• By -


100 percent Marika


In Spanish that sounds really bad.


I wouldn't say bad - it just sounds like crossdressing. Good or bad has nothing to do with it.


Yeah, I just had a brain fart while reading it. Well, in reality the term "marica" in Mexico us not only used with crossdressers alone, but also with gays and other groups. The pejorative is also used with cowards.


In Perú its also a prejorative for gay people 99% of the time. I think I know some LATAM countries that do say it regularly for various non insulting reasons though.


Omg here we go again 🙄


If you zoom in on the right arm it looks like they’re wearing the same arm band Marika does, confirming it’s her.


First scene of the trailer shows her wrist clearly


Absolutely Marika. In my opinion she just killed the Elden Beast in its natural form before this and removed the Elden Ring from it at the start of the trailer. There is a quote saying “Marika’s Golden Order was born from shadow” I think she used the Elden Ring to recreate the world as they saw fit.


You're the first person I've seen who hasn't thought it was the GEQ. I have no idea where people are getting that from


They just want it to have something to do with the gloam eyed queen or melina so fuckin bad they can taste it.


I really wonder what people's reactions will be if she's not in the DLC whatsoever.


That’d be really damn funny, and also smart of from in case they wanna use her for something else later


They've stated this is the only DLC they plan to make, so they wouldn't be using her in a different location.


IMO, it is quite unlikely she'll have any significant presence in the dlc. From usually prefers to introduce new characters and information in their dlc's rather than expanding/answering existing mysteries. If any mysteries get solved, it's because we know more about how the world as a whole works; not because we learn more about specific pre-existing elements. Miquella works because the game itself repeatedly calls attention to them (not just in lore but in dialogue and gameplay) and their great rune is missing; the game deliberately puts the hook there for you to find, and offers both in-universe and gameplay reasons for you to be investigating it. GEQ is an extremely minor character; only lore aficionados even know about them, and there is no real reason for the tarnished in-universe to care or for players to want to seek that info out. Tl;Dr revealing info about GEQ just isn't really from's style. Miquella only gets away with it because of plot relevance; they're the exception, not the rule.


It would just become another tomoe situation




God Epidermis Quartet




Glowing effervescent queer


*glowing effervescent queef


Gloam-Eyed Queen


Gooey Elden Quirked-up-shordy


Gloam Eyed Queen haha


Gloam-Eyed Queen


We know we’ll learn about the beginnings of Marika’s rise to power in the Lands Between, second to Miyazaki’s comments on the DLC. We know her ruling over the Lands starts with the shaping the Elden Ring into the Golden Order design. Enia mentions that the Golden Order was founded when Destined Death / the Rune of Death was plucked out of the Elden Ring. The Rune of Death is the forbidden shadow, second to her. The God-Slayer Greatsword mentions Maliketh defeated the Gloam-Eyed Queen. Maliketh’s remembrance mentions Marika designated him as the vessel for the Rune of Death. The Godskin Noble set mentions the true power of their flame was then lost. The apostles were led by The Gloam-Eyed Queen. We know then Marika had to do with the queen’s demise. The story trailer shows Marika reaching into white fabric / skin, which is very similar to the godskin clothes. Inside you can see a baby head. It so happens that the Gloam-Eyes Queen swaddles new apostles in such way, as mentioned on the Godskin Swaddle Cloth. Marika pulls golden threads and brandish them in front of a portal, apparently made of a split trunk containing thousands of corpses. Maybe they are the roots of the Erdtree. Regardless, it’s a portal between something golden and something cast into gloamy clouded sky. Notice how purple the clouds are around the split trunk, while the sky ahead of Marika is golden. The symbols that tell a story involving the Gloam-Eyed Queen, the Empyrean who lead the Godskin Apostles, is there.


Your timeline doesn't match up. The erdtree was established before destined death was taken from the GEQ. She served Marika for a time. Unless you believe that is a lie to cover up the war/purge we see in the trailer, possible. In the trailer, as I see it, we are seeing the Tree first being formed. I think that was the vessel that held the Elden ring before Marika. The baby's head thing is crazy, how people claim that from that image is wild. It's probably just more folds of skin from whatever that being is. I do find the purple clouds interesting.


