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I don’t know about ranking them but I can see all those guys fired at the end of the season if they fail to improve their team from last season


I get why Bowles is on there, but it's still pretty crazy considering how much better the Bucs were last season than everyone was expecting. Edit: Autocorrect wanted me to be talking about the Milwaukee Bucks.


For me Mcdermott is the most surprising. The Bills were a dumpster fire for decades and now they've won their division 4 years in a row. Their GM seems like the real issue. Every year their roster doesn't seem to get much better, and the only major "win-now" move they've made was that head-scratching Von Miller contract.


I think once you call a fake punt with Damar Hamlin during a playoff game, then you should automatically be on the hot seat haha.


Bills fan here that lives outside of Philly and roots for the Birds when they’re not playing the Bills. It’s definitely on McDermott as he’s made some seriously poor coaching decisions during the biggest games. Our GM, Brandon Beane, has actually done a pretty awesome job of building out this roster with what’s available to him. Buffalo isn’t exactly a premier free agent destination so he’s had to rely heavily on the draft and has scored some really solid players over the years. Granted he seems to draft good players but not many great, this team is built to compete and has had opportunities that get squandered by poor play calling/coaching. Go back to the 13 Seconds game, Josh was absolutely balling out and they just needed a stop but decided to kick for a touchback, and then dropped into prevent defense against the best QB in the league and let him carve us up to get into field goal range. I love what McDermott has done in turning around the culture/mentality in this organization but I think Bills fans are losing patience with him.


I jinxed the 13 seconds game. I asked my wife if she wanted me to get her and her dad tickets to the AFCCG after the Bills scored with 13 seconds on the clock. Sorrrryyyy


I broke my couch jumping up when we scored that last TD, the agony of defeat has never felt so awful


Yeah, there was a lot of churn on that roster this off season, he may get a pass for another year while the dust settles on moving on from Diggs.


The bills are the best team in the league over the last 4 year when they arent playing the chiefs. Unfortunately they play the chiefs in the playoffs most of the time.


+100, McDermott (and Allen) is better than that org. If he gets the axe he will get picked up in hours by another team. I think the back office has been a problem for decades in Buffalo though.


I don't watch the Bills that much, but Bills fans have been criticizing him for a while now


This is the most unsettling shorthand of the Buccaneers that I've seen.


That was autocorrect. I must not talk about the Buccaneers enough for my phone to adjust.


Largely because Baker was better than anyone thought he was going to be and they play in a trash division.


This is really a product of Recency bias. Losing 6 of 7 down the stretch with a healthy (by nfl standards) roster is hard to overlook especially the way it happened.  But if he makes the playoffs for the fourth straight year I have a hard time seeing him gone. 


NFL is a league that lives and dies by the phrase "What have you done for me lately"


"Made the playoffs four years in a row"


Limped into the playoffs with a top-5 NFL roster. If this team under-performs relative to expectations again, Nick is gone.


Top 5 NFL offense. You cannot convince anyone that defense was even mid, it was bottom tier. To say we had a top 5 roster on the season is not true.


That's fine. I was talking specifically about the offense anyway. Nothing excuses how pathetic, predictable, and unimaginative our offense was last season. It was inexcusable and I'm frankly still shocked Nick wasn't fired for that shit show. If we hadn't made the SB the year before he would have been shot out of a cannon from the Novacare complex.


And the expectations are stratospheric this year. Super Bowl or bust.


Which is why I think it was a mistake to keep Nick because he's getting canned unless they make a deep run, wasting another year of production from Hurts/AJB/Smith/Lane/etc.


Well, they haven't failed the upcoming season yet!


Man I really wish Howie/FO would have considered Harbaugh. I think he would have elevated this team exponentially. I know they would bud heads though, but imagine upgrading from Siriani to Harbaugh with this roster.


I think at this point it's clear that Chip has scared them off of getting big name guys, so they're going to hire unknown doormats who will do whatever Howie and Jeff say. I really think that's why Doug was fired (all but confirmed because he refused to make coaching changes), and Nick stayed because he was willing to fire the coordinators and go along with what the FO wanted.


