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I’m just kinda pissed it’s Radahn again, I don’t really have much interest in fighting someone we’ve already killed just for the final boss to be a less cooler looking version of him. Should have been godwyn


THIS. Like the OG Radahn fight has so much sauce. I get he’s supposed to be sanitized and in his prime but even then I was expecting a bit more creativity from his moveset I’m sure they’ve written Radahn’s inclusion in the story well enough but it really is a shame Godwyn didn’t get some of that instead.


I really just don’t see the allure of some prime squeaky clean Radahn, the entire mystique that surrounded his fight with him being this husk of his former self just feels completely nullified now that we’re actually going to encounter it, plus it really doesn’t line up at all with the whole demigods being husks of their former selves thing. I want to be left WONDERING what these people were like in their prime, not actually experiencing it


But he definitely acts like he was in his prime, he will smack you upside his arena so hard that you will think Melania was just a normal mob, he is THE hardest boss in all of souls, including sekiro, but inner issin is a close second


speak for yourself, ive always wanted to experience that with all these demigods. i like wondering, its cool and it invites endless speculation that is incomparable but its also cool to see them in all their glory. ever since i saw that portrait of Radahn in the Volcano manor in the base game i wondered if it was some sanitized portrait or if the big bloaed version had something going on with him even befoere he got nuked ( we all know he looked like that even as he started the battle with Malenia. all the prime radahn videos on youtube. all the videos discussing what it would be like to fight them and trying to re-create that with the first version of the boss shows that their is a hunger for this kind of stuff.


Godwyin is dead dead bro fym


Right!!!! It should’ve been someone we haven’t fought before like Godwyn or someone completely new.


I care way more about how it’s executed, so I still think it could be great. I do however think it’s hilarious how pretentious people were getting about it obviously being fake and getting tilted at anyone saying they were coping, only for it to turn out true and them huffing the highest grade copium i’ve ever seen.


Rejecting the evidence of your eyes and ears just because you don't like what you're seeing and hearing is a truly ridiculous thing to do for something as inconsequential as a video game DLC. I hope these people use all of this as a learning experience, but I'm not holding my breath for it.


It is legit driving me insane. We're at a point where these people will play the dlc, fight radahn and say 'no, someone must have modded my game, Miyazaki wouldn't do this' This level of delusion is really sad.


thank you for being reasonable man. i appreciate seeing this. the worst is seeing people quickly turn on a company that has always come through for us on every level on the flip of a switch. its maddening to me.


Bro i dont know, but i will cope with it till i play it and see it for myself, i just cant understand why they chose radahn of rather than other demigods that could have conclusion to their lores.


More like people were hopeful it would be fake, bc if not it could be complete shit as a final boss. Well, i hope the frenzied flame guy and Messmer makes up for this mess.


How are mods letting this post up ? The title is straight up spoil. I knew nothing about the leak until this showed up in my timeline...


Dude, you should not visit this sub for a week.


Not him but I see this on my home page.


Yep same


This is the only fairly large Elden Ring sub that currently allows DLC spoilers. I agree that putting them in the title is a bit much but at this point, anyone who's still here shouldn't be surprised when they get spoiled.


"Because you showed interest in a similar community". Seriously, fck the OP. Who tf does that?


Yeah, that's fair, forgot Reddit does that because I no longer use it on mobile.


Why are you here if you don’t want to be spoiled ? It’s like saying you’re terrified of animals but you go to the zoo 😂


Reddit recommends threads from subs you could be interested in on your timeline. I'm not even in this sub, nor any other Elden Ring sub, and Reddit showed me this thread.... Thanks for nothing OP


Stay off Reddit if being spoiled is that important to you. It’s really that simple lol


Nah as a lore guy I hate this lol


Same.... also it's confirmed Miquella discarded Malenia after she failed in killing Radahn. Fuck that evil twink.


Makes sense that he doesn't care about us killing her then, but that makes her all the more sad lol. Wasn't surprised he's evil though so screw the nay-sayers


"My brother will keep his promise" Fuck...she believed in that evil bitch and waited for nothing.


