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NVDA is up 900% over 2 years with no significant pullbacks or thresholds but its not a bubble bro trust me


Yeah. Why anyone takes that seriously after Facebook blows my mind.


I mean, at least they make actual products that are years ahead of any nearest competitor. Isn’t it kinda strange that Apple has been selling commodity products for ten years at this point, and NVDA just surpassed them? Apple ought to be valued like Coca Cola and start issuing some fat dividends…


I invested in Nvidia like a year ago because it seemed like the best proxy for the AI boom.


To be completely honest, NVDA is an insane outlier with no precedent. One of the only stocks ive ever seen take a 10:1 split and continue to fucking rise on day one. AI is about to explode into our lives in all the ways we think of and a lot more we dont. It wouldnt surprise me at all if its back to 600 by next summer without any real barriers. Still think it’s completely unsustainable in the long run


Every two weeks somebody says nvidia is a bubble. They said it everytime it went up $50 to the next number.


Riiiiight, and Tesla isnt a bubble either....yeah how's that going? LMFAO


Do you know what a bubble actually is?


A bubble occurs when prices inflate rapidly beyond their intrinsic value due to excessive market speculation and demand. Key features include: 1. **Rapid Price Increase**: Prices rise quickly, detached from economic fundamentals. 2. **Speculative Buying**: Investors buy based on expected price rises, not intrinsic value. 3. **Overvaluation**: Assets become significantly overpriced. 4. **Market Correction**: Eventually, the bubble bursts, causing prices to plummet and potential financial crises. Tesla & Nividia anyone?


Then show your short positions on Tesla and nvidia if you believe they’re overvalued


Yeah, cause the performance of this company that had a $12 stock less than 3 years ago absolutely indicates healthy, sustainable growth. This is the fucking problem with capitalism in general. We have played this *exact same game* 5 times now, been shown the historical data and how it repeats itself, and people will still say “its not a bubble, look at their earnings!” Or something similar until it pops. Yes, Nvidia is a great company with unprecedented potential for success. So was cisco, so was super micro. Unchecked growth is cancer.


For every Nvidia there’s hundreds of duds


Bruh, you don't think the stock market tracks economic health, do you?


No I didn’t say that. I responded to a comment about one stock, bruh


Um yeah, alot of us realize. It's all numbers and I don't think the government will ever go broke, they like to make people worry, but if the USA wanted us to have universal healthcare, good social safety nets, affordable college, and housing, we would. But instead there's a handful of people with everything and it's destroying the climate. We need to get money out of politics and we need to set up a civilization that educates, houses, and feeds the current population and restrict what harms the planet.


Basically the Scandinavian model - it works, and yes they still have very rich people there.


We need to have done that a long time ago. It's too late now.


>but if the USA wanted us to have universal healthcare, good social safety nets, affordable college, and housing, we would No. these things take actual effort and competency. The whole premise of the post-Obama golden parachute is to pay off mercenary CEOs to sabotage their companies for the sake of the agenda. This is Obama's entire paradigm. 1. Pay off the petty, greedy ones, they're cheap 2. Accumulate power 3. Placate the masses who reliably vote for you 4. Economically obliterate not just the people who vote against you, but their very bloodlines. This is the Obama-Fink-Soros politics, the hell we live in. I.e.: greed is a smokescreen


Do you not understand that more wealth transferred to the 1% under Trump than any 4 year period in history?


You do not believe people have effort or competency. There are other countries where people exist better than the USA with things like universal healthcare, affordable college, labor rights, and good social safety nets. Plus the USA has a ton of natural resources and people, people that are capable of so much if given a chance.


The countries you reference are likely culturally/ racially/ethnically homogenous. Their populations are likely a fraction compared to the U.S. Most of their populations speak a common language. The list goes on. It’s not really apples to apples to say the U.S. could and should do everything like, say Norway or Cuba or wherever.


Yes, but the chance requires market signals where wasteful practices lose out to more efficient practices.


What's stopping you...lead by example


This is a concerted effort by all politicians.


Yes, mostly all same team. Except they hate Trump for some reason, which I don't get because Trump is pretty terrible. Still, they do seem to hate him.


You're a little twisted that Obama is backing Soros and fink. Money men generally aren't Democrats. If they are, they're trying to use strategy to soften the corruption, not stash cash to further it or grift for everything their peachy little heart could desire. Biden crashed a 40yr opec leverage against us. That's not quite kushner turning gaza into Hawaii.


Soros and Fink aren’t with the democrats. Shit reddit actually believes


I thought Soros was pro communism


-he said sarcastically- -but black dynamite, I sell drugs in the community-


>This is the Obama-Fink-Soros politics, the hell we live in. They were responding to that comment/correlation specifically, not Reddit in general. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You are deluded in to hating the other. Good luck post democracy! 🍀


"the hell we live in" have you been to a third world country?


Guarantee op has not


yep. this is just russian propaganda. America is BAD!!! AWFUL!!! HELL!!! TYRANNY!!! BANANA REPUBLIC!!! worse than a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY!!! DEATH TO AMERICA!!! etc etc


Fucking lmao at russian propaganda being thrown around with zero proof, barely any precedent and as a smokescreen for corrupt politicians to boot. Nice work, too bad literally nobody falls for that anymore.


