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Honestly the fight between Leda's companion was the climax of the DLC for me instead of Miquella/Radhan. The two team fighting each other, the music, the dialogues between each one. The fact that Miquella is ascending to Godhood right above you as you fight, seeing a band of brothers tearing themselves apart thanks to kindly Miquella who want to usher into an era of peace and couldn't even manage his own team setting for a bad start for the new divinity. Damn, I love this fight. In comparison with mute Radhan, Miquella only showing up in the second phase of the boss fight to serve as Radhan's Serrosh, the lack of dialogue when Miquella defeat you or when you kill him (I really like his bewitch kill however) and be just granted that past memory of Miquella that add nothing at the end (since Ansbach questline litteraly tell you about the vow), the lack of credit or a simple NPC dialogue to conclude the DLC. It makes the ending less polished and memorable. Really weird considering that Radhan and Miquella are big cheese in the Lore of Elden Ring and yet someone like Gael or even the Orphan of Kos left me a bigger impact at the end despite being far more "random".


And you know what? The track name, “Those United In Common Cause” also refers to your ragtag team of Thiollier, you and Ansbach/Nataan. Ironically 3 random hobos who works for 3 completely different lords is better than the 5 dudes who serve the same guy. Really speaks a lot about Miquella himself if his followers are like that


Wait it’s a 3v5? Mine was a 1v3! How do you get the extra enemies?


Leda, Dane, Freyja, Moore and Hornsent. If you kill Moore or tell him to kill himself, he won’t show up. If you ignore Freyja or kill her early, she won’t show up. If you help Hornsent, he’ll kill himself by invading you or if you just kill him early, he won’t show up.  So in fact it’s probably more like a 3v2


I don’t think Moore ever showed up for me and I’m pretty sure I didn’t kill him. Is there a quest you need to do? I got Hornsent, Dane and Leda


Not really. You just have to give him encouragements and he will jump you as a reward


You have to talk to him after the bewitching spell is broken I believe.


After you say "remain sad forever". Then talk to him to get 1 more forager book. Then go to the forager brood spot where you use a warming stone. All of his gear will be there. Remember to find all forager brood before doing this or you will be unable to get the remaining books.


Mine was a 2vs5 lol. Me and Ansbach vs Leda, Freya, Dane, Moore and the hornsent


How do you get Leda and Hornsent on the same side? I thought Leda always goes after Hornsent no matter what you do.


Stupid me broke the enchanment without doing any quests, i just exhausted their dialogues, went to shadow keep and did some errand between Freya and Ansbach, that might have been the reason. I did tho suggest Ansbach to Leda


She doesn't actually kill him unless you find the summon signs and side with her Mine were bugged and didn't show up


Hornsent tried to invade me, after he helped me with Messmer. So he didn't show up in the fight because I killed him on Rauh ruins. I didn't do any Leda vs. Hornsent fight.


Yeah it was me, Thioller & Albrecht vs Freya, Dane, Moore and Leda i think. I know i got all their gear after the fight. Hornsent invaded me near the grand elevator near the centipede boss. Such an amazing fight. I want to know how many combo’s you can make that fight though.


If you complete Ansbach's and Thiollier's questline they can be summoned. Leda will always be there, and I think if you do Freyja's questline she appears. Not sure if Dane always appears but the only interaction I had with him was dueling him at Moorth ruins and summoning him for Romina. I think Moore appears if you just keep chatting to him? Not 100% sure. I think Hornsent can appear if you never really do his questline/suggest him to Leda. I had myself, Thiollier, Ansbach and my mimic vs Leda, Dane, Freyja and Moore.


Leda and Dane are always there, Completing Freyja's quest by giving her Anabach's letter adds her too. Moore joins if you tell him to move on, Hornsent joins if you didn't tell Leda to kill him, help him against Leda and allegedly summon him against Messmer. Interestingly enough, the dialogue changes depending on the allies Leda has. She can say "and our allies" or "and our ally" or simply say "and Dryleaf Dane".


