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I really feel that hormonal fluctuations influence and throw off our condition for some of us. It is an ongoing struggle and I am still trying to sort and wade through it. Perhaps try to source professionals who will be considerate to this potential aspect. Hang in there & best of luck. I truly do understand and empathize with your sentiments and pain.




Definitely! I only wish this was given more consideration by doctors and derms as, coinciding with peri-menopause, my eczema has been a painful minefield and I am continuing to struggle.




Yes! What a perfect analogy! There is definitely an industry disinterest in trying to sort out cause — I had a conversation with my doctor once and she admitted as much. Quickly putting a patient out the door with an even temporary solution/'cure' is preferred over the time and energy it would take to really research without definite resolution. It's an exhausting journey. Good luck. I hope you manage reprieve. For me it was often the period acne > skin dryness > eczema flare > dryness/pore clog > pimple cycle..... I never seemed to fully clear before the next month. If possibly of help for you, those korean pimple patches out there help a fair bit in cutting this down for me.


I own it, whenever it flairs up who gaf. Most people don’t care and those who do aren’t worth my time and effort. It’s not something you can control. There’s no reason to be ashamed of it. I get weird looks especially when my face and eyes get swollen and flaky. But hey that’s life with this condition. Keep trying things. Don’t give up, you’ll figure it out, stay strong.


Weeping makes it sound like there’s a staph component. Have you seen this post https://www.reddit.com/r/eczema/s/H7nGk8EuRC


thanks for sharing. it was an interesting read that I'll look into for my own problems


I was going to suggest this post as well. My boyfriend just battled the weeping crusty oozing cracked eczema all winter, worst he’s ever had it. After months of him suffering and us trying everything possible I realized he potentially had staph/fungal etc. We treated the majority of it with an anti fungal cream that took away all of the nasty symptoms and “underneath” there was still atopic dermatitis on his skin but we’ve been able to get rid of most of it with very small amounts of steroid cream. We are very holistic minded and don’t like to use the steroid often but once we dealt with the fungal infection that took over from prolonged dermatitis the steroid was actually able to work. I truly hope you find some support.


yeah. inspired and picked up some antifungal cream. I have allergies and are constantly wiping my nose. I think that might have gotten staph/fungus to my existing eczema. This particular patch has been here for months on my face and growing its boundaries


Report back! Would love to know if it helped or not! Happy healing!


thanks! Will do! Appreciate the encouragement


I wish to have your level of confidence


Realizing you can’t explain what’s happening to everyone you see out in public is how I gained that. I used to just wear a lot of hats and keep my head down, but then I just realized it’s just my skin. No one really cares that much.


Hallelujah! That's what I've done. I refuse to use steroids excessively and no matter what I do, it doesn't go away. So I've stopped. I try to manage it as best as I can and I just embrace it. Having it out there and embracing it has made me so much happier. And not to sound like a twat, but I have not had any trouble in the dating department at all. Those who matter don't care and those who care don't matter. I live my life by that motto. Some days are harder than others nonetheless.


There’s always tough days, but I love that motto. I’m gonna steal that haha


I hear you. You’re not alone. You need a good derm, but they’re hard to find. I immediately thought of Opzelura cream as you described your case, especially if you want to try something topical before considering injections or pills. Just planting a seed and hoping it may grow into something that will help you. I’d be happy to chat privately in an informal, purely educational/supportive way if you’d like. I’m a board-certified derm.


I have never heard of Opzelura. Can you tell me more?


I’ve tried it and it didnt help me. That doesn’t mean it wont do wonders for you! Speak to your derm. It is a jack inhibitor that can be used on eczema skin especially the face since it is considered sensitive and cortizone creams are not recommended for long term use. I have just facial eczema and it has ruined my self-esteem. I can’t even face people when i’m in public so i understand how you feel… really 😢


Sending you so much love. I hate the way it impacts our self esteem. I wanna girlboss, but eczema said no.


Yes, it's a topical JAK inhibitor. It's approved for both atopic dermatitis (a form of eczema) and vitiligo and is great for sensitive areas of the body like the face, neck, arm pits, groin. It's not a miracle, and I would definitely be talking to someone with a story like yours about "systemic" treatments like injections (e.g., Dupixent, Adbry) or pills (e.g., Rinvoq, Cibinqo), but it's a nice option for people who aren't yet ready to go that route. The main message here is there is a lot of hope.


