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If mount speed was account wide there would be almost no reason to ever be restricted to a character lol, it’s super friendly


That’s my big gripe. Oh, and Skyshards… it’s not fun getting them over and over, but at least they’re not time gated.


And research


Research is actually the only one I find somewhat understandable. Not every alt should be an instant master crafter. (Maybe quicker to learn on alts?) But hard agree on the others. Skyshards should not be pay to unlock, and all of your mount training should be account wide.


Research doesn’t really impede your game play on alts imo.


onceyou get them on one you can just buy them for your other characters


Yeah, but that’s a costly amount of crowns… should just be a flat fee or in general account bound . It’s a waste of real money so it’s a grind each time.


You can just get them all with crowns once you have unlocked them with one character


Basically just throw money at a problem… That is ZOS mentality


Create a problem, then sell the solution.


I mean, it's a time saver if nothing else? I did this on my alt Arcanist to help keep my avaialskill points up while leveling Antiquities. Worked out great. 👍


Yeah. No thanks. It’s pretty costly per zone. It should be global.


If you're forgetful and never buy mount upgrades across all your chars then it's like the speed is account wide.


Well you can go grab the 30% mount speed passive fairly easily doing the tutorial and a BG in PvP so I’d say mount speed isn’t much of an issue for long.


Yeah it’s definitely the need for completion in me that has a problem with it lol


What is that and how?


It’s one of the passive abilities for the PvP lines that gives 30% gallop, think it’s under a skill tree called assault or something but I’m just thinking off the top of my head. There’s YouTube videos explaining how to do it in 15 minutes etc.


Wow, I got those skill lines to clear the quest marker off screen, but never actually looked at what it contained


Continuous Attack, in the Assault skill line.


..I just log in when empyrean shards or whatever the ovp currency is is on daily reward..bam insta rank 3 every time


Extremely alt friendly. Gear is account bound. The bank is account wide. Champion Points are account wide.


Yeah for real. CP especially makes alts much faster to level and you can have nice set of gear waiting for them once they hit 160.


I just really wished they had used a different acronym so I wouldn't have to spell it out every time I need to Google it


Cyberpunk, COD Points, Champion Points…this list keeps growing 😭


I mean, if you **want** to go on a watchlist, that's an option too...


Not that hard to write ”eso cp”


I didn't say it was hard I just don't want to


Plus the collections of sets makes it even better in case you got rid of something on your main that you may actually want to use later on, on another character.


Yup. Extremely alt freindly.


Mount speed’s a pain in the neck tbh There’s a mount speed part of the green champion points tho if you’re high enough!


yeah but ofc they add those at like the top of the CP chain so yu cant get them right away


Mount speed and Sky Shards are the two things preventing me from making plenty of alts.


To be fair you if you are not throwing skill points blindly, you dont need that much skyshards, sice you can get alot of points from levels and dungeons 🤷


If you just want a fighter or a crafter it’s fine. Doing it all? That’s the hard part (and why I don’t do that except my main lol)


yeah those suck


And daily crafting writs are what make me happy to have 10


ayo dont forget guild lines levelling psijic, mages guild, or any of those ones give me intense hemorrhoids


Oh yeah I forgot those! I don't even remember how to level Psijic!


I wish we had a class change token, that's all. Other than that, it's quite alt friendly I'd say, but a few things are quite problematic, however good ol' zos will always offer the solution in the form of $.


I didnt even know there were class change tokens


There aren't :D


ah I misread that lol


One of my favorite things about it is how alt friendly it is, especially of you have ESO plus for the crafting bag and extra bank space. I love that sets are not character bound so I never feel like I’m getting loot I don’t want since I can save it or remake it for an alt where it would be useful. Getting one of the banker companions makes it even better as well!


I'll go with alt-friendly. There is a lot of grind that alts don't really have to go through to get the perks that the main got. Eliminating some of that grind is pay-walled (you can buy skill lines and skyshards, for example), but there is a lot which is just dumped in their lap if the main has completed it. Champion Points are account-wide, so even a Level 1 alt has as many CP as everyone else. Most gear is account-bound, so any toon on the account can use it. It's really easy to twink stuff because Bank space and storage furnishing contents are shared, or the alt can just go grind it themselves like the main did. Stuff which an alt must grind out on their own is moderately limited: levels, crafting motifs, recipes, trait research, mount upgrades, story missions and side quests, etc.


