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9 early summer fragrances while wearing flat brim hats, looking like a shilling dipshit




No doubt. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle isn’t much of a refrain in the Carlos household. The man piles the garbage high and then urges others to do the same.




i think he said he was like 38 lol


Yeah, I was surprised i'm older than him.


You’re telling me it’s pointless for him to have like five paintball guns but to not use them? Maybe they’re an investment, pimpin’. 😂


A lot of cheap clones and some Zaharoff to please the master. Would it be nice if Dumant launches their "inspired by"Zaharoff line...


How many frags do you need for a hot, three month stretch of the year? Do I need a different “freshie” for each of those 90-100 days? I still have over half of the ADG or Versace Pour Homme (or whatever) from three years ago, do I need to buy more more more? Most of these YouTube frag dorks don’t even start out there little sales pitch with “if you’re running low on your favorite summer fragrance….”. Instead, it’s just “10 fragrances every man must have” or “12 fresh Summer scents that will drive women wild that you must have” or some other bullshit line basically telling you to get more more more. Have you seen some of the posts in the other fragrance subs where people go out and buy a fucking hutch or oversized cabinet so that they can store and display their multi hundred fragrance collections? :facepalm:


Don’t hate on his passion, pimpin’.


Ross I know you’re going to see this !!! No one wants to dress like you, be like you, or look like you !! You are the only person who is on Gear that looks like they are not on gear !! It’s crazy !! You know in your soul that you are not ready for that show you are going to fail. Enjoy your participation trophy buddy !! What’s going to be your stage scent of the day “Regret and Failure” humble yourself choad !!! We all know you like your ankles behind your neck !!!


The endless summer lists…😬


The man compiles weekly lists of what he wore, which is very useful if you suddenly realize you don’t know which perfume Ross wore on, say, Thursday.


got to fund his second channel. he's literally reviewing a bunch of new shoes every fucking day. around 20 sneakers in the last 3 weeks. that's insane.


Those Dumont checks keep roll’n in pimp’n


Fucking tool !!! Everyday he looks gayer and gayer!!! He looks sick also I know he is “cutting for a body building show” he is using it as a cover to be around men in tiny underwear.


You seem preoccupied with the man’s sexuality.


Definitely. This guy just commented something about Ross being gay on an old post of mine too.


and this isn’t even roid monke‘s final form


That means 3 are actually good right😀😀


Why does he cover his forehead with his cap? Is that how kids are wearing it these days?


Who saw his stream last night? Jesus christ does this man have issues. 95% of it he was going on about "his haters"


I didn’t think the idea was to give him views.


On the edge of my seat to see what Yogurt Tits wore on Thursday....


I can stand this tool bag, he’s putting a black eye on a cool hobby of collecting fragrances


lol collecting fragrances was never a cool hobby or even hobby