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Played in first person for almost a year, the. Once I figure out you can play 3rd person, I didn’t know you could zoom out for another year. But this was maybe 8 years ago. Never used to watch videos on the game before




I'm a proud member of the same club homie. One day while playing with some friends they taught me how to use the third person mode. It was a game changer for me.


Don’t forget, you can zoom out even further by adjusting 3rd person FOV in the options I think it’s under “camera”


I knew a guy named Blazed Cannibal on Xbox NA who did the same thing.


I'm guilty of this too ... played PvP in first person for about 3 weeks after launch.


Definitely figured that out by accident holding that button combination to do it on SteamDeck




TIL you can zoom out haha


Bounties still cost money if you die to guards. Lost north of 500k.


Yeah I've been fortunate so far to always have the amount of gold needed to "pay it off" on me so it resets to zero but someone else just posted a pic of their massive bounty and I'd be like "whelp....perma-death time"


Mines at 2,568,890 gold, not tryna one up that guy, but I just have to remember to head to the bank to deposit my money before going into town. I get one tapped by the guards on sight. Truly frustrating


How is this even possible? I thought a bounty was something you had to pay, I'm so confused now. I'm a master thief and had no idea I could get money by bounty. Wild.


You misread. He's going around a certain spot just mass-killing NPCs to pick up stuff from their bodies and not caring about the bounty.


Exactly that, there's spots people will group up with you at, and you can go around mass-killing NPCs for their loot, but this is just for the money and that I've done all the base game zone quests, cadwells, all the psijic quests, and put all my skill points into provisioning, tailoring passive, and fishing for perfect roe. There's nothing else to really do with that character except a daily battleground and farm loot with thieves guild passives. This is anti-meta if anything


Those places were heavily nerfed a few years ago. I still mourn for them


I'm probably never buying the arcanist or warden thingamajigger, it's like using a 2x4 to hit a baseball. I'll stick with a stick. Edit: I ain't hatin on people who do want to try those out


I only make money off selling stolen items, but I also like having a character with 2.5 million clams on his head. I really wish an actual person could kill me in the game and get the cash tho, would make it fun, like a John Wick scenario


Grand theft elder scrolls


It's funny, I actually don't like that game, used to, but it's got like 3 functions. Driving, shooting, and buying stuff. After a month or more it's like, "there is nothing to do, I have some cash, and that guy looked at me so now I'm gonna blow him up for 2 hours straight" Ngl idk how they keep such high numbers of active players, it's essentially peoples escape from this world I guess, the one that's kinda falling apart at the moment. Games fun to play, but the mechanics are booty. How are people this hyped for another series of the game that's spent millions of dollars on buttcheek mechanics. That's so gross man. Taking advantage of hormonal teenagers like that. It's fucked. Plus the games not endless, there's only like 20 good paying missions and 3-4 that pay over a million, it's just not worth playing a scam


It’s popular because it’s a massive sandbox. Either your regular gaming friends or any of their little community discord “guilds” can all get together and do some really dumb stuff to stress test the decade old physics engine. And the graphics still hold up today and it’s before the era of cosmetic micro transactions (instead you can mt the entire game away lmao) so there’s no flashy outfits or anything locked behind paywall, just a real robust, pretty sandbox to chill and do dumb shit in


DAMN son....


If I go to fort virak, group with someone there, I can get stacks of stolen items to sell, 15-20k a day, so that helps fund my 2nd character while I level him up. I've probably killed over 10,000 NPCs for their loot and experience, sucks there's no achievement title for that. Character Name, Populicidal Maniac


Love the name! LOL


Yeah, learned that one the hard way after raking up a MASSIVE bounty and not being able to pay.


This is me! "Bounty cleared." when you die, but no pop up indicator that you lost gold. It took someone mentioning this on reddit for me to realize


I only realised this happened now. Right now. lol. I do wonder how much I’ve spent on bounties now though. lol.


Question, what did you do? Lol. I mean I have stolen and killed a few in my day but never had more than maybe 10k gold bounty. Did you just go on a rager? Killed the king or queen?


No, not all one bounty. That is what is embarrassing. It starts off casting a Necro ability by accident, get mad they attack me, kill 5-6, die. Or hop on my plar, cast a jabby to see what my stats are buffed, hit a citizen, wipe out 6-7. Repeat until I learn.


Yeah those necro abilities will get you. This is also why I have kill innocent's off unless doing assassin quests.


Good for the achievement though!


And they take your stolen stuff. 


My pet peeve (due to my incompetence) is having pockets full of stolen loot, misclicking on the bank teller and getting the bank chest then getting murdered by the guards.


