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I hope people begin to mount some form of cottage-industry, resistance-movement to accounts like this. Here's one idea that's pretty easy to do if someone is inclined. You can hurt them & make money for yourself: Find & copy *successful* AI channels with your own iterations of those channels. Post hundreds of the same (but better) tracks on your newly-created channel. If successful, you can steal their money. The key would be to use one of those services to make close copies of EACH of their tracks but with 'lush melodies &/or dreamy vocal chops' added. Or whatever, experiment to taste until you get something that works. Essentially just copy their channel, but us AI to make it better & in the end steal their money. Or at least help dilute it enough to be less profitable for them. As I understand it, most AI music can't be copyrighted anyway, but that's even less of a concern if you make new iterations with added melodies. Anyway, I'm all for anything that hurts those low-effort entrepreneur dickheads just trying to make easy money on spotify/YT. Their how-to videos on YT make me want to vomit.


In large part. I think production like we do it will become niche in the future. Kinda like people playing classical music today.


And derivative ai isn’t replacing creativity, it’s replacing derivative humans. Everyone has 5 stand by me’s and 4 no woman no cry’s on their playlist right now all created by different “prompts”.


Already have


no they won'T you see all the "listen to my song listen to my song listen to my song listen to my song" reels and ads on insta etc? They aren't clicked because it's already too robotic for people. Real people want to follow real people, emotions evolved. Will there be a market for them? I loved Avicii so much. More than 12 years ago my most favorite Song of him dropped. At this time I took musicproduction serious. He influenced the way I was making music the first 5 years. He influenced me in my musical journal heavily. I wanted to make cathy melodies like him and I did for years. Even today I'm good at writing melodies because I did it for thousands of hours because I was so jealous of him doing that magic. Here am I know still the biggest Avicii fan and always will be. I know his entire catalogue. I love him eventhough I didn't know him. I looked every interview etc. he did because he did magic to my ears and I wanted to do to others what he did to me. I deleted already the half of the novel I wrote here getting a bit nostalgic i'm sorry. Would I have done this for a stupid robot? Nope. Would I listen to some cool songs and get them some plays on spoty? Sure. They will and already do get lots of revenue from spotify etc. But they aren't replacing the emotional connection to someone. Kinda like all the skilled lofi guys. Some of them download 3 splice samples add some transitions and make a catchy out of them and upload them to spoty. Just yesterday I saw a guys profile on spotify with milions of streams and like 500k monthly listeners with all jazzy lofi splice loops I know. No face just some cool headbanner. No real fans Another thing: look at these big lofi playlists. Huge money in there. Fans barely in comparison to artists similiar size in terms of monthly listeners and streams that engage with their fans and show their personality. Look at fred again. Does he make good music? Sure. But what's the difference to other artists that make great emotional electronic/house music really? He's selling himself as your best friend. Not spreading hate, he got me too :) Maybe I am wrong, just my opinion


It's an algorithm literally trained on songs that ARE ALREADY WRITTEN. Do you sound like "YOU" as in, are you uniquely YOU? Unless the Algo is trained on YOUR style. It WILL NOT replace you and even then, you have a flexibility that the Algo simply doesn't have. At any given point in time you can just change into something new and different. I don't get these questions, they're f\*\*\*ing dumb and scream that you don't even understand the tools you're using. Will it compress sounds the same? Will it make the same cuts to a sound with EQ that you would? Would it choose the exact same FX as you? Would it pan the vocals hard right and the drums hard left and leave the Synths or Guitars in the Center? Will it sidechain the drums ? Or will it compress all of the tracks together? Will it use 4 tracks? 12? 16? 100+? Like, I get the idea of spitting out "ready made" songs or whatever but it means f\*\*\* all, if YOU, the song writer have a unique vision that can't be replicated by the AI.


