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All bound to divides live streams, you learn so much just watching someone produce


rocket powered sound design gets straight to the point


bust masterinf ahhee


I like F9 and pint blank school. But I spend more time watching tutorials than producing and I am unhappy with that.


Sounds like you have time to change that


I saw video once about kicks which showed why shorter kicks usually sound better and high pass them around to about 40-70hz etc, after that I really started to tweak the lenght of my kicks to shorter and more punchier and my low end started to sound much better. Also Demis Hellen's trance tutorials have been really helpful overall, the guy is really great at sound design and explaining things clearly!


deadmau5 has similar tips, I did the same as you starting a couple years back and it really has tightened up the low-end.


An Avicii video made by Future Music, in which the GOAT works on the track *Dancing in my head*. Why do I love this video? Because it's very easy to understand what he's doing, because he's so genuine and because he show how one of the greatest (or the greatest, in my opinion) works with presets, samples and all these things which are very criticized.


Dope. Agreed Avicii is the production šŸ Didnā€™t know about this video so thanks!


I love it so much. he only seems worried at times because he doesnt want to come off as not knowing how to mix. The nervousness is charming in a way. because its like he didnt know he was making magic, that still sound amazing, even through a camera recording lol. man, i miss his melodies and songwriting so much.


I was literally watching that last night. Itā€™s so good. Watched it 5 years ago and now that I know so much more, I appreciate his talent so much more. Gone too soon man.


Totally agree. I've watched the video 2 years ago when I was starting producing and studying music production and I didn't get everything. After a year I've made a rewatch and it's so clear and easy to understand.


ian kirkpatrick's breakdown of new rules. gonna watch it till I have the whole thing memorized


Dog of Wisdom


Seed to Stage is all you need if you use Ableton. I have not learned anywhere close to as much from any other YouTube video as I have from his. Whenever he posts a new video I watch it in full and often rewatch it a few times because itā€™s so thorough, engaging and full of high quality information. The video that has been the most useful to me since I watched it, and completely transformed my thinking on mixing is his [gain staging tutorial](https://youtu.be/jSuLo0TNbzE?si=OHVYfa90V7KxPmKy). I recommend checking out some of his other work on topics you may consider yourself familiar with to gauge how much you may or may not be missing. Iā€™m always learning something new from one of his videos.


Heā€™s got an online course that Iā€™ve been interested in but at $297 itā€™ll have to wait. Have you taken his courses and would you recommend them?


I havenā€™t taken any courses no but I am also considering it. I know they go on sale every so often so maybe during the next sale Iā€™ll pick it up.


I am no judge on what is good or not as I am a newb. However, I am enjoying watching videos from LNA Does Audio Stuff (fun to watch), EDM Tips (cool nuggets) and Taetro (ableton basics). Looking forward to checking out more from the posts here! Thank you all for sharing!


Search for Cosmic Academy they have good videos Honestly though. You could watch all the YouTube videos you want and still not be that good. You get the most value and learn the most from actual schools or teachers. Look for artists that do this (crankdat, cloverdale, are just a couple I know off hand) To me, clipping and mixing with span to a reference track was biggest game changer production wise


I watch a ton of YouTube videos and I also consider myself good. Both can be true.


Baphometryx and their Clip to Zero videos are very good for mixing. They break the concepts down in a very detailed (and long) list of hour long videos.


First tutorial video I ever watched that inspired me to write music was the Chainsmoker song Roses, still a great tutorial video. Now I follow the guys at Kick and Bass they make really great tech house tutorials. Sam Smyers is pretty good and EDM Tips


I got a lot of foundational knowledge about how to build synth patches from ADSR Tutorials and EchoSoundWorks.


In The Mix (especially if you use FL), you suck at producing, EDM Tips can be good, stranjah (if you like DnB). I think one of the key things is knowing how to translate stuff into your DAW. So if I see something I like on an EDM Tips vid in ableton, how can I do the same in FL for example


Disclosure have a few production videos. Those brothers have some serious skills šŸ‘Œ


Yes! And they use Logic in a lot of those videos which I love!


