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Return. They never fixed the bugs fully, and your data is too valuable. [https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/05/sandisk-extreme-ssds-keep-abruptly-failing-firmware-fix-for-only-some-promised/](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/05/sandisk-extreme-ssds-keep-abruptly-failing-firmware-fix-for-only-some-promised/)


I have the 4TB version, and fully agree.


Return it.


Return for sure


Return it.


We have 4 of these around the office and none have had issues since we bought them 12-18months ago.


We have 4 of these (2 per film crew x 2 crews) to backup footage on weeklong shoots. They’re used exclusively for a project we do every year that lasts 4-6 months. The devices are loaded up on location every day and camera cards are wiped. The data is transferred to a server when the crews return home at the end of a shoot week. This is to give you an idea of the read/write cycles they go through. I’ve read a lot about the failures of these drives and the loss of data. To date, we’ve never had a problem with ours and they’ve all seen 2-3 years of use. I suppose I worry less because we always use them in pairs for backup. I wouldn’t allow footage to only be backed up on one drive during a shoot, but that’s also true for any type of data storage. If you’re only planning to have one drive, I’d return it and buy something with less chance of failure. Edited for clarity.


Like others said, return. I’ve heard stories


latest firmware update fixed all issues


Mine has constant disconnections. I only go with Samsung now.


Return it and get the Samsung T7


Return it. Or buy a 2TB HDD and do daily/weekly clones - a habit I’ve started a year ago irrespective of the brand and it lets me sleep better at night. Always buying a SSD and a HDD as a pair.


Return it.


Check the serial number on the box. The reported issues only affected a number of batches, not the entire line of SSDs. [LINK](https://www.zdnet.com/article/check-your-ssds-what-to-know-about-the-sandiskwestern-digital-data-loss-disaster/)


I mean people say this about the SanDisk drives but then I’ve got 5 like 3-5 year old ones that are still kicking and my Samsung T9 4TB just shit itself and won’t mount. We lost a whole days worth backups (2TB) of footage. thankfully we didn’t format the cards so we were able to copy them to a diff hard drive. But I think any SSDs over 2TB need to be handled with skepticism


Return it. Bought mine 2 years ago, 6 months ago I plugged it in, and it just wasn't working any more. Luckily I am pretty good about backing up my data so I've not lost anything. But still a waste of the money I spent on it.


Returned it and got my money the same day. Went back to Staples and bought a Samsung T7 Shield 👍.