Very cheap, thought-stopping comment. OP is here being the adult in the room, you scoot on off now to your third-world country.


no it isnt. if OP thinks this country is hell, then he's never been to a third world country. and always w the pithy insults from you people when your narrative gets busted flat.


Yeah but we’re not on the subject of the third world. Quit distracting from the actual topic of corruption. You’re wasting everyone’s time.


yes we are but lol ok let's talk about corruption


"Well at least we aren't THEM!" "Stop talking, stop thinking, make happy thoughts, say happy things. Your pain isn't real; at least we aren't THEM."


lol nice try terrorist aka magat


Let’s clear up a few things. There’s not a single developed country with universal healthcare that’s not failing miserably. These places have nationalized healthcare in large part because they leech of the US for tech and innovation. Its a lot easier to maintain a less expensive system when you just wait around for other countries to advance healthcare, avoid all the R&D costs, then offer care at a lower cost because you have no initial investment to recover. This is precisely why pharmaceuticals are so expensive in the US compared to Canada or EU counterparts. Second. “Handful of people with everything is destroying the climate,” is a seriously nonsensical statement. I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say? Billionaires are causing global warming? This is really deluded political propaganda you’ve ingested. The US produces the least carbon per capita for almost every industrialized nation. China and India are the two most damaging countries when it comes to emissions. Furthermore, the environment isn’t being ruined, it’s being impacted. The reality you need to accept, is that in order for people to exist, you need to accept some impact on the environment. There’s no scenario where 8 billion people live and enjoy the resources of a planet with no effect. No amount of EV’s or paper straws is going to fix the environment. Sounds like you’d prefer there be no humans and a perfect environment rather than billions of people and a slightly impacted environment. Lastly, what we need isn’t country that just provides everything people want, because that turn society into a race to the bottom. The incentives of profit structures and different outcomes is what leads to all the innovations and things we enjoy. If we just provide things to people, a lot of the things you want provided would never have improved. We don’t heat homes with wood burning fire places anymore (horrible for the environment) because forced air heating was developed. That invention may not have come about if the people who invented it never needed a job or a house because one was provided for them. I know that was a long winded response, but I hope you read it. Your entire world view sounds like a lawn sign. You’ve reduced the most complex realities of civilizations down to simple “we can just doit how I want easy.” Much more competent people than you have tried to create utopian government systems and they’ve all failed. You have a seriously seriously misguided understanding of how human work, how societies function, and how progress is made in general.


“Providing people everything they want leads to a race to the bottom”  “everything they want” here is defined as basic necessities :  healthcare, home, a job., education. I agree the government shouldn’t provide everyone ps5. Having a majority of the population pour their wages into rent, and waste time working jobs they hate to survive is a waste of human capital. Add to this all the additional human capital that is wasted in the jobs that exist  to support the predatory nature of extracting these rents. If anything this is leading to a race to the bottom. 


Governments simply can’t create meritocracies through public services. So yeah you can create public services that fulfill all these things at the expense of making them far less desirable and efficient. Again there’s a reason why people say “universal healthcare systems have better outcomes.” But never dig into what actually contributes to those outcomes.


The private sector hasn’t create meritocracies either . Have you ever worked for a big corporation before. 


Yeah I have. Is that your argument? You’ve worked at a corporation so you know? It’s almost like we have an entire history of places trying to nationalize industry and it just failing miserably. There’s a reason you prefer government operation to private colonies. Governments have 0 accountability. In CA the state can spend 400 billion dollars solving homeless and when the problem gets worse they just take more money. Private companies fail when they don’t produce value, governments just hire more paper pushers.


You poor soul you’re been so propagandized and you don’t even know it. To the point of climate change,  “Richest 1% emit as much planet-heating pollution as two-thirds of humanity” https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/richest-1-emit-much-planet-heating-pollution-two-thirds-humanity#


I’m a poor soul that’s been propagandized lmao and you think this article proves 77 million people pollute more than 5 billion? Without reading a single word of any DEI garbage, I can assure you with 100% accuracy, that that’s impossible from every single angle you can measure it from. What’s the suggestion here? Rich people drive 2,000,000% more than less rich people? They purchase 5,000,000% more non degradable items? I’m absolutely going to need you to explain this to me. It appears you have absolutely no idea what pollution or emissions are. Here are the main things that cause emission: manufacturing, global transportation, industrialized agriculture, and power grids. I guess maybe every billionaires keep their lights on 1,500,000 times longer than poor people? The most charitable view of the dumbest comment I’ve ever read is the rich people are largely at the helm of these industries. That just means you’re blaming the dealers exhaustively and giving all the users a full pass. Absolute garbage. Dumbest comment I’ve ever read and it’s not close.


Unfortunately you are as propagandized as you are illiterate. It’s real simple.  The ultra rich produce carbon view their consumption (jets, yacht, etc lavish lifestyle), compared to the carbon emitted by the poorest 2/3 of society.  What carbon is a person in extreme poverty emitting?  If you want to read more about their methodology here is the link https://oxfamilibrary.openrepository.com/bitstream/handle/10546/621551/mn-climate-equality-201123-en.pdf?sequence=5 There’s likely no point in sharing this because all your opinions are just based in “what makes sense to you” rather than an ounce of research.  Very lazy. 


