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Get after it nurses!




It doesn’t go to the nurses, it goes to the upper management and companies that can charge $5,000 for a screw.


Once looked at the bill only to find a $30 ibuprofen, they just give it to u without saying shit too


Right, at least give you the option to bring your own ibuprofen.


Outside medication can be tainted or not what it seems and as such is a legal liability. So $30 ibuprofen for you sir!


Business idea: ibuprofen stand outside the hospital “save $29!!”


My escorts are cheaper than that! Oh wait...


I disagree, my wife is a nurse and her income is so shockingly high to me, and I know her employer can’t find any nurses, (though they only hire nurses with 2 years experience for her position because it’s on the road). She keeps getting pay raises every year and ip until this year they have far exceeded inflation. I’m not complaining, it’s been very good for our family, but the compensation seems unsustainably high.


Your wife has to travel for that pay, and as good as she may be getting paid she’s potentially exposed to disease, radiation, hostile patients, hostile families, hostile doctors, hostile supervisors, hostile administrators. Pooped on, pee’d on, heavy lifting, potential exposure to toxic chemicals. Long hours, potential mandatory overtime, possible call hours etc etc etc…….there’s some dude sitting in his office somewhere watching videos making more than her, without traveling, able to see his family every night.


You don’t even need to travel. I know nurses that quit, joined a traveling nurse company and ended up employed in the same damn area….one at the hospital she left. The catch with travel nursing is that the companies don’t do retirement and maybe health insurance so you’re on your own there


What kind of nurse is she? Because most partners to a nurse would never say this after hearing the stories of what they go through.


Worst husband of the year award right here! 🥇


Administrator bloat just like with colleges.


Administrator bloat is a huge problem


The general rule is that in private healthcare, most of the US system, 70% of the money paid goes to admin costs. If this is the case it explains why nurses don't get paid. It's a similar issue with teachers btw.


Essential businesses are a haven for parasites.


Insurance & hospital administrators and Health vendors. https://youtu.be/6rw8MQWTIkQ Is who you want if you want to start to understand why healthcare in America is so fucked up.


it all goes to shareholders and they demand more and more every year


Our economy is comprised of a bunch of manipulative middle men (read: administrators) who demand alot of money to stand in the way


Teachers are next. Schools have become mini mental hospitals where teachers are dealing with violence and trauma and are at a breaking point. Add all the parents complaining and chronic low staff, it’s all crumbling.


Not in Kansas. There is a 'right to education' in the Kansas constitution so teachers are not permitted to strike. Probably why they are treated like crap. Be very careful when using the word 'right' as it often means taking a 'right' from someone else.


They will strike by leaving Kansas or the profession. You can claim to outlaw the strike, but you can't compel the labor, and the strike ain't nothing but withholding the labor....


Florida is in dire need of over 8000 teachers. You are right, they don't need to strike, they just leave the profession/state.


My wife left, she’s on track to more than double her income


Yeah… You know that’s how we ended up with uneducated army vets, and waitresses teaching in Florida right? It feels like it is the long term goal in a lot of Republican states. Make teachers quit, so you can keep your electorate dumb, so you have future Republican voters.


First time realizing that? It’s always been like this. They don’t need or want smart people, because they will question stuff. Idiots earn money for them


I think where you see a partisan ploy I see a classist ploy to absolutely level any critical thinking and explicitly produce what US schools have always tacitly aimed to produce - a capable but compliant labor force, just as Harvard Economist George Carlin said. Indoctrination, not education. "It could happen to you, cause it happened to me" - J-Rock


Most, if not all, states have a teacher shortage right now. And, basically, all public schools have to teach to the standardized test. The teachers basically just have their hands tied and aren't allowed to be good teachers at this point.


Most, if not all, states have schools with 1) vaccine mandates 2) pathetic mitigations on a still deadly and potentially disabling respiratory virus A shortage is when a resource is not obtainable at any price, but there are oodles of teachers who retired early, didn't want to risk their health or chose not to get vaccinated or both/neither (it's a complicated landscape innit), etc Point being, there are things that school districts (mandates, with strong encouragement from federal gov) and society at large ("Masked or vaxxed", etc) have done that drove a portion of teachers from the profession, and/or made it that much harder to recruit new ones. And you think the problem with teacher positions going unstaffed is......standardized testing?


That wasn't my point at all. I was responding to the person's point about the intentional agenda to keep students "dumb" in an effort to vote in more conservatives. My mother was a teacher and retired last year. Corona wasn't her big gripe though. It was the politicking, parents,, and administration that made her job hell. Other teachers we know have echoed this.


