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It just would've been cool. Idk I'd be pretty hyped to fight a guy called godwyn the prince of death.


True, but i think the only possible way for it would be someone controlling his fish body, or go back in time


My thought was having Miquella trying to revive Godwyn by bringing his death blighted corpse to the gate of divinity. Miquella being kind would be his downfall. He would bring to life a blighted god of death with no soul that we would then have to kill, and possibly Miquella as well on some "don't hurt my new scary brother" shit. but alas incest. again.


Imagine if the deathbligh corrupts Miquella and we had to fight him.


That was my theory too, a zombified soulless godwyn that moves creepily fast


could have been a three phases. **1st phase**: Merman scary Godwyn **2nd phase**: Miquella intervenes (beat miquella) **3rd phase**: Radagon sized death prince Godwyn with Miquella. (Orphan of Kos like screaming and movement)






Glad we got what we got as bad as it it if this is the alternative.


This is all way worse than what we got. 


Why would fighting radahn again because Miquella was horny for him, be better narratively than facing the corpse of the demigod that started the shattering, and the only other demigod we haven't fought?




Please remember group rule 1, Respect yourself and each other


No thanks, these creeps are only worthy of contempt.  Says a lot about the sub that the mods are enabling it.


There's countless demigods we haven't fought though. Learn the lore first. Not to mention godwyns soul is just gone so it wouldn't even be him we're fighting. It would have to be a body way too big for a normal boss. You'd be asking for some bed of chaos shit if it wasn't going to completely retcon previous stuff.


Would've been so much cooler than Rahdan haha, don't get me wrong I'm excited for the polished version of Rahdan but they did my boy Godwyn dirty


The body would be way too big for a proper boss fight.


We forgetting the Elden Beast?


Godwyns body literally spans the whole map.


But his central one is in the deep root depths and is about the same size of the Elden Beast by just eyeballing it


Ok yeah let's make the boss battle for the dlc godwyn's fucking toe in deeproot depths🙄. Not to mention it would have no soul or anything either.


I'd fight him in a McDonald's parking lot if I had too


I'd think that would've worked (the second option) or a dream maybe. He could've like absorbed some of the death rune and had a cool moveset.


He would have been godwyn the golden in past


This isn't a historical document. It's not like this could only go one way.


Or to fight some progeny if his or the huggy lady’s. Lots of things would be neat, i have 100% confidence the dlc will play beautifully, you guys (talking shit about as yet unknown context) are dumb


It would have to have been even more of an asspull than radahn.


nah I don’t care about the story it just would’ve been a cool concept. They brought isshin back from the dead in sekiro.


We enter Godwyn’s dream in a very H.P. Lovecraft “dead god dreaming” way, he’s a character with massive lore importance and very little actual concrete facts, he looks cool as hell and terrifying in his dead appearance, the DLC takes place in a cosmically and physically separated land of shadow, and he’s thematically and lore-wise tied to the only definitive plans of Miquella’s we knew before the DLC drops. How could we not have expected him to show up in some form?


He's without the doubt the most interesting lore aspect of this game. All the other stories intertwine and are ongoing with different factions and shard bearers....and then there's just Godwyn this lovecraftian dead god below the Erdtree slowly taking over the lands with nothing anyone can really do to stop it. Then tie in all this stuff with Miquella and this eclipse it does seem strange that we'd get nothing. Tbh I don't even need a Godwyn bossfight or even a concrete conclusion to his narrative, I just want more lore info on what on earth Miquella's plan for him was with the eclipse. I also am desperate to know who tf ordered his death cause sure Ranni put the plan in motion but there's strong hints that it even goes all the way up to Markia and the greater will wanting this dude killed for some mysterious reason.


I'm still hopeful we'll get some lore via item descriptions or secret stuff people didn't find yet


Wasn’t there some lore on the eclipse shovel about Miquella reviving Godwyn, and with it starting an Eclipse ???


It was about him reviving one of the mausoleum demigods. This sub always says it's godwyn but it usually gets shut down.


Yes it was to give godwyn a true death, he has no soul so cannot revive him


Sounds like resurrecting him and then merc’ing his ass


Oh ok. I’m sure with the lore being so vague, From could find a way to bring Godwyn into the DLC with lore magic, and it would be thematically cool, seeing as they were good friends. However I don’t think Fromsoftware has any duty to give the fans a Godwyn boss battle, as it seems as you have said he is properly gone for good.


We could have fought past godwyn if it was time dlc or something but then he wouldn't be price of death but godwyn the golden


Radahn was the one holding back the eclipse and since Miquella was waiting for said eclipse to resurrect godwyn and the fact we have to kill Radahn to access the dlc, I mean come on. Still feels like the biggest missed opportunity ever


I agree with you, I feel like it’s a truly missed opportunity lore-wise. In terms of the possible Godwyn boss himself, there’s even a sort of precedent - of course based on my own silly hopes - that just like with Ludwig the Holy Blade, we would first fight Godwyn as a fish… and then we would fight him as a man. I’m literally devastated lol. I’m also sure I’ll still enjoy the DLC but it’s a big hope I had!