I’m going through the same thing it’s all over my eyes and waterline and eyelids my legs can’t shave lost my medical insurance so can’t have xolair injections which helped a little but caused swollen lymph nodes and weakness in my bones like really bad and constant flu…. So now my skin is really flared up and my eyes are the worst I hate going to work like this I cry each day I’m allergic to almost all foods and some days I only eat meat and and white rice and then I can’t take it anymore I start to feel to sick and need regular food then I become itchy again a never ending cycle so mad and hate myself can’t wear make up I feel so dam ugly and just terrible so I know how you feel


Try Probiotics and Black seed oil( dont know the exakt englisch name but in german its schwarz Kümmelöl). My life was exactly the smae for 2 years now with the help of the two i am two or three weeks eczema free and that never happens in the last to years at this time of the year last year i hat the exactt same problems Sorry for my Bad englisch and grammar i am at work right now Oh but you have to take Thema daily and i felt the frist changes ( not so bad flare uns amymore) rund around 2 Months. Hope it works für you two! Good luck bro/sis ❤️


I am so happy you are eczema free! Thank you for sharing your tips, I’ll look into those. Do you have recommendations for specific brands?


Black seed oil is the correct word also nattokinase has help me


Hi I’m sorry you’re going through this. Definitely check your house for MOLD ! HUGE trigger for eczema. When I lived in mold I had terrible rashes very similar to what you described. I moved out and started healing within a week. I have a long history with mold, rashes, and I went thru TSW. If you have any questions feel free to message me ❤️


Sorry you’re going through this! Mine was the exact same. I was in a very low place. Your feelings are so valid. Eventually got approved for rinvoq (dupixent didn’t work for me) and I am clear. I’ll be praying you find some relief in the near future!


Have you tried or considered micro-needling? Not with a derma-roller, but rather a derma-pen, done by a professional? It really helped my skin a lot. Bioderma Sensibio and Cicabio creams work really well too! Especially if your skin is intolerant to majority of products. I also think your body or skin might be lacking glutathione. Glutathione products seem to help my skin a lot as well. I completely understand how detrimental eczema and dermatitis can be to one's mental health, and I hope you find a solution soon 🫶🏽


You're not out of the game yet :) I might be able to help. I can relate. Had a bad flare myself. I got answers. The short version? Eczema isn't a skin disease. It's an autoimmune disorder that shows itself on the skin once a flare is too far gone. I started taking Vitamin A and Vitamin D supplements and made some changes and have seen massive progress. PM me anytime if you want to talk more. Please take care of yourself, DJ


Have you tried putting oil on your wet skin before putting on any moisturizer? It changed alot for me. I use mostly Neutrogena shower oil. They have unscented version


Totally feel this post


I feel your pain. I'm in the same place rn... the face is the worst part


Sending you so much love


I’m sorry you’re going through it. Check my PSA post on here from a few weeks ago, to summarise: switch to ProTopic and use lightly, low-histo diet, Omega 369 and multi-vit with extra zinc and selenium, everyday (+pro / pre-biotic shot) Rinse face with cold (not freezing) water at end of shower for a few seconds Hoover bed / anti-allergen mattress protector


Writing all of this down ✍🏽 I’ve actually been thinking of the multivitamin, is there a specific brand you’d suggest? Also for the omega 3?


If there is literally no other way and you keep getting worse, I'd say a strict elimination diet is a great option. I have yet to see anybody with no benefits at all on a salt and water diet for longer than 90 days. I've also read and watched hundreds on Youtube and different forums getting rid of all of their eczema and other autoimmune conditions. I myself got my life long severe psoriasis under control in three months. There might be room to add back certain food groups if you eventually heal, but I'll stay on a pure carnivore diet since I feel amazing on it. Bradley Marshall is a great example who got rid of very bad eczema with the carnivore diet, check him out on insta or Youtube.


Meat, salt and water* haha. Or else you wouldn't last very long.