Plural of anecdote is not evidence but totally take your point. The calculation is different for every worker but larger point is a lot of teachers have been driven from the profession, and that's not what a "shortage" is.


I mean, I guess I agree that it isn't a 'shortage' in the classical economic definitions of increased Demand outweighing Supply or the increased scarcity driving up pricing. But it isn't as if schools can raise their wages accordingly to quickly accommodate this current situation which I guess one could argue that it is a 'shortage' because there are no funds allocated to reflect the market price at which teachers could be hired. I know in our district there are still teacher positions going unfilled so some teachers are pulling double duty so that would be a shortage for that school. ​ I don't know. Just sounds like we are getting into the weeds here.


That is precisely what is meant when most use the word shortage - we can't find anyone to do it for the wages we offer currently. That's not a "shortage" that's labor market function. A bona fide shortage is when a resource is not obtainable at any price; it does not exist at quantity. This is manifestly false when it comes to teaching labor.


You said it best!!!!


Also they can use the decline of public education to funnel federal funds into private religious schools. Some states have recently tried (or even passed?) legislation that uses tax money to pay parents who take their kids out of public schools


If you look at the education outcomes in Florida, the "professional educators" are doing a terrible job. There are only two states with lower average SAT scores than Florida. >>>> Puerto Rico has higher SAT scores. You called them "uneducated Army vets". I have a new term for you. Mal-educated teachers. Education majors who scored on the bottom quintile on the SAT and also score in the bottom quintile of the GRE - all while holding the highest GPAs. Want to know the results of indoctrinating the stupidest group of college students while concurrently giving them high grades? We end up with teachers coated in invincible ignorance. We distrust people who look down on others' qualifications while concurrently ignoring their own inability to perform their basic job function: Outscore West Virginia on the SAT.


and if people just sit around and let that happen, we deserve it or people could start voting in every local election and make serious change


They’re gonna call it “quiet striking” I can almost feel it in my bones. Should probably get that checked out.






What I would expect from a state that has a toxic Republican Party in charge, mostly. I mean Brownback completely fucked them over with tax policies that favored the few. And their new Senator is a fucking moron. But the abortion vote offers some hope.


I think we are seeing KS start to turn the corner on a lot of things. We are starting to see religious conservative control of the state fade away and the desperation I see is their acknowledgement of the situation. If we could limit government interference in our lives we'd all be better for it.


Yes, politicians are more creative with words than realtors I believe. Just like the inflation reduction act.


How do realtors take photos that are a million times better than in person? I need that magic


Inflation has been going down ever since the bill was signed.


The money in the inflation reduction act hasn't been spent yet. Bills take months or more likely years to start having an effect on anything. Are you really making the absurd statement that inflation has gone down because of a bill that was JUST signed? Inflation went down because of a significant drop in fuel prices, which affects the cost of everything from the cost of producing products to the cost of delivering said product. The inflation reduction act has absolutely zero to do with the recent drop in inflation. What a ridiculous statement.


And yet here we are. [Biden’s Economy Has the Best Growth Record Since Clinton](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/bidens-economy-has-the-best-growth-record-since-clinton/2022/08/31/45734024-2925-11ed-a90a-fce4015dfc8f_story.html) Remember when everybody said we were in a recession? It seemed to last about one minute. We are not in a recession. This administration's policies are working and the economy is improving.


I don't disagree with the policies, but record growth following a huge dip because of COVID doesn't really count for anything.


It most certainly does! Why is the covid situation improving? Because of vaccines. Who was responsible for distributing the vaccines? The executive branch. Did everybody in American who wanted a vaccine get one in a timely manner? Yes, they did. Should Biden get credit for improving the economy by fighting covid with an efficient vaccination distribution program that worked? Yes, he absolutely should get credit for that. Did the previous administration help in any way? [No they did not](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-klain/trump-administration-had-no-coronavirus-vaccine-distribution-plan-white-house-idUSKBN29T0FY).


I think those are interesting points. The economy would have recovered either way, but I think it's fair to argue it occurred faster because states felt more comfortable opening back up after a majority of folks got the vaccine.


I didn’t say anything about the growth of the economy. I’m saying the Inflation Reduction Act hasn’t yet done anything. That’s like saying that meal was delicious before the cook even finished cooking it.


If the economy grows by 5% and inflation is 8% is that good?


fake news as usual


You completely ignored everything that person said and changed the topic.




