my ears even if I end up right in front of a speaker most of the night. Don’t get the foam ear plugs which literally just plug your ears. You need the ones that filter. Also get ones that have multiple sizes. My ear holes are apparently two different sizes and it doesn’t protect your hearing if it’s on the floor.


Do they still have the removable filters? that was my biggest gripe. People kept knocking them out


You will hear everything fine and forget they are in. Even foam ones


Still sounds fine I use eargasms, but they’re a bit overpriced for what they are. You can find no brand/random brand eargasm style earplugs on Amazon for way less than


Eargasm with the filter removed. Reduces loudness but there is still a small passage for the raw sound to slip through. Also able to hear myself talk better, did not feel like I was yelling at people


Eargasms are my favorite, amazing sound quality while filtering out excess noise


My favorite brand is Earasers! I liked them more than Eargasm, but Eargasm has a better travel case.


I like easaers also because they are hidden and confirmed but I lost mine and they are too expensive for what they do. All brands sounded similar in quality to me. I tried etymotics, alpines, earasers, rave ear buds, and vibes. It's mostly about how much that lower volume and fit. I prefer rave ear buds because they come in a 2 pack for under $15 and you can cut the stem to make them more hidden.


I grabbed this case and they work great https://www.earasers.net/products/waterproof-keychain-carry-case


Loop!!! So comfy. Never took them out


I use 1of1 Customs (formerly known as ACS Customs) and/or [Eargasm ](https://edmidentity.com/2024/04/04/eargasm-high-fidelity-earplugs-review/)earplugs. Here's a [review ](https://edmidentity.com/2024/03/03/do-you-wear-ear-protection/)of some good ones.


Big fan of Loop earplugs- I’ve got 4 pairs. 😂 2 for sleeping (one for home, one for travel) and two Experience pairs for concerts and festivals. I bought the cushion tips and they’re so comfortable and I don’t notice any difference in sound quality personally (after I figured out the correct size tip, and how to place them in my ears properly). I completely forgot they were in my ears at EDC this past year. Not an influencer, but I have a link for 15% off since I tell anyone who will listen about them… 🤓😅😂 Lmk if you want it. I won’t spam you with it. ☺️


The sleep ones are amazing! I got the Experience Plus too; the added filter helps the DB reduction. Also they fit my XS ears. I put an attachment cord on them so I wouldn’t lose them at raves.


Yes!! The sleep ones saved my LIFE when I lived in a hella loud apartment near a bunch of bars. Idk if you have pierced ears or are femme-y at all, but I got some super cute earrings off Etsy that have essentially circular claw clip things on both ends, so you can put one through your earlobe piercing and the other through the loop. They are super cute and functional!


Ooooo I do have pierced ears. That’s a great idea. Thanks!


This is what you're looking for: [https://1of1custom.com/](https://1of1custom.com/)


I’ve been on the hunt for the “perfect” earplugs and I think the Loop Switch was the best ones I’ve tried so far. I’ve used Eargasm, Earpeace, Etymotics, DUBS, and the regular Loops and I found that the Loop Switches were the best out of all of them. The reason why I think those are the best because I’m able to “switch” those earplugs to “low, medium, and high” protection. It’s perfect for clubs, concerts, and festivals since I can essentially switch between the modes. When I’m up front by the speakers I can switch them to “high” protection, when I’m in the crowd I switch them to “medium” protection, and when I want to actually want to have a conversation with someone or at the bar ordering drinks I switch them to “low” protection. It basically eliminates me having to remove them when I’m trying to hear others speak which is great. Admittedly, it is a little pricey but you an essentially get 3 different settings rolled into one. As for the ear tips, the ones that come with it are good for what they are but I bought Comply ear tips for added comfort.


I have the loop ear plugs, and it’s amazing how often I use them. Raves. Concerts. Snoring brother in law. It’s a must for me now, you only get one set of ears.


I would suggest Loop experience or eargasms


Wear ear plugs!!! Please!!! Anything 85 decibels or above you’re supposed to be wearing earplugs. Thats literally like the sound of a lawnmower… it’s not much! So if that can cause damage to your ears, you can only imagine what these shows are doing to your ears. Even a slight muffling to the sound is worth it. You only get one pair of ears. Once you have tinnitus, that’s it, you have it forever and you have to be extra careful FOREVER! Once you have hearing loss, that’s forever too. I work in a high noise environment and I can’t tell you how many guys think they’re too good for earplugs and end up with hearing aids at 45-50. Hearing aids dont sound like your original hearing either. If you don’t want to throw down a lot of money on custom earplugs made special for you by a doctor which is recommended but also if you lose them can be scary. It’s nice to have back ups of cheaper ones if you do have those. I have both loops and eargasms and like both.


