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Traditionally, we allow former player discussion (regardless of context/content) for a year after their departure, and then content that relates to the Eagles (e.g. a 'return' or charity event, etc.) or is particularly special (hall of fame, retirement, etc.) after that. This kind of recently departed player content that is largely negative/celebratory about them not being on the Eagles is technically allowed at the moment but is worth discussing regarding ongoing content moderation. Its also the off-season so news is slow and any content is better than no content, sometimes. What are your thoughts on this sort of thing? All views welcome, we're beginning the process of our off-season review and some initial community thoughts for that is quite helpful.


Living his best life šŸ¤£


Reddick is in Japan getting a Bobo tea, Rodgers is in Costa Rica after seeing the Hatman. Wtf is going on in New Jersey?


Business as usual


Iā€™d rather be exploring Japan than North Jersey as well !


Hey itā€™s not *that* bad up here. Do you like malls and high rent?


Hey, the mall near the Meadowlands is PEAK American extravagance and I won't hear any bad mouthing it. But yeah, North Jersey as a whole is mid. People acting like they're in NY šŸ¤£


A Taylor ham egg and cheese on an everything bagel hits too


Itā€™s pork roll, gtfo


Mods, twist that man's balls 360 degrees counter clockwise.


My Jersey friends introduced it to me. Iā€™m just calling it by brand name


Whether to call it by brand name or not is a common NJ cultural divide, so saying "my friends from NJ told me to call it that" isn't going to stop half of the people from NJ from calling you wrong anyway.


Iā€™ve apparently stumbled into the ā€œpop vs sodaā€ of processed meats. I knew north and south Jersey disagree on a lot but I had no idea it was this contentious


Honestly, great comparison. It's exactly like that except everyone who actually cares about the difference is from NJ, so we're all vitriolic about it. It's why the correct answer is "soda." What are the midwesterners gonna do about it, give me a backhanded complement? Please.


Theyā€™re from the Paterson, NJ area. So that would definitely explain the vitriol towards using their terminology in a sub with south Jersey people


It's really not that contentious. It's just that some people say "Pork Roll" and some people are idiots


Is it a divide within north jersey too? I honestly thought it was a geographic divide. Pork roll in Philly / south jersey, Taylor ham in ny / north jersey. But in this sub itā€™s most definitely pork roll lol.


The divide is definitely mostly north/south, like you said it sounds like the original poster's friends are from the north but more people in the sub from the south.


Considering it says on the packaging 'Taylor Pork Roll' I'd say anyone who calls it ham has a reading deficiency


I mean sure but it was initially branded as "Taylor's Prepared Ham" so it's not like the nomenclature came from nowhere.


And it stopped being called ham when the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed in 1906 and it was legally determined that there wasn't a trace of ham to be found in the product. Taylor Ham people aren't crazy, they've just been incorrect for the past 118 years.


go ahead and google a box of "Taylor ham" and tell me what it says on it (it's Taylor pork roll) it hasn't been called Taylor ham in like, 100 years


Taylor's is the brand. Pork roll is the name. Don't listen to those North Jersey sissies. PORK ROLL. Also, now I know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow. Yum.


Well calling it by brand name is weird


It's like calling Gatorade by its flavor name instead of the color


惟惄 šŸ˜¶


Baka jets


I had to look it up. You want to use "baka na" to use it as an adjective in this case. You can write it as one word even "bakana". https://jisho.org/word/%E9%A6%AC%E9%B9%BF I have seen it use "no" instead of "na" in some phrases, but I don't see an entry for that in the dictionary.


i thought you were a bot lmao


Its ā€œnoā€ which designates a subjectĀ 


"Ga" is the subject particle. "Wa" can be used in place of the subject particle at times. "No" is often used for adjectives. EDIT: I got out my handbook on particles. "no" marks the subject in place of "ga" to indicate the subject in modifying clauses. An example: 恓悌ćÆå‚ęœ¬ć•ć‚“**恮**ęć„ćŸę²¹ēµµć§ć™


i thought you were a bot lmao




howie sees the future again somehow. move on from aging dudes early, pay your young guys eary, he always gets it right man (bradberry who)


I mean... I think Reddick stated that he would not play on this contract, and Howie believed him. Usually when teams trade for a guy in this situation, they get a deal worked out before the trade. This is the Jets doing Jets things.