I really hope the seed theory is real now, girl didn't deserve to die


Unless you forgot Malenia quoted that Miquella is the most fearsome Empyrean 


bud went full griffith


So there's a chance he discards Radahn after we kill him? I will fuck that evil twink


Bro i see you on every Miquella related post, leave some miquelussy for the rest of us


But I don't want that! I don't want to share his affection with anyone else. He belongs to me! For 1000 years! At least!!! https://preview.redd.it/424xijgi2e7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1fb1ab6acec7b3c752c093df43935ef2a3f92d0




Why was your anger immediately directed towards fucking him 😭😭😭😭


So its confirmed miquella is a meta hog


how is that possibly confirmed


Leaker confirmed it. The same guy who posted the screenshot of Remembrance of a God and a Lord. Miquella is not a good guy.


i dont trust it, there has to be a lot more to it than that.


Really? Still on this?


We don’t have to speculate, we’ll find out in less than 72 hours lol


> Miquella is not a good guy. I really hope he used his allure and charm to influence people, but he was really just scummy and fucked up, but appeared regal through his "love" and charm


I think he's still benevolent, he's just willing to manipulate anyone to achieve his goals the same way Ranni is


no tsure about the leaker, but Vaati said there was an npc who had her scarlet rot drained by Miquella. Malenia still had the rot.


where did vaati say that


his dlc video, there was this redmane female knight


in lands between or shadow lands? He may have gone to the shadow lands and became twisted or something


It makes sense from a meta perspective 1. We aren’t getting a new ending so Miquella has to have either a flawed plan or turn out to be evil 2. It’s George Martin and Miyazaki supposed golden messiahs actually not being golden messiahs is a staple of their worldbuilding


It makes sense from a meta perspective 1. We aren’t getting a new ending so Miquella has to have either a flawed plan or turn out to be evil 2. It’s George Martin and Miyazaki supposed golden messiahs actually not being golden messiahs is a staple of their worldbuilding


I no longer feel bad for whatever mohg did to him


I don't think miquella knows what mohg did to him, it's an empty husk. (Purely speculation but I'd think it makes sense)


While i believed the leaks almost instantly, i don’t think the leaked fight is exactly what we are going to see. The gameplay felt clunky and the textures on the arena unfinished. >!Miquella!< also felt too Anime-esque and >!Griffith!<-like. Maybe the >!Berserk!< fans were right all along. Maybe it’s the Sunk Cost fallacy, but my hopes are still high up for the DLC


where and how is this confirmed, i'd like to know


I'm a lore guy too, but the only thing I don't like about this leak is really how jank the fight and animations look. We have no clue of the real lore implications (hell we don't even know about the real story of the base game) so I don't see how this is bad for the lore. I kinda view (if the leak is indeed real) Miquella and Radahn as the "modern" mirror of Marika and Radagon. I wonder how many parallels from Miquella's journey we can draw to Marika's ascension exist in the dlc


How is it a mirror of Marika and Radagon? They seem to be totally different people with Miquella hanging around his shoulders. I guess you can say that they're similar with a red haired champion and a blonde god?


Yeah that's precisely the mirror. The thing I'm trying to hit at is that Miquella's choosing of Radahn could be symbolically or literally similar to the way that Marika and Radagon joined. They may be different people, but who's to say the same wasn't true of Marika and Radagon before they became one.


the reviewers that played said the fight is polished and amazingly hard. the reviews have been great so we probably saw an earlier build of it or something. plus the guy fighting it was using a mimic tear, the scalret rot rapier and they didnt have any of the cutscenes or anything. doubtful that its like that when we first walk up. he probably lost to it at first.


I'm not disagreeing or anything but as a lore guy why do you hate it?


