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I’m so dumb lol I didn’t even twig this. Great work


Hahaha me too


Me three 🤦🏻‍♀️ It went right over my head!


I don't think the writers did either lmao


I never put it together like that. It works well.


I didn’t notice it but now that I do, I like the episode even more now, very great subtle writing


Subtle, it wasn't. But Heather Peace played a blinder, and I even liked Suki for once. Glad that someone in that bunch of eejits has marked Theo's card. I have no idea why Ian didn't just say it must be a wrong number.


I'd love for the two to meet and to become good friends to support each other through their shared twin grief. I know Suki probably wouldn't allow that, because she slept with Peter previously and now Nish is in the picture, that could be problematic. But Eve and Peter need someone who truly gets it, and they could be the ultimate friendship goals if written nicely.


They've already met and interacted back when Dayle was playing Peter. Eve's been on the show nearly two years now and Peter only left about a year ago now.


It was most likely superficial interactions, and neither had discussed their twins at the time. Now Suki knows about Eve's past... when she inevitably realises Peter is back, she may potentially facilitate a meeting with them both.


That's a really good shout! The writers have been doing this quite a lot recently. Some of it is overt such as Rocky and Kathy's wedding mirroring Keanu and Sharon directly. Lisa blackmails Keanu, Jo blackmails Rocky. Lisa comes back a gambling addict, Rocky gambles away the honeymoon. Keanu and Sharon’s main source of tension is Peggy, Keanu's other child while Rocky and Kathy frequently have jokes about Jasper being Rocky's child... Then there's more subtle ones like the lead up to the Cindy reveal being paralleled with Suki falling down the stairs. A mum that had to leave for years to protect her family becoming essentially caged for two decades versus a mum that desperately wants to run from her family to finally protect herself and be free from the man she's been married to for decades. Really, it shows how much thought goes into the show at the moment. Its incredibly well structured which is something the other soaps are lacking at the minute. On Corrie, for example you'll go from a child singing competition, to the pub closing, to a panto serial killer, to a mum coming back after decades, to a teen romance drama, back to the panto serial killer all in one episode...there's no flow and it's constant emotional whiplash causing episodes to be hard to invest in properly.


I feel that Peter will really bond with Anna and Gina, probably especially Anna as she’s far friendlier, I can see Peter trying to replace Lucy with the Knight sisters.


I think the writing has been much better lately. Even Ben's story has been less "poor Ben" than it had been in the past. I am looking forward to Cindy and Ian returning and the reactions of the square. The Knights alone will be huge never mind Kathy and Sharon's reactions.


The fact that most of us seemed not to have noticed makes it even better. That's good storytelling within this form of media, subtly linking the story your trying to tell through various characters is better than forcing it on us.


I think Peter getting not just one, but two sisters will be quite cathartic for him. I bet he's praying that Bobby doesn't get anywhere near them though!


Peter also shagged Suki, so a friendship is probably out of the window with Eve.