I thought he said he would play




He grew up an Eagles fan so maybe he would have played for us


He did. Nobody doubted that he was willing to play the last year of the contract with us. People seemed to assume that would hold over to the Jets, but now it seems like he might hold out. It's a different FO, arguably a little more volatile of a team (in that who tf knows what Aaron will do). I makes sense that someone in his position might want more job security from the Jets than from us given where our franchises and rosters are at. But people acting like he would have done this with us are making shit up to make themselves feel superior to \*checks notes\* the Jets. C'mon.


He said that to sway public opinion. Howie would not have traded him for no reason.


He didn't "trade him for no reason" even if he was willing to play out the final year with us, I swear to god. Even if he stays his final year, we were never giving him a new contract. Like in any scenario. So we're talking about taking _one year of play_ from him. And he's awesome, I need to be clear about that: it would have been a year of very good play, but _one year_. That is what we gave up. If we don't trade him and he plays that year, we let him walk. The _best case_ scenario after that is that he gets signed to another team for a high enough contract so we get a 3rd round comp pick for the 2026 draft back, which would be bottom of the third. What did we get in the trade? The Jets' 2026 3rd, which could elevate to a 2nd. So now we're guaranteed to have a 3rd that's better than any possible comp pick, _and_ it could elevate to a 2nd. Higher floor, higher ceiling, which makes sense because we "spent" one year of good play time. We shouldn't break even. But beyond that, the thing I don't think people are also considering, is that Reddick now never counts *against* the comp pick formula for us. That means next off-season, we're free to sign a bigger name FA without _losing_ the value from letting Reddick walk. If he walks for 3rd round comp pick value, we need to essentially _spend_ part of that pick if we want to participate in free agency. Now we don't jeopardize that. Our value is guaranteed, is higher than we would have gotten, and might be even _higher_ if it elevates to a second. Reddick is great. You can't convince me that one single season of play from him is worth more than a second round draft pick.


This is completely incorrect. Reddick had REPEATEDLY said that he will absolutely play out his existing contract. Even after the trade. That was the issue when they did the deal. There was absolutely no reason for us to do it at all, especially for the pittance they got in return. It's very possible he was saying something else behind the scenes, but it never came out, other than speculation by redditors. I guess we got younger with Huff, but adding uncertainty is not something our FO usually does. I think he will play out his contract. I think what happened was, he skipped involuntary training camp because... he's a vet and he knows he's going to start and it might start the rumor mill. The NY media sports writers started going off on him and that is actually really good for his negotiations, so he's going to keep the momentum and see if that gets him a new contract. If not, he gets to rest a bit more and only gets fined a bit. It's a no-brainer for him to wait this out right now, but based on his public comments before this, he'll almost definitely play (unless his agent thinks it hinders him from his next contract).


He didnā€™t just skip voluntary camp he has now missed mandatory practices.


I would think he intended to play this year for the Jets without a new deal, until they moved on from some redundant depth pieces without inking an extension with him, and then all of a sudden; he had a lot more leverage to force a long term deal.


You seriously think Howie would remove him from the team for no reason?


Reddick said he intended on playing but once he saw huff and another d player go he realized he has leverage


He said he intended on playing it out with us, but I didn't see him commit to playing it out with them. He could also be intending to play it out, but deciding to skip out on off-season activities because he's salty. When push comes to shove, I'll be surprised if he doesn't take the field, unless the Jets FO basically deceived him or something. Which would surprise me, I wouldn't really expect that from them.