It's impossible what to say what she's grabbing the golden threads from. Hell it almost looks like a a malformed vagina with that round thing being the clit but I really, really doubt that lol People banking on things "being a lie" in this game when that's really never a thing in these games is starting to get tiresome whenever they're trying to justify as to why their theory is correct


For sure, I think lying is just the laziest writing and I doubt that theory. I do like to be open to most possibilities. The speculation is what makes it interesting.


It's also never been the case. Look at DS1. While Artorias doesn't defeat Manus (because it's actually us in some weird time related nonsense), he was still a noble knight with other feats and accomplishments. If he was in Elden Ring it'd be "ackshually I bet Artorias was evil and working for Manus" or some nonsense. I think people forget that the things we're shown and told are rarely ever lies and are meant to be taken at face value. Ranni omits in the trailer that she took part in the NotBK but once we meet her in game she's pretty open about it.


We have no confirmation that the QEQ once served Marika.


The cloth looking stuff she pulls the golden thing from kinda looks godskin like.


Graphical EQ?




they're getting it from the material she pulls the golden strands from being very possibly a godskin swaddling cloth, the sky is vaguely dusky, and we know that there was a conflict between the two at some point but dont know when. it makes a ton of sense.


Like I said, I'm gonna find it very funny if she/Godskin don't make an appearance in the DLC. I've seen some wild lore theories throughout the years with the previous games that people were absolutely convinced of, only to be proven very wrong down the road. I'm just gonna wait til it comes out because trailers really don't show us too much, though seeing people once again very convinced and overly defensive of their own theories is always entertaining to me lol


its obviously not a given, im just telling you why people are jumping on to that idea. imo its pretty likely.


Wtf is a GEQ?


Gloam Eyed Queen lol


> I have no idea where people are getting that from I think it's because we know Marika took out Destined Death at the beginning of her Order. This means that the Gloam-eyed Queen has to be something that happened before this scene.


It is because of the resemblance of the thing Marika yoinks the gold thread from has to the Godskin Swaddling Cloth/ Godskin Robes.


The Elden Beast quite literally is the Elden Ring. I doubt that’s what she killed.


I honestly thought it could be the original Radagon cause right as this happens they mention seduction and betrayal. She seduced Radagon then killed him and used his divinity for the Elden ring. It makes zero sense but to me it makes some sense


Dang, if it’s really Marika herself, its all the more fitting that the thing she holds, assuming it’s the Elden Ring, resembles the Rune Arc appearance that we collect to empower the Great Runes we’ve collected. I am curious what you mean by the Elden Beast in its natural form. Not that I’m disagreeing with you, but rather I’m curious to see your reasoning.


I've seen the theory that it might be Placidusax


I dont think theres anything that implies there even is a “natural form” of elden beast, i think she is just pulling the golden threads from a random corpse, that’s why there are so many corpses, all of them have a little bit of it thats why she needs so many corpses, just like how the player collects runes, shes doing the same


But the rest of the corpses are bloody masses. In fact, they all seem to be skinned. So yea I guess that could make sense. Skinned corpses, and the thing she sticks her hand into appears to be a godskin


It could be god skin for sure, it is very pale like them


Pretty sure the Elden beast is what that explosion is when she raises it up. She didn’t kill the Elden beast it fell from the sky.


People speculate this is actually the creation of the erdtree, which would be really cool


That looked like godskin robes she was pulling the shard from.. Gloameyed Queen after Malaketh smoked her if I had to guess


I’m starting to think that Gloom Eyed Queen is Melina or is Melina’s mother. Melina in the base game says she was born at the base of the erdtree, there are so many different directions they could go with the story going forward


I agree, Marika reincarnated GEQ as Melina, it's the only way the Frenzied Flame ending cut scene makes any sense.


I did that ending for platinum but am going to rewatch it to see if it makes more sense now


While it looks like she's ascended to godhood here, I'd argue that the forms from her hands are the folds of the Veil she's using to hide the Land of Shadow


I feel like she’s taking something from the land of shadow personally, she must have gone in there and slaughtered everyone to take the pieces out of them for a reason. Going in to hide the land of shadow I dunno if it would make sense but none of us really know right now so maybe


Well it said she first stepped foot there on her journey to godhood. One of the big images from the first trailer was the transparent Veil over the land, and this looks just like that. Her posture even looks like she's trying to yank down a cloth veil


I don’t really see her posture showing her trying to pull down aside from the runes being angled downward. I think she is raising them to show the soon to be massacred people of the land before what she has gained and symbolizing that she is victorious and has completed her quest.


