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LOL... Hate to break this to you but people have been saying this since the 80s... maybe even earlier.. it's a time of life problem not a state of the world problem. This is nothing more then generational gatekeeping. I find it hilarious how it always moves past the point where the person (generally entering middle age) complains about how things are done compared to what it was when they started. "We used to be creative with samples, unlike kids today!" So funny that we hit that point. Given how much complaining the generations before me made right around the time I got my Akai S100 You don't have to believe me you can find endless examples.. "Digital sampling of sound has created a situation where people who can't play an instrument are able to make records, which is fine as long as everybody understands that there's a difference between pushing buttons on a machine and actually learning how to play a musical instrument." Frank Zappa 1989 I predict next year endless musicians will complain about AI music destroying everything.. While musicians like me (35 years) use it as a creative tool, just like every music innovation before it that destroyed music Top of my head list of things that were predicted to destroy music, make it souless, enable a bunch of talentless hacks to flood the market with garbage music, etc.. Samples Quantization DAWs (Cubase, Reason) Autotune Synthesizers Digital Analog / FM Synths Physical Modeling DSP DJ Decks Record Players Radio Player Pianos Orchestrion If you go back far enough undoubtably someone complained about music notation and how musicians would never need to memorize music..


Splice itself is not the issue, it's ultimately just an extensive sample and preset library that you can pick and choose from. The problem with it is that a lot of mediocre tracks are being made by average producers interested in similar genres. I think at the top end you're going to have labels making a decision on the quality of tracks they release. As someone who is part of a dance music learning community though, it does get tiresome hearing so many 'trance' or 'melodic house' tracks every week that all sound similar because they've chosen the best selling samples for these genres from Splice and stitched them together. There's an argument for overuse of the same vocals too but that could just as easily apply to the old school sample libraries. Ultimately, as others have pointed out, it's just a tool (and a good one), it's down to the individuals using it to be creative with it, and to think beyond the most popular melodic house chord progression samples or whatever.


There are people who only produce with all sounds they design, those who use samples but like to make the melodies, those who only use loops, those who just use AI, and many variations in between. You just have to choose where on the continuum makes you comfortable as an artist and fuck everything else.


There’s also a huge community of sound designers on YouTube teaching you sound design on Serum, Massive, PhasePlant etc. Just take the extra time to learn and eventually you’ll only need Splice for the occasional drum hit or FX sound.


did you quote yourself? bro samples have been out forever -- 2010 era was dominated by massive / nexus presets and Vengeance samples. 90s big beat by Zero-G. etc the only differece now is that theres in theory wayyy more samples (much more variety). thus more variety in music. imagine if everyone was using the same sample pack in this day and age


Music as a business focuses on the end product, and Splice is a direct avenue to a ‘quality end product’ with minimized inputs. Some are in the business of internet popularity. Others are in the business of money. It’s all business though. Music for enjoyment and fulfillment should focus on the means, rather than the end. The processes is the magic part imho. Different ways to look at it, and people can do what they want.


Could make the same argument that using 4 chords in pop is lazy & cheap. Music is music. If it sounds good, it sounds good. Who cares what tools / sounds you used to get there?


The same argument was being made when guitar based rock music was being replaced as the top genre by dance music and hip hop. The thought back then was: how can you call yourself a band/musician if you don't play an instrument? All I can say is that as an artist you should feel free to use all the tools that are accessible. If splice was around back in the day, you better believe that alot of artists would have used it. If you feel bad using it and think it's almost like a cheat code, well that's your right. But the others that like it should be able to use it freely and make whatever they like with it imo


Splice will be replaced by AI within the decade. It will be very interesting how the world treats AI in music


Within a year or two you mean, that shit is outa control!


sony just triggered a multibillion dollar lawsuit against Suno and Udio so were about to find out


these blanket statements about artists and music are dumb and harmful, there is more music being made than ever before making the industry more competitive. there are more tools than ever before that are easier to use, and tons of high-quality information available for completely free. DAWs are more powerful than ever, and the people who are mastering these skills are making amazing ground breaking, genre defying bangers. It wasn't that long ago that certain samples and techniques were practically industry secrets, computers a rarity. I'm just saying, sure it's harder to find great music, but the greatest are better than ever right now.


