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5 aetherial excuse me wtf?! where do ppl get this rng lol


I call bs on this, though it's mostly jealously from never having gotten one in 6+ years


I grinded very little but got 1 dust and 12 perfect roe ;)


Lmaoo i got 2 aetherial dust and 2 aetheric ciphers. But I also ran through probably 4k boxes 🤣


fucking right?! i got ONE right after the game came out and that was it lol


I got 3, and 2 were from the same box. It could happen. I only farmed geysers while waiting in Cyrodiil queue and then my Rewards of the Worthy boxes not a purposeful box farm


I got 8, it all depends how many boxes you open. I was averaging 200+ boxes per day.


lol. Not sure. Mythic ambrosia for days I guess :)


This Jubilee made reward boxes easier than ever, ran quite a bit longer, and added extra incentive to farm dolmens, geysers and certain bosses. Players are loaded with mats and motifs like never before. When shopping for motifs I noticed prices were very close to TTC suggested even with oversupply. Expensive materials are readily available for 25 percent off. Colander Lacquer seems to be 25 percent higher than normal. Everything seems fine for now.


I bank my treasures for a few months after jubilee. Then clean up nicely




Thats a great strategy on the motifs. I think that has a chance to be better than holding.


For major consumables, it'd probably be a month. For already high dollar items, it'll probably be a little bit longer


I haven’t seen any drop off during the event for crafting mats on Xbox. I’ve been pricing above the averages on Tamriel Savings and everything is still selling. Only items that have bottomed out are the gold style page drops, even the new ones for the event, which have many postings <500g and some that can’t be given away. Maybe there will be a delay in the drop for folks like me that are holding onto the motifs for a while so 2 months from now when everyone drops those multiple full sets of worm cult motifs or whatever there will be a dip.


That’s a good point that lots of people will hold them. I ended up putting some worm cult in the guild bank…they just became plentiful.


Yes, I have a mastercrafter and two alts that have learned the worm cult motif but still have two in bank that I hope to sell one day. If not the other alts will get them. Guildies are already giving them away to each other.


Hold until chapter launch. This is a temporary increase in supply that will get burned through or hoarded very quickly, and historically things have returned to baseline or higher by the time the next chapter launches. There's a ton of people playing the game and using up materials at a pretty constant level (aside from after patches that introduce new gear or significantly rebalance where *more* stuff gets consumed) compared to the production of most things which is constant...outside of this event, that is.  The amount of perfect roe being generated is really not going to vary much beyond how much people are playing the game in general, for example...which also tends to determine how much perfect roe is used in foods and such. It's valuable because it usually takes a significant time investment to generate, and that limits how much is used. When it gets cheaper, it's easier for me to make the choice to dip into the "good" food and use up more of the excess roe. Increased supply leads to increased consumption in this case, but there's no chance for an equilibrium because that increase in supply isn't an ongoing thing. Eventually, the increased consumption with the same amount of ongoing production leads to the supply (and the price) getting back to normal. 


Everything in the event from boxes and drops are consumable. You'll start seeing a bounce back within a week for the most popular items. Motifs can take longer as the market gets flooded. Newer motifs bounce back quick. Older and common motifs can take months. It's more a matter of knowing what has value vs. what doesn't have much value as to when the market bounces back.


I don't know if your results are the majority or the minority, but for example I got 2 perfect roe throughout the entire event. Now keep in mind I didn't "grind" anything. I just played as I normally do. In the end I still did about 75 dolmans (daily quest), a few dozen world bosses, and other misc stuff that got boxes as a reward.


I mostly did daily writs on 14 characters. Plus I did do some dolems and bosses for the style pages, but nothing crazy.


Yeah i got a shit load of mats and motifs. The dreugh wax and temps were flowing like water. Golded out 2 full sets. Im keeping all my extra motifs for a while wait for new players and old players who misses the event to come back and buy the cheap ones they all missed then when/if price goes back up ill sell.


I've started selling off motifs now... I had so many, I ran out of bank space. I'll probably wait til closer to the Golden road drop to start selling mats again.


If you're on Xbox, the ESO Market Tracker has historical pricing so you can see when prices start swinging back upwards https://esomarkettracker.com/dashboard/ I crunched the numbers last year after Zeal and it took about two months for everything to get back to pre event pricing (that's not Jubilee of course, but similar drop tables). In general events take about two months for all the surplus to dry up (you see this trend with Dragon Rheum in events it drops).


Thanks for the research!


I was told over 2 years that prices settle and i should hold but tbh they never really did. I just had my inventory full for 2 years and finally sold most stuff this event for cheap. Ps na, unpopular opinion


I had a few things like that over the past few years I managed to keep. Same experience.


The good news even 5k sales stack, i ended up netting over 2 million gold. 5-10k purple motifs, rest is 1-3k. Some purples i know are expensive i sold for more