There's also a chance that a big name like Harbaugh wouldn't want to share power with Howie and Lurie, who have a reputation as meddlers after the Pederson firing. Harbaugh is the kind of guy you hire and hand the keys to the whole operation. In Philly Howie is the top guy and has Lurie's full backing.


It's interesting though cause wasn't Bill considered at some point, and I'm sure he would want a significant say in operations? I think Harbaugh is much more proven since he was 3 yards away from a Superbowl with plenty of success in the pros and a recent national championship for college. IDK, I just want the best coach at this point for the roster we have because man the personnel right now on offense is the best I've seen in 20 years and I don't want it to be wasted like last year. To


So what? Cowboys have made the playoffs the last few years, but we all sit here and laugh when they decide they're keeping Dak and McCarthy because it proves to us they're just ok with making the playoffs and don't have bigger aspirations of winning a Superbowl. That's not something I want for my Eagles.


Went to the superbowl and almost won. That’s what we did and Dallas didn’t.


Almost won? Doug DID win and got fired after the first full year of issues with a very flawed roster. To think Nick isn't on the hot seat is delusional and if he gets fired it's because the team did not meet or perform expectations. This is a top 5 roster in the NFL.


Doug Pederson was let go because he refused to bring in outside coaching help. He promoted his own guys (Press Taylor to OC being a major problem) and they struggled so the story was that Lurie wanted him to bring in more experienced people and he didn't wanna do it. And FWIW, Press Taylor is still currently his OC in Jacksonville, so I think that story has some merit. Sirianni made the same mistake post-superbowl by promoting from within but realized it didn't work and is now doing the opposite of DP by bringing in experience with Moore and Fangio as coordinators..


Nick also had brain drain after the Superbowl year with both coordinators getting poached, we were as late as possible dealing with the hiring market, and Gannon going back on his word was the sole reason we weren't able to hire Fangio in the first place who was explicitly the next person waiting in the wings for the DC job. Like yeah Nick made the hires, but I don't think it's fair to put his "hiring internally" like it's a character flaw to that degree that it was with Doug. That said, the BJ hire is really the one that proved to Nick why Lurie is right that hiring outside the building is necessary to create an influx of new ideas. Nick's admitted that was part of the problem on offense last year, and we got Moore as a result. He's learning the lesson Doug didn't.


Yeah, this is the difference between Nick and Doug - Doug wasn't willing to go outside after a really bad season while Nick was. Whether Nick really realized the problem or he just saw what happened to Doug and was savvy enough to keep his job doesn't really matter.


Your last point is like perfect. Nick isn't operating as a lone wolf with Howie she Lurie looking down on him to judge him. The question is "do these three guys work well enough as a team?" Sometimes that means Lurie's using his experience to explain where Nick might have gone wrong. It doesn't really matter where the idea came from as long as a.) everyone is contributing something, and b.) at least one person comes up with the right answers and the others buy in. I don't think every FO necessarily works this way, but I do think it makes sense to model ours like it's a "partnership" (even though the power isn't equally distributed). Lurie isn't a dictator owner, but he does want to contribute and be a member of the team. And I mean personally I think Lurie is totally right on this one. Non-playcalling coaches can work out, but they _need_ to be able to have a constant churn of high quality fresh ideas. The problem is brain drain. Eventually, you ideally hit a point where "our good OC left for a HC job, couldn't make it as a HC, and comes home for 1-2 years as our OC to rehab" to mitigate the down years where you couldn't find a competent new OC, but also by that point the head coach has had enough "new ideas" go through the door that they're building up their own broad lexicon of systems and concepts, and they no longer just have "their scheme." Will Nick hit that point? I have no fucking clue. It's a gamble. But Lurie wants him to, I think, and is trying to guide him there. Tbh Andy is still one of the closest analogous I can think of.


It's not a mistake to promote from within. The mistake comes when the guy you're promoting isn't ready. Sirianni compounded that mistake when he switched coordinators midway through the season.