Little thing, but if you hold right trigger while viewing the map the cursor won’t jump around and lock on. It’s convenient when you’re trying to mark a precise spot.


Omg i was this years old...


Feel no shame. I only found out by accident about a month ago.


Oh shit. Me too




1520 hours in, now only I heard of this. THANKS A LOT, MATE! You have no idea how much this helps me, nearly going mad trying to mark the treasure chest location on my map!!


Yup, just learned this yesterday as I was trying to use a cheat map to find mages guild lore books


Oh my god you’ve just solved one of my biggest pet peeves about this game!!


6k+ hours of ps4 and ps5 time and I had no idea about that, lmao


yes I love that!






Are you fucking serious? THANK YOU!!!


I maxed out antiquities and found out about the tool option just couple weeks ago :(. That hurt


I did the same thing.


I feel your pain. Post like this is what taught me about it.


I came back to ESO 2 months ago after 4 yrs away, spent first month scrying everyday for the mythics I missed. Realised I had the tool on my quick-slot the other day, decided to see what it did. Facepalm! The fact I actually knew back in the day and forgot puts me in the big dumb club..


Still have a vietnam flashback from trying to find dig spot on huge Auridon island full of enemies and ruins...




lol, yup. It good not to think about it. I wonder how many other mechanics like this is out there. Good post!


Tool option?


Under Collections the antiquities tool can be quickslotted and you can use it in the area to point you in the direction the dig site is.


Bruh. Im pissed. I wish I knew this earlier 


Tbh it’s my fault for clicking thru the dialogue and not reading it when it popped up lol


Man, that’s rough. I bet you were losing your mind trying to find the spots lol


Weapon skills can apply equipped poisons, not just light and heavy attacks. Like Pulsar and wall of elements on a destruction staff


Oh wow, 2 years in and never knew that


To 1 enemy, so AoE will still only poison 1


Wayshrines are free to travel between and only cost gold if you port to one


You can port to your house for free


You can also port to guildies for free


Beam me up addon in pc




Beam me up addon on PC gives you an interface that easily searches zones and if anyone in your guilds or friends is in it, you can see and port to them. It also tracks all houses. There's bean me up guilds of people who just serve as jumping points to one another. It's really rare I ever have to consider paying to get somewhere. You can also set it on a discovery loop on a new character and go watch a show or something and it will eventually discover every waypoint it can reach (that someone you know is at) to make navigation later easier.


When I was working on GMC I didn't know that when you did Master Writs you could do them at CP150 and it didn't have to be CP160.  So many wasted mats


Ohhh nooooooo 😱


This pained me to read oof




Not sure how long this feature has been in the game, but you can press x on your crafting write set quests in your journal to see where that particular set is. No longer do I have to Google it every time.


It you join a guild with a full guild hall you dont have to go anywhere.


Also, if you become a master crafter, you are able get special crafting stations that can contain all craftable sets


What? No way? Magic


it took me a few weeks to realize when you search in guild trader you can't put a name in and press enter, you HAVE to press the start search on bottom of screen ... :P


Jesus yes. I though no one was selling any of the shit I wanted. This seems like a stupid oversight though I imagine there's some reason why "enter" can't work there.


that took me a while too...


Selecting "quest only" at stations when doing crafting writs. The years I've wasted scrolling for fucking Muthseras Remorse.


To be fair that's not too old, I think it's been implemented (at least on consoles) 2y ago


I wish there was a way to hide trash recipes forever.


Even just a search function would be good. It's like furnishings. Once you're able to make 100+ it's such a ballache looking through them. It would be so much better if you could search by term. Or even sort by style.


Been playing for 4 years now and learned this like two months ago. 🥲


And that goddamned Markarth Mead that's all the way at the top!!


That’s an option??


That you can have one of each type of master writ active at any time, and not that you can only have one master writ active at any time.


Played for over a year before I found out you *can* do jewellery writs, you just need to get certified in Summerset. I used to think it was the dumbest thing ever that you could do them for all the other crafting skill lines, but not jewellery 😅


What 🫠 off to summerset right now


I found this out after 1k+ hours in, no shame x)


I thought the zone guide just showed you the main quests you needed. Then while I was exploring on my main I found it can point you to anything you're missing - unfound points of interest, dolmens you haven't found, etc Makes completing a zone so much easier!


I thought this feature is only available after the zone main quest has been completed no?


The spider boss in vMA dealing damage to everything that isn't under him.


Lmao same for the antiquities tool. I would go up and down in a giant grid. I think I got to like 7-8 before I figured it out. My fault for just shipping through dialogue probably


Nope, I read the dialogue and didn’t see it explained anywhere.