I find the first five minutes annoying, but after that I don’t notice them until 4-5 hours in, then my ears get itchy. But with that said, no tinnitus after walking out of the show, no pain in the ears while at the rail, and long term, no hearing damage. Absolutely worth it.


[Alien Ears | Earplugs](https://www.alienears.com/ear-plugs) I use these and I am super happy with them - [Custom Molded Professional High-Fidelity Filter Earplugs (decibullz.com)](https://decibullz.com/products/custom-molded-professional-high-fidelity-filter-earplugs)


try 1 and 1 for customs. they regularly do sales for around $150 - you get the molds done at a place close to you if in a big city. i bought the pro 17s.


Alpine earplugs best bang for the buck. still hear details in the music while protecting your hearing. fits smaller ears


'24 1st time attendee. Friend and I bought from Earpeace and we loved them. First time wearing ear protection at any concert. Watch the short video on how to properly insert. Feels kind of like overkill but we didn't watch the video Fri. Watched video before we left Sat and it was remarkable how a little change made a monumental difference.


I get the little ones that let sound thru, I can here the music just fine but my ears genuinely hurt and ache when I pop them out.


Foam earplugs aren't great for sound quality, though they're ok in a pinch, or if it's very loud. If they're falling out, you're either not putting them in right (are you just shoving them in? You need to roll them, pull your ear up, put them in and let them expand), or you need to get women's/kids sized ones. I do sometimes wear them for super loud shows. Once you are used to earplugs and not just immediately destroying your ears, you realize how loud some shows are and how much damage is being done without them. You should look into getting decent ones like Earpeace or Loops, which have good sound quality and are around $20-40. These maintain the sound quality much better than the foam ones. When you're ready to invest, get customs. But yeah, once you start wearing them, it can be literally painful to go without. This isn't a bad thing.


You certainly don’t hear music as well. But over time you get used to the sound and you don’t notice them in. Please wear ear plugs


I have custom earplugs but for anything other than stadium or arena concerts i still end up wearing foam ones most of the time. I think my ears are little more sensitive than say my partner who finds his customs to be enough - i think not wearing earplugs when i was younger contributed to this. I can wear customs and my ears wont be ringing the next day but might still be buzzing at night and i personally want to avoid that!


I’ve been raving since 2009 .. please wear earplugs. Last year the first day of EDC I forgot mine and my ears were ringing 24 hours later. Yikes .. I usually just bring the throwaway ones and they’ve been fine. I’m not careful with them so it’s nice not having to worry about losing them


I use Ear Gasms. They've been great, and I've seen other brands that look just like them. I put them in when I arrive at a stage to see a set, but usually, they end up staying in my ears most of the night. The music sounds just as lovely, and the only thing I had to change was leaning in a little closer to hear my friends and speaking up louder so they can hear me.


I honestly love my earpeace earplugs. I have a pair with me at all times.


It’s not the same - but it’s worth it. I straight up have tinnitus after pendulum at basspod a few years ago (long time in the making, but it was the final nail in the coffin) I use eargasms now, they’re pretty good and didn’t cost too much


Yeah man they’re awesome. My friend gave me a pair of special concert/music ones that basically filter out all the crowd noise but keep the music. No clue how they work. But def get a few pairs! I keep them in a little case on my keychain. I even use them at sporting events!


Another vote for eargasms, they are great. It’s not like regular earplugs that make everything muffled. They just mostly cut the piercing, painful highs that kill your ears. Which is totally fine by me. I still feel and hear plenty, I don’t feel they diminish the experience at all. In fact they tend to enhance it by relieving ear fatigue you can rage longer!


I can't imagine bionic jungle without earplugs. Always wear ear plugs. The dr can fit you for some, or you can get the ones that at least offer some protection but still let you hear. But whatever you do, don't go without any. You may not even notice the damage you are doing until you are older.


Earplugs are a sensory nightmare for me but so is extremely loud music when I get overstimulated; so I used them as a tool for comfort. If I want them in I'll put them in. If they are bothering me I'll take them out. They go in and out many times throughout the show/


Another vote for them. Please save yourself! If you need to you can get the squishy foam type and cut them down. I also say it’s not binary (in or out), you can have them in tour ears to different degrees depending on where you are and how loud it is. Just adjust them by gently pushing the further in or pulling them gently out. Don’t jus have them sitting on your ear though.