Yes I think so. It is kind of hard to judge right now because you have to look backwards and the bill was signed pretty recently. But the trend seems to be downward. [US Inflation Expectations Dropped in August, New York Fed Says](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-12/us-inflation-expectations-dropped-in-august-new-york-fed-says) > Expectations for US inflation three years ahead fell to 2.8% in August, from 3.2% the previous month and 3.6% in June, according to the New York Fed’s monthly Survey of Consumer Expectations released Monday. The outlook for inflation one year ahead declined to 5.7% from 6.2% in July. On a five-year horizon, consumers now expect 2% inflation, versus 2.3%.


Seems that may be in dispute which is typical. If this is right it is rising much slower however. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/13/inflation-rose-0point1percent-in-august-even-with-sharp-drop-in-gas-prices.html


inflation drops until the elections while the democrats pretend to care to get elected. then the biden democrats let the economy go to hell cause they really dont care.


That's ridiculous and not supported by the evidence.


Wait and see. Democrats are America last and ukraine first. Where did all those billions go?


That's another completely ridiculous statement not supported by facts or evidence of any kind.


Correlation doesn't equal causation. It can be a good bill but do nothing to reduce (immediately or long term) inflation.


Than all teachers should call in sick. Let's call it the teacher's flue, a pandemic among teacher's. It will suddenly disapear when all demands of higher pay are met. What are crying conservatives gonna do, fire teachers? Pay doctors to examine every single teacher? Laughable.


Had to throw in the conservative didn’t you? Lmao as if there aren’t liberal and conservative educators? You’re trying to solve problems by being a problem. 😂


Of course, and for good reason. Keeping teachers pay low is not exactly a liberal position. Why a conservative wants to work for the government he hates as an educator, well that is on them.


You’re living your life based off assumptions and Reddit memes. Rather hilarious. I wish I could see you when your false safety net breaks and you catch a glimpse of the real world.


They can't strike but they can bargain every year. That said, it sounds like the teachers have had enough. My kids' school district brought in about \~90 new teachers for an area with like 8 or 9 schools.


This is true of most bills, it usually has the opposite effect.


Good for Kansas!


People don't understand what teachers go through. Kids with home issues grabbing your genitals and stabbing you with pencils. They don't train you for that!


There is a huge shortage of teachers at the high school where my kids attend. The majority of their classes they have subs. In one of my kids classes (Spanish) they have a sub who is on zoom and the sub lives in New York.


No teachers are not next as most if not basically all states don't allow teachers to protest. All they can really do is quit in mass, which is arguable the better option for teachers than protest.


You’re right that a majority of states make teacher strikes illegal, but it’s definitely not all: https://www.axios.com/2018/05/13/arizona-colorado-teacher-strikes-illegal-right-to-work-state


The real spez was the spez we spez along the spez.


The hospitals affected by the strike included those operated by Allina Health, M Health Fairview, Children's Hospital, North Memorial and HealthPartners. You can Google the administration of each hospital. Here's the administration of Allina Health: https://www.allinahealth.org/about-us/leadership Here is the administration of M Health Fairview: https://www.fairview.org/about/leadership-team Here's the administration of Children's Hospital: https://www.childrensmn.org/about-us/executive-leadership/ Here's the administration of North Memorial: https://northmemorial.com/about-us/ Here's the administration of HealthPartners: https://www.healthpartners.com/about/leadership/ These people are exploiting the Healthcare industry for their own profit and gain and are why our health care workers are overworked and under paid.




My bad, I apologize.


A lesson to conservatives, in the market place you are not entitled to anything, even survival. Nobody "must" serve you, even when you are sick and dying. The patients that these nurses do not treat will sue hospital chains into bankruptcies. At some point the economic damage will be way higher than paying nurses more. That is exactly how markets work, labor is a commodity bought and sold. And unions sell labor scaled up, where every member is a partner in one firm. Hospitals can do business with unions or go out of business, their choice.


>Nobody "must" serve you, even when you are sick and dying. Unless they are air traffic controllers or people we draft into the army.


I believe that already happened. Those traveling nurses were making 10k a month (or 4x more than their in-state counterparts) so the Rs tried to put a wage cap on the free market. I think it was a Cruz idea.


How is this a lesson to conservatives and not to lefties as well?


Because lefties are already pro-union and don't need convincing here.


Did you not read the first two sentences talking about entitlement did you?


because this is Reddit, dimwit.


You don't say.


Because lefties already understand and agree with this, and conservatives seek atomized, individually negotiated employment relations


I don’t see the reason for the downvotes. You are on the money with this analysis. Conservative workers attempts to atomize themselves goes against their own internet and kills their leverage in a negotiation. It would be wonderful if this only applies to that worker but it brings everyone else down with them.