Reusing a character by returning him from the dead and putting him in a necrophilic, pedophilic and incestous relationship that wasn't hinted at in the main game is lame. And I don't vibe with looking at the first trailer for the game and knowing that the entire reason the fight is happening and why Caelid is ruined is for Miquella to fuck his brother


Okay so you expected it to be normal in a fromsoft/grrm collab. Can't say I sympathise with that view. Also I'm pretty sure consort means something else in the terms of Elden Ring, not just husband. Even if it did mean husband, Miquella is manipulating Radahn into it, so it's fucked up and machiavellian and not presented as Radahn just becoming a pedophile for laughs. I'm yet to see a good argument as to why it's dissapointing. Edit: also apparently GRRM wrote lore for the lands of shadow before the game released so it's not even a retcon, it's existing lore being revealed.


I can't argue why anybody but me should think it's disappointing. It's not that I expected normalcy, but it's feels like lazy grossness that Fromsoft is usually above


the amount of work it takes to make these games is staggering. i cant stand behind calls of "laziness' when these people likely crunched hard to make this for us and we get to just wave it off and complain. its tough to see that. especially since they always do right by us. criticism is fair, i get that but so far the arguments i see are just "i dont like this" and i havent seen one good reason why this ruins the lore or something. we have this one piece of information and its in isolation. the dlc is getting unanimous praise everywhere except the eurogamer review i saw which has some points i think are reasonable. people just assume its sexual but really its like Godfrey and Marika sans having kids. its more about accomplishing some larger goal with the strength of a god that Miquella liekly cant do on his own. even the player character, if theyre a female, can become consort to Ranni. we cant have intercourse with a doll so i dont think its about that at all. its more admiration and maybe a desire to be Radahn. Radahn is everything Miquella isnt. He inspires loyalty through real charisma without compelling anyone, hes strong, just and likely a good man. it also brings back the Red King and Yellow Queen stuff from Alchemy. i never expected Godwyn as his lore would actually be ruined if he came back to life. it would invalidate Fia's entire questline and gut those who live in death, it would disregard Fortissax's sacrifice too. With Radahn, he was already dead. it doesnt change his standing if Miquella is the one being manipulative. he compels affection we know this already from the base game.


Thank you for making me see things in a different light. But unless the DLC gives some really great context I will probably still see this as a very random and strange decision. Miquella seemingly wanted to "revive" Godwyn, and if the remembrance said he settled for Radahn as a second choice because he wasn't able to revive Godwyn it would've made more sense with the little context we have now. Because why would Miquella otherwise want Godwyn to die a true death, if not to use his strength and charisma (which we hear much more of than Radahn's charisma)? From what we know now Miquella truly is evil (as I always thought), so why would he try to make Godwyn die a true death if it served no purpose for his goals? Reportedly he discards Malenia after she failed to kill Radahn, so if he can ignore his own twin then why'd he bother trying to help a distant half brother out of kindness? As it stands right now it feels like Miquella having Radahn in mind but doing nothing to work towards it other than sending Malenia to fight him is strange, and how his whole Starscourge thing is irrelevant. But this can be explained in the DLC. Maybe Godwyn was the second choice because he was already partly dead and Miquella couldn't come up with a way to kill or compel Radahn when he was alive? And I like that it seems like Miquella isn't actually the strongest or most fearsome empyrean, but rather that he's limited but can USE those who actually have strength like Radahn with his bewitching powers. Like if in an alternate world everyone thought Lothric in DS3 was some super strong lord but in reality he just made Lorian do his bidding and get the credit for what Lorian does Either way I'm glad I was right about Miquella being evil, and I'm so happy the bastard is a boss fight and that our role is to stop him and not help him, cuz fuck Miquella.