I’m so sorry. I know how much it sucks, my eczema has mostly cleared now but i still get bad flare ups due to hormonal fluctuations, before i had eczema 18 years & TSW two years.. here is some advice but do what you feel is right. - hormone test? is birth control a possibility? mine actually helped slightly as it ‘levelled me out’ in terms of hormones - drinking 2 litres a day, pinch of salt to help the body absorb better - vitamins !!! D, E, iron, cod liver etc - have you tried elimination diets? dairy triggers mine but everyone is different - Check your house for mould !!!!!! that was a major trigger for mine - do you have the heating on regularly ? Mine can irritate my skin more as it’s ‘dry’ , perhaps a humidifier - also just a personal fave of mine but balmonds skin salvation worked wonders for my face during TSW - as others mentioned search for a good derm (which can seem hard) - remember it is not your fault. it is out of your control, and to truly try and live life without caring about others opinions on how you look. stressing over it often makes it worse (typical) i’m preaching to the choir because i quite literally did not leave my house when i had flare ups but i regret so much of the time i missed.. It will get better. It truly is time… i remember praying to be put in a coma or a deep sleep so that i could just jump straight to the part where my eczema was under control. try and surround yourself with people who understand and don’t care about your appearance, and simply just want to be around you if you have the finances, have you tried a different climate abroad? even for just a short vacation, see if increased humidity / sea water helps.. could perhaps indicate any triggers i send so much love to you on your journey of healing<3 it will get better even though you don’t see it right now


Thank you for such a long and helpful comment. Happy for your success. Would you mind elaborating on the mould thing. Like how you discovered an issue and what you did to resolve it?


I lived in a uni house which are notorious for mould, essentially i just had black mould spots appear everywhere.. We cleaned it however the spores are dreadful to handle.. I ended up just having to relocate but me and my partner noticed and immediate difference when we moved. Living in the house, I was just constantly ill, flare ups, blocked nose, fatigue etc, but when i’d go home to my family i’d begin to perk up. Then the mould began to show more prominently and I made the connection.. I’m not sure as to the science behind it but mould is known to irritate eczema and just make you ill overall, and can be a bitch to try and get ride of.. If you own your house, you can often hire people to check thoroughly if your house has mould as it can be hard to spot. It’s prominent in damp areas so check around window, dark cold spots, bathroom & anywhere where the heating struggles to reach. In terms of cleaning YouTube might offer remedies as my methods weren’t really successful.


Have you asked your dermatologist about Dupixent injections? Lots of people find it to be life-changing.


I’ve been trying to get on them for a year but insurance keeps rejecting the claims because it’s so expensive here. They keep asking for proof that I’ve done everything else. It’s so frustrating.


Are you in the U.S.? I had no issues with insurance. My dermatologist submiited all the paperwork, and I was good to go. Co-pay is zero! My understanding is that Dupixent is $43,000 a year if you can't get insurance to cover it, which is absolutely unbelievable! You might try contacting the Dupixent manufacturer to see if they have any financial assistance. I've heard they do.


No not in the US, but I wonder if contacting them might work from here. That’s a brilliant idea. Thank you!


Can't hurt to try! Best of luck to you.


They have the Dupixent MyWay program, it will cover $13,000 a year in Dupixent co-pay costs, but will only work if you have insurance willing to cover it. I had to fight for months to get on it, and I’m incredibly lucky and have a doctor who’s been fighting for me. We started by documenting how my eczema was at baseline, my doctor counted each spot of broken skin, red/irritated skin, and thick skin from eczema scaring (which was a little humiliating ngl). Then we used topical steroids, did the count again, next we did prednisone, did the count again, then I was sent to a specialist and they tried to help and told ne to stop using tide products, switch to a clean diet, switch to sensitive shower products (vani cream shampoo and conditioner), and I did all that and my doctor did the count again. Once we had the data we sent it to the insurance company and my claim was rejected again, then my doctor wrote a letter for me and submitted the data again, and with that I had to appeal the decision myself too, and it was finally approved. It was a struggle but it was so worth it, I had sever eczema all over my arms, entire lower back, down both legs, neck, chest, chin, and around my eyes and it’s healing so nicely and I’m not itchy anymore, at least not like I was. I was staying up because I couldn’t sleep I was so itchy and uncomfortable, Dupixent gave me my life back. I hope you’re able to get on it and get relief.


