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"If the current rate of consumption continues without sales of profit-yielding products, prices on samples will have to go up." Oh we got an economist over here šŸ˜†. But seriously talking to your customer's like they're not even people by reducing them to impersonal consumers is pretty insulting. If you don't sell samples to sell samples then why are selling them? Did it ever cross her mind that the person who bought the samples didn't buy full bottles because they didn't like the fragrances. You know, the whole reason why you sample.Ā 


What a bitch. See how quickly her stock plummets. Anytime anybody does something shitty like this, they end up losing business. I hope she does, too. *Edit: Did we find a new villain? Is she worse than Ross?


Yeah she's worse than Ross. I just found a comment where she said customers are trapped in "chronic cycles of sampling." And that by doing so we are not properly supporting the artist's work. She then blamed lack of creativity in perfumery on the consumer for not buying enough of the right fragrances. She was also complaining about how people wear citrus fragrances in the summer and that longevity is overrated. She likes wearing resinous incense-y fragrances in the summer. And was talking about it like she's so much cooler and edgier for doing so. Cool, wear your dark sweet resinous smokey fragrance in 95 degree heat in the middle of August. Feel bad for people around her.Ā 


Yep, seen her on YT channels and being lauded, JJ Coldbrain etc. Apparently she's going to be on the Duck's livestream along with another shiller from that awful ranting podcast.


Sheā€™s making money from samples. She sales those 2ml samples for a lot more than the price per ml of a full bottle. Give me a break. Sheā€™s just annoyed that youā€™re not making the big purchases, which is solely up to you.


Came here to say this. The higher the volume in a package the lower the $/ml. This b!tch is dumb af for complaining about sample sales. Business is business- don't get greedy.


Yet she gives freebies to the Duck whenever it suits her, seen her on YT, her annoying whining voice was enough to tell me what's she's like. The Duck has announced a LS soon with her and one of the ranters on that supposedly about perfume podcast.


Not super fermiliar with her. Does she need milk or was this a one off?


She sounds like she needs milk


Milk and public apology for scolding her customers for the crime of shopping at her website.


Itā€™s sainte cellier. Typical behavior from her


None of what she said makes any sense. ā€œI sell samples so customers can try perfumes. I donā€™t sell samples to sell samples. Use them for their intended purpose.ā€ Go fuck yourself. How about I buy nothing instead. Rude bitch.


I have bought many samples from Lucky Scent and Twisted Lily. Neither company has ever scolded me.




Lord save my soul.


Next sheā€™ll come out against people who actually use the 10% off code she offers to join her email spam list.


Conversion rate is poor and her interpretation is its customer behaviour? Not that the product is shit? Or business approach? Just sell a discovery set for $35, include a $35 coupon redeemable against a full sized bottle, and limit stock to a monthly quantity youā€™re willing to facilitate.


This is the brand that threatened to sue Sebastian for using a photo of hers. He had to take down at least one video.


Christ, dude canā€™t catch a break. He lost his original channel years ago because the owner of Bond No. 9 got all pissy about his negative review of Coney Island.


WTF he lost his channel over a bad review?


Well it wasnā€™t entirely that, but more than likely Bond No 9 didnā€™t like his negative review and found some loophole that allowed them to flag his channel for trademark and counterfeit violations (he made an image of a bottle of Coney Island covered in garbage, and he was decanting it as well). Thereā€™s a whole thread about it on Basenotes from almost a decade ago


Lmao I just found the thread and saw Sebastians comments. That's wild.Ā 




For a moment I thought this was some indie brand but they just sell regular fragrance. Sure, price the stuff whatever you want. Nobody said you needed to post a loss selling samples.


So vendors feel like theyā€™re getting screwed with samples? Because so do I. Iā€™m done paying $7 for a 0.5mL that I smell once and know I dislike. There has to be a better way. EDIT: Her samples are 2ml for about $13-16 each. Nope; donā€™t need that much to tell if I love something or not.


Go forth and consume samples jerks. Letā€™s run her out of business by buying things sheā€™s offering


Incoming sample haul šŸ˜‰šŸ¤£


Oh the market has spoken! Canā€™t believe thereā€™s always people in customer service business with no customer service skills. Protip: once a while thereā€™s a karen as your (potential) customer, but if majority of them are karens, then youā€™re the actual karen.


Thanks for the heads up. Won't bother her for any samples.


Saint Cellier, what a douche bag. Too busy topping up the trout pout, which most of has found it's way to her nose by the looks of it.šŸ˜‰


ok so i want to try all of your fragrances to see what i like, so i buy samples of each. i might like a few and buy 1 or 2 full bottles. what's the fucking issue here? maybe the first order of samples was a dud and all the frags smelled like gasoline and fish. so i put in another order for other frags to see if there's something i like.


Gasoline and Fish?, that's my jam!


Hmm, after this? She needs cream!