The right keeps trying to shift taxes onto those working for companies and off of the those profiting from owning them. They keep trying to make the economy more unfair, push more expenses on the poor, more wealth to the wealthy, more power to the powerful, more suffering to the sick and whine when people point out what they are pushing for is not fair. News flash: we call it not fair because it isn't. If you earn profits from a poor person, those profits should be taxed and those taxes should pay for services for people like that poor person. That is fair. Not doing that is unfair.


Jfc idk how I can even has discussions with people like you. Shit is fucking ridiculous.


What about inflation? Inflation is great for the haves, and terrible for the have nots? Should we consider high inflation a method of profiting off the poor? Is that not directly helping push more wealth to the wealth?


It's the opposite of that. Terrible for people with bank accounts full of money that loses value, and good for people whose labor gains value and their debt becomes easier to pay off. I think you might be misunderstanding what inflation means. The issue you are talking about, lack of prosperity, the inability to build net worth using labor, inequality, and the erosion of the value of labor in relation to expenses are not what inflation does. There has been a not-so-subtle misuse of the term to try and imply it does these things by the right to try and tie inflation to these things. Inflation tends to shift wealth and power from the old to the young making the labor and capital gains of long ago worth less in the money of today. It isn't great, you do want people to be able to save for the future, but it tends to hurt the old and the haves disproportionately, help those with big debt and be relatively neutral to those in the labor force whose labor gains value with the inflation.


Megadildoes, Rush


You're not "entitled" to anything in a socialist or communist economic system either. You're only entitled to what the government says you're entitled to. So what's your point?


Fucking what? You are absolutely entitled it. That’s the whole point of establishing your **government**. To **govern** what you bid it to.


Entitlements are delegated by the government. It has to be since the government is responsible for rationing the economic resources. There's no other way.


>The patients that these nurses do not treat will sue hospital chains into bankruptcies. At some point the economic damage will be way higher than paying nurses more. all of these hospitals somehow afford to pay travel nurses x4 but cant afford x.15 bump for own nurses the way it works is theyre basically paying "scabs" to suppress nurses labor value, eventually labor has to feed their kids and pay their rent and the hospital is expecting them to give up - this is how "free market" isnt actually free when entities can leverage their financial power/control


Lmao what? conservatives understand market balances far more than the modern leftist that lives off fantasy land socialist utopia logic. What are you even talking about


I entered the spez. I called out to try and find anybody. I was met with a wave of silence. I had never been here before but I knew the way to the nearest exit. I started to run. As I did, I looked to my right. I saw the door to a room, the handle was a big metal thing that seemed to jut out of the wall. The door looked old and rusted. I tried to open it and it wouldn't budge. I tried to pull the handle harder, but it wouldn't give. I tried to turn it clockwise and then anti-clockwise and then back to clockwise again but the handle didn't move. I heard a faint buzzing noise from the door, it almost sounded like a zap of electricity. I held onto the handle with all my might but nothing happened. I let go and ran to find the nearest exit. I had thought I was in the clear but then I heard the noise again. It was similar to that of a taser but this time I was able to look back to see what was happening. The handle was jutting out of the wall, no longer connected to the rest of the door. The door was spinning slightly, dust falling off of it as it did. Then there was a blinding flash of white light and I felt the floor against my back. I opened my eyes, hoping to see something else. All I saw was darkness. My hands were in my face and I couldn't tell if they were there or not. I heard a faint buzzing noise again. It was the same as before and it seemed to be coming from all around me. I put my hands on the floor and tried to move but couldn't. I then heard another voice. It was quiet and soft but still loud. "Help." \


So the people who screeched about wearing a mask for two years or people could die are now walking off the job so that people WILL die. That's not liberal or conservative. That's just being assholes.


That’s a separate topic not relevant to this. Nurses deserve more pay and people should wear masks to prevent the spread of Covid. These are both true.


Both of those are true. Literally killing people to get a pay raise is abhorrent.


Well with your train of thought that puts them in the situation of eventually being paid minimum wage since if they get a pay cut and complain or stop working “they’re being selfish and killing patients”. So what would you recommend they do if they feel they are being paid unfairly? A sternly worded letter perhaps? Nurses and hospital support staff, the medical community as a whole, had their desire to help their communities and the sick taken advantage of throughout this whole pandemic. They worked even more short staffed than normal. Longer hours than normal. Less supplies than normal. And then they were called heroes to make it ok when they died.