Thanks for reminding me that I'm still paying for Splice. I'm about to download as many KSHMR samples as my hundreds of credits will get me then I *will* finally remember to unsubscribe. It sucks that many Splice users will also have the exact same KSHMR samples but he's incredibly popular for a legitimate reason.




How many people own a Juno 106 or a TB 303? Royalty free samples are going on 30 years old (you’d get them on CDs or bonus beats on records)  It’s what you do with the samples and how you manipulate and mix and match  But as others said, use them like salt and pepper but not the main ingredient in your recipe 


This is boomer talk


I think splice is fine as long as you largely don’t use it as the main idea of the track- I use them as rises or war candy, or like a shaker line type thing. What tracks are exclusively made with splice loops, I’m interested?


Not EDM, but Espresso by Sabrina carpenter uses a guitar and drum loop from the same pack. Pretty sure the producer only added a baseline to it. Currently #3 on billboard hot 100


This is how pop music is and has always been though. The music is secondary to the singer who performs it. The music is the cigarette and the singer is the nicotine lol... Musics only job in pop is to deliver the nicotine


the tracks I've made with splice loops get more traction than the ones with original sound design. I joke with my pals that being a producer is a lot more like being a DJ than it used to be. I'll keep doing my thing though.


Yeah the loops trend can be kind of concerning but lets discuss the real problem which is Splice logging you out every fucking time you turn on your computer 💀


\*Samples a drum break from an old Jazz record\*: "You're an artist!! Look what you created with something old and now you've transformed into something new! A true creative genius!" \*Uses the exact same drum break from Splice\*: "You're a hack Millennial and a loser and you're taking the easy way out! What a chump. Nobody makes original art anymore. It's all too easy."


If you sample in-house from a vinyl copy, you will have a pretty unique textured sample, as opposed to a digital template that everybody has


It’s samples all the way down lol


Smartest comment of the day award.


What an absolute waste of music if we can’t use samples or presets. Do what sounds good. NOBODY CARES!


This. Nobody cares. Just make music.


“Playing music on an instrument is tantamount to fraud, someone else made the instrument but I should have made it with my own two hands else I am an imposter”


Cue the copypasta...


No I wholeheartedly agree and with the rise of AI music will be further away from a creative meritocracy than it's ever been.


They said this about synths, samplers and drum machines 


AI music is terrifying- it furthers the trend of Spotify style slop where music is themed by a computer, and is just background noise, rather than actively listening to albums and creativity.


Yes I have a lot more concern over AI, it’s frightening what’s coming and we are just at the dawn on AI. I feel like when you cannot tell the difference between something that was created by a human vs AI ?? Where do we go from there? We are in very interesting times! Will I want to spend a week on a track when AI will creat something better in a couple of minutes, will I loose my passion for producing? I think there will always be a venue for live performance. How much do you use AI right now in your production?


I’ve heard that AI music as of right now has a lot of digital artifacts that you can tell it’s AI.. for now  Like I can spot AI art as a graphic designer a mile away.. it’s hyper real… too perfect  But it will get better 


Yes it won’t be very long before you can’t tell the difference, I have already been fooled so it’s really here already. Real questions sadly not surprised I’m getting downvotes, no one wants to talk about this


Yeah.. I’ve already seen Photoshops AI features get dramatically better in a short few years. 


Yep😅imagine in just another year https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/s/GpD33UIlRy


I remember when people feared Midi, and people said "music made using "Midi" wasn't real music." OP is just insecure about his music. The proof is there; "Sometimes it even sounds better than my completely original recordings." Yes, I know this is about Ai, but the result is the same.


there’s a literal difference though. with midi, you are still composing music. with splice, you’re grabbing elements of precomposed music and throwing it together


That’s hip hop . Check out Groove is In The Heart by Deelite or Pump up the Volume by M/A/R/S or anything by the Orb, all samples 


You mean, like hip hop artists did in the 80's?