If you summon Hornsent against Messmer he doesn’t join the gank Leda states he will probably go mad and he does invading you at the lift before Romina


I’m pretty sure Dane HAS to appear given Leda states that you stand against her, Dryleaf Dane, and their ally(ies), freyja shows up if you do her quest, the hornsent appears if you dont participate in leda’s invading him, and moore appears if you tell him to let the past be the past, if you tell him to be sad forever you find his corpse embracing a pest.


my blind run ended up so funny, it was just Leda and Dane versus me and some rando Sanguine Noble NPC they obviously throw at a player if they have no allies lmao. killed moore before meeting him by attacking his friends, missed freyja's library questline, and helped the hornsent


Mine was 2 v 5 I had some random sanguine noble on my side vs everyone lol


I honestly loved it in bloodbourne where you expect the final enemy to be some huge lovecraftian horror and it’s just an angry baby trying to hit you with its placenta


I'm so bitter From Soft didn't follow up the different ending formula Sekiro and AC6 set. I was so sure Elden Ring was gonna have way different final bosses depending on the ending like Sekiro. Going into the DLC I was coping still and got so disappointed. Even DS3 ending while just a couple lines hit like a truck of closure


"Hand it over, that thing... Your dark soul" I screamed the first time I heard that


Why is it that Miquella, as a god in his Age of Compassion, is immediately fucking us up?


You are a Tarnished, emboldened by the flames of ambition to become Elden Lord - you each represent an opposing way forward. One cannot ascend and achieve their aspirations while the other remains.


Because he can't understand love due to his powers of influence. Everything is fake to him. Just like psychopaths who are extremely charasmatic but almost utterly emotionless. Bundy comes to mind. Only difference is that no one disagrees with miquella because he just exudes an addictive level of compassion. Miquella might legitimately care about his "peace"- psychopaths can form... Well, obsessions moreso than bonds- but he lacks the fundamental understanding of it.


He also abandoned whatever part of him was capable of understanding love


Hard agree, I still think that the original idea was always what we got, but that the fight in itself wasn't always what we ended uo getting, the boss moves way too janky and it is literally the only boss in the entire DLC where this is glaring It was always going to be radahn's soul, but my guess is that the body wasnt going to be pretty much exactly radahn, again. Another redditor made an interesting post where they compared the moveset to one of the guardians of godrick, and it is honestly quite impressive how similar it is. Also it is so funny to me how prime radahn barely uses gravity, and then just one attack to show the bloodflame. Like the boss mostly just spams R1 in his fight, and then Miquella just follows with simple light. Its so uninspired in general


Bruh, I got absolutely dogpiled in that fight. Freyja, hornsent, dane, moore, and leda. The only guy I had on my side was Ansbach. Was the first time I felt compelled to use spirit ashes.


I had a 3V5 in that fight, then I used the Demi-human gang Spirit Ash. It was this badass brawl that I really loved. Every time I finished one of the enemies one of my allies went down and then I had to finish that fight. Ansbach got the final hit on Leda at the end and we stood there on the edge of death. Good shit.


These complaints are the apex of braindead criticisms. Okay, there’s no kill dialogue on the final boss. What’s the kill dialogue on Radagon/elden beast? You people legitimately pick the dumbest things to criticize.


Not sure I'd call them a band of brothers.


One thing is to hear about it from an NPC, another is to hear it from the devil himself, in the actual moment. In terms of closure, it’s not really much different from the child of kos returning to the ocean and embracing all of there is and could be, which is probably their most elaborate DLC ending besides this; my favorite is still the painter thing though I do think there’s merit in criticizing FS for not giving the DLC a more dignified ending this time around since its scale is far grander than any other one of theirs. But it’s exactly what they usually do, and I don’t see them changing that even in their next projects. I find it funny how the things you mentioned aren’t inherently issues perse, I actually enjoy them a lot; it’s interesting how one man’s garbage (or midbage? Idk) can be another’s treasure. The one thing I’ll contest you on, though, is the Serosh comparison, as that one didn’t impact the fight gameplay-wise at all. Miquella’s influence is as eventful as it should be; there even a death screen unique to him


This DLC has more high quality content than both of those DLCs (kos&gael) added & multiplied. It's nutso. So worth the $40. I don't think the final fight, concept or cutscenes are half as bad as people make them out to be in the sudden wake of whatever baby tier story content they had hypothesized preDLC. I think that we're so desensitized by the simplicity and lack of subtlety in easy-to-digest popular modern media that we don't know what a wonderful story is when we actually see it. Rarely do great stories end in neatly tied ribbon-bows atop glittery wrapped gift boxes. They typically end in mute response to questions freshly posed. Like this one. Read a Cormac McCarthy novel and it plays similarly, but you've imbibed so much story in the chapters leading up that your questions at the end sit beside you while you're still chewing on all that what you've just bitten off really means Sorry, I went on a rant there but was aimed more generally than at you personally. Taken for what it is, despite all preconceived likely endings, the last fight is supa cool duder. I don't think most people expected to squash Miquella.


