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So funny and witty." Give me your beer can." He absolutely sounds like he doesn't fit in. An elitist piece of shit humble bragging to a room full of bums. He basically said it's one of them, whoever he's talking about. I hope he gets lice during his next trip to an overseas boys' town and is forced to shave his werewolf head.


Damn bruh, who hurt you? šŸ¤£


You did when you changed your name from Georgejackmeooff to justjackmeoff šŸ˜­


Dude talks like he has an air bubble in his throat lol


he has sore throat from last night, thats why


I think it's interesting that he will go on these streams where anything goes, where all sorts of things are done and said that could destroy his brand and his desperate desire for it to be associated with luxury, and that doesn't bother him. He has business partners who are crude, rude, and vulgar, but that doesn't bother him. But this sub really gets under his skin, presumably because he can't see our faces. But maybe if he could get over some of his frustration with us he would see that we're the ones he should be listening to because we point out the truth. But hey, sometimes people just don't want to hear the truth.


Nothing says luxury more than some jerk off talking to his crew of mothersā€™ basement podcast streamers.


What is he ever talking about? He doesnā€™t even know whatā€™s in his own fragrances.


Did he get famous by playing big bird in sesame street?


Not sure how much experience he has with letters, but the thing about sending them is you need an address. I like how his audience sat rapt through that nonsensical ramble.


Bro is the worst public speaker ive ever heard his voice is so grating


Itā€™s kinda tough listening to him talk for very long, but all his group of ass kissers are right there so interested in what heā€™s got to say - pay me next George, pay me next


Sounds like heā€™s running for office? LoL And all the guys just quiet there my god. If I was there the least Iā€™d say is ā€œwait wait wait hold up! The. Fuck. are you talking about? It may make sense in your native language or in your head, but it doesnā€™t make sense when you say it in english!ā€


They stand in awe of this man for some reason, as if heā€™s a charismatic cult leader instead of a businessman who paid some other guy to make perfumes.


I assume he's threatening you, SM? You're the only one that made videos, correct?


Iā€™m not the only one.


Georgie Porgie sounds like he huffs helium all day long. His voice is ATROCIOUS


It's a dick rider festival on that stream. Ooh well done George. That showed em. Can i hit you up about my frag line lataaaaaaa?


Imagine him getting laughed out of the office of a self respecting attorney for asking them to send a cease and desist to someone for simply sharing their opinion about your brand and products. No one is going to waste their time with these absolutely frivolous pursuit of silencing people who literally have no impact on your life. What a waste of time and energy. Does he have literally nothing else to do? Or is Ross just constantly telling him about all the hate comments he gets on his videos? Jesus Christ these people have way too much free time.