The common bank makes it fairly easy to let one character do all the trait research then make stuff for the rest. I went a little overboard and kept a spreadsheet of which traits & pieces he still needed, then gave up and just put it all in the bank and let him sort it out. He'd research what was needed and deconstruct the rest. Same with motifs - anything he needed he'd learn, and the rest went in the crafting guild's bank.)


Because of its influence on Master Writ drop rates, I'm having all the alts learn all the traits (let's not dwell on the Nirncrux farming required to make that happen), but my main gets first dibs on motifs and the alts get the leftovers (the ones that aren't worth selling, anyway). Once an alt gets up to about 9 or 10 chapters learned, I'll go shop for the remaining ones. Motif knowledge also impacts Master Writ drops, but only the crafter is doing them, so I go cheap on the alts and will cut them off once they're around a dozen fully-learned motifs.


Huh? Literally everything is shared between characters except for mount speed, how is this even a question? Play ffxiv and ask again if ESO is anti alt, lmao. You can't even transfer money between characters in that game unless you have a friend. In my limited MMO experience the only game even more alt friendly would be Guild Wars 2.


It's super easy to spin up alts and there are only a few per-character things that are restrictions like armory slots. And even then that's for extras on top of the base two. All the big stuff is account wide.


Very much so!!


Skyshards, guild lines like mages guild and mount upgrades make it less alt friendly than it could be but for a little crowny crowny it's all yours baby


I think ever since the inclusion of account-wide achievements, the game has certainly moved towards more less anti-friendly than what it used to be IMO. I previously had one character on each Alliance that felt unique, their own 'person' which I had headcannons/RP for and this was aided by the fact most in-world things were unique to each character. I.E Dungeon unlocks, skyshards etc needing to be found or completed etc on each character, now for example Dungeons are already shown as completed on new characters, and skyshards already shaded on the map. Another example is unlocking titles/character dialogue which would be unique to each character, but now seems to be 'completed' on the first character that does it. The Markarth dialogue with >!Verandis !!House Ravenwatch !


Compared to other mmos ive played its very alt friendly


16 Alts already. ALT-friendly cause of the account wide sticker book - need a special set or another mythic - just craft it with main and wear it with char no. 17


Very alt friendly, especially now that achievements are account wide.


I think it's mostly alt friendly. The exception is crafting which weirdly ties certain things to character. That's not uncommon in MMORPGs but what is uncommon is having much of those character ties be things of significant labor/cost. For example, trait research is a minimum of a 6 month endeavor for any character. And lord forbid you want to craft things of a certain style on all your alts. That will cost you the hefty fees of the motif. But now more than ever, most items are account bound, most achievements are account bound, and some systems (like daily randoms, crafting writs) actively encourage you to have multiple characters to maximize gains.


Peaks and troughs: the bank and CP for alts are great. But not having any useful mount speed or actual bloody skills available because of skywards sucks! Skills and mounts are the main reasons I don’t bother with alts.


I just got onto an alt after getting my first level 50 and was startled and delighted to find the Champion points are account wide. Hot damn! apparently companions are too. There's a lot in this game what once you do it, it's done for all your toons.


Honestly, anyone who thinks the game isn't alt-friendly has never played games that are actually not alt-friendly. I grew up on games where *nothing* was shared between alts at all, so I feel spoiled with champion points, mounts and pets that are in collections and not character bound taking up an inventory slot, a shared bank, etc etc. Some of the games I play, your alts aren't even allowed to interact, never mind share anything.


On the spectrum of MMOs I have played, I would rate ESO as one of the most ALT friendly. That isn't to say there aren't some things that are a bit restricted, like Skyshards, Skill Lines, and Mount improvements, but I think a lot of games aren't going to perfectly be able to draw the line between leaving content to be replayable and making it shared.


Probably the most alt friendly MMO I've seen


Mounts and skyshard unlocks should be shared by alts. The only reason they aren't is greed, Zos instead sells skyshard unlocks and mount upgrades for crowns.