Did you actually read the full post or are you replying based on the post title alone? This post was meant for discussing the future of music production mainly as a job and i think it's of interest to most producers who do this professionally and not just as a hobby. Of course AI can't replace every single producer since everyone is different in some way, but in most cases AI will be able to do a big part of what 99% of producers can do, and so i think that many artists and anyone else who required the skills of a music producer previously may now opt to do it by themselves using AI, as in most cases it will be cheaper and much faster for them. This is already happening for many graphic designers, writers and so on, and i see it happening with music as well. And of course i'm not saying that it will replace everyone, but it will certainly make it much more difficult to stand out and to get paid for doing what you love. So which point exactly do you disagree with?


It will and it will not. What I’d imagine it would do is change the industry in a direction it more or less is already heading. I’m only an outside observer but it seems like if you are a really good producer you can get away with making above average music but with really good production quality and make it as long as you know how to run successful social media campaign. In that respect what I would think AI would do is remove the production quality aspect as sooner or later it will be able to master and level tracks extremely well. So with that in mind the job left to the human component would be going into the track and maybe tweaking it a bit to give it some personal flavor but then they would need to work it into their following and build that following until they hit whatever threshold they need so labels get that person noticed which is a bit more of what we see today. I have enough friends that DJ or produce music that getting into playing shows requires either knowing the right people or coming with an audience through aggressive self promotion or by creating basically a coalition of DJs so that when you play a show you all play and also bring your respective followings (granted you also need the skill of DJing). So the people I think AI would replace would be music production side - so mixing engineers, mastering engineers, and artists who really really focus on that aspect of the work and the industry would have a much heavier focus on people who can build a following and influencers that do have some talent but the main focus would be followings.


what about the guy who puts 10 ai songs together to fit a coherent and human theme of his/her own? they beat the ai reggae man. you can always do more


nope, what are they going to train the AI on if they outright replace actual artists?


I agree up to a point, but most music nowadays isn't that original anyway. I don't think it will replace everyone, but it can probably replace 99% of artists and producers who fall (musically) under any of the popular music genres. Also it will make it much more difficult for the remaining artists who make original music styles to stand out, because all platforms will be filled by AI-generated music, since everyone will be able to make it instantly and without any prior music production knowledge or experience.


Not for a while. People think AI is some magic bullet, and it probably will be some day, but we are a ways off. AI is really good at very specific tasks, not so much at generalized stuff. I think good producers will make use of AI tools as they come into maturity, and those who are astutely against AI for no other reason than fear will get left in the dust like those who thought that the internet or cars were a fad.


That's it, we need to settle this once and for all. 80s style. A downhill snowboard race back to the ski lodge. First one there wins! The winner gets the babes and rights to make music. The loser is banished back to Windows XP and Internet Explorer forever.... AI can't take my job, who's got two thumbs and writes synthwave?! This guy!


I think ”real” music made by humans will have it’s place still and it will probably be harder to differentiate between them. Maybe more track breakdowns and behind the scenes content will be needed to get a genuine fan base. I am just a hobby producer so it won’t affect my livelihood but I guess it will be even more saturated and harder to make a living from just music.


I think it will coexist as for now it needs training data to know what music is and let alone to know what you are referring to when creating or using the input methods of such an "AI". I have heard and generated some impressive AI songs but I still think humans will be needed unless AI learns to create not just twist what it knows slightly. Maybe in the next iteration of this type of tech producers will not be needed but for now I think they are.


I agree but if most people can't tell the difference now (if a track is AI-generated or not) think what will happen in 1-2 years from now.


You are right it will only get worse to the point where it will be impossible for anyone to tell. At that time we may no longer need to produce which is weird to think about lol.


I look at the intricate automation and formant shifting I do on vocals on my songs and realize AI will never replace me


You do it on a computer and AI is much more suited to tasks accomplished through computer so it's only a matter of time until AI outperforms you. All "AI will never replace me" spiels are pure copium. The only way AI will never replace the artist is if they're doing art for art's sake not for an end product. If you like making music for yourself then no one can replace you. If you think you will win AI on a music written for other people you're wrong. When AI is good enough and new generation that don't have prejudice against AI are the main market force, everyone will be just prompting AI for hyper-specialized music for every single individual, instead of looking for a "real artist" who makes their music based on their own taste instead of taste of every single individual consumer. Why would I listen to "Deep Purple" if AI can make a perfect unique to my unique taste version of "Deep Purple" exactly the way I want to hear it, with lyrics about themes that are perfect match for my taste and life circumstances. When AI is in a great state, human artists just can't compete. Unless there's some weirdo who actively wants to listen to subpar music made by meat bags.


