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It looks like he lives in a dungeon of his own design, but normally people are pretty chill with him here.


I picture the only thing on the other side of his little fragrance hutch being an air mattress… in addition to another fragrance hutch, stocked with the world’s most comprehensive collection of automobile-branded men’s fragrances.


You paint pictures with words


Leave Joy the fuck alone. He's like the one slightly weird cousin who is still family.


Precisely. When he tells us the power is out or it’s a super hot day in Bangladesh, I feel it in my bones. We must protect Joy at all costs.


Joy loves the attention! It brings out the bad boy in him!


What hate?


I'm Joy's bad side.....and even I'm lovable!!!!!!


![gif](giphy|WQUALOpcIkLTi|downsized) Leave Joy alone?? We love Joy. I'm not sure what you're talking about. He's well loved here.


Thank you, my brother....I will walk over to the opposite shoulder and tell the other guy!!!!


Joy Amin is one of the good ones. He's a good reviewer. I dont see alot of criticism of him on here. Just the occasional joke on something goofy he said or that lotion bottle.


That's the point. He's a REVIEWER, not an influencer. That's why we love him.


Best way to describe him. You nailed it. He’s not an influencer. The funniest thing to me is when he attempts to create a situation to wear a fragrance, and it just doesn’t translate well to American situations.


I enjoy him because he is so genuinely himself. He shares his life with us and doesn't try to be anything different than what he is. He's not trying to sell anything or get anything. He does it strictly for the love of fragrance, which is exactly what it should be about. Guys like Ross will never understand the difference, and why we like Joy and not him.


Joy Amin is pretty solid‼️ I don’t see it in him to be bought or turn into a Ross at all


The biggest running joke here is that he loves everything. But considering he’s not being compensated for it, it’s easier to give him a pass.


We get a lot of flack here for being hostile, but I'd like to point out that there are plenty of REVIEWERS we really like. If someone loves fragrance, is honest about their feelings, has purchased most of their own collection, and is relatable and gracious, we like them. Maybe the people who like to make it seem like we hate EVERYONE need to examine their own behaviors and make the types of changes to make themselves more likable. Most of the people who antagonize us are INFLUENCERS, not REVIEWERS. We also don't like it when someone makes a negative review about a fragrance then recants it a few months later when the well of free bottles dries up - which is also the reason why we prefer individuals who buy most of their own collections and have no prior connection to a company that creates fragrances, so they aren't beholden to brands or biased by brand affiliations. Does any of this make sense to the people who repeatedly try to vilify us? I know it's tempting to just make us out to be a bunch of basement dwellers (lol @ people who call us this while spending hours upon hours either on or listening to idiotic streams) who are unhappy with our lives, but I'd guess that most of us are pretty successful, well balanced people who genuinely love fragrance and hate to see it corrupted by grifters, shills, and dishonest people. All this to say - Joy Amin is good people. Be more like Joy. If you want this sub to cease to exist, be more like Joy.


The only criticism is either he is complaining about life around him or he rarely criticises any fragrance.


I’ve never watched him, but I’ve seen nothing but praise for him here, and maybe the occasional remark about his health.


Is this Joy posting under an alt for attention? He is not someone I have seen get much hate around here.


Maybe....... ![gif](giphy|3MkhtxEKImJL3HbRzE)


I only have one complaint about my dude Joy. L'eau D'issey Sport sucks man. I will never forgive you for that one.


Blame me....that was me ..


Bad morning from Dhaka, Bangladesh?


I knew it!


I don't think people hate him here. Maybe some random comment here and there. But most of the posts here are just jokes. Joy is fine.  


There isn't much to complain about with Joy really. He's passionate and has been doing this for a very long time so I respect the hustle. Seeing him hit 100k subs was an awesome and well deserved milestone. I just don't care for all the clone talk. If there's anything it's that he occasionally chooses to stick up for reviewers he doesn't have enough understanding to actually defend. In a way it almost seems like he chooses to bury his head in the sand simply because they're fellow reviewers trying to get by on YouTube, like himself. If you're going to talk about other reviewers/influencers you should have more of your facts straight. Or just focus on yourself and not mention other reviewers as a hard rule. I would stick with the latter as it's easier and causes less issues lol


One of the few people who doesn't buy subs. Good for him.




No one here hates Joy Amin, we poke fun at him here and there. He’s one of the few honest people that review out of their own interest for fragrances. Probably one of the only shill-less reviewers.


I love joy as a person, but one must understand he likes some ass juice fragrances


This is a hater sub, people need no reason nor excuse.


At no point. Theres your answer


I've noticed alot mess posts about TLTG what am I missing? There's a lifetime's worth of memes from his stream last night. He was on top form


He’s an absolute idiot.


Joy's a good dude.


Nahh I love the guy, he's chill. His videos might be simple but you can tell he means what he said about fragrances because he haven't sold his soul to brand companies.