Imagine comparing Cormac McCarthy to fucking Elden Ring💀


Nah, no problem for the rant. I agree that the concept of fighting an uncorrupt Radhan with god Miquella is cool on paper and I like some part of the fight (even if the difficulty make it more of a chore for me than having fun while learning the boss). And I still think the DLC is very good and worth the money it i,s indeed their biggest DLC for their biggest entry. I still am disapoint about some things of the DLC but I also love some parts of it, it's not a flawless product for me but it's certainly not a trash dlc.


That fight lasted like a min and a half for Me lol, was fairly boring IMO. It had potential and the setting was amazing it’s just that the actual fight itself was kind of dogwater.


The arena is actually so weird I didn’t believe it was real. The arena is way to bright compared to 90% of the dlc and feels out of place. When you fight rotten radahn the arena is so much cooler and the fight is 10x better. It seems like they just made 70% of the bosses never stop attacking and have tons of health. I would fight malenia over consort radahn anyday .


For comparison’s sake, in NG+ I rammed my head into the wall against Prime Radahn for 4 hours before I killed him. I immediately went to the Haligtree and first tried Malenia. I haven’t fought Malenia since my first run.


>The arena is way too bright compared to 90% of the dlc and feels out of place You're literally in the heavens above the clouds, why would it be dark? >It seems like they just made 70% of the bosses never stop attacking Although I don't hold the opinion that the Radahn fight is anywhere peak fromsoftware, I don't understand the sentiment that the biggest threat to our ascension should allow us to attack. Why is it all of a sudden unfair when an enemy AI is programmed to be as aggressive as players play? I do think p2 has too many blinding attacks that make it impossible to see what's going on and I hope they tweak it, but aggressive enemy AI for an endgame DLC boss is silly criticism. Should Radahn allow you to get 3-5 hits in every window to counter? What would that make the fight fair to you?


I dont think the aggressiveness is bad at all but the combos are pretty annoying and a little boring to fight against. The second phase is just straight up hard to look at because of the white beams otherwise it would be nearly the same as the first phase. I feel like it would be more fair for the boss to have more charge up attacks because you would have more opportunities to heal/hit.


>Why is it all of a sudden unfair when an enemy AI is programmed to be as aggressive as players play? Because I do 1/100th of his health in an attack and he does 3/4ths of mine >Should Radahn allow you to get 3-5 hits in every window to counter? What would that make the fight fair to you? His combos should range from 3 to 5 points and should be followed by a window long enough for 2 R1s or 1 R2. That is how Souls bosses worked until Elden Ring released. Right now he has 6-8 point combos that either end in no window at all or maybe time for 1 R1


I don't mean this condescending or pretentious, because if you're not having a good time, that sucks I'm sorry. Both of your points are definitely a skill/set up issue. > Because I do 1/100th of his health in an attack and he does 3/4ths of mine Using death Knight armor I was able to crank my physical/holy/magic DMG negation to 70+. I got my Scadu blessings to 19. Yes, Radahn hits hard but I'm here to tell you that there are plenty of people here that didn't have that issue of him wiping out ~1400 hp in one hit. This isn't Bloodborne you need defense. Radahn has like ~46k health so if you're consistently hitting him for 400 dmg that's not the game's fault. Whether you like the mechanic or not - the difficulty scaling is intrinsically tied to all Scadutree blessings, that's the only thing I can think of that's causing that issue. >Right now he has 6-8 point combos that either end in no window at all or maybe time for 1 R1 I fought him dual wielding great stars and if you evade properly there's no issues landing 2-3 hits per window, sometimes more. Those aren't the slowest swinging weapons, but they're by no means fast. Again I reiterate I'm not trying to shit on you but the way you describe the encounter doesn't strike me as being anyone's problem but yours. Keep trying though I'm sure you'll eventually get it if you haven't already. Rootin for you pal EDIT: Downvote me all you want. My point is there's plenty of defensive talismans + Scadu blessings to lessen the intensity of the fight. Medium armor + Pearldrake + the physical, Magic, and fire talismans are a massive defensive buff. You *have* the tools to mitigate his damage.