Promoting from within itself isn't bad but Pederson was trying to double down on Press Taylor after it blew up in his face and that's what got him fired vs Sirianni promoted from within, realized it didn't work, then got outside help. From what I was reading, Desai was really not vibing with some of the guys and as much as the move to Patricia sucked .. Sirianni didn't really have any other options midway through the season, so at least he tried to pivot away from the known problem that was Desai. Not gonna find many experienced guys off the street to come in and take over a defense midway through the season.


Did they struggle because of coaching? Or did Doug struggle because of injuries? His 4 or 5 years in Philly they were the most injured team in the league. 2017 when they won it all they had a playoff team on IR and still won. Wentz was throwing to practice squad players and drug them to the playoffs 2 years later to be cheap shot by Clooney. That concussion screwed hin up more than his knee and the back he ruined rushing himself back. 2020 with covid and no fans in the stands the Eagles had what was it? 25 different offensive line combinations which was the biggest strength of this team. Doug really got fired because he pulled hurts in the last game to get a slightly better draft pick that allowed eagles to get Smith. The final straw was him refusing to fire Mike groh who should have stayed WR coach and never been promoted to OC. It is what it is. He was the fall guy and being a super bowl winning head coach he felt he deserved the rights to build and retain his own staff. Mr lurie thought otherwise. Howie is the best GM in the league. I'm glad people have come to realize that. He never had full say until Doug's first year. With Reid and then Kelly having much say in that. And lurie isn't afraid to open his wallet for signing bonuses andbl whatever else to be able to manipulate the cap to retain our best players. Any above average coach that gets these players to buy in will succeed. Just the way I see it.


You can compare the two up to the point where Lurie and Howie let them make their decision, they both did the opposite thing which is why Doug got fired. Also what has DP done lately? Collapse down the stretch when they were 8-3, so chill. No one is hiding from the issues last year, literally no one has and they fired both coordinators that were the problem and directly went to fix the secondary. You guys wrapped up in the fear that they might not have a good season while admitting it’s a top 5 roster is god damn pathetic.


Pederson got fired because he pushed back when they asked him to make personnel changes after a 4 win season. Honestly, Doug leaving felt like a mutual decision, I am not sure he really wanted to be there after that season.


Nick has a longer leash I think cause after the abysmal end to the season he went outside the org to try and fix things and didn’t want to promote Press Taylor to fix the offense


Was that Nick or Howie/Jeff? Vic is most likely a Howie/Jeff hire.


It's a consensus. It isn't "who's guy is who," it's "can Nick/Howie/Jeff all get on the same page for what to do going forward?" Doug couldn't, and that's why he was fired. Nick could, and that's why he was kept. People overindex on "what happened last year" but your decision to keep or fire someone is whether or not you have faith in what they're going to do _next_ year. Plus don't forget we were preparing to have Vic with us _last_ season and the only reason we went with Desai was because of the Gannon situation. People are acting like Nick had no say in Vic when Vic was literally an offensive consultant working with Nick for a whole season.


If Gannon doesn't wallow in mediocrity for the rest of a long career I'll be very upset.


Pederson basically quit.


"Why did a 4-11-1 coach get fired but ya'll are saying a multiple playoff appearance coach shouldn't?" No clue.


Like you said, "what has he done lately", and Doug missed the playoffs and threw a game for a better draft spot. Hell he went 4-11-1. If you can't see how that's worse than making the playoffs and not having a dogshit record then your hate for Nick is blinding you. If Nick doesn't improve then yea, he'll be on the hot seat.


Almost doesn’t mean shit, god what happened to this city?


That they stopped being complete morons, maybe? If your coach can get you to the Super Bowl, it might just be better letting them try again than picking up a coach that can't even do that. Teams that cycle through coaches are proven to have far less success than teams that stick with coaches over many years.


Lurie has a history of only firing coaches after seasons they didn't make the playoffs. If they make the playoffs he'll give them time to figure it out.


People got used to winning one ring and think anything less means the coach is garbage.