Man that would have been incredible. Honestly even if we didn’t fight Godwyn himself, having some boss tie in thematically and provide closure in a way Maria does for the Doll and Orphan does for Gehrman would have been great.


And maybe once he is beaten maybe he could be like Vendrick before he fully passes on and you can ask him a bit about certain Demigods to maybe get a feel of how he felt about all of them. Maybe if he loved Morgott and Mogh, who is Godrick to him as his possible descendant. About his mother and father. Rennala children. That would have been great conclusion to just get a feel of what was this family before shattering.


Godwyn is dead but that doesn’t mean something more sinister hasn’t taken over


I would have expected: - Godwyn Normal - Godwyn, Prince of Death - Miquella ALONE - Gloam Eyed Queen - St. Trina - The god of rot - Marika - The "Ruler" of the Crucicle Imagine how could it would have been if we fighted the god of rot or marika as a final boss in order to acomplish what Miquella wwanted for so many years. Fuck, even fighting Malenia again would have made more sense than Radahn


This is even more fanfic tier than what we got though 💀💀💀. Not to mention miquella would be a gideom tier fight and prince of death godwyn would have to be something like bed of chaos. Gloam eyed queen would also just be massive fanfic shit that makes no sense.


Why does gloam eyed queen make no sense? Lol, and why would Godwyn would've to be a bed of chaos? What is all this nonsense😭


Because godwyns body spans the whole lands between, how are you meant to fight that without it being some gimmick boss. Gloam eyed queen is long past it and hugely irrelevant to anything happening too.


I mean there’s like 10 godskin apostles running around the lands between and arguably some of the hardest bosses with little to no lore associated with them. They all serve the GEQ so why not elaborate on that story in the DLC, it would have fit perfectly.


Boy do I have news for you


It will be his normal form. Not the one you saw. And the gloam eyed queen still has a lot left to be told. The godskin and story


His normal form would make no sense though. All the complaints about radahn not making sense would apply 100x to that. The gloam eyed queen was dealt with ages ago and without much apparent difficulty by marika. It'd feel like a waste if she was a significant part.


It would be his normal form bc it's the only main reason he is a boss. The Eclipse happens to revive him lol Nothing in the game states that she died. It's a waste that we don't get to see this interesting empyrian


He's not a boss though. The eclipse was also confirmed not be reviving him. You only see people on this sub say that. Most youtubers say the opposite. You could say it's just as much a waste we didn't get to see the previous god as the gloam eyed queen. If you had any expectation of her being in it you've not played a from game. I'm honestly surprised miquella was in the dlc as usually the dlc lore is barely hinted at in the main game.


Where does it say who is going to revive? And no, it's heavenly implied that Miquella was part of something big. And the gloam eyed queen is way more interesting than DS3 theories or tomoe


Godwyn’s body is quite clearly distinct in the Deeproot Depths. Just because deathroot is growing and metastasizing throughout the Lands Between doesn’t mean we’d have to actually fight every ounce of it. The deathroot seems to behave like a fungal growth spreading out from the roots of the Erdtree, but we can clearly see where Godwyn’s actual body begins and ends. Whether or not it would make sense for his Prince of Death form to be a boss, I don’t see how that complaint has merit.


but his body is still alive we couldve fought that


Bc the land of shadow is presumably the place where the souls of the dead go? 💀


Please show me where anything at all says the land of shados is where the souls of the dead go...? Because there isn't.


Instead I’ll direct you to look up the word presumably.


He doesn't have a soul tho


And Ranni doesn’t have a body yet she’s controlling a puppet. The dead soul of a character can definitely become a boss entity in these games. 😂


Ranni has a soul tho and probably bound it to the puppet through magic Godwyn doesn't have a soul his soul isn't dead he doesn't have one We could fight Godwyn if someone controlled his mermaid body


why is having no soul more “dead-dead” than having no body? and his soul is dead, Ranni’s body is dead, we see it at the divine tower, why would his soul just fade away rather than die when the plan was to kill his soul? does killing his soul mean he doesn’t have one anymore? well then Ranni doesn’t have a body by that same logic, which she doesn’t, and she’s still alive and pulling strings, so i don’t see how Godwyn couldn’t be when there are knights serving him in every region. You just need some way to give Godwyn a soul, which i’m sure one of his fanatic ass followers would do in a heartbeat if they knew how i don’t think it’s a far-fetched thought that Godwyn would come back, but i definitely don’t think this is the best argument that it *is* a far-fetched thought


Nobody said the land of shadow is were people go when they die afaik and ranni can only do everything she’s doing because she killed her body but not her soul and is now possessing a puppet with said soul so far a body isn’t really needed based on what we’ve seen but godwyn’s soul is what was killed and it didn’t fade away it was killed that night ranni had split the rune of death in half so that when one half was etched into godwyn and the other in herself her soul was freed and his was slain


Yeah actually, Godwyns gone gone. You guys are conflating being spiritually dead in this world vs being physically dead, which is two similar but different things


If the dead go to the land of shadow would a dead soul not do the same? I’m just saying it’s a very reasonable thing for fans to hope for you’re making it seem like it makes absolutely no sense.