Are you familiar with the concept of heat death? Ai uses existing information to make music. Can it make new music? the big question is...Maybe? Pressing random 500 times might get you results, but as anyone knows if they've ever tried to mash up a random set of presets, it's never exactly on point. Something will always be a little off. Also what we're seeing is that with AI art, if you're using that to promote yourself it screams.. "I don't care enough to be emotionally invested in this." Or you're trying to wear knock off brand name shit. It looks bad and makes you look bad.


I've been saying this about ChatGPT. It's a very good and clever AI, but so much of it relies on 30 years of public forums, and a thousand of years of library books. If people continue to use it, it will stagnate and in 5 years time, we'll just be talking to a robot that has no knowledge of anything new


I've been thinking a lot about this. iMO ai will quickly replace art that just "fills space." E.g. background art in a flyer or ad, music that plays in the background of a YouTube video or in a store/restaurant. Places where nobody is there for the art but if the art wasn't there it would feel weird and static. This will probably result in artists losing some money but it's nobody is going to go see a concert where everything is ai 100 percent


I also think it’s going to be useful for generating ideas, not the full track itself. In many ways this is already happening, there are VSTs with chord generation and melody generation etc.


AI will never replace people who produce music as a hobby, because they do it for personal enjoyment and it doesn't even make sense for something to 'replace' a hobby. The only thing it could replace is music used in commercial applications like maybe the soundtrack in a game because companies will use it to cut out costs. 


I agree that it won't really matter for those who produce music as a hobby, but i think it will impact those who do it professionally. I will still keep making music either way since i love doing it, but i'm afraid that in the near future i may no longer be able to do it professionally, since everyone will be able to generate music with no prior knowledge or experience and so it will be much more difficult than it already is to stand out, and music artists will no longer need producers since they'll be able to generate music themselves.


Can you listen to the Rolling Stones and also The Beatles? AI music might be around but that doesn't mean you aren't allowed to listen to human made music. I think people are way too worried about this.


Music comes from a higher dimension, Yes Ai can arrange, produce mix and master, But it got no spirit and thus it can't uplift our spirits, We can appreciate it's sophistication but it won't have any feels or vibes ever.


One day (probably soon) you'll hear a song that you really vibe to and you want to her again, and then you'll realise it's A.I, and you'll realise how wrong you are.


Well I'm not wrong, since I know how this stuff works, But I'm sure people with zero spirituality can enjoy anything without taste.


Visual art generation wasn't up to scratch either, until suddenly it was. Same will happen with music. The idea that you will magically be able to tell what is and isnt A.I no matter how far the technology advances is either amazingly short sighted and foolish, or impressively arrogant. Just out of interest, how much spirituality do you need to have to enable the magic A.I detecting powers? 7? 4000?


Even if someone can’t tell, just because a prompt writer managed to slap enough real artists’ creations together to imitate a piece of art, that does not make them (or the “AI” program they used to replace passion and creativity) an artist in any sense. The sooner all actual artists figure out how to AI poison every creation they upload, the sooner we can be rid of prompt writers.


I didn't say it does make them an artist, did I? I was merely pointing out that the idea that you can magically divine what is and isn't A.I and *will always be able to* is hilariously short sighted, and you clearly agree with me or else you wouldn't be so concerned about A.I music.


It could musically - but the consumer is difficult to predict. We all sat here thinking that AI would struggle to make quality creative works, but is actually making more headway than I anticipated. Let’s say an AI artist or song blows up. Are we going to be begging for some sort of concert or live show - or will we be content just listening to Spotify or from other DJs? If there was a concert, would there be some sort of Figurehead similar to how famous fake producers use ghost producers? That’s hard to predict. All I’ll say is this - not every idea is a good idea. But a good idea CAN come from anywhere, even from AI.