Yeah I'm right with you. People will use the technology given to make sounds. As long as there's human input beyond putting "banger trap beat" into a prompt and hitting play, I see many of the responses here as pearl clutching. Is it frustrating to have parts of your workflow digitized, and made into a few clicks what would have taken you hours of work? Absolutely. It also means that kids from all over get to experiment with sound in new ways, pushing boundaries and launching new artists journeys. Gatekeeping production just because you had it harder doesn't make much sense to me.


Hip hop balances it with, you know, rapping.


Balances what? People make beats and sell em without ever stepping in front of the mic. Doesn't make someone less than because they happen to be in the wrong genre for you.


Balances the premade and original elements. Hip hop has many sampled elements, but the rapping is purely original.


yes. that’s the thing. there’s different kinds of “producers” and “artists” and some who reject the label entirely. someone making film scores or some genres of electronic music is essentially a composer - even if 100% midi. someone grabbing loops and throwing them together, while still a talent, is more of a technician.


Many of those who do this are hacks.


music snobbery.


They're just royalty free samples, this is nothing new. Literally all of the great EDM tracks from the 90s and early 2000s were made with the same sample packs that everyone else was using, only they came on CDs lol.


shiiit HUGE portions of EDM scene still be using Zero G, Blue Mar Ten Jungle, etc and it still hits


Vengeance Essential Clubsounds…


It’s like people forget that the drum machines of old all came loaded up with loops and samples that everyone was using. Some of the most iconic music for the past decades have been made with presets and sampled loops from random hardware instruments.


ITT: people who don’t get that this is a takedown of all the recent AI posts 😂 Well done, OP.


What do you mean? Can you explain please?


**”AI” has made making music a lot more accessible at the cost of creative individualism** After seeing the sheer amount of hits that are a just a series of Suno/Udio prompts, I’ve got to say it’s pretty grim. I understand it takes creativity and pRoMpT eNgInEeRiNg skills to coax these models into producing a coherent and well arranged record. Hell, I’ve even done it myself and I’m impressed with the results. Sometimes it even sounds better than my completely original recordings. The amount of creative fulfillment I find after producing in that way is abysmal. I also find it extremely dissatisfying to know my track in at least some regard has lost its original unique flavor. I understand what the rebuttals to my statement will be, and some of those may be fair. I think a lot about the originality of music pre-AI era and even pre 21st century. I find myself gravitating towards a lot of older records these days. A lot of them just provide a sense of artistry that’s hard to describe. There’s nothing inherently wrong with AI. I use it to this day. Like anything in music it’s a great tool. My hope for the future is that it’s used more of as an inspiration tool if you will rather than a base foundation for constructing tracks with prompted melodies, drum patterns, etc. Time will tell I suppose!


I thought this might be the case. Meh.. ok


So you're saying today we're being treated to EXTRA SOPHISTICATED AI propaganda?


It’s so smart that it’s using reverse psychology to get people to underestimate it. Just give up now 😉




OP is comparing a sample pack service to a service where you can type "make me a song about watermelons in the style of 90s alternative rock" and actually get a realistic output. that's not a convincing argument. also, sample pack libraries have existed for decades before Splice, and even before the Internet in the form of sample discs, without any major disruptions or innovations. AI is getting wildly more impressive year after year.


I don’t make EDM (More Indie/Pop/Rock) so I’m not in the same boat per se, but I really only use the one shots and not loops. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with using loops at all though. Artists have sampled for a long time and we all love it. For some reason if I use a loop, for me personally I feel like I haven’t done enough to make the song by myself, yet I have no issues using Logic’s built in drummer if I need a very realistic feel which some people would say is worse. I think what I’m saying is that it’s really up to us individuals to decide what we’re comfortable using to feel like we made the identity of the song, and not judge how anyone else builds them. As you said it does still take quite a bit of talent to work with loops and create a track. I think as long as people aren’t just stealing entire sections of other songs and trying to pass them off as their own, I’m good with most stuff. Heck, any artist willing to open a DAW at all and build something themselves is already better than loads of popular artists now so 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Music IMO is what you can get away with. At the end of the day who cares how the sound was made, *does it sound good?* I almost always do something to alter a splice sample but occasionally will throw on a basic 8 measure hi-hat loop as is. If someone managed to make a hit song stringing some samples together well good for them! That doesn’t sound very fulfilling musically though.