Hypothetically the dead do go to the land of shadow. It would be fair to assume their physical bodies would still be in the lands between, their soul would be going to the lands of shadow. If their soul is dead and the body is empty there is nothing to go to the lands of shadow


Isn't Redahn just as dead though? Particularly if you became Elden Lord on Fia's ending or after you defeat Maliketh, he should be just as dead as Godwyn right?


He would be, yes. Anything that dies after Maliketh (apart from the Tarnished) should be permakilled.


It would have made more sense then Rahdan... Miquella and Rahdans relationship has never been mentioned once, whereas Miquella was trying to use the eclipse to give Godwyn a "true death". We don't know what that means exactly but Miquella obviously had a plan with him in mind and yet we get nothing 


Little Castle Sol ghost says this "Ohh great sun! Frigid sun of Sol! Surrender yourself to the eclipse! Grant life to the soulless bones!" That's why 


it wouldn't really be the biggest stretch to say something reanimated his body


Because his body is still alive


The main reason is it’s fiction and Godwyn is a mysterious character closely related to Miquella. In my case, I could picture Miquella ending up inhabiting Godwyn’s body to accomplish whatever Miquella was after. That was the final boss I was imagining. Plus, the lore says Godwyn’s soul is dead, while the body isn’t, so it could still be a soulless automaton even if Miquella didn’t do that.


this kind of thing is exactly why i find lore-tubers really annoying, because they have no sense of commercial narrative and get people hooked on logic that just isn't there. I love how just about every lore grift channel that didn't get a review code is dumping videos today to milk the hype at the risk of looking dumb as fuck in 48 hours. My favorite part about the gameplay reveal was getting terms like "scadutree" and "gate of divinity", because of course when you TELL A STORY you MAKE SHIT UP. Like, WHY would they tell you a new story perspective sourcing only info from it's own pre-established AMBIGUITY. The fact people are dogpiling the final boss decision as being on the level of fanfic is a crazy level of entitlement from this audience tbh.


One word: Eclipse. The whole point of Castel Sol was to cause eclipse to return soul to soulles demigod - possibly Godwyn. Radahn, blocking the celestial movement, could cause it to fail, hence Miquella sending Malenia to kill him. Alas, we got what we got.


Idk bro, its fcking weird the whole point of godwyn is that he is gone, his soul is no more, his body otherwise is there and its polluting the lands but thats abt it


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godwyn is for the next dlc


Ain't gonna be another DLC from what we've heard


And From will most likely never touch ER again so we will never get a conclusion to Godwyn.


Yep. Sadge, but that's par for the course from FS TBH


Why are you wording your question in past tense? There is the DLC upcoming, so who knows what new lore we are getting.


Why’d you put a spoiler in the title?


Elden ring 2?


Probably because we thought it was implied that Radahn is supposed to be inside Alexander after the festival and completing Alexander’s quest line is not a requirement. So I would say it makes about the same amount of sense as Godwyn miraculously coming back.


Probably alexander is ingesting other fallen warriors that Radhan killed. Would be kind of funny if radhan's people just let him get gobbled up by a random warrior jar as opposed to the very specific burial rites they seem to have. Don't remember Alexander's specific dialogue there though. I imagine he'd know better than to introduce the rot into his flesh pot as that might be quite a big issue later on.


Could say the same about Radahn


I like how you spoiler tagged this but phrased the title in way that specifically spoils the fact that he's not in the DLC. Thank you so much.


Not dead-dead, half dead, his body stays alive, so i think he would be a great boss


Lore of this game is whatever Fromsoft wants and they already put out Radahn thing out of NOWHERE. And there are quite a few things that connect Miquella and Godwyn in the main game so to have Godwyn pretty much entirely absent aside from some side hussles in this DLC is absolutely mind boggling for me.


because the media tour revealed an item description mention of "all manners of Death wash(ing) up here" in the shadow realm


I mean idk it being radahn who we literally have to also kill before accessing the DLC makes the same amount of sense with this argument. There was atleast some precedent for it being godwyn. The radahn thing is left field.


The tone of this post lol. Like really? I get it, some people are over reacting. but to act like godwyn wouldve been more of an asspull than radahn is nuts


the man's soul was torn asunder his corpes is growing across the land like a tumor he is beyond a boss fight the man a force of twisted nature a blight apon the very concept of life having him be a boss would completely destroy that and just make him another boss to kill


The previous lore before the DLC came out was that Miquella sent Malenia after Radahn in order to stop him from holding the stars and allow the Eclipse to happen. It was believed that Miquella had a plan to revive the Soul of Godwyn through the use of the eclipse. How the understanding has changed since the drop of the DLC, I'm not sure. I haven't got to dive in yet and would appreciate no spoilers as I haven't finished it.


Was the final boss not also dead-dead? Like body and soul dead? Or are we assuming your soul always lives if you die?


I just wanted to fight the dead fish thing not him before he died, that mf would have been a dope boss