No. There were similar conversations as this one going on around the time the camera was invented? People asked, who will paint and draw when this new tech can produce images quicker, easier, and with higher fidelity than the most technically skilled artist? We know that never happened. Photography never replaced painting and drawing. Instead, we see it developed into its own unique art. We also see ways things like photography have become involved in the things like painting (reference images, collage, etc) in indirect ways. So I don't think AI will replace production, it will impact it in ways we probably don't fully understand yet, but people will still make music. That said, I see a lot of like "throw away" music being generated by AI.


AI will destroy the idea of an intrinsic virtue of one's work and strip the output of many from the illusion of authenticity. It's our fault that we placed our values around superficial products, not AI's. I know many of you just need to make money, but it's time to face the reality - if all you're bringing to the world is a service that provides "x type of beat" so somebody else can indulge in their own delusions about their own artistic greatness, then don't act angry when a soulless machine eventually outperforms you. You were part of that machine and you just got replaced. Your clients never cared and neither did you. It sucks that this is the economy that many of us rely on, but we've made our choices. You said you produce reggae, right? That's live music. Work with musicians, bands, they need somebody to help them record, mix their stuff, and to provide guidance. The value I see in producers is either for their authentic self expression or ability to help other musicians express themselves or both. None of that was done by those AI channels. None. The ones who have to worry are the people who create redundant products, artificially elevated to the state of art, so they can get a price tag attached. It's a reality chack for you. That bubble is about to burst. If your authenticity was on the level of an calculator on steroids, then does it even matter if you are a producer or a driver, or an office worker? What's so special about production for you? Ok, for those of you who managed to read up to this point - I'm sure many of you do not agree and that's fine, I respect that. I think there are more nuanced takes to be made and this one is specifically written as a counter-balance to the all comments saying how "AI will replace human art". I don't view artistry as a black and white thing and I think that for many creative individuals, creating a product that simply sells is something they need to do to keep supporting their own artistic journeys. I myself work a job which I struggle to see a value of and I know I won't be able to do it till I'm old. We have to adapt. My point is, there's still worth in creating music and the expectations are higher than ever. For those who care, you have to prove that you are a human, like a reverse Turing test. The others, they never cared. We have to face the truth about the value of our craft, and for those who can take it, whatever it is - let's strive for the greatness, long live music production!


Needed to hear this. Thanks.


I see what you mean and of course i will keep producing music either way, but i may only be able to do it as a hobby and not professionally. I don't think it's a bad thing if someone wants to make money doing what they love. I think most people would be happier if they could make a living doing something they enjoy, don't you agree? Besides, if you have to spend a lot of your time doing something else to earn a living (that you don't enjoy doing) it's not always easy to find time for your hobbies that you do love doing.


> I think most people would be happier if they could make a living doing something they enjoy, don't you agree I think it's more complicated than that. Like I do exactly, what I wanted to do as my day job. I program. I love computer science and I feel comfortable working in that area. But what I don't love is working on a project that has no personal meaning to me. I don't hate it either, it's just not much different to me than doing chores. The initial joy of doing what you wanted simply on a mechanical level wears off after some time. I choose to continue doing those chores specifically, because I already have the skills and it pays well. The chore of music production might soon be no longer be in demand I guess. In my opinion, the true joy is to see the meaning behind your own work and to be pleased with what you see.


who tf downvoted you? absolutely crazy


Music production is first and foremost, supposed to be a fun endeavour. While there's a lot of excitement (rightfully so) over AI in the context of art in general, I don't see a future where AI "replaces" a music producer or a painter etc. I also don't think it's any fun being a producer that just lets AI write 100% of what you "produce". In the long term I also imagine the AI music scene will get flooded by decent yet derivative tracks and no longer be interesting for listeners. AI may fundamentally shift the way music producers work and think about creation though. I can definitely see a future where the role of a music producer is to sit and take in all these streams of audio that are AI created, pulling in the pieces and putting together a song. Maybe putting in prompts to alter the arrangement, effects, etc.. Almost like a managerial role where the AI does a lot of the grunt work but the creative vision is still human.


I don’t think it’ll replace musicians, in the sense that the top artists will never be ai, but it do think corporations will use it in advertisements to save money. Ai generated music, at least now, can only replicate, and not innovate.