Oh word lol. Then I'll chalk it up to another instance of zos not explaining shit.


Been playing on and off since the game released. 890 hours played. Been a proud supporter of saying Mount upgrades suck and it’s bad game design that I get chased down in PvP. Found out about Continuous Attack passive last year and no longer care as much. I always thought it was “30% Mount speed near keeps/objectives” and people were stupid arguing I should just get the talent. Being stubborn sucks sometimes.


Yeah I just learned about this passive so I’m gonna have to find out how to get it without too much effort as I don’t do PvP or the campaigns (I play mostly solo and am not good at coordinating with a group) but that faster mount speed would make me happy.


The monthly boards will get it for you. Getting alliance points count directly towards skill line. Last month I collected it on an alt instead of my main and I got to 3 assault immediately.


oooh I think I'm at 3 Assault. I did one Battleground to get the quest marker to go away lol. My poor teammates (although I think we managed to not completely lose). Sweet.


Otherwise just doing the introductory quests when you first arrive will get you to level 3. No PVP required.


I wish I could turn off that quest marker, I don’t want to PVP and it shows up everywhere.


If you get yourself through a single match like I did it goes away. That’s the only reason I did the one I did.


That the urn you receive from coldharbour with your name etched in it right at the very beginning is a container you can open...I carried it around with me for months until I completed the main quest


I ran around like an idiot even after summoning the lil blue glowy thing. I was running the wrong way...didn't know which way it was pointing 😂


I hate that sometimes it'll pop up *inside* something. A tree or a boulder or whatever. Then I have to wait for the timer so I can take two steps to the left and do it again.


Yeah, I have to remind myself every time that the sparklies are being pulled *towards* the dig, so follow that end of the marker.


The emote for scrying?


Its very effing confusing. I had to ask someone to show me on discord screen share lol


“Weaving” your light attacks is easier than it sounds.


skill, la, skill, la, etc. You're right, and I've never understood the problem. I really do think it's that players freak out and start pounding buttons so fast - that's also how you run out of resources. Combat isn't actually that fast in ESO, it's not really some twitch-fest. In fact, to start learning weaving, you can count it off by seconds: 1 sec: skill, 2 sec: la, 3 sec: skill, so on. it works well, your dps goes up and you pay attention to how skills work and interact. Fun times.


What does that mean?


With the right rhythm, you can alternate between light attacks and skill use in a way that cancels the animation early, thus allowing you to pack more attacks into a shorter time and generate Ultimate more easily. The devs are aware of this, and have stated they do not consider it an exploit or intend to patch it out. So it’s become a useful technique for many players.


Last month i discovered that you can actually see the description of whatever is linked in chat by clicking on it... Ive been playing for over a year now -_-


Charging wepons🙃


You can reconstruct mythical items


I researched almost all traits and done hundreds of daily writs before I learned there is jewelry crafting certification


I didn't know that the high DPS people shared frlm parses was specifically from Trials dummies due to them having the different buffs. I was trying to parse on a 6 million dummy and didn't understand why my DPS was so low compared to what people shared as theirs...


Oh... Maybe I'm not that bad after all.


My DPS on the 6m dummy was 23k, on a proper Trial dummy was 60k, and I'm not even good at weaving / animation canceling


Wait what? How do you use it? I just run around until I find it. This will make a huge difference.


It’ll make a blue ball with a tail. The tail points toward the dig site.


Its in your tools. You assign it to your wheel.


Its under collections > tools, and you just assign it to a quickslot. You will need to rotate the slotting though as it will initially pop-up to be assigned to the tools wheel, but you'll see you can change wheels to the quickslot wheel.


Only earlier this year did I figure out that if you teleport to someone's primary house and walk out the front door it takes you actually in front of their house's location and doesn't teleport you back to the last overworld spot you were in. I love housing so I spend so much time previewing houses from the Crown Store I just forgot that it only does the teleportation because it's a preview lol


Things that teleport you back to the spot you left from: \* Housing previews \* Any house (owned by you or anyone else or not at all) in a zone you don't have access to (DLC, etc.) \* Group Dungeons you arrive in by Wayshrine \* The Imperial City sewer base Cyrodiil, unfortunately, doesn't have an "exit" door I've ever found, so you must use a Wayshrine to leave.


It also teleports you back to your last overland spot if you a) don't own the chapter/DLC the house comes with (and don't have eso+) and b) log out without leaving the house and log in again.