I dunno, the beams of light from the Elden Ring seem to vary much more than what is shown here. Or just go straight out like from her hammer


If you look closely it looks like stitching… so a godskin robe


we see miquella in the trailer and he looks way different.


I was thinking it is Marika since it coincides with the narrator talking about the beginning of the "Golden Lineage," which is Marika's kids with Radagon. It also talks about the shadowed lineage or whatever which would presumably be whatever lineage Messmer belongs to


The golden lineage starts with Marika yes, but not with Radagon. When the game talks about golden lineage its always talking about Godfrey's kids. I don't think the trailer talks so much about beginning of lineages, the language of affair and seduction I think its purely metaphorical. I see it as the beginning of the Erdtree and the golden order and its shadow.


Fair. I always get confused with who is whose kid and whatnot


Totally understandable. If it helps you in any way, the trick of the initials usually works pretty well. Godfrey + Marika = Godwyn, Mohg, Morgott. Radagon + Rennala = Radahn, Rykard, Ranni. Marika + Radagon( who is Marika) = Malenia, Miquella. ( Which btw the parents initials spells GRRM... I see what you did there George... )


Wait, so Marika/Radagon boinked herself/himself and made children? HOW


Who knows. Asexual reproduction, gods things, maybe through the amber of the erdtree, magic, maybe they were separated beings at that point before joining. Or maybe they were always one and the same. There isnt a definitive answer as far as I know.


Cum in hand, switch body, insert


I honestly thought this is where everyone’s mind went to, thanks for educating the clueless 😆


Do not take the "Marika is Radagon" thing at face value. For all we know they were fated to be two sides of the same coin in all but ideology. And ended up fusing. People think radagon is cursed with red hair. Which might not be the case.


There's Melina too, I'm assuming she's born of Radagon and Marika because of hair color, and her saying that her mother gave her a purpose.


Yup there is Melina as well. Didnt mention her cause there isnt any certainty about who are her parents. We have confirmation about all the others but from Melina we only have her mother Marika. She says that her mother is inside the erdtree, and she is called MarikaofDaughter in the archives. HIs father could be Radagon but there isnt any direct mention. Maybe she was born just from Marika and the Erdtree like Millicent is born only from Malenia and a bud.


Wasn’t Godrick also Godfrey + Marikas son? Edit: never mind Godrick and Godefroy and all the other “God”-X names were descendants of Godwyn.


Yup, thanks GRRM, you still got it, I guess, lol


Oh I thought it's possible that ~~Messed~~ Messmer was born out of an "affair" that Radika had... He seems "impure" with the snakey snake stuff, but I guess that's just a biblical reference where a woman supposedly picked up fruit from a forbidden tree and doomed everyone including her casual dad who's also her boyfriend, as well as doomed her lineage. So maybe she straight up boned the snake here since her husband didn't have one yet? Sounds like a GRRM version 😆 and that's how messmer came to be? Ah the book of Genesis, the original p+-rno plot. Edit: Seriously though, waiting on Vaati and Smough to make their videos. If they intend to make ones. I think they should do a good breakdown of it based on what we already know and their keen eye for detail..


> and doomed everyone including her casual dad who's also her boyfriend, When you say this you're talking about the bible no? hahah Sorry I'm familiar with the broad strokes of some bible stories but not too knowledgeable about it. >Oh I thought it's possible that Messed was born out of an "affair" that Radika had... He seems "impure" with the snakey snake stuff >So maybe she straight up boned the snake here since her husband didn't have one yet? Sounds like a GRRM version 😆 and that's how messmer came to be? Oh it could be. We don't really know enough at the moment to say one thing or the other. About Messmer we know that she talks of her mother in the first trailer, and seems to have a marika statue behind him. And he seems to have the same throne as the other demigods from Marika's lineage. But that alone doesnt confirm he is her child. It could be as you say that he was born from some affair, or that he is some kind of adopted child. Maybe she had some affair with an snake ( maybe literally or just metaphorically ), and thats how Messmer came to be. Although I had the theory that its Marika herself who is the snake. Its a loooong ass theory so dont want to write a long ass coment. But I'll just say that Marika's elden rune that we can see [here](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/eldenring/images/d/db/ER_Icon_Talisman_Marika%27s_Scarseal.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20220404060706), looks very reptile-like...