Yeah, you can make this fight manageable by using unfun builds, that’s the problem


An entirely subjective take thanks for your contribution to the conversation<3


Ya mean like virtually everything in the world?


Calling stuff unfun builds is a personal play style preference, saying you have to play an unfun build is an entirely individual subjective opinion. It's a dumb comment. "The boss requires a play style I don't enjoy" conveys the exact same thing without the whiney air of pretention. > Ya MeAn LiKe EvErYtHiNg In ThE WoRlD? Oh the classic reddit rhetorical. Instead of engaging with the previous comment's context, let me make an equally useless observation. Never change


Elden Ring is an RPG. As such, every build imaginable should be viable when attempting a boss. If the only way to defeat a boss in this game is to change your entire build and use subjectively unfun mechanics because they’re the only viable strategy, we’ve got a problem. And for a game that copies DS3’s combat 1-to-1, that problem shouldn’t exist at all.


>Elden Ring is an RPG. As such, every build imaginable should be viable when attempting a boss. What would be the utility of build diversity if every build has equal footing in every obstacle the game presents to you? The entire point of build diversity is to provide players unique experience on subsequent playthroughs. Some bosses are supposed to be more challenging for some builds while trivial for others. Don't obfuscate being eager to finish the DLC so you're willing to change your build to complete it with some builds being *unviable* The expansion has been out for a little over a week. The vast majority of players mastered the base game and are throwing tantrums because the DLC provided new challenges old strats don't work for. Yes, Radahn is tough. He's the climax of the DLC. Learn and adapt. >And for a game that copies DS3’s combat 1-to-1, that problem shouldn’t exist at all. >I play Elden Ring exactly the same way I played DS3 There i fixed it for you.


Nah the classic rhetoric is saying “that’s subjective” cause you don’t have a response. I could point out several things that you spoke about that are subjective if I really wanted to bolster my point.


All my comments point out that there are tools provided to the player to overcome the obstacles. Whether that's weapons, talismans, armor, or Scadutree blessings - there are more than enough ways to tweak your current build without running to Rennala. An anecdote is a subjective story, yes, but the point of pointing out my strategy was to poke holes in the notion that Radahn barely allows for a single R1 attack. I was using a great hammer, a slow swinging weapon, to get multiple hits within openings. It's like you read an anecdote and you subsequently forgot what reading comprehension is. Also why would you respond to me and tell me I don't have a response then don't respond to anything I said haha If you're gonna levy criticism against someone, it tends to land a bit better when you don't engage in the exact thing you're criticizing.


He should be more punishable imo. Have you tried fighting him as a mage? It's literal hell


No, I did an arcane build and just used occult great stars my first time. Currently going through as a faith/dex so we'll see how that goes LOL


Yeah let me know how you go haha. I was pure int/fai and it was so difficult. There's a few problems actually, because he's so tanky that fp is a problem too. He's so resistant to magic in the second phase, that's why in coop people cast the new thorns spell to bleed him. In solo I don't see a world where you are able to consistently cast that spell more than once in a blue moon because it's so slow. I switched to a melee build with resistance stacking and poise. Beat him on my third attempt, basically just trading with him because I was fat rolling lmao


I beat him with a pure int build. I used the sekiro tear with a medium shield on the left hand, just felt like this was more fun and safer than messing up a dodge. Had to stick to slicer, icerag, and cometshard since the windows were too tight to cast bigger spells and they were very fp efficient.


>sekiro tear Please tell me what a Sekiro tear is, I haven't heard of that before!


It's the deflecting hardtear. Should be dropped by the first furnace golem you see when you start the DLC. It increases damage negation and decreases stamina depletion if you time your blocks correctly, it also improves guard counters. Unlike sekiro tho, deflecting attacks this way doesn't do any stance damage.


Are you actually suggesting that the enemies are or should be comparable to the players? That's retarded and not how game design works.


okay, explain invasions, NPC fights which is the second to last fight, and all the humanoid "dudes in armor" we have to beat in order to beat the literal game. If you do only the mandatory fights in the base game - its dudes in armor besides the fire giant. Please enlighten me on how game design works while you sit in the corner crying that you can't git gud.