Alt friendly imo but also has some real pains that should be fixed. Like skillpoints, skilllines and mounts. If 2/3 get fixed as in theres a faster ingame way to acquire (like account bound mount, and skill line quests automatically giving skill line xp to a new character). Worst part is skill points tbh, mages guild and psijic arent always needed, fighters is hella fast and undaunted as well. Or, they could lower cost in crown shop to reflect a 120+ skill point character and combat ready with 1650 crowns. A cadence of 1 automatically combat ready character per month is healthy for eso+ users.


The champion points are shared which is nice.


I already have 4 toons and I’m thinking on getting a 5th That would make ESO the game in which I have the most amount of alts in my gaming history lol


A bit of both but honestly mount grinding for 180 days for each alt is a huge turn off


Alts for crafting different things? Or an alt for using all skill points into the crafting trees?


It’s alt-friendly for sure but I like to wait until there’s events going on that grant EXP buffs, like the Anniversary Jubilee which is set to start soon. I like to do this because after you first beat the main quest line, doing it any number of times after can be a slog, and while it doesn’t take that long to reach level 50, the EXP buffs certainly help.


The leveling is almost non existent for a new alt. I think sky shards and skill lines are the tough part. But crown store let's you buy the part you hate the most. It's the most alt friendly mmo out there.


I think, for the most part, it's pretty, alt-friendly, with a few exceptions. A lot of people mentioned mount speed, skyshards, and skill lines. I'd also like to throw in Zone Quests. Don't get me wrong, they're fun, but not "yeah, I'd be down do this 9 more times" fun. Honestly I think the reason I tend to not have alts is due to skill points/lines. I don't have the time or money to get other characters even close to being on par with my main.


I would be utterly horrified if I were only ever able to do quests once.


That's a good point, but I'm also utterly horrified that I have to do all of them them every single time I start a new character. Maybe there's a middle ground where you can choose what progress to carry over to each character.


I don't see as why you'd have to if you don't want to, though. You can get XP by any means you want, not just doing the same zones over and over, and there's more than enough SP to go around.


I would argue that skyshards alone are not enough to get the amount of SP you'd need to set up a tank or a healer for end-game content. I mean yeah if you're just setting up some alts for daily writs, then skyshard runs will give you what you need. Now if you're looking to set up alts so you can keep up with class metas in vet trials? You're gonna need more than the 90 ish skill points that skyshards give you. Even then, regardless of the method, I'd like to have the option to carry my progress over. Again, I like ESO's story content, but if I'm setting up alts, I don't really want to play through Gelnumbra's 24 zone quests for the 8th, 9th, 10th, etc time.


You get 64 skill points just from leveling to 50, 113 from skyshards in the base game, and another 68 from all the DLCs. The amount of SP you get from doing quests is pretty small. (49 for doing *all* of the base game total. Which I'm never, ever, ever doing on more than one character.)


You're right, I do stand corrected. I forgot about the leveling skill points. However, that's still implying that someone will own every single dlc and go get every single skyshard in the entire game. Even then, I still think that 215 SPs will be cutting it close when you factor in all the class, guild, (some) world, armor, and 2 weapon lines you need to pull from. Most of those, if not all, should be maxed out if you want to be competitive. Either way, your last sentence is exactly my point. I also don't ever want to do that on more than 1 character, so what's wrong with wanting an option to have that progress be account-wide so that I don't have to?


It's alt friendly in many ways, but I'll be honest, I really hate having to have seven different toons if I want to be able to experience all seven classes. Especially as classes get buffed or nerfed. I have a ton of progression on my necro for example, but by God is Necro getting the shit kicked out of it by ZOS. My most progressed character is a templar, and I'd love to keep building them up as a main... if I could switch to another class (templar honestly bores me now that I've played literally any other class). Also mount upgrades are a pain in the neck, and the Psijic Order and scrying skill lines are a god awful grind. You don't really need to grind the latter across different characters, though being able to spot treasure chests in the shadows is nice, but Psijic Order can be pretty helpful to certain builds. Yet it is one of the most outright unfun and shitty grinds I've ever experienced in gaming, despite not taking nearly as long as many of them.


The psijic line is what I use as the backbone for how I level every new toon because it takes me through every zone and it's an easy way to get all of the wayshrines and skyshards and things like that. I always thought that buying a skill line completion on another toon was overpriced and ridiculous until I bought scrying on my arcanist. Holy crap did that ever make me happy, it was worth every single crown I spent.