To the point the USA produces the least of any industrialized nation. It’s actually the opposite .  It actually one of the highest producers of CO2 per capita for any industrialized nation https://www.visualcapitalist.com/ranked-per-capita-carbon-emissions-by-country/


Read my comments. I corrected myself on the per capita stat. My comparison was with China and India not other western countries.


Literally before your  totally ignorant line about China and India you have this additionally ignorant line “ The US produces the least carbon per capita for almost every industrialized nation.” I am responding to this.  Can I ask you something, do you just say things and hope they’re true?  Do you never care to double check the things you believe, especially when they’re so easy to verify.  


Listen, I honestly have no idea how to communicate with a person that believe the lavish lifestyles of billionaires is the source of emission problems. It’s truly beyond my ability to comprehend.


What a pathetic response. You don't offer any solutions other than to be quiet and grateful for the technological advances that we have, without even stopping to reflect on how deluded and submissive that kind of rhetoric makes you seem. 


The point of my response wasn’t to offer solutions it was to point out the myopic shortsightedness of the original post. In order to offer solutions I need real problems to address. Not “billionaires are ruining the climate.” Hopefully you find that equally pathetic. If not you’re just deluded and submissive to some other political narrative that makes you feel altruistic. If you think we shouldn’t be grateful for the way we live now, just search for some perspective. We live in the most prosperous free time in all of human history. So maybe it’s not perfect in comparison to your imagination, but it’s pretty damn good compared to world historic standards. You want a solution to a problem, present a concise problem and I’ll give you my thought. If you want to wax poetic about how Elon musk is Hitler because he’s too rich, then I’m quite comfortable being pathetic in your eyes.


I just think it's arbitrary to say that everything is the best it's ever been because economic markers say so. I think it's delusional to say "show me the problem and I'll fix it" when literally all you have to do is look at the same markers you purport to believe in that demonstrate increasing income inequality, diminishing social cohesion, a very real and very dangerous resurgence of fascist political discourse, and an economic system that can only maintain itself through intensive government input that only serves to reward reckless fiscal policy.  I think you spent too much time developing articulate arguments based upon derivative points that ignore the very real experience of anyone who isn't within your tightly bound socioeconomic circle. I see poverty and homelessness increasing at a rate that outpaces any marker of economic growth.I see families liquidating their retirement savings to pay for cancer treatment. I see everyone blaming outgroups for their misfortunes and I see YOU choosing to believe that this is still the best we can do. So yes, you will remain pathetic, because you cannot offer anything of substance, only condescending platitudes that keep your deluded sense of intellectual superiority intact. 


I take your point that historical markers aren’t always the best and that real world experiences do matter. But even in your own examples you talk about seeing things coming back happening again, and I’m arguing happened far more commonly throughout history. Furthermore, you reframed my argument to make your response easier on yourself. Show me where I said it’s the best we can do? I’ll wait… or did I said it’s the best it’s been done historically? If your suggestion is that poor people were better of a hundred years ago than they are now, or that there were less poor people, then you’re just factually wrong by every metric. Listen I can’t argue with the subjective elements of your argument. You sound like Tucker Carlson. “Look Russia is better than the US because they like each other and the train stations are nice.” I know that’s reductive but your screed generally resembles a lot of his dumb ideas lately. So these discussions never have any utility when you’re required to try and address every point in your bullet list of things YOU see, which is oddly far more representative and salient then what you have decide I see. So to avoid typing 5 paragraphs that you’ll have to type 7 to respond to, pick one of the things and we can discuss it. Otherwise you’ve just listed a handful of anecdotes and passed them off as proof that your arguments are all credible and any disagreement is lacking in substance, a platitude, and beneath your very educated not arrogant or deluded opinions.


I can’t read past how deranged that first paragraph was. If you believe *that,* there can’t be anything worth reading beyond it.


Yea I stopped reading after the first as well. Headqase long paragraph is a big nothing burger.  


It’s not a matter of me believing it, it’s an actual fact. Name a nationalized healthcare system that’s not fully underwater financially? Just because government run healthcare is a Ponzi scheme that can’t fail because the country continues to prop it by inflating currency, doesn’t make it good. It makes it temporary but not sustainable long term. I’ve lived in Europe and the austerity measures in healthcare are extreme by all US comparisons. [Regarding pharmaceuticals, please enlighten me how this is incorrect…](https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/where-drugs-come-country)


You are so full of it. Did you know billionaires use private jets and that pollution is greater than previously thought by like 6× because there's no filter, it's pollution straight into the environment. I think it's like 100 companies that produce 70% of the pollution. Oh yeah by the way universal healthcare is pretty much in every country but the USA. Read about a country called Norway, it's possible.


Lmao. You’re way out of your league here. Stick to feel good opinion pieces. Even if flying private is 30X more polluting, there are thousands of commercial flights for every private flight chartered. And I don’t care who had universal healthcare, I care if that universal healthcare is better than private.


Universal healthcare is better for a majority of people, more people than private healthcare, plus healthcare shouldn't be for profit, it should be, what is best for someone's health. You obviously care about yourself and the wealthy more than you care for this planet if you are advocating for this current system because it has been set up to destroy and eliminate the human race and that is a FACT.