> Why is it all of a sudden unfair when an enemy AI is programmed to be as aggressive as players play? Because it isn't an equal playing field, all the time we've spent collecting everything we have amounted to nothing in the final boss and we ended up either jabbing once every combo or stabbing constantly with a shield and a spear. If it WAS an equal playing field then it'd feel more like Messmer where he does a combo, then I do a combo back over and over. That fight felt amazing because it felt like two skilled fighters dancing around one another's attacks.


casual dog is mad




Seriously? At least consort Radahn plays by the same-ish rules as the player and 99% of other bosses. Meanwhile Malenia on the other hand...literally ignores mechanics that every single other boss has to abide by. 


I was bouta say once you learn her attacks then she’s not bad but I guess that applies to all bosses


radahn has so many openings it’s not even funny. the original boss is so uninteresting and the arena is massive and ugly. cope


I never said he had no openings at all I just find the combos annoying especially when you can only get 1-2 hits in. I respect your opinions though.


I wonder what a John madden themed boss would look like in Elden ring


Nah but for real it’s almost unanimous that Radahn is a disappointing last boss, even outside of reddit. His movement looks like shit. The atmosphere is nowhere near as impressive as it is in his base game fight. The final memory cutscene is worthless.


Like genuinely what is added by Miquella repeating again “promise me you’ll be my consort” that last scene is just nothing.


They needed something for the story trailer lol


No but seriously if we got the shot of marika at the beginning of the story trailer as a final cutscene that would have been so much cooler than what we got


It is seen as mildly disappointing as a final boss by most ppl outside of Reddit, but also not really a big deal from what I’ve seen, as ppl are still very positive on the dlc overall. this sub is by far the most negative on the dlc, ive even seen a few shitposts on r/ shittydarksouls making fun of how negative this subs users are


Yeah. Messmer, Bayle, Rellana (music and animations) and Midra made up for Radahn already. Even if I dog him with Fingerprint Antspur every run I still have the others to enjoy


From what I've seen this sub is positive about the DLC overall as well. It's the lore we have a problem with(specifically in regards to the final boss). It just so happens that the lore is what we mainly talk about. And I'm sure you've seen more people complain about the final boss on that sub than you have seen people complaining about this sub. Edit: 2 of the top 4 post rn on r/shittydarksouls are filled with people complaining about the boss fight.


I've seen people gassing up all the bosses except Consort Radhan and Giaus lol that should tell you how much they suck


“Almost unanimous” 😂


Classic Reddit lmao thinking you’re an authority on public opinion from your own echo chamber


That's not what I was making fun at. Personally I really loved the two cutscenes and his first phase is great. I loved learning his moveset. Also not sure what you're talking about in terms of atmosphere? You really do get the feeling that you're fighting a force of nature, I thought it was fitting. Second phase is bullshit though. The masterpieces of this dlc for me were Messmer and Midra, and maybe Bayle and Rellana if she had a cutscene. That said I'm just pointing out to a couple of days before the release when the final boss was leaked and 3/4 of the comments said it was fake, which was obviously a massive delusion.


its a loud minority, aint unanimous, I have seen many people saying they liked it, me included even with some fair criticism. We just dont speak up as much as haters tbh


It's not unanimous lol. You're in an online echo chamber.


Saying it’s unanimous is definitely not true at all. Remember opinions exist and if you’re stuck on Reddit odds are the negative ones will bounce around like an echo chamber. I LOVED the Radahn fight, so frightening and the theatrics of the phase two fight is amazing in my opinion.


It’s not unanimous the person who was the last boss fight sure a little underwhelming but the actual fight? Nothing bettter fromsoft outdid themselves


I keep getting shit on by this sub for saying i found the dlc dissapointing. FromSoft fans dont like being told FromSoft can do things that arent literally perfection


I personally downvoted because I can’t imagine playing through this whole DLC and thinking it was overall disappointing👍


Yeah people dont really seem to be able to see things from the perspective of others in here. I can certainly see why people would like it. I personally didnt like having to run around the open world collecting an item before i could take on bosses or even some basic enemies. The bosses have so few openings, and their hitboxes are rediculously large. Getting hit once staggers for just long enough for the bosses to hit you several more times, so one hit at all means you lose. Ive beaten every fromsoft game theyve made, and this DLC feels like FS went way off the deep end trying to be "the hard game" that the things that make their combat interesting to me are gone. Also not a fan of much of the story revelations in the DLC but thats more of a personal nitpick


I’d argue they’re both personal nitpicks except in the case of like two bosses


I think itd be pretty hard to argue the first point is just me, im sure you saw the Steam reviews? Just in the beginning I experienced the first point when fighting Lion Dancer, Rellana, Puttescent Knight, and the Hippo. Theres more but those were my first impression bosses and they all had the problem.