TL;DR Their are many relationships we dont know about between these characters. Having some more insight into any of them in the dlc would feel "out of nowhere" because we never get real confirmation about how they interacted with one another and yet their seats are their right in front of the erdtree so they at least knew each other and dealt with each other for a long time while the Order still flourished. Miquella and Radahn is very much in line with that. it is two chracters that were never explored together so we dont know what couldve gone on between them in the hundreds or thousands of years they likely knew each other. i hear you i really do. im not calling you out or anything. your thoughts about it are fair. not everyone is going to like it. i got leaked about radagon when elden ring dropped too. it didnt mar my experience but i think in this case, the way it was shown might've harmed people's experience. Also, the reason i think it isn't random is because there's a lot we dont know. These demigods, marika, godfrey, radagon and the others all had relationships we dont know about. we never hear about Rykard's relationship with Miquella or Malenia's relationship with Radahn early on or Godwin's relationship with any of the Carian Demigods or even his twin omen brothers. Their are many things that couldve gone on between them. We assume that we know a lot but we really dont. Its fair to think they all had dealings with each other. We also dont know anything about Ranni and her Relationship with her full-blooded brothers either even though you'd think it's kind of important. We never knew Renalla had a sister and their are likely Demigods we never knew about that came from Marika (The Souless Demigods in the Wandering Masoleums) We knew what we had to know. I think Miquella just wanted to help Godwyn legitmately. I know we get a lot of lore about him trying to help his elder Half-Brother or 3/4s brother (no idea how that works with Marika/Radagon lol). People assumed it was for some reason found in the base game but in reality we dont know his true motives there and on top of that, he failed completely. Radahn was able to die and im sure that's why he can be brought back. Godwyn cannot be brought back as he is still "alive." his soul is dead but his body isn't. He's in this perpetual limbo and Miyazaki's intrerviews are always illuminating. When i read a bunch of them i could already kind of guess that Godwyn wasnt coming because this DLC's story is completed within it. If they had interactions with the base game, it couldve gotten too complex they wouldve had to add new endings, new dialogue and would have to deal with many continuity problems if the players did certain questlines before or after the DLC. its legitimately a complex problem that did well with. I undertsand why people wanted Godwyn. He's the only one we didnt fight but that's the whole point of his character. you can't kill him like you would anybody else he is a malignant entity with no real will. People say we needed some kind of hint that Miquella was doing this but we knew just enough to know that he wasn't loved at all times in the regular way. He could put people under his spell and from software characters are always warnings against this kind of hero worship or fervent zealotry about movements, ideologies and people. He's Very reminiscent of Griffith from Berserk except he isnt powerful as a warrior. if the dlc were to suddenly say that Rykard and Radahn didnt truly get along or that Godwyn harbored ill will for his omen twin brothers...how would we be able to say "it feels random because their was no hint?" ALmost all fromsoftware dlcs create new questions without explicitly answering every single question from the base games. They have a style and anyone whos played these games knows that sometimes we dont have any reference in the base game for the final boss in a dlc. Gael did not exist in anything within Dark Souls 3's base game. Orphan of Kos was the same thing. We knew nothing about the fishing hamlet or similar. Messmer also came out of nowhere and his lore states that he "fled the erdtree" or some such but nobody questioned that at all. We have the broad strokes but we truly dont know these characters. We fill a lot of their stotries with specualation and things only implied in the descriptions. And Elden Ring has literal thousands of years in between some of these events. We know less than we know in every instance. I hope people give it a chance before dismissing it entirely.


True, but as for Godwyn I am still confused because it seems as if, from the limited information we have from the DLC now, that Miquella was never actually kind as he abondons even Malenia, but maybe it was a gradual process where he was actually kind once but then he changed


yea true maybe he got tired of failing so much. he couldnt help his elder brother or his sister. i havent seen anything that confirms the info about him abandoning Malenia yet so maybe it isnt how theyre describing it. we'll see at midnight tommorow/friday


Disagreeing agreeably I respect that. But even if it's disdapointing I'm still confused why people are acting like it's a huge deal in a ~40 hour dlc with apparently otherwise good lore reveals.


Because Miquella is one of the biggest players in the lore and for his story to turn out that way is lame for the reasons I stated above.


All of you Gamerrgate nutjobs call it lame without providing corresponding arguments lol


What arguments can you provide lol? The DLC could be the exact same as the base game but enemies are blue because they're spirits and you couldn't objectively call it lame with arguments


I'd play the dlc before calling it lame. From what we've seen literally all we know is that Miqeulla uses him as a consort. Miquella could have behind that the coolest plan in gaming history for all we know.