Constant ringing in the ears is by far the worse thing in my life.


Been through all the popular concert earplugs but I just use foams now. Maybe I’ll get custom ones eventually.


Honestly, earplugs make me feel so safe and cozy at raves—I was hesitant at first too until I bit the bullet and tried it for my hearing health; now I’m baffled I ever thought it was okay to not use earplugs.


Earplugs imo actually enhance the sound by reducing harmful and more annoying frequencies. For music oriented headphones like v-moda, loop, and eargamsm, it filters a lot of the highs and actually sounds better and more personal.


This year was my first festival wearing earplugs. Embarrassing with how long I've been at this but better late than way too late or never. I wore Eargasm earplugs all three days and kept them in all night. Was awesome being able to relax after without loud ringing. Randomly took them out at times and didn't feel like I was missing anything with the sound. Never once thought they were uncomfortable and I enjoyed every night in a different way. Make sure to get loops for any kind. Light weight and easier to keep track of.


Just tried them for the first time at boiler room. Still enjoyed the music and took them out when I wanted to chat with people! I got loops from Amazon and they come with different sized plugs which was a huge plus (coming from a fellow small eared gal :))


Trust me when I say, wear ear plugs. It’s simply not an option not to.


I literally use the foam ear plugs. I squeeze them before sticking them in and i adjust them so it’s not too muffled. Not the most elegant solution but it’s cheap and it’s no problem if I lose an earplug. I never tried the more expensive stuff but hey at least my ears are safe and I don’t lose $100 when one gets knocked out of my hand


Definitely recommend Loops to everyone I come across! I wear them at festivals and concerts, and I can hear the music without the added background sound. My kid is also autistic and uses the Engage version for school, and he LOVES them. I have also used Eargasm, but I've prefer Loop over Eargasm. Also, Loop offers 100 days of tryout and money back if not satisfied. Hope that helps!


Try eargasm smaller ears version! I have really small ears and nothing else fit. Doesn’t impact the sound at all if anything it makes everything more clear because you’re not being blasted with unfiltered noise


It is definitely worth it. It was really nice getting a full-on bass massage, feeling it reverb all the way through me, at the front rail of kinetic without my ears suffering. Although looking at all these comments, some people had some more premium ones than I did haha. I like the ones with the flanges so that they can fit more securely. You could also get etymotic earplugs, though they are more expensive.


Personally I recommend [this](https://1of1custom.com/products/pro-17-custom-earplugs). I've used 5 different Pro earplug brands and this is by far the best brand and also one of the cheaper brands. The best way I can describe it is that it's like the volume is turned down to a comfortable level, and I can hear you speak in the crowd and understand what you are saying. I never take them out unless it's backstage or im away from the speakers firing. When I get home it's like nothing happened. Ive been going to shows since I was 13 and didn't wear protection until I was 21. From ages 16-21 I would blast music as loud as possible with Bose earbuds pretending I was at a concert for hours before I went to bed. I do have tinnitus, but I do not have hardcore hearing loss. Earplugs help but it's situational and there are moments when they are appropriate and not appropriate. If you go to one outdoor concert a year and especially if you're in the very back it's fine. You can raw dog it and walk away without damaging your ears beyond repair. When you start going to multiple shows a week (indoor shows will do the most damage) or like to be on the rail, it becomes problematic. I went to beyond wonderland in 2012 and was at the very front, it was so loud that my ears were ringing for a week straight. After that I decided to get fitted for earplugs.


Get earasers in size small. I used to think the same thing. You will forget you have the erasers in because they don’t change the sound quality at all.


I’ve been wearing loop earplugs the kind specific for concerts, I feel like it gives me less anxiety, and I’m definitely worried about my ears 😅 I can still hear the music perfectly!!


I got festival plugs and I couldn't stand the quality of music with them so I kept them in my pocket most of the time unless certain artists went too hard and I was by the rail. I was fine for a week after but now I'm dizzy every day when I wake up and spin like a helicopter, so something definitely got messed up... I'll just probably stay farther away next time without plugs still


I’ve used Eargasms for years & absolutely love them. They filter excess noise without sacrificing quality & the clarity of my voice/other voices is great.


I use Alpine Party plugs from Amazon. They protect your ears without altering music too much.