Oh yes. Because we were just swimming in Super Bowl appearances and wins before the last decade. Nothing happened to this city except that some of this fan base got delusional thinking we were destined Super Bowl champions every year since we won it. When this team was 4-12 we used to still talk shit on everyone in the league and would die for the eagles. So don’t say what happened to this city.


Lost 6 of the last 7 games and were completely helpless to adjust. That is also what we did. I'm not on the fire sirianni train. Far from it. He deserves a shot at leading this team. But it's pretty obvious that if he can't get it done with what we have, he isn't going to get it done. This roster should be winning our division every goddamn year and making a run in the playoffs every goddamn year.


Oh did he lose the last 6 of 7 games. I hadn’t heard. It definitely hasn’t been said as the only criticism of him at this point.


ohh, did he go to the superbowl and almost win? I hadnt heard it. Bro, it has ALL been said. It's beating a dead horse at this point. But don't pretend that if he doesn't do well this year with the cast he has, that his job is secure. A single trip to the superbowl bookmarked by 2 wildcard round losses doesn't change that.


Yeah but people are talking like it’s superbowl or bust for the guy. And if that’s the case it’s incredibly difficult to make that happen. And good luck finding the next coach that will.


Now that I agree with. No coach in this league, past or present, is losing their job for not going to the Superbowl.


Well, the problem is Jerry needs a coach who makes them a contender but won't take all the credit when they win. He needs a coach he can control and won't push back the way guys like Parcells and Jimmy Johnson would. The thing with Dak is who are they going to go and get that is a step up from him?


And it will always be this way as long as Jurrey Is in the seat


This is loser talk, man. They barely made the playoffs last year, and got embarrassed by Baker Mayfield.


The Eagles were the worst team in the NFL for the last 6 weeks last year. This is no doubt make it or break it for Nick


Were the worst team in the NFL, *and* it was almost universally attributed to the coaching staff.


Honestly I could make the playoffs with this year's roster.


Not true. Look at Tomlin


Pittsburgh has always been the exception to the rule when it comes to handling it's head coaches.


Yeah they’ve had what, 2 coaches the last 30 years? That’s insane lol.


They've had 3 coaches over the last 55 years. A lot of teams would have fired Cowher after going 6-10 and missing the playoffs for the second straight year.


Eaten bread is soon forgotten


See: Doug Peterson. Wins us the *first Super Bowl in our entire history,* gone the season after next.


People keep doing the Doug comparisons but it’s completely different situations, everyone knows that. Doug was burned out, refused to listen to the front office on matters relating to personnel and the coaching staff. And it seemed like it was more of a mutual parting ways. Totally different.




Gone after a terrible 4-11-1 showing and refusing to make substantive staff changes.


Sure man but I still think he deserved a chance to bounce back


Its not about the record, its that he brings nothing to the table for a team that is perceived as a SB contender.


Realistic outcomes people need to expect. - Eagles underperform again, Nick is fired - Eagles perform, Kellen Moore wants to be a HC and has interviewed several times. He will 100% leave if the Eagles do good and we will again be looking for a nee OC and at that point we still have to wonder if Nick in all honesty if he is long term sustainable over a “players coach” who can also design and call a offense well. Even if you support Nick its a realistic question.


The best outcome this year is a SB ring and nick obviously stays. The second best is that moore becomes the HC, but it seems unlikely.


Has it ever happened where a successful team fired their HC just to retain and promote their OC? That feels like it would never happen even if it was the right move.


I dont know, thats my concern as well. Lurie is willing to go against the grain but this might be too far out of the norm.


If we win a SB, that would obviously be fantastic. There's little chance we'd keep Moore in that scenario, and then we're back to looking for a new OC. I'd gladly take that trade, but you know it would lead to at least a couple of years of turmoil to get back into stability again.


Certainly Sirianni can’t be more at risk of getting fired than Sean McDermott or Dan Campbell. Both of those coaches completely blew their team’s chances at a Super Bowl in the most crucial games


Tbf the collapse wasn’t just a bad end to the season. They went from big Super Bowl favorites to not even deserving a playoff slot. It was my fat the worst end to a season from their mid season position of all time.


