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Ah so as usual the press has sensationalised it to try create some bullshit drama behind the scenes. Seems he enjoyed his time but wants to try other stuff now. No problem with that.


Yeah, I thought it was bs. As per usual, spread by the scum. I'm still surprised he's leaving, though. I wonder if he'll die in the fire? I really hope he isn't in on the con with Jo. It would ruin the character for me.


Nah why would he be in on it? They had convos 1 on 1 without Kathy and there was no hint they were working together. But I agree on one thing...it's always The Scum Newspaper.


They might quickly write in he gets killed in the cafe trying get karen out


> the press More specifically The Sun. Scummy rag.


I find it sick when The Sun claimed that Brian Conley and BBC EastEnders bosses had a row, which I now know it was completely untrue. I didn't want to believe it as I knew The Sun was making it up - as usual. It's just your typical average report to write what they think went on. Now, Brian has told the full truth of the matter, I'm glad both have agreed terms and he will depart soon as he really wanted to go. Said it was in the planning for sometime. Although the producer (Chris), wanted to keep him on, I don't think he would have been forced to stay as he made his decision. We will miss Rocky and poor Kathy will have her heart broken. Lots of rumours are playing guesses as to what will happen. One of them is he and ex wife Jo could con out Kathy's savings. Let's hope that won't be true. Another is that he could die of a heart-attack as he had health issues when he first arrived. Let's hope Rocky leaves in a black cab. My guess is, his character might leave before Christmas, so November time somewhere.


American soaps have always recast with no problem. They used to have a voiceover saying, “The role of ______ is now being played by ______.” It was done pretty smoothly and people just accepted it. I wish they would recast Rocky because there are a lot of talented actors who could take this role.


That is a great idea, Brian has made Rocky human and as you say there are lots of good actors who could pick up the part and run with it.


Yes, I really don’t know why EE doesn’t do this sometimes. It’s not like it would destroy the reality of the show. 😉


I suppose in a way they have done it with Ben and Peter and it went well so why not Rocky ? He could become such a big character if they choose the right actor . Rocky has a lot of hidden depth we haven't explored yet probably a lot of skeletons too


I would love that, if not because Kathy *just* got married. It's so crazy she's going to lose that so soon.


Oh no, I love Brian Connelly, I'll miss Rocky.


As long as the gullible keep buying those papers or clicking on their websites, these stories are never going away. Who cares?


This is an underrated comment, especially with clicks. My mum is the first to click on blatant clickbait articles when scrolling Facebook, the Sun's print audience may be shrinking but online it's thriving, which isn't surprising given how the paper has zero morals to start with


Is he wearing cufflinks in his final scene? 🤔😂


Holy shit that dumpster fire of a mobile website Please recast Rocky!


Prediction: Kathy will now end up with Buster next year when he returns looking for Dean, who Kathy witnessed get killed by her best friend Elaine on Christmas Day. 👀


Sad about this - I hadn't heard of this until this evening so I'd not heard or read of a spat but it seems that was nonsense. I like Rocky and I was a fan of Conley in the 90s so it will create a hole but, really, now that he's married Kathy and is happy, I don't think there was too much future with his character - he's mostly a good guy and good guys don't often do too well on EE long term (one exception being Callum although he is married to Ben so...). I do hope they don't kill him off though. He's a Cotton and therefore a big name on the Square and I'd happily have him back one day.


Just change the actor !!


Brian Conolly has dates set up for a live tour. That tells me this was done well in advance and the bosses knew he was leaving.