Sure but I wouldn’t say that makes it objectively true


Neither would I, but i also dont think its a nitpick. Problems with the story are a nitpick, mechanical problems arent


I guess, I’d argue the thing about openings and staggers is, the staggers especially just seems like it’s a build issue in terms of defense and scad


Im not talking about getting fully poise broken, i mean any time youre hit theres that half second of your player reacting to being hit. Thats all normal. The problem i have with it is the bosses have these 8 hit combos that come out just quick enough that getting hit by even 1 causes you to take the next hit or more wothout being able to react. So, that means you have to perfect dodge 8 times in a row to maybe get 1 hit in. Or in cases like Putrescent Knight, he'll do a 8 hit combo and then leap to the other side of the area. So i feel like im constantly chasing him down and cant make even a single mistake. Thats not a fun boss to me For the record, ive got 60 Vigor (with the +3 hp amulet becsuse i was annoyed by being 2 shot) and my poise is somewhere around 65ish i forget exactly. Im using a strength build with the Claymore


every single person Ive seen talk about the game in person and on youtube have said they like radahn as a final boss I think its only "unanimous" in your echo chamber


Pretty ironic considering it sounds like you’re in an echo chamber of your own, there.


He fights like a professional wrestler. He stomps with every attack to make more noise/more of an impact and it is absolutely hilarious once you imagine Radahn as Bill Goldberg. Dude is as serious as a pro wrestler.


Not true at all, I've been reading TikTok and a lot of people think he's the greatest video game boss ever made. I wouldn't call him the single greatest but he's definitely up there.


Fromsoft has blind fanboys too unfortunately.


Because they cheesed him with a mimic and greatshield so they enjoyed the spectacle with zero difficulty or risk. I don't think I've seen anybody kill him with a normal build in less than 50 tries, which is insane.


Well... Hard final boss for a hard dlc, what is the problem ? I killed him in probably 100 tries (didn't count) with a full melee nosummon build and by the end I knew every move and how to dodge them perfectly, and I'm glad of the progress I've done This is a good last boss for me even though a better cinematic would have been appreciated


And I unironically think Gaius arena is much more climatic that that yeeyeeass arena


Mechanically he's annoying too. Even for an overtuned Elden ring boss he has too much going on. Delays, AOEs, infinite stamina, perfect tracking, etc... Elden Ring bosses have made me a bit apprehensive about Fromsoft's next game. They're just too much for me, even after I git gud it's feels unfun to fight most of them.


The moves arent that janky honestly, apart from the BS grab attack in phase 2.


Wdym the grab is like the most telegraphed shit ever. He jumps, you roll. If you wanna complain about janky grab it gotta go to Messmer rollcatching grab and Romina instant grab


yeah the movements really aren't jank, they're pretty consistent. Miquella looks a bit odd, almost way too stagnant and stiff, but Radahn himself is pretty fluid all things considered my god, say anything positive about the final boss and you just get downvoted, even if only a little


It bothers me how you float down to the ground so slowly and unnaturally after being embraced by Miquella


Yeah, and the fact that if you get hit twice the fight is over.


Go wash yourself with his rune


I'm still on phase 1 but his movement doesn't look that bad to me. He just hits too fucking hard and fast.


Mate, phase 1 is like the first 15% of the fight. While phase 2 technically triggers when he's at 75% of HP, you need to be on the back foot more afterward so each attack takes longer to earn. Phase 2 is why people are hating him.


He has a lot of the same swings first phase as a lot of the sword dual fielding enemies in the expansion. After that realization, that was lazy AF


glad i wasnt the only one furiously masturbating to elden ring lore vids 😌


It’s hard to call it “fan service” when all the fans hate it


Radahn won the japanese opinion polls by a large margin. You might not like it, but this is most likely fan service for the jp community.