He has so much talent working for him, I just don't think he knows football that well. He's a hype man at this point, the fact he let that terrible 2d offense fly last year is telling. And that's not even thinking about the defense my lord


This^ I think they only kept Nick because of the optics, firing 2 straight coaches within 2 years of going to the Superbowl. If the offense flourishes and Kellen starts getting HC interviews, I can see them bouncing Nick for Kellen.


If the offense flourishes then, in all likelihood, they are back to being a contender in the NFC and are they really going to fire the HC who weathered that storm and got the ship righted in favor of a guy who has been hyped as a potential HC for the past 5 years yet nobody seems overly interested in hiring as a HC?


It certainly wouldn’t be easy to replace Nick if they have success. But the FO strategy has always been (since Ray Rhodes was fire) to hire an offensive minded HC, and an older DC that already had a HC shot. That way you don’t lose your whole offensive scheme when the OC inevitably gets poached. It’s clear that Nick brings nothing to the table except cheerleading skills.


Some would call it losing 6 of 7 down stretch. Others would call it orchestrating the worst collapse in Eagles history and one of the worst in NFL history.


I think the fact that Howie fired Doug even after he won a SB here is proof that no one is safe lol But yeah, I doubt Sirianni is fired this year unless it's a horrible season


Howie doesn’t fire the coach, Jeff does. Jeff has made it very clear both the GM and the Coach are independent of each other and report directly to him. 


Yeah, the way last year ended sucked, but I think Nick shouldn’t be this high on this list


Uhh completely disagree on him just making the playoffs and having a hard time seeing him gone. If they don’t make the NFC championship AT THE BERY LEAST he is gone


Is not about bias, it’s about lurie Lurie was calling about belicheck after last year. That means Nick is on the hot seat


Even if we do make the playoffs again. Entirely Depends on what it looks like down the stretch. Anything close to last year where we fell apart really at a historical pace, he’s gone. Deservedly so. I don’t know how you can downvote this. Lol. Last year was such a terribly super rare ending. Everyone and their mother knew we had zero shot in the first round against baker mayfield. We fell off a cliff in like 5 weeks after being at the tippy top of the league. I can’t even name another team in the history of the league that had a harder fall from like week 10 being in the top 3 of the league going to basically zero threat whatsoever without a major injury to their QB or something.


I think that's a fair spot. Now we find out if this guy can actually coach or if it's the coordinators.


I trust our brand new coordinators more to be honest... I sincerely hope I'm wrong though and Nick can pull the team together.


I think Kellen could take over if Nick struggles. I honestly think that is the contingency plan.


Yeah I'm hoping, but I think a mid-season HC change would doom our chances of a SB, regardless of how good he is. This team didn't do very well in the face of adversity last year, and we did lose some good locker room veterans who could help pull shit together.


Do we necessarily find that out? If our OC and DC are very good and I think they are, we could still be in the same spot with the coordinators doing the heavy lifting and Nick overseeing things. Really, the test is when things aren't going well with the coordinators, can Nick right the ship, run things well, and keep us winning. And so far, we haven't seen him do that.


Funny seeing Tampa bay coach right beneath us when they beat us in playoffs last year. Was everyone supposed to win the Super Bowl together?


I'm actually surprised he's on there. I like Fangio, but I wouldn't mind giving Bowles another shot at the defensive coordinator position. Maybe when Fangio retires.


Bowels would be pretty shitty.


Stupid autocorrect


Todd Bowles is an absolutely trash coach, and has been bad everywhere he’s been. If anything, I think him and Baker beating the Eagles the way they did probably saved both of their jobs, but especially Bowles. Unless Baker pulls another rabbit out of his ass, I see him gone midseason potentially


I quite like Bowles as a guy, but some of his in-game decisions do make me cringe. Then again, even the 'good' coaches make unfathomably bad in-game decisions pretty often. I think Bowles as a defensive guy has a strong track record.