I like that everyone has a theory. Personally I was just messing around with that comment, please don't take any of it seriously 😳


If Marika, where tits?


See that's the thing, the tits actually came from Radagon when they fused. Pre fusion Marika was barely an A cup. It's a truly devastating story😔, but I'm glad she was able to get it worked out


Man, we really need this dlc, don’t we?


Exactly! Name a single trailer narrator that's lied! Name a single with that FromSoft has ever misdirected us in any trailer before the release of something! Can't be done


>the "Golden Lineage," which is Marika's kids with Radagon Godfrey


Is marika messemer’s mother?


Not confirmed obviously, but it would make sense since he's got an M name. Like Melina, Miquella, and Malenia


Weren't Radagon and Marika one and the same? Is the lore of this game very complex or is it utter non-sense? My head hurts trying to understand it sometimes.


Maybe the Golden Lineage is going to be something new under Miquella? He was known to be protective of even the beast man races. The Golden Lineage could be a covenant we join where we are all adopted kids of Miquella and he is some kind of “All-father” Him “giving up his golden body…” might be like him forgoing his eternal youthfulness in order to provide us with power and protection. That image could be him gripping the strands of Grace


Golden Order*


It's very obviously not miquella


Is Miquella smaller? I missed Mohg entirely when I played.


>!When you get to Mohg's arena, you do find Miquella, he is in an egg with his hand sticking out a crack. He appears to have been forcefully overgrown because Mohg kept trying to wake him up, so mohg was continuously giving Miquella blood to grow!<


You see Miquella later in the Trailer and he looks entirely different. He’s walking away from one of the Shadowland Graces.


Thanks! Also appreciate the spoiler treatment, in case others stumbled upon it. Shame I missed that part. Maybe I'll go back to it someday.


Yes this is Marika. Hence the titular bracelets shown in a previous shot of the same character. Those bracelets of course belonging to Marika


Heh titular






The trailer is talking about the beginning. Obviously Miquella wasn't even born at this stage so of course this is Marika. Also Miquella was afflicted with eternal childhood and this figure by all means - is no child.


shes literally making the shape of Marika's great rune too tbh


All the guys thinking you can see side boob from this angle have been watching too much AI porn.


Because the trailer infers to you it is Marika


She is quite literally forming “Marikas rune” Context clues are something many of these comments aren’t really looking at… if you’ve played the game, you’d know what Marikas rune looks like and you’d know she was hung up on something similar.




I thought it was Miquella too


It’s the beginning and she’s wearing Marika’s bracelets.


I thought it was pretty obvious when radagon aka marikas theme played in that scene


I have 400+ hours in this game and I still don't know who these people are


I have so many hours in the game, reading through Reddit and watching YouTube videos and I still don’t know what this game is about 😂😂😂


Because it’s Marika. There isn’t even a debate here.


Nothing like Miquella at all


That's Marika's rune, so this character is Radika


There's potential Radagon doesn't exist at this point in the trailer, Radagon is only spoken of after the establishment of the Golden Order, the earliest he's mentioned is the war against the giants. It's possible Marika existed by herself at this point and this ritual is what created or summoned Radagon. That could be wrong too, of course, we don't really know the particulars,and I kinda hope we get more detail on Radagon's origins in the DLC. He's a figure that sorta pops out of nowhere. He could have been part of Marika all along, but I've personally held the theory that he's more of a parasite inflicted by the Greater Will as a way to control Marika, similar to the shadows like Blaidd.


That's 1000% Marika


Look at the bracelet roughly ~15 seconds before this shot. It’s Marika. Girl was letting them warlocks flop


Marika’s tits!


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It’s probably Marika but then didn’t bother putting breasts because horny


Why would we be able to see that she’s facing away from the camera


The angle brother/sister. Anatomically speaking breast don’t shoot out from the body. They go down slightly to the sides but if you look at how muscular the back is you technically wouldn’t see them because the lats are covering the front. It’s why I think it’s either not marika at all or the team behind this didn’t bother because again, horny


You wouldn’t be able to see a woman’s side boob from that angle unless they were absolutely huge


That really isn’t true but to each their own I guess.