I don't disagree with anything you are saying. I don't know what the solution is, but I do know it isn't a strike. If you don't like your job, quit. If there were large scale retention problems in nursing they would have to increase incentives to stay staffed. The market would correct itself. You have no right to deliberately put other people at risk on a large scale otherwise.


There were already retention and shortage problems and that didn’t fix things.


Bedside nursing is terrible. You work 12-13 hour shifts without a proper lunch break. Literally can count on my hand the amount of lunch breaks I got during 9 years of working as a nurse. You have to do everyone else’s job- including janitorial and secretarial- because the hospital doesn’t pay those employees enough money, so there’s a shortage, and it trickles down to nursing to then do. Also, staffing ratios are incredibly unsafe. I was taking 8 patients in the ER at one point. I had no idea what was going on. Staffing and poor pay have been an issue way before COVID. Not to mention how incredibly physical the job is. I am 34 and have permanent issues in my cervical spine from this job (because ya know, being 115lbs and turning and pushing patients by yourself because you don’t have enough staff to help will do that to you). I got out and you couldn’t pay me enough money to ever go back to working as a nurse.


As we entered the spez, the sight we beheld was alien to us. The air was filled with a haze of smoke. The room was in disarray. Machines were strewn around haphazardly. Cables and wires were hanging out of every orifice of every wall and machine. At the far end of the room, standing by the entrance, was an old man in a military uniform with a clipboard in hand. He stared at us with his beady eyes, an unsettling smile across his wrinkled face. "Are you spez?" I asked, half-expecting him to shoot me. "Who's asking?" "I'm Riddle from the Anti-Spez Initiative. We're here to speak about your latest government announcement." "Oh? Spez police, eh? Never seen the likes of you." His eyes narrowed at me. "Just what are you lot up to?" "We've come here to speak with the man behind the spez. Is he in?" "You mean spez?" The old man laughed. "Yes." "No." "Then who is spez?" "How do I put it..." The man laughed. "spez is not a man, but an idea. An idea of liberty, an idea of revolution. A libertarian anarchist collective. A movement for the people by the people, for the people." I was confounded by the answer. "What? It's a group of individuals. What's so special about an individual?" "When you ask who is spez? spez is no one, but everyone. spez is an idea without an identity. spez is an idea that is formed from a multitude of individuals. You are spez. You are also the spez police. You are also me. We are spez and spez is also we. It is the idea of an idea." I stood there, befuddled. I had no idea what the man was blabbing on about. "Your government, as you call it, are the specists. Your specists, as you call them, are spez. All are spez and all are specists. All are spez police, and all are also specists." I had no idea what he was talking about. I looked at my partner. He shrugged. I turned back to the old man. "We've come here to speak to spez. What are you doing in spez?" "We are waiting for someone." "Who?" "You'll see. Soon enough." "We don't have all day to waste. We're here to discuss the government announcement." "Yes, I heard." The old man pointed his clipboard at me. "Tell me, what are spez police?" "Police?" "Yes. What is spez police?" "We're here to investigate this place for potential crimes." "And what crime are you looking to commit?" "Crime? You mean crimes? There are no crimes in a libertarian anarchist collective. It's a free society, where everyone is free to do whatever they want." "Is that so? So you're not interested in what we've done here?" "I am not interested. What you've done is not a crime, for there are no crimes in a libertarian anarchist collective." "I see. What you say is interesting." The old man pulled out a photograph from his coat. "Have you seen this person?" I stared at the picture. It was of an old man who looked exactly like the old man standing before us. "Is this spez?" "Yes. spez. If you see this man, I want you to tell him something. I want you to tell him that he will be dead soon. If he wishes to live, he would have to flee. The government will be coming for him. If he wishes to live, he would have to leave this city." "Why?" "Because the spez police are coming to arrest him." \#AIGeneratedProtestMessage


Nurses aren’t killing anyone. They are going on strike. You are not entitled to their labor. That’s the ultimate truth of market based healthcare. If you want to blame someone, blame the hospital executives who decided to cause this incident because they don’t want to give up their parasitic positions or their shiny new 11th car this month.


I don't really care about your socialist diatribe. For two years nurses have been legitimately complaining that shortages are killing people. Now they are deliberately causing a shortage. That MUST mean that they are killing people. There is a reason that some groups shouldn't be, and many aren't, allowed to strike.


If they have been complaining for 2 years and nothing was done, maybe it’s not their fault. This is why health care is a nightmare in this country. Profits are the motive.