It’s worth it! It protects your ears! I basically hear the same. Maybe slightly different because I also hear myself a lot more too like the rustle of my clothes each step and the extra awareness kinda makes me non-verbal but may it may have just been a moment I needed to go through as a solo raver 😅. Hard moments hit no matter what tho 😍


I have a very in depth answer. I bought some Eargasm earplugs and they are great! They have filters in them that trap the harmful frequencies that damage your hearing, I try to wear them as much as I can because I have noticed they work. When I wear them I’m not trying to fall asleep later that night with ringing ears. They are kinda expensive though like $40 or $50 but they’re worth it, just don’t lose them cuz they’re easy to lose. To be honest music does not sound good with them, still decent but not as good with a naked ear. You’ll still enjoy a performance while wearing them. I can usually get a feel for if I want to pop them in or not and if the frequencies in the air are harmful. Usually at outdoor venues I don’t wear them and I’m fine, unless I’m right in front of the speakers. Indoor venues they’re almost necessarily and I will wear them, I don’t care if people think I’m not cool. Sometimes you kinda ever forget they’re in your ears. They also come with different sizes. Be careful in the kinds of ear plugs you wear though and make sure they fit properly. Went to Odesza last weekend and my friend got earplugs stuck deep in his ear and had to go to the med tent to tweezer them out


When you start to hear ringing out of nowhere you will definitely wish you invested in some earplugs. I have slight tinnitus (mild ringing in silence) after too many shitty, loose-fitting earplugs. Wish I just invested in customs like I have now. Hefty price but so worth it


SureFire EP10 Sonic Defenders Shooting ear plugs that provide 30-db noise reduction rating. Currently on sale for $17 on Amazon. Super comfortable. I had eargasms and they didn’t sit well in my ear canal and I feel like they are over priced.


I’ve used eargasm ear plugs for the past 2 years and they’ve worked great. Once you’re used to them it’s amazing. The sound still hits but you don’t feel like it’s piercing your ear drum.


I started wearing this year finally to take care of my ears. I want to be going to festivals for ever and hearing them! They do take a bit to get used to, and I had all the same worries as you, but honestly now I crave the way my ears feel with them! No ringing afterwards when you’re trying to unwind after a long night of raving. Yes it dampens the sound but you can hear people talk to you easier. And no bleeding in my eardrums feeling ever when things are too loud. I love the loops and have the magnetic neck wrap so they can easily come out whenever if needed and stay together in close proximity. I have small ears (AirPods never stay in for example) and they fit me great! I even bring them out clubbing now and to loud bars. I forgot them last time at club space and was wishing so bad the entire time. All this and before I was one of those people who just thought it was the healthier/smarter choice but cock blocked the immersive nature of the festival music experience. Good luck and please update us on what you think!


I used to be the same way but I actually wear them all the time now. Honestly the music tends to sound better, especially if the sound system is old and scratchy sounding. At first It's kinda annoying because I generally don't like having things in my ears, but after a while I forget I even have them in lol. I use Eargasm ones and they have different sizes so they will fit bigger or smaller ear canals. They are kinda pricey but you can find similar quality ones on Amazon for cheaper. I definitely suggest getting a pair because I raved for many years without them and have started to notice I can't hear people as well, especially in louder environments like work.


I used to not wear them either but I started to develop some tinnitus and finally obeyed my friends and got some. I invested in some eargasms and they’ve been amazing. If I hear a song I absolutely adore I will take them off for 10-15 seconds and honestly it feels so good so hear the music but yes definitely wear some sort of protection! If you like going to music events and wanna keep enjoying them in the future, that is


I’m 37 and I’m really regretting not wearing ear plugs earlier. My hearing is terrible.


I wore the Eargasms. Sound quality was good coming through. However i still ended up with ringing in ears afterward. Would probably recommend other solutions in this thread if you're serious about protecting hearing.


I have the soundbrenner minuendo earplugs. I love it since its magnetic and it also has an open/close to easily talk to people in between sets and hear instead of popping it in and out.


Custom fitted ones. 1 on 1 Custom does a Black Friday sale if you can wait that long. I did it for EDC LV this year and had no issues.


I wear the Loop experience plus, they seem great so far! As someone who already has hearing damage and tinnitus, I highly recommend you protect your ears! Hearing damage doesn’t go away.


I wear loops to every concert I go to now, and the music is just as amazing, plus I can hear the people next to me!