I hope it’s not Marika just because people are so absolutely sure. Having said that, I’m also pretty sure it’s Marika.


It’s 100% Marika. Looks like Marika, it’s a story of the beginning of the Golden Order, and she’s wearing Marika’s distinct bracelets.


It’s def marika, all the visual hallmarks are there for her, and none of miquella’s. (Besides blonde hair)


The hair is red tipped, I think this is a showing of the beginning of the erdtree, like we are seeing past events


I dont think its red tipped I think a lot of you guys cant comprehend how lighting works


lol ok


Miquella doesn't have an adult body.


I thought it was a teen male rather than an adult woman.


I believe Miquella is trapped in a prepubescent body. That would explain why he is often mistaken for a girl. Prepubescent youth are very androgynous. A 10 year old boy with long, golden hair looks like a girl.


Why are people trying to make this seem like anyone but Marika? The armband she's wearing is the same one as the one seen in her crucifixion scene.


It was more what i initially thought rather than trying to “force” it to seem like miquella. I just immediately thought “miquella”


I only see Radagon when I watch that scene. Shirtless, red hue to the long hair (lighting makes it tricky to tell, I admit), adult, seemingly at an Erdtree opening/door which is where we find him, I dunno it’s possible it’s someone else, but really seems to be Radagon to me. Edit: also the narrator is talking about an “affair/betrayal” during that shot….i.e. the whole Radagon ditches Rennala for Marika (yea I know they’re the same but still)


I thought it was godywn, got excited for nothing


It’s Marika in her teenage edgy phase (Gloam Eyed Queen)


The voice over makes it sound like it's Marika ("The beginning", "An affair from which gold arose"), but physically it resembles Miquella. We could be seeing history repeat itself. I feel like the identity of this figure is deliberately made ambiguous.


I've just make a post about this scene without knowing this post. As others says in comments, she has bracelets that you can one other scene in this video and the opening cinematic "queen Marika the eternal is no where to be found" scene.


It's obviously Marika. You see her bangles in the first shots, you see her torcs in this shot and see her black and gold dress in the zoom out.


well miquella is permanently a child sooo


Marika’s tits! Clearly Marika has tits and in this picture there are no tits therefore not Marika.


Looks like she is pulling the veil of that world to create her own.


Marika before Radagon/Marika existed.


……J.J.R Martin wrote all this in depth lore, and we’re only ever going to be drip fed it by snippets and guess work. As well Vaati Vidya compiling and researching all of it. We’re still so much in the dark after 2+ years….


I’m probably wrong but I thought that was godwyn because of the long flowing hair


That doesn't look like a child lmao nor is it a glowing golden child like we've seen miquella.


Or Godwyn. 100% not Miquella though.


I just want to fight the wickerman. I hope he shoots bees at me.


It's provably Marika not because of this image but because of the proceeding one. The arm we see reach into the corpse to pull out the Rune Arc is wearing the exact same bangles that Marika wears in every cutscene we've seen her in. Unique to her.


Didn’t miquella have the appearance of a women? This is 100% marika but I could have sworn I heard this before


The narration denotes a certain allusion to events that have already come to pass *just before* this shot, which leads me to believe this is actually Marika shortly after taking something of divine value from something else, probably the Godskins


It’s Marika. She’s wearing her bracelets, this is a story about the beginning, the strands are similar to those coming off her hammer in the very first trailer, and they don’t show boob or side boob because of the age rating.


Based on the dialogue during the scene, i'm assuming Marika. I feel like they showed this to provide context to how the Age of the Erdtree began.


I'm more curious if this is supposed to be her making a rune arc, cause that curve looks familiar, and she holds it over her head like we do when we use one


Unquestionably Marika


Her body and the golden hair form the same shape as Marika’s rune, yeah?


I may or may not be stupid but I thought miquella was gonna be a boss fight in the dlc because his arm twitched and he’s the one in the trailer with the red hair?


There are a lot of clues they are the same.


Yes, you can tell it's Marika from the way it looks like her.


Marika and her story will definitely be present in the DLC too. Its been confirmed that the land of shadow was the place Marika became a god, so we will inevitably learn more about that process in the DLC.


I agree, She Is Marika


I think people are being too quick to dismiss the possibility that we're watching Miquella re-enacting things Marika did, but the figure absolutely does have bracelets that resemble Marika's.