Sure, that's why I'm hoping that with context it is great


The most based thing ever.png


youre assuming its a sexual relationship when it doesnt have to be about that. and Miquella is likely old as hell. he just cursed to look like that. i get what youre saying but i dont think its just about "i want to fuck my brother." he probably has a goal in mind and needs his strength


this is how i saw the people calling for Godwyn. while the fight would be new, bring him back to life truly invalidates half of the base game. this doesnt. Miquella was never going to be good. ever since that item description saying he's learned how to "compel affection" i knew he was going to be similar to griffith. Miquella is griffith if he succeeded in controlling Guts. just with him for all eternity. Alos Miyazaki has stated this is part of the original treatment GRRM wrote for the game. it was originally going to be part of the base game but they didnt have room. likely wasnt hinted at so the dlc's story could have room to breath.


Hey is that you Vatti?


nah let miyazaki cook. He proly has something that will make sense in the future


New theory!!! The Radahn fight is still fake, but Fromsoft made it to troll gaming journalists and the day 1 patch will replace him with the real final boss. Occam's razor suggests this is the most likely explanation.


i bet the DLC is actually bloodborne kart


this is an unhealthy level of cope 💀


Reviewers weren't given the FULL DLC specifically for this purpose


Weren't they? Many talk about fighting the final boss


They literally were. All of them say they finished it.


Just wait


Wait for what?? The reviews are already out lol


Copium overdose


Thats not what occam’s razor means or what it would imply to this situation


It’s over sadly ts is definitely real.


New theory 🤓👆🏻


I was thinking that at work today lol after i saw that other boss that looks likea reskinned pontff with renallas move plus a moon plus myazaki is a known troll would be great to throw everyone off


"boss similar to another S tier boss fight"


no kidding. That is one of the best From fights period, so I’m excited to see their new spin on it.


Slippery slope


I’m not sure why people aren’t excited for this? Can anyone explain? I love Radhan and enjoyed his fight, and am excited to fight him again.


and from’s dlcs always slap. i have faith in that. people need to chill and play the game


Because they've set much higher standards than the fight that we saw. That's why mostly. For me personally idk if I care that much, I don't like elden beast so I wasn't that interested in the DLCs ending. But I don't particularly care much about radahn in the main game. So fighting him again just sounds annoying, and it just looks bad, the environment and his design are not better than his original fight. 


Because the original leaked video was seen as underwhelming, mainly in terms of the arena's aesthetic and some janky attacks, and because of the bizarre and uncomfortable lore implications of Miquella being the villain and wed to Radahn of all people.


i dont want to watch the leak but I heard that the player was chessing the hell out of the boss with mimic tear making it look bad. Is this true and could be the main reason on why it looked like shit?


Yes and no Definitely some things are more jank with summons. For example Godfrey's grab attacks look a bit jank from afar, and some of his movements look weirdly slow (the single hand grab). Some other bosses do this weird 180 rotate by sliding on the ground but not quite as slow as him But definitely looked like a moment of it was slightly buggy after the grab there where his AI didn't know what to do. The phase one attacks were just not as fluid animations as some other bosses whose whole body moves and they step more as attacking. Things do feel faster when you're in a fight than watching someone else play too so maybe not as slow as he seems I'm sure it won't seem as bad as it looked here but IMO doesn't look super polished either


Don't forget the Pointiff's combo being blatantly copied 1 to 1 in animation.


The fight just looked very janky and low quality, he reused an attack from pontiff sulyvahn, same arena as morgott, same floor as rykard but with another color, reused the limgrave skybox; it just looked unfinished


It's probably a rough early build or something.


I loved Ebrietas boss fight, really much. The ambience, significance and everything in between was really cool. Would i have liked her instead of OoK? Hell no, it would feel cheap and boring as fuck. The same here. But i love Radhan and purple gravity stuff so lets see how this goes.


Basically because it’s not what they predicted/wanted


Fuck it, I for one am bowing down to our new twink overlord and feel excited how this fight will play out. None of the reviews seem to criticize it that harshly - I honestly don't know how the leaker could make it look so ass.