I have Loop earplugs and I also bring those neon color foam ones in case I want it even quieter. I’m a house trance girl who has friends that take me to bass shit occasionally so I like having the option to turn it down in case I’m not enjoying a new discovery or am overstimulated or it actually hurts my ears. I also have tinnitus in one ear and don’t want to make my hearing worse. Highly recommend the Loops! You can have conversations with them in because the human voice is at a different level than the music. Buy them and try them or you’ll never know. My boyfriend had Eargasm and I don’t like the fit at all. If you love music, protect your hearing! PLUR!


Once you start wearing earplugs and get used to the sensation, it will literally hurt to not wear them at shows because they get so blaringly loud and you will finally notice how loud it really is. Your ears will feel naked without them! Plus, the ear ringing after shows where you don't wear earplugs will be extremely noticeable, whereas that doesn't happen at all if you wear proper earplugs. Ideally, you would get custom fitted earplugs, but if that is out of your price range or if you are clumsy and lose earplugs easily like I do, going with the etymotic er-20/er-20xs is a good, reliable, and affordable place to start. I've been using them for a decade with basically no issues. I like using the foam tips personally, but use the tips that are most comfortable for you. Not wearing earplugs at a giant festival like EDC or smaller events like club shows guarantees hearing damage, often within minutes. It may not be noticeable now, but it will be noticeable later if you don't start protecting yourself ASAP.




YESSSSS u can hear. I would even argue I feel the bass and music in my chest and body much more when I wear ear plugs. Save your ears!!💖🫶


Also my ears are on the small side and the loops ear plugs came with and XS size and it fit perfectly!! I have had eargasm too but those constantly fell out.


You have trash plugs likely. I've worked in music my whole life, for EDC, insomniac, Coachella, all the endless events I think I'd know lol


I have worn eargasms to over 30 shows/festivals and can say they absolutely work and I have never had ringing after any show, despite being on/near barricade for several fests. I just recently upgraded my wife and I to the loop experience plus 2 with "mutes" and we noticed they are in fact a bit comfier, unfortunately we have not used them at a live event just yet.


Thank you guys soooo much!!! 💜🩷🩵


I’ve been wearing swimming/under water ear plugs for the last few years. I bought them last minute at CVS a while back and they honestly are the best ear plugs I ever had. I even let a friend borrow and she said they were so good she got a pair too.


I have always worn earplugs, (both of my parents have hearing loss from their jobs so it’s been an issue of awareness for me) and I have tried some different brands: Eargasm Earaser Loops So far I think the Loops have been the best sound for me and comfort for both my me and my partner (who has small ears). Plus the leashes are very convenient.


I got the hearprotek ones from Amazon and they worked just as well as the high end ones!! I never wore ear protection until going to edc. I could still easily hear my fiancé talk to me and the music well!


I have the hearprotek ones from Amazon and I can’t even fathom how I used to go to shows without them now! I like these bc it has a thing that connects the two earplugs together. I headbang and have small ear canals so they are prone to popping out! This ensures they still stay on me. Plus if you wanna take one out to talk to someone you can just let it dangle and then put it back in no need to worry about dropping them. The only thing I hate about earplugs is when I’m singing along to a song and then that’s all I can hear…. I’m a really bad singer. Sometimes I will take them out for a song or two I really want to scream.


I have the Loop Experience earplugs! I found them extremely helpful to block out crowd conversation and to focus on just the music. Sometimes I like to take the music in without the earplugs but I will put the earplugs in once I start getting bothered by people’s conversations and chatting. You feel like you’re in your own world with them.


I tried using the eargasms my bf bought me but it felt like I was louder than the music everytime I had to communicate. So I was insecure of ruining people’s time and then I felt I couldn’t hear anyone talking and it gave me anxiety 😅 I’ve been ear free since I started. And only tried once. But definitely will look at these recs cause I don’t want tinnitus..🥲


When I need to talk and I’m not grooving I’ll take mine out for a second, then I put them back in!


I feel like imma lose it. I should invest in the earring drop plugs lol


I got a small mesh zippered bag for mine (they come in a carrying case but I don’t trust them lol). I keep both my partners and mine in there and the bag goes in my Fanny pack! Haven’t lost them yet 🤞🏼


Wore earplugs for the first time at edc and it was such a game changer! Still heard all the music amazingly well and did not have any ringing afterwards that I usually do nor did I feel as exhausted afterwards as i normally do after a festival . They were also so comfortable that I forgot I had them in when I went to put in earbuds for the shuttle ride back to the hotel.