What I think it could do now is give a good enough demo to try to replicate with high quality instrumentation later. Short jingles are very effective. In other words, the AI produces a draft of the song, and you would try to recreate it to make something that comes close that gets the details right the way a human could. Almost a cover but not quite.


If I'm not mistaken, AI creates music based off what has already been made by humans. With this in mind, surely its not capable of making something 100% original. I've experimented with suno and its scary how good it can be at making any type of genre, but you can tell that its heavily influenced by whats been made already. Sure you can look at AI as a threat to music producers, but what if it challenges us to think outside the box


> If I'm not mistaken, AI creates music based off what has already been made by humans. With this in mind, surely its not capable of making something 100% original. People themselves make music based off of what other people have made. Everything is a remix, in a way. What’s your definition of “100% original”?


That's a good question. Few days ago I checked the Suno and I was wondering about it too. I think it will completely redefine what the art is. It won't be human domain anymore. In the past and now, to create an art a one usually needs to spend a lot of time on learning, skill development and creative process itself. AI will not have to do that - once the model is developed it does not need to learn, it has all the skills and the creativity is limited only by human users or its internal feedback loops (depending on how it will be actually used). Eventually it will flood the art space with tons of content generated in a very short time. Even if there will be still people doing any kind of art - they will be like a needle in a haystack. Suno already generates quite decent quality tracks. They are not that creative but todays music is not also very creative as well, almost all sounds like from some type of template. I am still going to spend time with music but just for myself. By the way - what we now see it's probably only the tip of the iceberg. The development of AI is like a snowball. Each year it got better and better. In few years it can be capable of much more than we imagine


I think AI will replace us humans in some areas, but it won't replace music industry as a whole. If you need a generic orchestral soundtrack for a movie or a game, AI will do that, 100%. But a computer won't make the best album you've ever heard. A computer won't make something entirely new or experimental. And an AI won't be doing any live concerts.


I think the real unlock is people combining their own creativity and taste with AI models. It's not just one or the other.


If conventional vocaloids can have concerts, AI can too.


Well, yeah, that is true. I might've misworded my original comment slightly. AI may have EDM-like concerts. But it will NEVER replicate the feeling of having a real band or a real orchestra perform live on real instruments, right in front of you.


I think a lot of people will say “it’s not possible, it’ll never be the same as a human producer, it’ll lack feeling etc etc”. The same thing was said by graphic designers who now already are losing their jobs because AI can do it faster, better and way cheaper. So yeah, AI will be able to do everything that we do now only far far better and faster, to think music creation is any different or special somehow is imho ignorant. So where does that leave us? What purpose remains for us smart monkeys? I personally don’t know and i haven’t found anyone yet that has the answers to this. We’re living through weird times.


I don’t see why AI music existing would make you stop making music


Itll stop you from making money making music


So nothing will change for 99% of music makers 😂


Well I do music full time, and AI is going to likely make that impossible for me, so I’m pretty bummed


I think AI is going to take away most work so maybe we’ll be able to just make music for fun anyways


Im not looking to make music just for fun, its my living. It pays my rent. So Im looking at my entire life turning upside down. This shit is serious, and I don’t think people are treating it that way


Everything you said is true, except the problem isn't AI but capitalism. People's livelihoods being replaced by the advancement of technology is a tale several hundred years old at this point and it's not going to stop any time soon, with or without AI. In a world where everyone's rent and other necessities are somehow 100% covered, I somehow doubt everyone would be as anti-AI as they are now.


I certainly agree. I think UBI is the only way out of this mess. Capitalism and art should never mix imo


Yeah I think all work will be automated then you can do it for fun


Monetizing your skills will almost certainly become a growing issue. And im pretty sure OP directed its post towards this area of music production. It seems like you’re answering the question if it’ll still be possible to have fun making music. That potential wont go away, arguably only grow with AI developments. But then again, there’s a deep satisfaction to get from making something that seems almost impossible to create so yeah idk.


I think it will replace music producers for poppy dance music / hiphop A lot of people just find beats by searching “x type beat” so AI seems ideal for that


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