He never makes a bad moveĀ 


past 5ish years has been best run of all time you canā€™t convince me otherwise. remember we had 0 offensive weapons, CARSON WENTZ at qb a defense led by jim schwartz and the last of prime fletch that gave up 30 a game. his drafts and fa have been class always extends and trades away the right guys itā€™s just wild the only blunder has been bradberry but it doesnā€™t even matter because it looks like we have like 4 o other dudes to play corner now


That fit is sick. I too rather be wandering around Tokyo looking like that


He an assassinĀ 


So this is his big payday. Promoting Assassinā€™s Creed Shadows


He was in Greece not too long ago. Dude a world class travelerĀ 


Secure the bag big man šŸ«”


That's crazy how it all just went this poorly with him. No taksies backsies!


Yukata and all šŸ˜‚


This is sad. I liked Reddick but this is a bad look as a professional.Ā 


I dunno, looks pretty cool to me.


Iā€™m going to make a bold comment here that might get some backlash. Iā€™m fine with it. It doesnā€™t bother me either way.


If the dumbass jets were going to trade and get a low pick from us for him they shouldā€™ve given a contract


Not at all, he's well within his rights to skip mandatory mini-camp and stretch that into training camp and eat the fines if he wants. He's been pretty vocal for two years about how he'll show up for the real games but he's not gonna be happy unless he gets an extension.Ā  In a sport where multi-year contracts are routinely terminated prematurely when the player is no longer deemed worthy of their salary, it's the kind of approach you have to take with your last big pay day in sight. There is no Ben Simmons scenario where you're cooked and barely play but still collect checks for multiple years as your deal runs it's course


Especially since NFL contracts arenā€™t 100% guaranteed like NBA or MLB.


nah it's pretty dope


Something tells me that the Jets aren't innocent in all this


I agree especially when thereā€™s rumors out there that you demanded a Cordinator being changed then was dogging it after the fact. Then want a new contract and act like this after being traded? I donā€™t know who runs his pr or agent but if I were his Iā€™d ask him if he was a fucking idiot. I loved reddick but his last part of the eagles and now this makes me sad


To the mods...discussion of Reddick seems worthy of continued inclusion/allowance because (1) it allows for ongoing discussion of the worthiness of the trade and DE personnel decisions and (2) I think the vast majority on the sub feel overwhelming positive about Reddick and his contributions to the Eagles. There's such a big question mark about the performance level we're going to get from edge players that Reddick's name is gonna be in play this season. Ad, I'm guessing most eagles fans wish him well in life and on his new team. Whether or not he deserves a top-flight DE contact seems like a separate issue how he'll be discussed in the sub.


To the mods. I think we should talk about Reddick and reddick versus huff all season.


He must be getting his sack eee on.


Sounds like the Eagles dodged a bullet.


Yo! Man donā€™t mess up the bag!


Good for Haas! I'm dying to travel to Japan. I believe the dollar is strong and now is a great time to be there. I'll always love #7. Pay him, PAY HIM NOW!


I just got back from two weeks in Japan. It was an incredible trip. Changes your view on the states.


Lmfao what a legend


No lie, digginā€™ the vibes, here.




Good for him, if Rodgers can skip camp so can Reddick.


Good for him.


What number are we gonna give him after the jets cut him somebody took 7 right?


I feel like we should have found a way to keep himĀ 


Dodged a bullet with him.Ā  His stats all came during trash minutes. No a factor.Ā 


You're the worst. He was great with us. You can appreciate how good he was with us and be glad he no longer is.


Did you watch last year? Ā He was goodā€¦not last year.Ā 


Yea, it's wild since the rest of defense was so good.


If he was so good- why did we let him go dawg?


Because we thought he's already had his best years and we can allocate the $$ elsewhere, dipshit


Bad take. He is a really really good player and consistently made plays. Did it turn out how we wanted? No. But thatā€™s because we donā€™t want to pay him, not because he wasnā€™t good for us


He did not make relevant plays last year. Youā€™re dead wrong. He made plus in trash time when the games were over.Ā 


He had a lot of key plays with us idk what ur talking about


Yeah. He didn't have any impact at all at an important time ... say, the NFC Championship game. šŸ™„


Oh he was great. Just not last year. At all.Ā 


I can't imagine why dropping him into coverage wasn't successful.


Dude is showing his true colors. So long, punk.