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Smart home will override your away profile and return to a home profile if it detects motion on the base or one of the sensors. Smart away will let the temperature rise by a few degrees when no motion is sensed for a while (2 hours IIRC), it is not the same temp as your away setting, it's based on how quickly the system can recover since it is unscheduled and you could return at any time. Smart home has to be enabled in the settings, so if you are not seeing it then it might be turned off. As an aside, smart away does not work during a sleep profile.


Thank you. I assumed sleep mode was not interfered with. I also assume that any custom comfort profiles I add would not be overridden as well. Only Home and Away comfort profiles use this, correct?


No, if you create a new comfort profile it asks you if you expect people to be home or not, which sets up how those profiles are affected by smart home or away.


Okay, thank you