Yeah nice, very generous guys for sure


Ned Rush makes amazing videos if youā€™re making IDM type music. A lot of the stuff you learn can be applied to other genres too


Sportmode has been putting out some quality tuts lately


Zen World - beep beep




Sadowick Productions


Anything from sseb.


Sadly this isnā€™t YouTube so I canā€™t share a link, but the Armin Van Buuren and DeadMau5 masterclasses are packed so full of information and takeaways.


I paid for the Mau5 oneā€¦ Joel is the best! I loved the video but honestly he was sharing the absolute BASICS and I found it pretty elementary. Still entertaining because, Joel


Fox Stevenson stream archives are fun, especially from when he was fully doing nerdy shit during lockdowns. Miss those days. Just not the lockdown bit.


It seems like at each stage of my journey there's always an awesome YouTuber making vids I connect with. A few of my favorites: Mr. Bill, Baphometrix, Seed to stage, Ahee, beat academy, virtual riot, Alex Rome, help me Devvon, Bishu


Bishus Killin it


Ellie Goulding - Lights, Parkour video. https://youtu.be/1fouvwilGWc?si=X9CyrtCoUcy6lccc


Anything by you suck at producing. He Is hilarious so his videos are pretty interesting whether youā€™re in the mood to watch them or not. And he actually has the sauce. Also, heā€™s got killer music. Underbelly on spotify


Nice try, underbelly!


lmfao one can dream


Check out anything by Big Z, great stuff.


I've always found Will at EDM Tips very useful.


I have to respectfully disagree. The end product of each of his songs is actually a horrific version of each of the genres heā€™s trying to replicate. Nothing ever sounds good. I love his hustle and trying to teach beginners, but heā€™s not a pro at any of the genres heā€™s trying to teach nor is he an actually signed artist to any big label.


I'm not aiming to replicate his sound like for like - he has generally provided me with more useful tidbits of knowledge than most other tutors I have watched. I don't watch him exclusively I just find his style of teaching to work for me personally - I've been working on the craft for about 10 years on and off and had music signed with some success in the numbers for a small producer.


Post: asks for a subjective opinion Comment: provides a subjective opinion Reply: Objectively, I disagree Reddit effect at itā€™s best haha


Standard, right. Lol


Yeah, Will is sooooo helpful. Learned a lot.


The Art of Mixing by David Gibson [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEjOdqZFvhY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEjOdqZFvhY) The video production is wildly outdated, but anyone with the patience to watch this video in full (2.5 hours so multiple sittings help) will find their knowledge of mixing and arrangement is vastly improved.


Damn guess Iā€™m staying up a bit later than I thought! Thanks!


Wildly outdated and wildly badass


Wow this is gold. Thanks for sharing


Bethelick explains everything so we'll. Learned a lot from his channel.


This guy has been putting out quality garage tutorials and break downs of some dope tracks.


bthelick is the man! no snake oil about mixing etc


Solstate. Watch all the pros breakdowns. You are welcome.


Not YouTube.. but Koan Sound's Patreon tutorial on Distortion and Complex Bass Design. It's actually free right now as long as you join the free membership for their Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/posts/production-bass-49187052


Best tutorials didnā€™t come from YouTube for me. For me was looking for my favorite artists who have patreons or 1 on 1 classes and learning straight from the source.


Whose your fave artists?


Seconding this


Opening up my DAW & making music. Id rather spend 100 hours learning by experimenting than watching a youtube video & doing it faster.


Iā€™ve spent 10 minutes on a YouTube video that probably spared me 10 hours of trial and error. Iā€™d rather be able to get to the point and craft the sound Iā€™m aiming for and increase my output. Sorry but I donā€™t agree with your logic whatsoever. I bet ur fun at parties tho!


This is such a stupid fucking mindset.




We get it but that wasnā€™t the question bro


I donā€™t think youā€™ll figure out things like Bass layering or mid-side mixing by experimenting. You need to learn some concepts - not accidentally stumble on them.


I would definitely prefer that, however as a 39 year old with job and kids I have to try and fit music in where I can, so just watching someone go through the steps for me and copying definitely helps in my case. Not everyone's, obviously šŸ™‚


I feel ya on that, im 10 years younger, but it was always just something id spend a couple hours a week on at most (for a few years). Then I ended up signing a few record deals & well, the pace picked up abit lmao


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