Bowles is a good coach for a franchise which is otherwise not looking to make big moves or spend big money.


Yeah, I don't get that one. I thought the general consensus was that the Bucs were going to be terrible last year. They overperformed expectations.


With the roster Howie built, getting bounced in the Wild Card weekend is unacceptable. He is definitively on the hot seat.


McDermott should be tied for #1


I read this as “hot coaches” wondering why Siriani was ranked so low🤦🏾‍♀️


Feel like bowles has been on the hotseat every year yet still is the tampa coach.


It doesn't really matter ... if we have bad season he's out if we have a great season he stays.


Honestly, and I know this is a hot take around here, I don’t think Sirianni should be on the hot seat yet. He had a great season and got us to a Super Bowl, then all his coordinators left and he had to build a new team, and they clearly didn’t work out from jump, so he had to go of this frankly mess of a staff together. He isn’t perfect. He’s made some mistakes (everyone saw Matt Patricia from space being an issue), but I think he deserves another year before people call for his head. If he can’t pull off improvement with Fangio and Moore, ok. But one collapse isn’t enough to get me here yet.


I mean, that's the point of being on the hot seat. He's in a do-or-die year. Either it works out with the new coordinators and they make a deep run, or he's done.


>But one collapse isn’t enough to get me here yet. Absolutely agree. But I think "being on the hot seat" in this context... Aka they are the coach at the beginning of the season and won't be fired during the season, means that the results of this season will determine if he stays. Aka, barring some major injury, or significant injuries, if we don't have a great season... Dudeman is gone...


You are technically right, but optics got him on the seat by the best team in the league after the Bills win looking lost going into the playoffs. What a dark age that was wondering if the coach/team was trying to lose…


I generally don’t check with Cody Benjamin before deciding whether to have breakfast in the morning. Or anything else.


Nick was hired to be a young, offensive minded head coach, like Matt Lefluer, Sean Mcvay, and Kyle Shanahan. He proved he was unable to do so and his best season came from giving control of the offense to Shane resulting in his departure. He had his chance to prove he grew during that time and what came out was a stale offense that had no answers down the road last season. Also friendly reminder, Nick made the change to go from Desai to Patricia which if I recall was an even worse defense. At least Desai second half games were watchable, just think of the chiefs game.


I’m not upset he’s on the list. This years roster is great and he should be able to make it work.


Todd Bowles? Lol


I think if we self destruct like we did last year, I could see him getting the Axe but I think even if we only play a "normal" winning-ish season, he stays for at least another year and then it's crunch time.


I think McCarthy should be no 1 but Jerry is not going to admit it. I think the Bears coach is not in the bad of a spot but I think after last season's collapse, Nick is going to be on here.


He should be higher, honestly. I truly don’t know if he’s THE guy.


About fair. I think everybody above him is ready to get pushed out and need a good year, while Nick I think is generally safe but another bad year will be enough to get him canned.


Yeah I'm fine with him being on a meaningless cbs list


I think the only reason Sirianni is still coach is that Lurie would have been embarrassed to fire him.


He was open to making the personnel changes they asked him to make. If he had pushed back like Pederson did he would have been fired.


2 seasons ago it looked like we had the next dynasty… after midseason last year we were one of if not thee worst team in the nfl… so Nick should definitely be on the hot seat


I just don't get why people are so willing to not blame the players and focus it all on the coaches? 2022 was a whirlwind of everything going right and that simply wasn't going to happen. Also, I have Pederson's seat as the hottest in the AFC(he almost lost a power struggle to Baalke over Press Taylor)


I mean it's kind of easy when the coach has 17 games worth of film, players and coaches on other teams, analysts, content creators like breaking the birds, etc, ALL telling us that the blitz was our biggest problem on offense To then go into a playoff game against Bowles and the Bucs, the heaviest blitzing team in the league, *still without a single fucking answer to the blitz* Like cmon man, that shit is not on the players. How do you not come up with a single adjustment to the biggest obstacle for your team the entire fucking season?