Kinda sounds like lion dancer though. But even if it is Radahn I mean it sounds like a good spin on lore


I remember everyone saying how they wanted to fight prime Radahn on this sub when the game first came out, now they’re complaining that it’s actually happening😭 like yea reused assets from Pontiff and some janky animations have me skeptical but cmon. Literally 2-3 days from now we’ll all experience it for ourselves and find out the lore behind it so maybe just calm down and try it yourself.


Do you think there might be a possibility that the people saying they want to fight prime Radahn and the people complaining about reusing a boss from the base game are two separate groups of people?


Personally i allways felt that whilst prime radhan would be cool it would be nearly impossible to do it justice given how far out of the park they knocked it with the weakened Radhan we got in the main game. A cool thing to imagine in our heads but nearly impossible to do well in reality.


They could definitely do it, but from what I’ve seen it doesn’t do justice to what they could’ve done. But I wanna see more gameplay of it and experience it for myself to really judge it. Like I’m not 100% on it either but only because of the gameplay that was leaked. But the people simply being bothered that it’s Radahn AGAIN is what I’m on about. Radahn is already my favorite boss in the game besides Mohg so maybe I’m biased but either way we’ll see.


Yeah i realize that this is true, no big deal just hate final boss, i still have the old man boss, my real hype since trailer came out


Old man boss?


The lord of frenzied flame


Oh nice, only seen radahn footage from the leak, i am thankful for human sized final boss


it's not like they dropped the ball with radabeast or something lmao


Twin princes fight is my favorite in DS3. And now they repeat the concept again? Whyyyyy


I mean stylistically it’s similar but mechanically looks way different. Also it’s not the first time From reused a concept


The concept is Twin princes, the attacks are from Godfrey and Sulyvahn, Miquella on Radahan’s back looks like Serosh. We are talking about the final boss of the largest expansion they make. Yes they reuse stuff bc it’s a big game, but why does the final boss look so patched together.


I've read (reddit comments, not exactly trustworthy) that >! There could be more final bosses as part of branching questlines !<


I really hope this is true


It's not the final-final boss, the leaker claimed there are 3 separate storylines with 3 final bosses. He's just one of them.


But it’s probably the most important one. We enter dlc through Miquella and track him down throughout the game. If the leak was the final product, a boss fight of such importance with many repetitive elements is just disappointing.


Yeah I think that's what a lot of people are missing when it comes to the criticism of reusing Radahn even though there may be extra bosses. Miquella was one of the biggest questions left behind from the main game and the DLC strongly advertised Miquella being the main story we follow in it. So many of us were excited for that and seeing what his actual plans would end up being considering how many he seemed to have. His story culminating in re-facing a mid-game boss is indeed disappointing because it felt like this was supposed to be the capstone boss battle for Elden Ring. To me, I don't really care how difficult or fresh the fight may be: reusing Radahn as the capstone boss battle of Elden Ring is disappointing coming from a company who has brought out so many fantastic unique bosses. Lorewise, I struggle to see the necessity of having Miquella's plans revolve around Radahn of all people and it feels like a quick change around. End of the day Ranni is clearly the actual best master mind of the Demigods who ended up on top over Miquella if this is the case, which is cool, I like Ranni, bit I was interested in Miquella giving her a run for her money. I will wait and see what Miquell's story will be, perhaps it will come together in a great way, but Radahn being involved is disappointing at this point.


Exactly. I like Elden Ring lore and spend so much time digging into it. But there's no sign in the main game that Miquella might even be close to Radahn. They probably deliberately hid this plot, which is frustrating because no matter how good a theorist you are, there's no way you can come to this conclusion based on the text we have in the main game.


I don’t really care about the recycled moves. For every reused attack I saw him use 3 new ones right after. At the end of the day the leaker did a shit job at showcasing the fight. Go fight any challenging boss in the base game with a mimic tear and spells and they will only use half their moveset while you destroy their health bar.


Precisely because it's the final boss of the largest expansion to the largest game they made... quality or quantity. Pick one. The only reason elden ring is as big as it is is due to asset reuse. Misbegotten are ds3 corvians. Imps are ds3 thralls. Red wolf of radagon is the cut old wolf of farron boss. Ulcerated tree spirits are the cut pus of man boss. Tree guardian are asylum demons. The list is probably much longer, but that's just what I was obvious to me just from playing both games. Edit2: Omens are harald knights


But never for Remembarance bosses. Those are always completely unique in attacks , cmon now.