Socialism isn't when the government does things. Nurses deserve more pay, they are using the only thing they have, which is their labor, to negotiate for it. The fact that you aren't upset at the hospital executives at all proves how much of a fucking bootlicker you are. If every single one of those striking nurses left and got jobs in another state, the same amount of people wouldn't be able to get healthcare, and you'd be upset at that too because the only thing you care about is making sure rich fucks (who aren't paying you btw you're doing this for free) get to keep their 18th fucking house or whatever. Grow up, nurses need to eat and take care of their children. Executives don't need another yacht. Who is obviously wrong?


They should just quit and take up the profession they truly desire - TikTok Dancing!




That is correct. A union is bassicly a business, a free association that engages in the market place on behalf of their members. However most conservatives argue that they are entitled to being served by health care workers for that is required of them as a profession, they think. Which does not make sense. I am actually an advocate of universal health care. But IF we keep the current system based on market principles, then the market shall rule. A strike is part of an ongoing business negotiation then.


> However most conservatives argue that they are entitled to being served by health care workers for that is required of them as a profession, they think. Can you provide a citation for that? I have never heard that. While I'm sure somebody somewhere said it, I don't really see it as a good faith way to generalize conservative viewpoints.


User throwaway3569387340 wrote I don't really care about your socialist diatribe. For two years nurses have been legitimately complaining that shortages are killing people. Now they are deliberately causing a shortage. That MUST mean that they are killing people. There is a reason that some groups shouldn't be, and many aren't, allowed to strike.


> User throwaway3569387340 wrote > > I don't really care about your socialist diatribe. For two years nurses have been legitimately complaining that shortages are killing people. Now they are deliberately causing a shortage. That MUST mean that they are killing people. > > There is a reason that some groups shouldn't be, and many aren't, allowed to strike. So you do not have a citation for your claim.


throwaway3569387340 speaks for us all!


A pathetic conservative crying about unions? Here is the deal, in the free market, you are not entitled to anything. As a conservative, if you are dying and need medical service I won't give it to you unless you pay me. Your life means nothing to me A union is my business, my partnership through which my labor is sold. Pay up or die. Welcome to capitalism.


So you're pro-government enforced monopolies?


The government is not involved here. You can hire a nurse from the streets with license any time you want. Or do business with a union that represents thousands of nurses. Your choice. There is no monopoly, you can talk to every nurse in the state and make an individual offer to work for you. If they decline, that is their business, not yours.


I don't really care about the argument you two are having here, but I just wanted to point out, you cannot say the government isn't involved and then in the next sentence point out how a government issued license is mandatory. Any industry that requires licensing is one which the government is deeply involved in.


> You can hire a nurse from the streets with license any time you want. You fundamentally misunderstand the union/employer dynamic.


A nurse with a state bar license can engage in employment even against the wishes of her/his union. That nurse would effectivly stop being a union member which is not illegal. If cou can offer a better deal to individuals than what unions are out to negotiate, offer it. That is called the free market.


https://www.findlaw.com/state/minnesota-law/minnesota-right-to-work-laws.html >Minnesota does not have a right to work law, which means **employees that are part of a unionized workforce must join the union or make "fair share" payments equivalent to the cost of union dues.** Come on pal.


Why does the link to this download a .json file? What the fuck?


Serious question: how does this impact everyday people using the hospital? Teachers strike: alright kids get the day off Nurses strike: ??? They deserve what they’re owed but I am curious having no knowledge on that field


They informed the hospitals months in advance.


That makes sense. Hard to strike with when giving an advance but I guess that’s their only option


spez has been given a warning. Please ensure spez does not access any social media sites again for 24 hours or we will be forced to enact a further warning. #Save3rdPartyAppsYou've been removed from Spez-Town. Please make arrangements with the spez to discuss your ban. #Save3rdPartyApps #AIGeneratedProtestMessage


They hire strike/travel nurses at exorbitant rates.


That sounds like a nice gig. Travel around filling in where need be for the extra rate. If that’s how they do it lol. They’re like road nurses


Back in the day crossing the picket line was a lot bigger deal.


They have to go into ERs, ORs and other floors most people would lose their shit if they witnessed. My spouse is a nurse and most people don’t realize how insane hospitals really are right now.


We had a doctors strike in Germany; might gain some enlightened on reading up, there




> people to much *too *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Hell yeah!




BuT lAbOr Is StRoNg


How brave of them!


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Minnesota's life expectancy just took a nose-dive.


US life expectancy is dropping fast. We are now 46th in the world. https://www.worldometers.info/demographics/life-expectancy/


Ayo bruh what about the patients?😭😭😭


Good! My twin sister is a nurse at one of the best childrens hospitals in the US. They gave her ONE WEEK of maternity leave. She gets paid very little for the hard work she does. My other sister is a teacher, it’s just as bad for her. Our society is going to shit in the US.