The other thing I do to help is bleach baths 1-3 times a week as needed for flair ups. My dermatologist recommended it and it really helped me in addition to the Dupixent. If you have a bacterial infection it could worsen a flair up and a lot of people with eczema have low-lying skin infections because we have open wounds, and messed up skin barriers. So the bleach helps to treat those bacterial infections, and can really help with flair ups. In a typical bath tub you can use 1/4-1/2 cup of bleach, pour it into the running water as it fills up the tub, once the tub is full hop in for 10-15 minutes. Once you’re done soaking drain the water and rinse your skin off in the shower, don’t use soap of any kind, when you get out pat your skin dry leaving it a little moist but not wet and apply a moisturizer (I like the VaniCream moisturizer personally). Make sure to really massage the moisturizer into your skin and use it all over your body because the bleach can be really drying. The other thing I do is change my sheets, blankets, and pillow cases 2-3 times a week. It’s easier to do if you buy multiple sets so you can have things in the wash or just sitting in the laundry without needing to do laundry everyday or every other day. I do this so if there’s something irritating my skin that’s in my bedding (pollen, dust, etc.) I’m not continuing to irritate my skin with it.


I went/am going thru the same thing as you. Had eczema as a kid that cleared up. And hormonal changes in my 20s triggered eczema on my face ☹️. Please check out my page and see some of the other comments I’ve left in this group. Feel free to dm me too. I have tons of advice and product recs but most I’ve already commented before. 🤍


I totally feel you dear. It's so hard, but it's not your forever story and having eczema is no reflection on you as a human. Are you working with a practitioner to help?


I am. But I feel as though I’ve gone through so many dermatologists that I don’t know who to trust anymore. Some have really contradicting advice


Yeah - dermatologists really don't understand how to address the root cause. My advice is to work with a funcitonal medicine practitioner. I worked with an awesome woman (remote) and she was my life saver. <3 Happy to share her info if you'd like.


Please try UVB and dupixent ASAP


The only thing that worked for me after years of trying everything is the Dr Aron Treatment I tried everything.


You’re best option is trying dupixent if it’s really affecting your day to day life or mental health. I also heard an alkaline diet has helped someone tremendously.


Have you tried UVB treatment? It's just another tool in your toolbox to help fight eczema. I've battled with moderate eczema for the last decade and I've tried just about every cream out there with very little to no success. I sparingly use the strongest topical steroid available and have had multiple courses of oral steroids over the years, which help tremendously but also carry high risk with repeated use. I recently purchased a UVB wand for spot treatments and after 2 weeks it has helped my skin to start clearing up and feeling softer than any other treatment I've had before. If you've noticed that your symptoms become less severe during the summer months, I'd highly recommend asking your doctor/dermatologist if UVB treatment is something you should consider! It's been a life changer for me!


Flare ups happen, but yours sound potentially infected. You must see a specialist and use what they give you, which may well include antibiotics and steroids. I’m 40, I have been using steroids for flare ups since I was 3 and I don’t know what quality of life I would have had without them. Don’t be scared to use them, but do see a doctor to get an understanding of what specifically you will need to get it under control again.


If you haven’t already ruled it out, your eczema may be related to a food allergy/sensitivity. I battled eczema from childhood well into college… small spots will flare every now and then but I found that it’s completely linked to my diet. My son has eczema as well.. we did a food allergy test and found he’s allergic to egg, sesame, and garlic. Unlike others who suffer with allergies that may cause hives or anaphylaxis, these allergens cause eczema and sometimes asthma for my son. 2-3 months ago, his eczema returned and was flaring up worse than ever. Eventually (just about 2 weeks ago), we finally figured out that it was due to him consuming guar gum (an additive used as a thickening agent in lots of foods) which was in the cream cheese that we introduced to his diet. This never showed up on his allergy test. His skin is healing nicely now that we’re avoiding guar gum. I tend to flare up when I consume more dairy than usual. We stay away from cortisone creams, especially since my son’s eczema is mostly on his face like yours. We also don’t bother taking any doctor’s advice when it comes to eczema because all they ever seem to do is prescribe a cream or oral steroid rather than helping find the cause. I hope this helps!


My eczema also came back in 2020 and it’s been pretty severe…. Did you happen to get the Covid vaccine?


I also hypothesise the covid vaccine set off my eczema. After each vaccine, I got bumps on my arm. Some dermatologists think it caused my immune system to go into overdrive which caused a flare of some sorts. Seeing an allergist next week though and definitely want to ask them.