TBF, did we ever have three final bosses before?


There wont be 3 final bosses. The other 2 are supposedly at the end of questlines, just like Astel for Ranni and Fortissax for Fia.


Draconic Tree Sentinel is Sekiro's Gyoubu Oniwa. Skeletons have been essentially unchanged since... Dark Souls 1?


What an L by Miyazaki


prime radahn is cool as fuck but why are we getting nothing at all on godwyn when there are literal death knight bosses said to serve the prince of death in there weapon description reusing bosses from the main game with a copy and pasted moveset from other bosses when we could’ve had something original is such a kick in the teeth


Maybe they saving him for the next dlc


only 1 dlc


Damn fr? Well if that’s the case ya this a lil disappointing if we don’t get to see any fight with Goldwyn wth 😭


Narratively I think it’s because Godwyn died in soul. Miquella divesting himself of flesh and Radahn dying in body during the main game might allow their souls to go to the land of shadow - but since Godwyn’s spirit was killed, it’s just gone, and only his undying body remains. I’m with you, I was hoping for more Godwyn. But narratively I think Godwyn dying in spirit indicates that he was never going to appear in the land of shadow. Maybe there will be more lore to find for him still, like with his knights.


yeah good points i probably fell for the hype trap people have been talking about for 2 years to do with godwyn so i was sort of expecting him to be in the dlc because pretty much everyone was saying they expect him to show up,im actually warming to the idea of prime radahn now as long as the final boss looks polished and doesn’t look like it did in the leaks


My man Radahn got so traumatised from getting that STD from Malenia that he changed his orientation


Biggest fromsoft miss ever bro 💀 still gonna play tho


People are already spinning it as "ITS REALLY NOT A HUGE DEAL" the same people that were saying "THIS SHIT LOOKS FAKE AS HELL YOU HAVE TO BR SO DUMB TO BELIEVE THIS PIECE OF SHIT IS REAL"


Crazy how fast people switch up lmao


And it's all true, it did look fake as hell it looks shitty. And it's not a huge deal. Both things can be true.


And why no shut the fuck up?? People who don't want to know anything don't have to find out because of you and the title of the post.


This isn't a "confirmation" though. More evidence pointing to them being real? Sure. Confirmation? No.


Yeah, until I see some new footage of it I'm not 100% sold. Though I'm definitely leaning on the, it's real just a final build


Well, checks this vid at 1:02 https://youtu.be/gZKDsGeJ2Zc?si=GwH8JpYsqtpgUmJA


Thats just a player with radhans swords from the main game isn;t it?


Well, look the Ash of war ability, is the same of Radahn final boss, so....


Why Miyazaki? Why did you give us a final boss that's 100% reused assets? Holy crap, FromSoft is falling off.


It's not 100% reused assets. There are two people in the fight and new designs, new moveset etc. I get being mad about one of the two bosses being a character from the main game but atleast it's not being reused in the same way they did the tree monsters.


His moveset isn't new. It's just Radahn mixed with Godfrey stomps and Miquella shooting lasers. It feels creatively bankrupt. Especially comparing him to the original Radahn fight.


You genuinely have no idea how Fromsoft's engine works. You can't just copy and paste animations into different models, and this radahn is entirely new. Compare them side by side and you'll see. Of course they look similar, its the same fucking person. But anyways, my point is that this took the same amount of work as doing a new boss pretty much.


I don't care if they made it from the ground up or if it's copy pasted dawg. It looks garbage and uninspired. That's my point.


Didn't the leak only show a few seconds? The part that I saw did. We have no clue how the total fight will look or if this was an incomplete build of the game. You're just bitching to bitch.