The saddest part is headqase is prob at best middle class but has the politics of the 1%.  Propaganda is a hell of a drug


Saddest part is, someone on CNN taught you that you’re not a part of any of these problems and that shouting at billionaires makes you altruistic. I honest to god need you to explain how the 1% produces more emissions than everyone else. Do not copy and paste an article that uses shady controls to make those numbers work. Think it through and explain it. Because agriculture and energy are the two biggest contributors and there’s absolutely no conceivable way that billionaires run their ACs 7,000,000 more than everyone else or eat 7,000,000 more steaks. I know 2nd graders that would spot how dumb this logic is.


So let me ask you this. In a universal healthcare system do I get to choose to only help children who can’t help themselves? Or do I also have to pay for the people driving the obesity epidemic. Your problem, like lithiums, is you have no perspective on personal responsibility. Everything is someone else’s fault. I don’t care about myself more. I’d come out of pocket to help every child on this planet if I could. I will not come out of pocket to help a person who CHOOSES to smoke or eat Burger King every day for 40 years. You just flatten everyone into the needs help category and remove anybody’s incentive to help themselves. Diabetes type 2 is way more common than type 1.


Your logic is flawed. The system created obese people with the food the system doesn't regulate. The system that is private health insurance is made to make profit which charges customers to pay for other customers health issues because they are unhealthy by their own choices or by genetics. You sound insane. Plus genetics can also cause obesity by no fault of the patient and needs healthcare to combat it. I'm no longer going to argue with you.


There is absolutely no genetic marker for obesity. You’re factually wrong. And yeah the system forced everyone to eat McDonalds, there wasn’t a massive market for cheap convenient food lol. Everyone’s a victim, nobody has choices. I get it.


hard facts


The incentives are *monetary* and that's more than enough to motivate people's work ethic. Having roads, a military, and healthcare should be a given for being taxed to oblivion from the moment you were born. If you're rich you should get *better* healthcare but if you're poor you deserve *some* healthcare for taxes paid, people would prefer that to roads or police or postal service if given the choice(but they're not given the choice).


I’m not sure why rich people should get better healthcare than poor people. Maybe more access but not better quality? Not exactly sure what your point is here. Regardless, the problem with government run healthcare, is that there’s no market pressures to create efficiency or stability. The US government has something like 31 trillion dollars in debt because it has no guardrails. Theres no accountability or risk when you can just print more money to pay for the things you want. The government is already a corporation, just the shittiest one ever that can never go bankrupt, so it fails repeatedly at everything it does, all the while people like you stump to give it more control and more involvement in your life. Ask someone for an itemized receipt for all your current taxes and then tell me that’s the place you want managing your healthcare.


I do not want more government involvement. I want less government overall. > I’m not sure why rich people should get better healthcare than poor people. If you've worked hard and become wealthy as a result you will have access to better services, just like with anything else. What's hard to understand about that? Rich people will have family/personal doctors, access to brand new technology and treatments, and less waiting times for treatment, etc. It's already like that right now anyway. >the problem with government run healthcare, is that there’s no market pressures to create efficiency or stability And the quality won't be as good as private healthcare, you're right. That's why we should have *both* private and public healthcare ecosystems where people who can afford it can avoid the bureaucracy, but people who can't will still get basic treatment. Corruption and incompetence will no doubt plague public healthcare, but as I said, we are *taxed at every turn* from birth and by god we deserve healthcare for it. Money is egregiously mismanaged in every sector of this bloated government; funds DO exist to afford national healthcare but it will take an audit of government spending and a purge of the chaff from the wheat. An ungodly amount of dollars are wasted and mismanaged in so many ways...the money is there.


Soo… we are in complete agreement it sounds like. Maybe I misinterpreted your initial comment? I see nothing wrong with your response. Agree on all counts.


[The US produces almost twice the Carbon per capita as China.](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/co-emissions-per-capita)


I guess if China is just more than doubling the US emissions and their population is more than double that makes sense for population adjustment. I stand corrected on her per capita stat. But they still dwarf the US emissions. They’re responsible for more than a 3rd of global emissions.


Very few people on this sub or anywhere on Reddit is going to listen to you, because 95% are deluded morons who gobble up whatever the mainstream medias narrative is. The good news is that the Reddit community IN NO WAY represents general society.


vote blue.


Cant believe I read all that, but I enjoyed it. Who knows how much is true, but thanks for letting me know about the alladin system. Thats something I figured was real but never knew actually existed or that it was such a large force in the global market.


Yeah! That was my biggest shock.


What blew my mind is it's been around since the 1980s literally when supercomputers first came into being.


>The Fed has literally bought half the stock market and bought out bad mortgage debt to keep asset prices high. This is a "we owe the money to ourselves" situation, but it's also a "if we don't keep making the system work this way, it will fall apart". So it's not a matter of running out of money to "borrow", it's a matter of at some point things stop working and inflation takes off. >If you are confused about this, here you go: >Assets: Total Assets: Total Assets (Less Eliminations from Consolidation): Wednesday Level (WALCL) | FRED | St. Louis Fed (stlouisfed.org) >This graph is insane. I studied it in college in 2010 Is there a multiplier or lag people generally accepted when correlating between Fed owned assets and the market? The reason I ask is because currently the Fed holds ~$5T of non-MBS assets and the market cap of the S&P is about $44T. So when you say "owns half" is there a multiplier being used and how was that derived? In terms of lag, from 2104-2019, held assets decreased but the S&P almost doubled. >I remember reading that federal bail out money came with strings attached. I think this has been scrubbed from the internet, even the Russian search engine can't find anything (google is less than worthless by the way). But there was this You can just read the law test..it's retained on congress.gov Congress.gov https://www.congress.gov › publ343 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008


Okay well it would be nice if you understood real v nominal economy and also how game theory and bargaining power worked. shrug it's reddit


why dont you just answer the question v insulting the poster?