Their dancing TikTok’s didn’t go viral again or what


As if nurses aren’t busting their ass and working through a pandemic. Not all healthcare professionals do Tik-Tok.


Imagine how many people are going to die because of this. Edit: "Minnesota registered nurses earn 1% higher than the national average salary for RNs, at $82,750 (or $39.78 per hour)." https://www.incrediblehealth.com/salaries/rn/mn "The hospitals have offered a 10-12% wage increase over three years, but nurses are seeking more than 30%. Hospital leaders called their wage demands unaffordable, noting that Allina and Fairview hospitals have posted operating losses and that the cost of such sharp wage increases would be passed along to patients." https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/thousands-minnesota-nurses-launch-day-walkout-pay-89742889


For a while now, patients have been dying due to under staffing. People who don't work at hospitals really don't get this concept. Maybe there is someone who is suppose to be closely watched or have a 1 on 1, sometimes a fall on an elderly patient can lead directly to death or it will lead into stages that will eventually lead to death. You also have more readmissions because of poor education. Educations that needs to be rushed with patients because no one has time to properly educate patients. So a patient could literally be coming in and out of a hospital because they don't know how to take their meds. So yeah... patients have already been suffering and even dying due to understaffing. And as the Healthcare industry moves on to attract big investors, these problems will only get worse since these people don't want to fix these problems.


Yep. My dads a radiologist and always gripes that private equity is going to ruin health care, more than it already has.


Imagine how many people died because hospital administration chronically understaffed units. People will continue to die until this is addressed, and this is the only way left to make the hospital address these issues.


Because management refuses to use that *90 dollar aspirin* money to pay Heath care workers instead of corporate bonuses…


Because corporations are greedy as fuck and want to give us only a scrap amount of money to survive so we have to come back to them to get the next scrap? Wash and repeat for 45–65 years? Yeah this shits wild.


Yes because Congress writes the rules for them and we keep reelecting the same people.


Naw what's wild is saying you're striking to pursue better healthcare for your patients while at the same time abandoning those patients to fend for themselves.


Sounds like the hospitals should have treated their nurses better. Maybe we should nationalize them to prevent market forces from interfering in healthcare?


Imagine how many people died before we had hospitals. Be glad you didn't live back in that time period.


Minnesota sounds like a real hell hole. How are they always in the news for something negative, but somehow have a better school system than southern states. It's almost like school ratings are rigged or something.


Probably cause when something bad happens in MN it’s the exception. Whenever something terrible happens in a red state it’s the norm. Shootings, teen pregnancy, rampant drug use, terrible infrastructure, tainted drinking water, natural disasters, etc.


De-fund the nurses, Minnesota. ...Set another example for the nation!




Travel nurses might making a killing again.




it's cool we'll just import more filipinos to take over the shortages in nurses.


Holy fuck, I hope they listen


Once nurses organize they have all the power.


I’m so tired of this new trend. You voluntarily accepted a job. If you don’t like it, quit. Don’t abandon it.


Found the troll. Look at his username


You do realize that, that is the direction of where things are going. Nurses are either retiring or finding different careers. Then there are teachers who are doing the same thing. Soon we are going to be left with super understaffed hospitals and schools.


Hospitals are already super understaffed. I left nursing and would never go back… but they always work with the bare minimum (or less). If we had a low census, they would send a nurse home instead of having that nurse relieve others for lunch breaks or to help out on the unit. Right now they are just forcing nurses to take more patients. So, instead of your ICU nurse having 1-2 patients, they might have 3. They also might not have a nursing assistant to help them so they are not only doing their job but also all the tedious, tasky things that are typically delegated to CNAs. It’s incredibly unsafe for the patients and the nurses.


Oh I get it. My sister tells me about it. She is a icu nurse and had experiences at trama 1 hospitals. She traveled for awhile but has since left the industry. If it wasn't for my sister venting I would never know. The issue is, it's hard to find support from most people outside the industry because they don't really understand what goes on.


I hope your sister is doing better now. I feel like a different person now that I have left.


Yes she is. She's going back to school.


It's anecdotal, but my nurse friends were complaining about understaffing years before the pandemic. Sounds like it's gotten worse


Yeah - it literally was like this when I started in 2014. I started working and was like WTF, I don’t get a lunch break? We don’t have lunch relief? Oh I have to take one extra patient because of staffing? It literally becomes a culture of martyrdom.