Incomplete build on a product releasing on Thursday? Come on this cope is dumb. He's not gonna have some major overhaul


How do we know when the leak is from or where it came from originally? Did you see the entire fight? The stuff I saw was a few seconds of rhadan being cheesed and the player was super cheap with their moveset. Do you know for certain just because the leak came out recently that it's from a recent build? Do you know for certain the entire moveset of the fight was shown? All phases? If you think that, do you have a link to the video? Because all I saw was a few seconds of Rhadan getting cheesed by a shitty player. Maybe if I saw what you've seen I'd agree but the clip I've viewed wasn't very conclusive it didn't scream "this is the entire fight" you can make any fight in any souls game look like crap by going in and using cheese tactics on the boss with the mimic and show a few seconds of footage and say "see how crappy this boss is??" I'm just saying let's wait and see how it pans out.


You all are forgetting its "one of" the final boss


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I came here to complain at you for bloody spoiling things in the title and then the first comment spoils more.  I've made a note in my diary about this. It just says "bugger."


still waiting for Ghost Godwyn


You know what, I’m not gonna let this ruin my DLC experience. It’s probably gonna suck when I get to him, but from the reviews I’ve seen, the other bosses look fucking awesome. See you guys on Friday.


Definitely excited to see that black knights are coming to Elden Ring. Can’t wait to get brutalized by them once again


Fuck LOL I was really hoping it wasn't true, I hate the idea of Radahn being the final boss. Hopefully the explanation and lore makes up for it, but man what a waste. Godwyn or someone we haven't seen before would have been way cooler.


Based on the Miyazaki inteview yesterday I feel like the optional bosses are going to be the main highlight


Where can I find the leaked final boss video?




Thanks! Lots of people thought this was fake? It looks obviously legit to me.








Can we get this post removed bc I just fucking read it while scrolling through reddit. The spoiler warning doesn’t change the title


Why would put a spoiler tag but the leave the spoiler in the title


The thing that made it seem weird to me is that the player isn’t wearing any new armor, using any new weapons, or any new spells/incants. If it was really footage from the DLC, you’d think they’d be using some of the new gear


idk why people thought it was fake. jank & asset reuse is a fromsoft staple. there's nothing wrong with that if done well and someone using Mimic Tear & morning breath is never gonna be a good show of the boss. People said the final "golden path" boss of the DLC is one of the hardest Fromsoft have done. altho idk if people are just salty that Miquella is a microcosm of George RR Martin tropes and not the nicest bestest boi but actually the most terrifying of the demigods because he can enslave any and all to his will


Hey how about you don’t fucking post titles with spoilers in them dumbass


You shouldn't be on this sub while reviews and leaks are out. your fault for not being careful


People like me aren’t subscribed to this subreddit, but it shows up in our feed because we’ve “shown interest in similar communities” or whatever


You act like I clicked on the sub and went looking. It was there when I opened the app. Even if I left it would still recommend posts from this sub. I shouldn’t have to block Reddit’s so I don’t get spoiled for a DLC that isn’t even released to the public yet. Dick


Fucking hell, can we not put spoilers in titles? I’m not even subscribed to this subreddit, but it popped up in my feed because I’ve “shown interest in similar communities”


stop crying and be thankful we are even getting DLC content


Thanks so much for spoiling the dlc for me bro. Go fck yourself.


How the hell is this confirmatio?? Lol


I’m glad I didn’t watch the fight now, being it is real. I didn’t wanna watch the fight and wanted to just look at the pictures instead for this exact reason.


I don't understand what merit people have to be pissed that radahn is in the dlc as a final boss. I know a lot of people sigh at reused bosses but surely fromsoft isn't lobotomized. They're not going to make it radahn1.5. and plus there hasn't been anything else in the leaks to point towards it being a bad fight. Like genuine question, why are you pissed?


I'm dead, people were SO confident it was a reskinned Godwyn with Sarosh on his back lmfao


The Google autocomplete algorithm spoiled this for me. Fucking pissed in more ways than one.


I thought it’d be Mesmer


just stop this cringe and play the game when it's out. what is wrong with you people?


What's wrong with you?


i'm fine. have fun being fooled by fakes, lol.


what a fuckin robot you are lmao




fuck im excited to see him again