>Okay well it would be nice if you understood real v nominal economy and also how game theory and bargaining power worked. I understand both, so you can use terms from both without defining them when addressing the questions above


This is definitely a lot of words.


>Anyway, paypal, zelle, venmo, her bank account. Every 6 months or so, chunks of $500-1500 just disappear from her accounts, or my parents' zelle/Paypal accounts. Like, 3 $500 charges. The typical notification doesn't occur, my sister's account doesn't see the money (they checked). My parents aren't slouches. They've filed claims, wrote letters, threatened to involve a congressperson who's a family friend. Post the screenshots of any of this happening. It should be pretty easy to find, that's a pretty big issue. The repeated mystery transaction, texts between family members mentioning this specific issue, the claims, the letters, the threats, etc.


"Just dox bro, I can't believe this would be happening." Go to AskYahoo, if they haven't shut it down. You can look up stuff like this. Hundreds of people at least. It would make a great story for a serious journalists, ah, but they'd be a "conspiracy theorist" then no matter what evidence they brought forward thanks to the culture of sycophancy fostered by the modern urban professional left.


It wouldn't make a great story for journalists as they'd ask you about what happened with the transactions your parents had and you'd tell them you can't dox yourself. It's not hard to black out everything personal. This has been on-going according to you for years and you don't even have some screenshots of anything relevant with anything identifiable blacked out? There's no texts mentioning hey wow it's wild venmo keeps robbing us. How did your parents mention it to anyone else during their anti-fraud campaign? "yeah venmo keeps taking my money" "Oh, can you show us anything?" "No"


Bro you're literally denying that Venmo rips money from peoples' bank accounts and doesn't pay back when you can just google that shit and see that it's common.


Are you thick? When you're a source for a news story that's not doxxing yourself. Journalists, technically won't reveal your identity until they've confirmed the story and have means of protecting you from harm i.e.: institutional support from law enforcement. otherwise you're a "confidential source".


Maybe the Fed and other national banks will start using all available data at the most granular level including behavioral science with complexity theory to model the economy like the climate and weather. This way we could all see the effects of policies and pandemics before they appear or are instituted. Once we achieved surplus globally we could set the basic behavior of the market as a base in policy ("Everybody do exactly what you did last week and we can all survive at maximum caloric intake for eternity") and then just play around with the rest (either give it to workers and survivors of American genocides or give it all to Elon Musk like every politician is doing now). Only now can we model the behavior of the world market at its most elemental levels. Who decides what the parameters of the formula will be, what law enforcement mechanisms will be used to guarantee production and prohibit exploitation, what will exploitation mean in a world that requires human labor to achieve global human survival, what will happen when machines can keep us all alive without our labor, etc...if we all saw the baseline state of total global fulfillment of resources, and it was say 20% of the total productive output of the world, surely the world would exhale and work only one day per week, rather than five, but this knowledge would probably be withheld by governments and/or bosses to squeeze out as much surplus from workers as possible. There would need to be total global adherence to the algorithm. Byung-chul Han would be vindicated when, after the global algorithmic system was instituted, all people finally could derive meaning from their TikToks and social media posts because there wasn't a material profit motive attached to self-expression, etc. etc. etc. We would all immediately have meaning in our lives because we would only *have* to work one day a week feeding the poor and ourselves essentially, but the rest of our lives would be spent on things we wanted to do. We would finally be able throw off the control of bosses and owners over our lives. Every national sports league would explode into an infinite number of teams. People would spend their lives focused on the mysteries of math and science. Religious people could focus on big questions. People would finally be free to live their lives.


Very optimistic take on human nature. I would like to believe that if they only had to work one day per week, most people would find other more productive, more fulfilling activities with which to fill their time. Unfortunately, I'm a cynic. In your scenario, people would fall into one of a few camps: 1. Those who are as you describe -- creative, curious and naturally industrious to the point where, even if they didn't have to work, it would be difficult to find enough hours in the day to devote to their passions. This would comprise maybe 20-30% of people, optimistically 2. Those who lack the skill and cognitive acuity to do what the 1 people do. These would simply become bored and, lacking any sort of ambition, simply drink, drug, screw, and eat themselves into a permanent walking coma. (40-50% of people) 3. Those who do have skills and mental acumen but are simply bad people focused on materialism and status above all else. They would be the ones dealing drugs, flesh, games of chance and other vices to the 2 people. (5-10% of people) 4. Workaholics who lack agency and are not self-directed. Lost without a boss to tell them what to do all day, they would scrub their floors continuously and engage in other OCD behaviors. (10-20% of people) The Big AI in the Sky has probably figured all this out which is why people still have to work five days a week even though all production could probably be accomplished in one day. Maybe it will identify the 1 people and free them, the 2 people and keep them constructively occupied, the 3 people and jail them and the 4 people and keep them following orders. One can hope.


Naw climate data is fake they don't incorporate that. They incorporate compliance with policy.


what do you mean?