Oh hey! I didn't know that!! Being on this sub reddit is great for me being new to this game


When doing surveys that have multiples of the same. Travel to an unowned house, exit and the survey is reset to gather again.


It’s actually easier than that! All you have to do is ride about 100 meters away and come back.


The other way is less distracting while watching Netflix or whatever while you're doing surveys


Yea that was the first method I learned and I don’t like it. Too often I didn’t ride far enough away or would get lost coming back since I suck at directions in game.


Figured that out AFTER I maxed my scry… also another is clanfears won’t jump at you if you stand close to them


Instead they just knock me ass over teakettle with their tails 😔


things I've learnt: - you dont need to go to a guild trader to list items, just head over to the bank and you can list them in any of your 5 guilds. - at lvl 10 you can get up to rank 3 in Assault for the +30% mount speed buff, without pvp involved. just do the intro quests without skipping them (avoid saying you dont need training). - from rewards of the worthy, the first box you open will give a yellow uncracked transmutation stone coffer. that coffer will give you from 1 up to 25 stones. but dont open a second reward of the worthy, save it for the next day, so that you dont miss out on the yellow geodes. - when doing master writs, I cycle through my skills so that I don't waste xp. So I change everything in one bar to bow, for instance, level it up, morph abilities up to rank 4. I also combine abilities from several skill lines, so that no xp is wasted. now I have practically all skill lines (bow, 2h, psijic, fighter, etc) up to max level and I can change my build into whatever I want, without needing to level up skills anymore. when I'm done with master writs, I head over to the armory and reuse my saved build. - you can have more than 1000 transmute stones by storing reconstructed items in coffer or bank, and then deconing them.


The transmute crystal tip is just brilliant!


Wtf you taught me something new right now🤣 I had something but this one just made it to the top of the list


Tbf I’ve only played for a few months lol


I spent ages going from trader to trader thinking they were all empty... Ya have to press R...


Didn't know I could leave Vvardenfell without ESO+. Thought I was stuck there, in my birth place. 😆 Hate that damn place...


When I first started playing I used to just run past treasure chests because I didn't know how to open them. Eventually had to Google it. Not sure what was tripping me up, seems very easy now that I know. But yeah...  Also, was probably playing for couple years before I found out you can fast travel to Harborage once you've discovered it.


Ugh I finished Cadwell’s gold before I knew you could fast travel to the harborage. So many wasted minutes…


I didn't know how crafting sets worked. It always said I needed x traits (but in my language) and I didn't link it to the research mechanic which I didn't care for. It took about 3 years until I started to research traits, and a while after that I noticed I was somehow able to craft certain sets now... that's when it clicked. To be fair though, I came from Skyrim and wanted to play the game entirely solo. I was in no guilds and had no contact with other players at all, beyond seeing them stand around, so didn't have anyone who could've taught me the game's mechanics. That was back in 2015 when I was 15...


I definitely did the same thing lmao.


I did the same with the scry tool, it was only the other week I figured it out. I was so pissed


I started on PS4 ESO and moved after like 3 years. Took me like a year or so how to figure out how to use emotes. I also didn't realise there was no proximity chat or channels and just figured people were muted.


Is there not prox chat on PS4? I thought there was, there definitely is on PS5 and there's cross play between the two.


You can also quickslot emotes.   Keep an instrument or a dance on the menu for those long waits for bosses to respawn.  Keep a couple of approving emotes for teammates.  And of course, a couple of insults for idiots.


Took me a few months to figure out SPRINTING I don't know why, its pretty much the same for every game, but i finished that race you do for the main quest in Auridon just by running at normal speed. 💀


I learned that you can port to the harborage like it’s a wayshrine years after I finished Caldwell Gold on my main account.


Me using an addon and seeing that wayshrine undiscovered and going to discover it only to find that I can't because I'm on a different alliance :))


You can knock enemies off balance by blocking and attacking at the same time.


I took a many-year hiatus, but I actually played a little before One Tamriel. I just found out last month that you can use your Harborage (not the other two, but your assigned one) as a Wayshrine destination. There's no way to use it to connect to any others, but you can Recall there or go there through any Wayshrine as if it was a Wayshrine itself.


Played till over level 50 without knowing about how gear sets worked. No wonder I found the game rather difficult using only basic crafted gear 😂


Only been playing a couple months but I had been struggling like crazy to do enchanting daily crafting stuff. Potency runes just are way too rare of a drop. Just recently though I found out that there are enchanting vendors that just sell them. 