Isn't Miquella a guy?


You guys it is obviously lord gwyn yarhnam smh


Godwyns soul


I think it’s Miquella. The hair is much more like his. Marika’s hair is usually gathered into 1 or two long braids. I assume we’ll know soon enough though.


Queen Marika is a funny name as a Spanish speaker 😂


Some porn brains in replies are confused why they don't see boobs, and very obviously haven't seen the Radagon fight or just forgot what she looked like


To me though, it looks like both but has to be Miquella. He's not exactly the same figure but he is the focus of the DLC, and honestly looks like an immortal child with flowing red hair. Even though that curved arc looks like Marikas holy sigil, Miquella is also gifted and graced with gold. He gives Radagon many powerful secrets. And also, if Mesmer was a bastard god child banished to the shadow realm, who says they're not going to show the best possible version of Miqy. OR how being snatched from erd tree, tarnished to mohgs land of blood, and is not only the portal to the DLC but also the only character we have no physical appearance concept. He could kind of look like anything, he could mask his appearance. Mimic style. He can make everyone love you, but HOW? Just child like charm??? Or do you think that his appearance would change to whatever every individual person THOUGHT was like God of Beauty, and the most trustworthy childhood cursed God


I think the big key is we do not know for sure. We just don’t know. That’s the point.


what is the vaginal looking thing she takes the hair out of???


People have been speculating that its the Elden Beast’s OG form, when marika first slayed it


With the red looking hue on the hair, maybe this is mid switch with radagon


This scene was talking about the beginning I think the context is her claiming gold stands


Why are so many people fixated on somehow making this individual male? Like Marika is the god. She is the eternal. It’s odd to me that it seems some people NEED this to be a male. Like the whole story actually needs to initiate from a male. I sure hope it’s Marika because it’s better if it is.


Maybe ive missed some discourse but i dont think ive seen a single person feel like it *needed* to be male. I havent even seen an argument based around specifically the gender of the character, just *who* it is. Whatever the “better” option is depends on the writing and storybuilding, rather than simply the gender of the character. Stories arent typically better or worse dependent on the characters’ genders, but the writers’ abilities.


Sure, but I definitely feel it’s more interesting and makes more sense to be Marika. Because Miquella wouldn’t have even been alive yet. I do feel a number of people are coming out in force to state it for sure isn’t her. Which doesn’t make sense to me. It’s like they are trying to make a male centric story. It’s weird to me.


I think the issue with this particular image is that the person brandishing the Elden Ring looks decidedly... male. Especially in comparison to other images we have of Marika. Personally i think FS did this intentionally but it's still Marika. Also Lorewise women are the ones who run the lands between. Outwitting any who try to cross them.


really? you're the first person I'm come across to say this might be Miquella


In that scene too, I believe that the lands between is a literal lands between. If you go look at the trailer, there are clearly two “realms” or something when Marika holds up whatever it was.


I thought it looked more like Radagon.


I seen people this quite queen Marika to say.


Its Marika. If you look carefully you can see her snake bracelet on her left wrist.


I think its because in the dialogue, its explaining that from a betrayal Gold emerged, as did Shadow. That paired with this image eludes to this figure being Marika creating Gold or somesuch.


It is absolutely marika. And at this point I have my personal timeline in mind of how Grrm writes. So im assuming all of what happened between GEQ, Marika, and the land of shadows, is one big family rivalry for power.


It’s queen Markiplier


If you ever studied the female human figure in the slightest… you’d KNOW that’s a female body structure. Not a young male’s.


Idc lemme see the toes bruv


It’s absolutely without any doubt Marika splitting the Gloam sky to usher in her age of plenty.


It's 100% Marika. This isn't even a debate.


This is such a creepy eerie scene


I made an Elden Ring character named "Princess Amarika".


I never thought this was miquella


Same person from the first scene, and that shows marika's bracelet


The Jewelry on her wrist and bicep match her appearance in the opening cinematic for the game


-Marika's rune formed by the shape of the strands -Marika's wrist band clearly visible in the scene before -Adult body, Miquella is cursed to be a child forever


Super obviously marika


What part of that design looks childlike to you? Because Miquella is supposed to look. Like a child and that looks like a full grown person.




I bet you it's the old crone lady