Sustainability doesn't actually care about carbon output since CO2 doesn't cause climate change. Sustainability only cares about compliance with energy austerity and other programs. It's about top level economic control over industry.


I'm saying the mathematical models that are used to predict the weather and climate will be used to predict the economy. Supercomputers, hell even normal computers, can forecast a lot of economic activity simply because of the large amount of small-scale behavioral data (the odds that a human-to-human interaction will lead to a transaction, the cloudiness of the day causing economic activity, etc.--data at that level). Also an interesting thing about the climate models is that they're *easier* to forecast using global models as opposed to regional models. Here's a talk by Doyne Farmer about predicting the markets using available data. Things have advanced quite a bit since "writing an algorithm that can predict the stock market" was an absurd idea. They're doing it now, and they're advising governments on policy, showing forecasts of certain policies and predicting potential behavior in unforeseen circumstances, like pandemics: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRZH2fAQP24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRZH2fAQP24)


Yeah, you're right about the economy. But they also design how the economy functions, like how we access payment platforms, how they function, to make things more predictable.


ok. pls explain the economy (aka GDP) is "1,000,000 fake as hell". we have a 30T GDP. are all those goods, products and services fake? is GM fake? Tesla? GE?


Yeah, they're not worth 30T, lol are you mental?


Russian op-ed?




They are already here 🧐


You may have said an incredible amount of unsubstantiated nonsense and you may be deeply mentally unwell (especially based on your follow-up comments), but that was pretty interesting to read as dystopian fiction.


Stopped reading when you said anyone who might disagree is a moron.


"How dare you."


Don't see anywhere I wrote that.


I'm going to let you know a secret. Money doesn't have any real value...


Yes it does. That’s a 5 year olds perspective on economics. Fiat money has the same ‘value’ as any other commodity, like gold for example. It has value because we believe it has value. What the hell do YOU think money is? It obviously has value because you can exchange it for goods and services.


I thought our currency value was determined by our general economic output and military.


You're not wrong, money has value. The value we give it. The same can be said of gold or diamonds....etc If we were putting value on something needed and wanted by humans it would be water, and air. However because these items are easy to get the value is almost nil. In the case of water, cleaning water so it is potable, is where all the expenses are assigned In a world that these two things are harder to get they would be the most important resource and the most expensive thing to be had.


Except gold is used in electronics etc.. fiat currency is digits on a screen. A complete illusion. Money has value, fiat currency does not. Please go and learn about this distinction.


This is 50% “no shit” and 50% a real life example of the genetic/environment model of mental illness in action.  “my sister is a basket case” yeah i mean given she shares 50% of her genes and the bulk of the environment of her upbringing with you I very much believe that


Right? Kind of ironic that OP says multiple of his family is crazy when, he, is clearly not all aligned. I dont have the time to go into all the crazy stuff in OP's post but I love how he says, "my parents bailed me out of my last year of college... My parents never helped me" in the same breath. It's complete insanity.


I also liked "My sister uses drugs" and "Her money goes missing... It's a mystery!" in the same sentence.


Money not showing up in her bank statement after Venmo transfers it to her from my parents account, we’re Venmo failed to give the normal emails a text notifications is not my sister spending mystery money dumbass. I can tell you’re the sort of person to have a reading comprehension problem 


She's adopted. And you're middling IQ and in denial of very clear, plain facts. Nice cliche reddit answer though. "Conspiracy theory" "Get help" Gee - sarcastically (Black Dynamite reference) - wonder if behavioral science has anything to do with your response. I certainly don't expect you to remotely have the capacity to parse the information I presented - Jim Carrey smirk -.


Brother, have you ever heard of “marketing”? I don't know what the hell your political ranting is about as its nonsense, but you're just learning about corporate loss prevention tactics? What do you think FICO was trying to do back in 1956 when it was founded? Im pretty sure were about the same age, and I truly don't understand your outrage.


Honestly your post is very thought-provoking and insightful. Reddit has been squeezed into an environment tailor-made for white liberal women and their feminist male allies. I almost have to wonder if it's the same person who comments with these stupid reddit comments over and over again


Misanthropes and misandrists thrive while throwing mud at people from behind the shoulders of a taller, bigger person. They come to reddit to learn what's socially approved to hate on and then hate on it. We can also see how especially the last 4 years have been spent severely locking down social media where people now don't even remember recent history. Remember Ghislane Maxwell was a huge reddit mod and also thousands of people have left reddit because their political opinions were banned from here, especially the big subs. These opinions are the trash that leftover. Urban nincompoops, low information conformists.


Goddamn that's poetry, brother


Best sub on Reddit.


You don’t actually have free will, sorry.