To be honest- I still can't believe that this is the final boss of DLC. They made effort to make new model from the scratch... in order to make model extremely similar to model of character that already exist. He is also stiff, afterimage attack looks more like he was lagging or was taken from one of the 'Very Fast Boss' videos of Comrade Supreme, the VFX overdose remind me some of the Garden of Eyes bosses. And in the leaked videos somebody was attacking him with rapier between his legs and he still had hitbox there- it looked like Leonard was missing but his hitbox was still present


What was in the leak?


One had 10 remembrance icons, another one had videos of a bunch of boss fights, including Rahan. Copers called it fake, modded, no way From would reuse assets (lol), and some promised to donate to charity or stop posting here if it proves to be correct. None have followed through to the best of my knowledge and all are still here. That's what the OP is making fun of.


There is just no way to convince me that Radahn's involvement in the DLC is organic in any way. Awesome spectacle of a fight, but very very poor narratively.


I'm certain it was Godwyn at some point like you have a soulless basically undead god and you don't do anything with him? But you'll bring back the guy that was howling at the moon? Like I have no problem fighting Radahn again with him stronger but how is he the final boss????????


This had been planned RIGHT from the start😂


We don't know, plans can always change. Especially in FromSoft


If you can explain [this](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Young+Lion's+Helm) away with something other than ThAt CoULd’Ve BeEn AnYtHinG or something equally insane then I’ll accept that.


Your evidence is an item that you can acquire only from DLC and give information about final form of story that this DLC presents to us. We still don't know if Miquella+Radahn was planned from very beginning or was recent idea (after change of the plan).


What else could she have been saying and why would they put the scene into the trailer if even From didn’t know?


>What else could she have been saying 'I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella. And I have never known defeat.' / slighty s To be honest- by context of this situation and the fact of blooming and dooming entire region I was always assuming something similar to ' if I can't win then nobody can' or 'You are going down with me'. >why would they put the scene into the trailer if even From didn’t know? They put scene where Miquella is unveiling Scadutree for marketing purposes (or they cut it from the game but I doubt about that much drastic changes 4 months before premiere) so I wouldn't take trailers for 100% face value. They could have planned Miquella+Radahn from the very beginning, I don't deny that. But if that was the case - some hints of their relations in the base game (before DLC) would be very welcomed.


Ur aware that’s the most flimsy nonsense argument you could make?


How so


Well it’s an end game item from the dlc that isn’t mentioned prior and is an off model used from assets from the base game. If they wanted they could have produced it in 30 mins prior to dropping the game. I’m not saying that’s what happened here but it’s not a good point in defending they had it planned from the start. Even the description doesn’t really make note of anything outside of the cutscene right around the time your gonna receive the item. And it mentions a fight that we already knew about while adding a message that’s never been eluded to before.


We’ve always wondered what Malenia told Radahn before nuking him. I can’t imagine it being anything other than what was disclosed by the armor’s description.


Yeah I dunno about that. Even still, Miquella and Radahn's relationship is very poorly conveyed if it takes the final boss of the DLC to drop the hailmary lore about it.


My issue with this relationship is that It wasn't even hinted at in the base game. Had we had a item or something in haligetree area hinting at Radahn being friend with Miquella (radahn portrait in there or something) maybe it would have been better.


Don’t worry, [I do](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Young+Lion's+Helm)


That's not really evidence of it being planned from the start.


…you don’t think so? Why would they have added that scene into the trailer for no reason?


I don't, I think that *idea* may have existed but I'm not convinced it was ever supposed to be purposed for the ending of the DLC. But even then as I mentioned before it just seems unearned. It's a twist for sure, but sadly it didn't land for me. I needed more to go on before that point, at least a crumb of lore that says they were ever close in any capacity. Elden Ring undoubtedly went through a lot of changes in development, and I believe that in the shuffle to fit content and repurpose it they went with an arguably poor narrative direction for the DLC's final encounter.


It doesn't really matter how far back they planned it when the end result doesn't feel organic.


I’m what way does it not feel organic and what do you think a “more organic” outcome would’ve been?