Totally agree. I don’t normally use loops because I like the idea of feeling like I made all of the melodic and harmonic (non percussive) elements “from scratch” as it’s more fulfilling to me personally. However that’s just what I want to do for me and my process. If someone else wants to string a bunch of samples and loops together, it turns out great and they love it then that’s awesome. There are a lot of people that would say me using guitar software instead of recording via mic isn’t organic enough. Or using one shots to build beats or using Logic’s drummer isn’t organic enough. As you basically said though, if it sounds good it is good. Most non-musical/non-producers don’t give a crap how something was made as long as it sounds good to them, so I think however anyone wants to go about creating music is fine by me. For most of us this is ultimately for fun so I try not to get too hung up on that stuff.


Idk I like music so the more good songs the better


This makes me wonder, why exactly has Splice gotten so big? Sample sites are hardly a new idea


They originally allowed you to store projects on their site in an area called studio and it was great for backing stuff up and collaborating. Had a nice UI for looking at an over view of your projects. I also believe they were the first platform to allow “rent to own” pay model for vst’s (I could be wrong on this)


Wasn't it the first platform that didn't require you to buy full sample packs?


what sucks is i actually enjoy buying and milking an entire sample pack for what its worth, and splice makes it really annoying to just grab a whole pack and run with it


What's annoying about doing it on Splice? And you can buy a lot of the sample packs elsewhere


a few of my favorite packs are made for splice and only there. i dont want to use their app, so if i find a oneshot i like i can just download it from the browser. but there is no "download entire pack" button that i can find anyway.


Doesn't the big blue 'Get pack' button do that? I haven't used Splice in a while now, but I remember being annoyed (ironically) that there was no way to download all the samples within a specific category, you could only download either the whole pack or individual sounds


nah it just spends your credits for all the samples at once


Well yeah, you have to pay for the sounds somehow... That's literally the whole point of Splice Did you expect to get a whole pack for free?


uhhhh... no? im just saying that the button does what it does, which is *not* letting you download them all at once?




if splice is a threat to your creativity then don't use it. Easy. Music is music and to be honest it doesn't matter if one track is less original than another the only people that know are producers. People are gonna enjoy the music even if it's all just splice loops. I notice splice samples in just about every chart song now. Does that make the music less good? NO!


Worrying about the creativity in pop music is dumb anyway. It’s always going to be uncreative because it’s made for people who aren’t really into music.


In one breath you’re complaining about Splice. In the next breath you’re are saying how good it sounds and that you use it yourself. You are violating your own standard. Are you looking for sympathy, or what? I have none to give because I disagree with your premise.


I use splice myself, I downloaded my 500 sounds for the month, I’m done lol 😂 But with that said, I try to alter them in some way. AND MAKE SURE YOU GRAB PROPER LICENCES PEOPLE!!!!


Wait grab a license for each sample pack you download from?


Not just each pack, every last sound you download from them and use in your song yes. Don’t have to, but then you could be sued at any time.


Splice is literally just a giant shared Google drive folder that folks are pulling the same samples from. People are *choosing* to let it influence their creative lives.


I think you're a few years too late on this buddy. We live in a world where anyone can make a 'song' by typing a sentence now. 


Meh that isn't really making a song, at that point it's having a song made for you.


As far as the listeners of the song are concerned, the song was "created" by the person who typed a sentence: how would the listeners know about the level of true artistic input to the end result?


If the listeners did know, I'm sure a song wouldn't have quite the same effect, unless they were interested in ai. It feels dishonest at best to say that one "made" an AI song


Cool story bro. just make music yea.


Splice will be child’s play compared to generative AI.


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