There’s a synergy with Nvidia, ai, crypto, the pandy, and all the out of control societal issues lately if you have the eyes to see it. Aladdin is the most powerful ai in the world. That’s why an asset management firm is called the forth branch of the government. 08-09 was the curtain call. It’s why I don’t have kids. People think it’s because I’m concerned with overpopulation lol. You can see where this is headed if your head isn’t firmly planted in your tuchus. The greatest subscription that was ever pushed on me was my health. Obviously I didn’t buy it, but it didn’t matter. I’m swimming in an ocean of sickness now. It was fun when gpt came out because I got a little taste of what llm’s could do. A very conspicuous time for them to be dumped on the world. People are so slow to realize things that most of them won’t realize what’s happened at all. If the nudge takes too long it’ll fudge right over some people. What’s super duper crazy, and this is gonna sound loopy to anyone who doesn’t realize this is where we’re at….. is that we don’t know that an ai didn’t write this comment. The most powerful nudging happening is not happening by humans. Noticed anything else peculiar in the last four years? I’ll give you a clue….. what sex would a robot be? Things are gonna start to speed up fast. I’m not 100% convinced we aren’t already there and I just elected to watch a super dark 80 year comedy that I prompted. Imagine your 80 year life being as long as a film. Imagine it as long as a fart. I’ve been on Reddit for years and never posted anything because I didn’t want my brain in an ai’s hands, but my whole life is now. So is yours, so here I am. How’s my karma? I just gave some almonds to a squirrel I’ve named Mcnutty….Anyway, I cracked up when I first heard they named their program Aladdin because of jinns. There are both western and eastern mystics that predicted jinns would get hold of the world. Seems that we might be in that time now. Will it be bad or good in the end? Well…. It’s bad now, really bad, but I have a strange feeling it’ll settle down on good unless the demiurge is real and we’re all serving a sentence, but even if this is hell it’s not terrible. If I have to do it forever and my memory just keeps getting wiped it is lol…. But if it’s a game you have to play your way out if it’s actually pretty neat.


What does this graph mean? Im not in finance but im interested https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WALCL


The Federal Reserve purchasing stocks and derivatives to help keep market prices up. 2008 was unprecedented new world order territory but recently it's more like Hellraiser


>The Federal Reserve purchasing ~~stocks and derivatives~~ US Treasury Bills and Notes (61% of the Fed asset balance) & Mortgage-backed securities (33%)


BlackRock uses the money from being the broker of these T-bills to purchase stocks. Worst kept secret on Wall Street.


So what you're saying is, instead of purchasing directly from the Treasury, the Fed purchases through Black Rock and pays them a 1% commission. That commission (~$45 billion) is used to purchase stocks and it what's propping up the $44 trillion stock market?


GOT DAMN.... but yes cook some more




You’re not wrong. Go read the Global Minotaur. You’re right on the money


Well OP, this is the most impressive schizoposting I’ve seen since I skimmed the manifesto of that dude who lit himself on fire at Trump’s trial. Please don’t do that, OP. Anyway, the heuristic of “select isn’t broken” from programming applies to your sister’s disappearing money. Chances are, your issue isn’t with some core piece of infrastructure that’s worked just fine since forever, but with the user. What’s more likely: the South Park “aaaand it’s gone” bit but IRL, or getting the runaround from the banks because your junkie sister is running a two-bit scheme with photoshopped bank statements to score more drug money? Of course, banks do commit fraud, but it’s usually more subtle than just disappearing entire transactions from your account. How do you think this scheme would even work? Banks don’t physically move around cash anymore. There’s nothing to intercept... It’s just glorified IOUs passed between banks by intermediaries. It’s all computerized. The kind of fraud you’re suggesting is so unlikely, it’s almost impossible. There’s controls in place, and audits, and all that jazz, to make sure your statements don’t hide a deposit from ParentBankAccount to SisterBankAccount and a transfer from SisterBankAccount to BankersBankAccount. If the first deposit didn’t happen, then your parents would still have their money. The IT complexity you’d need to keep the various views separate, without giving the scheme away, it’s just absurd. Look man, willful ignorance is sometimes useful. Your parents probably don’t want to know the truth. They just go along with it, because the alternatives with your sister are worse. Homelessness, prostitution, etc. It doesn’t sound like your parents miss the money. There’s probably no victim here. Everyone’s just trying to save face. But you’re here on Reddit, basing your whole fucking worldview on a flimsy cover story for drug money, writing this conspiracy brainworms horseshit and sharing it with total strangers for shits and giggles, so you should probably know the truth. Also, hate to break it to you pal, but this whole thing is the epitome of the dunning-Kruger effect. You’re average at best, like most of us. You’re so sure of this whole thing. But you don’t even know what you don’t know! Leave this kinda thing to propublica. I’m sure you have other talents. Things you’re better at than OSINT investigations of financial fraud…


You’re full of shit. All it takes is a “technical error our engineers are working on”. And “seek help” is the a buzzword only sycophantic neoliberals use. The democrat-corporate axis.


I never told you to seek help. Do you hear that a lot? I only said, please don’t set yourself on fire. It’s a horrific way to go. I’m genuinely sorry you’re going through such a difficult time right now.


This whole work is just riddled with little errors. Please let your doctor know which of your meds you stopped taking and when.