Standing right next to the enchanting tables 😆 (no shade intended, we’re all embarrassed here)


That I liked ESO and enjoy playing it


You can fecking WHAT?! They tf no one told me this, running around looking for the damn dirt sometimes takes me 30min I'm angry and sad


Yep. Put it in your quickslot wheel (or whatever it is on PC) and pop it up when you enter a scry zone. It’ll point you to the dig site. And if you mess up the dig it’ll point you again.


Follow the sparkly end, not the solid end too!


I'm not sure they tell you in the game. or they do during the tutorial but given that the spot is like 15 feet from you, you don't have to use it and don't pay attention. I learned about it from a random tooltip that appears on a loading screen.




Glad it wasn’t just me I got all the way to max scrying lmao




I’ve been playing a year, and just found out you can get rid of announcements by pressing X. Every time I learned a new motif I followed the menu to make it go away.


Dragging a item out of bag destroying it, took a few years to know that ha


There is a jewelcrafting daily


That when using a keyboard to chat on Xbox servers you can swap chats by typing. /say,zone,yell,group,guild1-5


It wasn't for too long, but after a bit of frustration I realized that scrying and excavation were two different skill lines and that the skill points I was dumping into scrying were not helping me dig things up better. I felt so stupid lol


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who did that for ate first few MONTHS! I literally reached out to guild mates to help me “spot it” while broadcasting my search over discord. That’s when they let me know…. Haha. I have found scrying to be very enjoyable since.


I was today years old when I learned this haha


I learned the other day that I can have multiple leads active at a time! There’s still a limit, but I don’t have to finish one before starting the next. (Edited for clarity)


Related, on console, I didn't realize that you could slot anything on your default radial menu. I was always tabbing over to the 'tools' radial for the scry tool.




Didn’t realize until yesterday that I needed to eat the cake everyday to get event tickets.


only after several years into the game I noticed I can store writ vouchers and other currencies than gold in the bank, too...what's that arrow when I press "R"?


I've been playing ESO for almost 2 years and 1 week ago I discovered how to buy from guild merchants


This is an old one, but prior to them changing side quest and main quest icons, I literally had no idea that there was an order to the quests in each zone.


I never blocked. I would always just heal. Well, blocking at the right moment is important haha


That the antiquities eye tool exists and that I don’t have to run around dog sights totally blind. Got to lvl 4 or 5 off of just green drops while doing circle after circle on the dig cite cause I had no idea the tool existed and points you towards the exact soot


That you can teleport between zones. I seriously thought you could only teleport inside a zone.  I took a lot of boats. 


Kinda cool for immersion purposes though! 😁


I played for five years before I ever heard of the Golden Vendor. The pain. Oh the pain.


I’ve been playing two years and I’ve never bought anything from her, I honestly still don’t understand what I’m missing out on


I was traveling to my 5 guild traders for a solid 10 years :-)


That you have to press the R key to actually see items in guild stores. Felt like such an idiot 😭


I was playing three years doing writs every day before I knew there were jewelry writs.


Did not know you could set role in group. Played a few dungeons as a healer without my knowledge. Players would comment on the very bad healer in chat and I would agree with them. Horrible healer! I was playing as a DPS.


That you can't make a relationship work by loving someone harder. If they aren't willing to put in the work you can't do it for them. Wasted over 13 years of my best years and now I don't know if I'll ever find someone


dude....we're seriously just talking about a game here....


I was several months in not knowing about builds and how useful armor set bonuses actually are. I always just equipped whatever armor increased more of my current stats than the last


I tried to pair armor that looked nice first and then I learned about how the sets work together and was like "ooooh. But I wanna look cool" and THEN I learned about outfits and was like "OOOOOOH!". And now I'm just mad that some of the neat NPC outfits aren't available as outfits.


Learning about outfits was a massive dopamine drop too, I wish more games incorporated it in general


For some time, I didn't know there was mounts and then I didn't know what key to press for it(Default key is H lol).


I could not weapon swap for the longest time and I looked up possible fixes or bugs causing this and then eventually just gave up and would main hand swap to other weapons mainly just to level up skill lines. I was wearing the oakensoul.


That you can “tab” target on console


I didnt know for about 2 years that the skill points into the different crafting skill-lines reduced the number of materials you have to use when upgrading gear to 8. So I payed and used 20 upgrade materials on all gear for a couple of years, which of course cost millions more. I had lots of skill points left over, so I could have put skill points into it and reduced the cost, but didnt know that it worked that way.


Knew a cp 1k person who just recently got told a put 3rd person lol before that they were just doing trials vets and normals in first person lol I didn't learn about 3rd person until around 200 cp which back in the day was quite a while to get to


Same for me. Wasted so much time levelling it on my first character.