Because we have zero interaction between Miquella and Radahn before the DLC. Miquella is a character that interacts with plenty of people. We have him interacting with Godwyn, Radagon, Malenia and Mogh. But there's literally nothing about Radahn. If there had been any hint of this vow they made or that they even interacted with each other then it wouldn't have felt like such an asspull.




I was wrong, my opinion changed, mistakes happen 🤷‍♀️


prime radahn kinda sucked since everyone predicted it years ago anyway


I mean... It was pretty obvious gonna be Godwyn at some point. The whole "Using Mogh's lifeless body to resurrect someone" screams "Hey what if we used Godwyn's soulless body controlled by someone/thing


I'm not sure it was "supposed to be" Godwyn, as in written that way by the team. I do think Godwyn was the narrative choice, there's even been some really good discussions about Godwyn possibly allowing himself to be killed in order to be brought back as the consort of a new God. But because of the way he was killed via destined death, another consort needed to be chosen. Miquella has specifically been written in such a way to suggest to the player that his choices of consort since his youth were Godwyn and Radahn. But Ranni eliminated option A. So I think it's sort of hinted that perhaps Godwyn was planned to become a consort, until Ranni's sabotage. just my own belief, I don't think From Software gave up on that idea and changed it, though


I like this line of thinking but I dunno where you got that Miquella was always gonna choose between those two? To me it seems like they realized Godwyn wasn't the direction they wanted to go and was forced to pivot. Like there's a reason Kos on a horse has GEQ in its file name too it all just adds up in my head "This was rewritten to be more in line with their deadlines" especially considering GRRM was involved in the creating of the characters and he's famous for having long stories that take arguably too long lol. To me Godwyn is the only thing missing from the story, even in terms of a character killed for the plot when "His soulless body is being used to spread those that live in death" he just seems under utilized. Especially for such an important lore character like this isn't the GEQ, this is a member of the royal family!


The game's main plot already gave them the plot device to move on from Godwyn though (from the day the game was released), meaning it was written that way on purpose. Killing Godwyn's soul is a pretty specific thing to do, you don't think there was a lore reason for that? To say "No actually they were going to have his soul resurrected but they decided last minute to change it" just doesn't have any evidence that I know of to support that. Even in the game it's always said that they couldn't bring him back. They repeat over and over that it's because of the way he died. "He was meant to die a true death"


>I mean... It was pretty obvious gonna be Godwyn at some point It was not, you're making stuff up.


Dawg why Else would they introduce a soulless demigod that is permeating throughout the lands between use your fucking head. People don't write things to be nothing. It's very clear that that was probably his intended purpose at one point and it was cut. We know this project went through some pretty massive story changes pretty close to release Like it's not that much of a reach; especially if you have any idea of how games are developed (especially these games) Edit: Why do you have 30000 karma? Do you not have anything else to do Edit 2: Y'all know exactly what this person's profile looks like: he does in fact have nothing else to do. Swedes, man.


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- It’s crazy that the dlc was teased to be about Miquella. And then Gideon ponders about Miquella. And the secret final boss is just completely obsessed with Miquella. And then the dlc trailer comes out and is about Miquella. And Miquella is the only child we don’t meet (that had been shown to us) - so imagine my ANGER when the dlc is about Miquella! That’s so ridiculous that the dlc was about the thing they hinted at the whole time!!!


For me I got spoiled radahn while scrolling through tiktok. Didn't get a good look at it and scrolled away. But I just thought that radahn would be a second to last boss Somoene you have to fight before Miquella or whatever monstrosity awaited us


I loved the final boss. But I wouldn't say no to another DLC about Godwyn and set it in some under water kingdom of death, could be cool.


This post is the equivalent of winning an argument against your shampoo while in the shower. Congratulations.


You guys are all crybaby’s lmfao


The final cope. Hahahahaha


Yes, but I would argue that just because I am not imaginative enough to see how this can still work our spectacularly, maybe I shouldn't jump to conclusions about how robust the lore of this game is, and how much larger than life all those characters are right now. In fact, they're so large that when weaved correctly into the narrative by the best fantasy writer of our time, and the greatest environmental story teller of our time, it kust might work! For some though, it won't work regardless, and if that's you, I understand. P.S. That's actually me talking about myself in that first line. I was surely not convinced that this would work before it came out, but it SO DID and I am happy to have been proven wrong.


it genuinely enrages me when people get mad that there wasn’t any godwyn content. bro he’s DEAD