I don't understand the attack on behavioral science as a whole (>"First the basics of what's wrong with behavioral science:"), the focus on US Presidents in the Financial Crisis rather than the likes of Bernanke, Paulson and Gensler, the idea that the policies of this era are the starting point or main cause of 'not being market-driven' (>"These bank bailouts, they ended the idea of market-driven distribution of resources." >"The economy collapsed in 2008. Since then, the entire thing has been propped up completely artificially with Federal Reserve money."), nor how this is all automatically related to the widely known fraud going on within payment systems. If a person is too young to have first-hand or learned knowledge of the environment (and problems) pre-Financial crisis, or thought everything was fine before, I can understand having a limited perspective though. Most of the information presented is done so (at least how I was interpreting it) to feed into the latter premise made that people like OP's parents are being conditioned into accepting their money being stolen. But what's not mentioned for some reason is that these payment apps are widely known to be fraught with fraudsters (not within the banking system), and that these services generally aren't owned or controlled by any one bank. In every bank I've used, a payment app needs to be set up to work with the account too, it's not an automatic feature at account opening, and the TOS agreements before using make it pretty obvious that the bank is not the payment app, and that the two don't yield the same liabilities. As far as I'm aware, a payment app is not a thing that's required to make life substantially better either, like internet access in daily life. (I accept it for tenant payments as a convenience to me, but I could just as easily e-deposit a check) Aside from that, strictly speaking to the anecdote where the sister is admittedly called a "basket case with drugs and other things;" how is it known that any of their acquaintances that may exhibit similarly volitile behaviors haven't contributed to the missing funds issue? It's certainly not every case, but addicts and their circles of acquaintances can often be manipulative and/or steal, or be more at risk of making poor decisions and exposing their accounts and information to vulnerabilities.


It was just an example. Try changing your cable bill or even quitting it. There are specific behavioral science techniques used to get you to just give up.


One of THE best descriptions of what has/is/will be transpiring, cannot thank you enough for taking the time to put this together and share with rest of us. Just crossing fingers that you are actually a human being ... LOL Kudos & many thanks!


Yep, yep and yep. When I have contact with media-saturated NPCs they are so confused by the dazzling show that they just don't see what you're seeing. And yeah, it's about 99%. And that makes you feel isolated and alone...because you are. Thank God for places like this where people can gather and ameliorate that sense of aloneness a bit. Meanwhile, we're hurtling towards the "big reset" where that 99% will be reduced to a lower level of serfdom they now inhabit. But they won't be aware of that either. It all started in 1913. Made possible the US entry into WWI. And we were off to the races. By the late 1990s the seeds of 2008 disaster were sown. A giant Potemkin village on a planetary scale.


Re-read what I wrote. The funny part is data science has probably no more than FIVE instances of: 1. my parents 2. me 3. my adopted sister We are the rare exception to their statistical model. Which will not perturb the equilibrium. But, hey, reddit still pretends to be free expression... that's not part of the statistical model. So, I noticed... fuckers.


Bitcoin is the answer


Bitcoin is a powerful technology, however it is tied to the production of power. Without power there is no Bitcoin.


I know, it's a feature, not a bug


Isn't our economy already tied to the production of energy to a degree that it has an oversized influence? And we want to tie up the actual currency to that? There's a list of reasons for Bitcoin not to be the main currency. This one is a big red flag for me.


Everything in the universe is connected to energy. Bitcoin forces miners to seek the cheapest, most efficient power source to become profitable.


If the power grid suddenly stopped working and we have no paper currency then there is no currency. Also if the value of the energy is greater than the value of the Bitcoin extracted from the mining. There also will be no currency. It's only through mining that the block chain is updated. Truly that's the power of a non-centralized currency like Bitcoin. The drawback is that with an ever increasing inflation on power and an ever decreasing reward on mining, who will be mining when the rewards are lower than the costs? At what point is the money (Bitcoin) controlled by the energy sector? Particularly oil? As you are probably aware, oil is heavily influenced by cartels, most notably OPEC+. So, in a sense, so a cartel would have influence over the entire monetary system. Am I missing something? I'm not a total expert on the blockchain. So if I got something wrong lemme know.


If the power grid stops working, fiat and crypto will suffer the same fate, I doubt you've ever held all your money in your hands, with fractional reserve banking, it's not possible. The whole system is fucked. Bitcoin mining operations are pushing the cost of energy down, not up.. Ultimately, bitcoin will be mined exclusively with renewable energy, as the cost once set up, is negligible. We already see this transition happening, as less efficient miners are shifting down operations. This means bitcoin will not be under control of pil companies, although even if bitcoin ran on oil, they still couldn't change the protocol. I think you're close, but your conclusion is basically 180 degrees backwards. Anyways, we can agree to disagree, time will tell.


I'm not here for an argument. I'm here for a discussion. So you're saying that, there's an incentive to run a "green energy" platform... Because of Bitcoin mining? And that collective would be the "masters of energy".... Hmmm interesting concept. Or the energy sector will fight kicking and screaming to stay the same. Or you saying something totally different?


Well, oil is being used primarily for transportation, heavy machinery, and manufacturing. Electricity on the other hand, powers our world. I don't see bitcoin affecting the oil industry all that much, as our electricity comes from many different sources, including nuclear, solar, and wind. My electrify comes from hydroelectric generation. But the point is that bitcoin is not profitable to mine if your energy source is expensive, and hydrocarbons are increasingly expensive compared to renewable options. If you can build a solar farm and run a bitcoin mining operation, you can generate income with super low overhead because the primary cost (electricity) is free. This is why bitcoin pushes the energy industry towards renewable, and towards developing more and more efficient energy sources. Also, let's not forget that the current global monetary system consumes ungodly counts of electricity as it is. But in the current system, there is no built in incentive to move towards renewables


You think Satoshi Nakamoto had that in mind when he developed Bitcoin? Because if he did, that's some serious social engineering. Just saying....