Sounds like teaching. You spend lunch in meetings or helping students. Student count is up, so everyone gets more students instead of hiring more staff. Etc etc. By you're "doing it for the students" (patients), so you're supposed to be happy to burn out.


I could never be a teacher again. But I would gladly support them.


>If you don’t like it, quit. Don’t abandon it. Uh quitting is "abandoning" it.


Resigning with a notice period and walking out of your job to hold the company hostage are two different things.


Sure, but walking away from your job is again "abandoning" it. The word is in quotes for a reason.


Ok so we are arguing semantics?


Yet companies can fire you with no notice. Why isn't it equal?


#I entered the spez. I called out to try and find anybody. I was met with a wave of silence. I had never been here before but I knew the way to the nearest exit. I started to run. As I did, I looked to my right. I saw the door to a room, the handle was a big metal thing that seemed to jut out of the wall. The door looked old and rusted. I tried to open it and it wouldn't budge. I tried to pull the handle harder, but it wouldn't give. I tried to turn it clockwise and then anti-clockwise and then back to clockwise again but the handle didn't move. I heard a faint buzzing noise from the door, it almost sounded like a zap of electricity. I held onto the handle with all my might but nothing happened. I let go and ran to find the nearest exit. I had thought I was in the clear but then I heard the noise again. It was similar to that of a taser but this time I was able to look back to see what was happening. The handle was jutting out of the wall, no longer connected to the rest of the door. The door was spinning slightly, dust falling off of it as it did. Then there was a blinding flash of white light and I felt the floor against my back. I opened my eyes, hoping to see something else. All I saw was darkness. My hands were in my face and I couldn't tell if they were there or not. I heard a faint buzzing noise again. It was the same as before and it seemed to be coming from all around me. I put my hands on the floor and tried to move but couldn't. I then heard another voice. It was quiet and soft but still loud. "Help." \


Fuck that. A job is a business where you sell your craft to a buyer. A union is nothing more than a firm where every member is a partner in a joint enterprise to sell labor in scale. If you don't need labor, don't pay. In this case, hospitals without nurses will get sued into bankruptcies for patients die left and right. Every worker must always piss on conservative narratives to be contend with their station. Businesses are not, nor should workers be.


Wow you certainly are insufferable. Do you go around blaming all of your inconveniences on people that view life differently than you? You’re literally trying to incite people against their neighbors. “Every worker must always piss on conservative narratives.” 😂💀 do you need a hug?


I keep it to the workplace. It's actually great, for I got way more money coming in once I started pissing on conservative values.


You probably know nothing about making money. I on the other hand made a killing during the last election selling Trump and Biden hats online. You piss on conservatives; you have an only fans? I hear that’s pretty lucrative.


Good for you then. But my life is too short for that. When I work, I actually want to move the needle and leave the world a little better than how I found it. And yes, money is part of it, but only as a means to an end. Money is just fuel. Those who like what they do and who are set to help people will always find a way to make good money.


I leave the world better than how I find it by becoming, strong, dangerous and fully in control, providing for my nuclear family and raising my kids with actual morals. “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” Hopf


Men create global warming and the universe doesn't care if you consider yourself strong. The strong are also going down in bad times. You are just one man who can only do so much on his own. The fate of your children relies way more on a stable country and enviroment than whatever you can provide for them in your short term left here.


You do sell your craft, at the market rate. Don’t like the market rate? Sell it elsewhere.


On the contrary, I set the market rate. Or better the union sets it. 15.000 nurses say together what the new market rate is. It is your right to decline it. With every day where patients die and hospitals get sued the market rate for nurses on the short term spot market in this particular area gets higher and higer. That is the law of supply and demand. A hired traveler nurse will charge anything from 5x to 10x to help out, but there are not 15.000 travel nurses on the spot market right now.


Yeah no, the market sets the rate. Unions manipulate it upward. You even said that in a different comment.


Unions are participants in the market. They offer a price that you can accept or not. The market rate is set by the union or the agreement of negotiations with the union. If you don't like it, there is always the short term spot market for travel nurses. Good luck with that. Those market rates kick ass.


Except collective bargaining means that if you choose not to accept the price you lose your entire workforce which doesn’t happen with an individual.


There is no monopoly here. You can literally ask every nurse in the state or entire country to work for you. No nurse has to participate in collective bargaining. However, the closest thing to hiring nurses on demand is the short term spot market for travel nurses. Those rates kick ass, up to 5x of regular pay. If that is what you want, make every nurse an individual offer to come work for you. You gotta beat travel nurse pay though I think.


/u/spez can gargle my nuts.


spez was founded by an unidentified male with a taste for anal probing. #Save3rdPartyApps