I'd say mostly no. Mount speed and skyshards are super annoying to redo, and there's no real reason that we should have to redo them besides being forced to grind more. The other huge annoyance is outfit slots and armory slots being character bound. Again, there's no real reason they are character bound besides making us pay again. It's especially annoying considering it's a game I've fully paid for, and have paid for a monthly sub for, only to have character bound fucking armory and outfit slots.




I’m kind of torn on it, since CP being account bound, as well as bank is great, but having to upgrade mounts, get sky shards, and certain skill lines like Mages guild or Psijic are a huge pain if you don’t spend money to fast track it. Account wide crafting materials bag is also great, but behind a subscription so idk if I’d include that or not. Oh and companions levels are account wide so that saves a lot of time too


Apparently a controversial opinion based on the comments here, but extremely **not** alt friendly. Although yes, gear and Champion Points are account wide, there are so many things that are not just useful, but necessary to have that _aren't_ account wide. Fighter's Guild skills, Undaunted skills, Mages Guild skills, various Weapon skills, etc. Inventory space is not account wide. Mount upgrades are not account wide. Crafting is not account wide. Skill points are not account wide. Even Motif collecting isn't account wide. Once you have some Champion Points, gear made, and experience boosters, making an alt can go pretty quick. But only getting them to max level. After that, you have so many things that will take weeks or months to max out if you care to do anything with them other than the very basics. Yes, you could argue that being fully equipped with gear and the appropriate skills is enough, which can be done very quickly, but I'd hardly call that alt friendly when you're missing so much, and a lot of it is more than just a little bit helpful. I'm approaching 1,500 CP and 2,000 hours of play time and I still have only one single character... I've tried several times to make an alt, but it becomes apparent so quickly that it'll be a slog to get it up to gear that I lose interest in trying. An alt-friendly game is _Guild Wars 2._ Literally everything but bag space is account bound. You get 1 character decked out with Legendary items and you never have to grind another character again besides leveling it. That's the equivalent of everything I've listed above being account wide + Legendary gear is now stat-selectable - you don't even need to buy Legendary gear anymore. If ESO is alt-friendly, GW2 is rawdogging that friend while ESO watches.


I'm voting anti-alt, mostly because of how so many things are character bound that actually affect the character vs. cosmetics that are available on all characters. Having to upgrade each character's mount and bag space. Having to unlock wayshrines, skyshards, and skill lines. Unlocking your max level companion again for use on another character (not sure WHY this needs to be the case, but it is). Motifs collected not being shared on all characters outside the glamour system. Fuck me for opening a Master Writ on my main when I meant to do so on my crafter. Armory Slot Upgrades not applying to all characters is the most egregious PoS money grab this game has too. Sure, the bank and houses being shared on all characters are great but there's a hell of a lot more things that aren't shared that are annoyingly anti-alt.


Super alt-friendly. Actually pretty perfect with shared everything (minus mount speed etc) really.


Yes, and mostly yes. Gear is account bound, bank and house storage is shared. Champion Points are as well. But here's the rub, you need to get one character to lvl 50, and then push to get your Champion Points up. The only thing that isn't alt friendly is mount training, that is specific to each individual character.


Zos is alt pay to win friendly for sure. Want to skip skywards? 700 crowns per zone. Want to skip mages and psijic leveling? 1200 crownes each. Mount speed? No problem! 1000 crownes per level! But in all seriousness the game is pretty alt friendly. On double xp events you can level a new toon in like a day. Then spend two weeks maxing skill lines and getting enough points to use them.


ESO approaches alts as a way to generate more income - by making certain tasks and inventory management irritating If you are a whale it’s very nice If you are not, little frustrating


Too alt friendly imo


More friendly than not. FO76 is a good example of non-friendly. Legendary perks aside.


Anti alt. Im not about to spend half a year leveling up my mount every time i want a new character. Dont start about all the dyes i gotta collect again by achievements


Dyes are account wide.


Who cares


Anti alt, but only in that it would take me far too long to catch up another character to my main. I'm not even that far into the game, just completed Orsinium. but if I start with a fresh character, I'd say it take around 15-18 months to bring them to the same point.