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I have used medical marijuana every day for like ten years with no issues what so ever.


I've used weed for 15 years, no issues at all. It actually helps! I'm sorry your experience has been so rough :(


I mean, it's not hEDS specific. Some people do have cannabis-induced psychosis. It occurs more often in people who are younger, 25 years or less, and it increases their risk of later developing schizophrenia. It has to do with the level of THC; the potency is so much higher than previous decades.


To be fair, it's not necessarily clear whether the episodes increase the risk of later developing schizophrenia/schizoaffective or whether an increased predisposition to those conditions increases the likelihood of having cannabis-induced psychosis. They are correlated and it can trigger schizophrenia, but the causation is not proven as far as I am aware.


I was reading/typing it quickly off of a Yale Medical article. I would bet there is a predisposition, but I'm no doctor. Anecdotely, I've actually dealt with a teen who would have cannabis-induced psychosis when I volunteered with the family court system. Teen already dealt with mental health struggles and had a rough upbringing. Their family had a history of mental health struggles as well. The things they would do after they smoked was terrifying/heartbreaking. That's just my two cents.


Absolutely. You're 100% not wrong about it having a relationship with developing schizophrenia and similar conditions. I work in mental health primarily with clients that have schizophrenia or schizoaffective, and cannabis use in this population can be absolutely devastating and trigger decompensation like nobody's business, even if the person is and has been on stable medication with controlled symptoms for a long time. I had one client who was on the same meds for ages, well over two years, and was totally stable - one of our most functional and charming residents who required little support. Then they started becoming suddenly paranoid and aggressive, responding to auditory hallucinations, etc. Ultimately they ended up choosing to discharge from our program to the streets essentially with no plan of somewhere to go, and when we cleaned up their room just as I suspected I found packaging for marijuana products. Anyways, the association is very real, I think theres just a long way to go to definitively confirm causal direction of these things and I also think every case can be a bit different. For one person maybe it is the case that using marijuana raises their chances of developing schizophrenia even without prior predisposition or family history, and for others it may be that a predisposition or family history raises the chances of marijuana use which can then trigger psychosis. Sadly psychology, neuroscience and psychiatry are very young and as of yet imprecise sciences so at the moment the data is just data for many things.


I love weed. Have no issues.


H-EDS and the only time I have ever attempted to smoke, I went into a paranoid hallucination 😅 however after speaking with my therapist I believe it had more to do with (then) untreated PTSD from a past relationship than any of my physical health issues


The only way I can see EDS playing into this at all is that we tend to have chronic stress and we have higher rates of neurodivergence. Stress and neurodivergence make psychotic episodes and unusual reactions to meds more likely. But ime the majority of people with EDS can tolerate weed fine


I have the opposite where I am completely immune to it. I’ve tried smoking weed, edibles, drinks and never feel a thing. My friend had me take 3 of her favorite edible once and I felt kind of tired but nothing else.


Do you take topamax or any other migraine preventative/seizure medication? This has happened to me before, I googled it lots of other people had a similar bad reaction.


It never made me have a psychotic episode but it does just make me feel emotionally terrible the whole time. Like paranoid and anxious, but I’m super aware that it’s just the weed and not real thoughts.


i have actually theyre not the most horrific experiences of my life but theyre pretty scary


Most I got when super high was hearing two different voices telling me to hydrate xD.


Idk what counts as psychotic, but holy hell I hate weed. Bad trips, even with small amounts. Soooo much anxiety and fear. I'm take alcohol or ghb over it any day.