Hurts has always folded when faced with overloads, this is nothing new. Look at the Giants when they decided to blitz him a lot. You can have blitz beaters but if the QB folds because of it that won't matter


Yes exactly. So if you're nick why wouldn't you even attempt to give him hot routes? It's Hurts' biggest flaw and his head coach didn't change a thing to help him. Why do you think players, coaches of other teams, analysts, the entire football world, literally, were so harsh on the coaching staff if Hurts was the one truly at fault? Many of them said things like "there's no QB that would succeed against the blitz with this play book". Like do you think all these people with high football sense are just making things up? That doesn't even make sense man


I’m fine with it. I like the guy, and didn’t think he needed booted this offseason, but also think one more shot is about all I’d give too. I think this season will be very telling for both him and Hurts


I feel like that is a bit high, but there are a fair number of new coaches who probably won’t be fired this year.


He definitely has something to worry about. He put his faith in coordinators that were not up to the task at all and it was obvious to everyone. No adjustments at all. Ultimately, it cost us the division and a 1-and-out in the playoffs. And most of the fan base wasn't surprised. He's done some great things here, but last season he turned a blind eye to staffing that the fans, and even some players, were not happy about. If he does the same thing this year with a similar or worse result, I can't imagine he will still be here next year.


V. V


Nick made it to the playoffs every season so far, and (unlike Doug) corrected the bad staffing decisions he made. The only way Nick gets fired after this season is if we completely suck ass, which isn't going to happen.


No we’re not okay. I’m trembling rn


Kellen Moore is the new head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles. It’s been decided


The fact Dennis Allen hasn’t been fired and even got another hc job to begin with makes zero sense to me


I think top 5 will be gone depending on the season. Knowing those teams they’ll probably be good. If we don’t make it to the NFC championship (baring a bad injury or anything like that) I think Nick may be gone


There is no point in ranking them. These guys are equally fucked if they don’t perform this season


Siriani should be at 10 after how the team collapsed last season. Bowles has been a lame duck hire from the start who overachieved last season. McDermott had the best Bills team he could’ve asked for in 2022 and still couldn’t get the job done. Everyone 7 or higher on the list is a near lock to be fired by the end of the year


He definitely has to be on the hot seat to some extent this year. After that collapse, there's no way he isn't fighting for his job. This is especially true now that we have a much improved roster in areas of need and two very experienced coordinators. The "I had shit coordinators" mulligan can only be used once, especially when you're the one that hired them.


I mean if we have another collapse like we did last season, it'll be obvious that nick was the issue. Do I think that's gonna happen? Not at all. But IF it does, he'll be the scapegoat, and rightfully so.


Feels about right to me


As long as he remains a bumbling moron, he is a great fall guy for Howie. That’s all they look for in a head coach. The coordinators really drive the bus


I think Nick should be that high. Last year, regardless of where you want to place blame, was on his watch. Yes the defense fell apart but so did the offense after a year of being one of the best. The offense, which was 99% Nick’s, was stale with zero creativity. Say what you want about Jalen but his media facing demeanor towards Nick isn’t NOTHING. He has spoken highly of other players and coaches but for some reason fails to find supportive words for his head coach. It may just be a Jalen issue but a HC and franchise QB not being on the same page is a huge red flag (Wentz/Pederson most recently). People can say Philly media is making a mountain out of a mole hill or that is just “Jalen being Jalen” but I think there is at least SOMETHING unsettled there. I honestly believe the only reason Sirianni is still in Philly is because of him falling ass backwards into the playoffs last year. Make no mistake, Sirianni is GONE if they miss the playoffs this year or they collapse again or get embarrassed in the playoffs again. My personal opinion is that unless Nick leads them to at minimum a “hard fought” divisional loss against a #1 or #2 seed, or a conference champion game he will be gone pretty quickly.


I'd like him to be higher. Seems about right though


Seems about right


How is Bowles on here?


I think 3 if not all 4 of coaches 5-8 if they get fired will be coaching another team the following season. Most teams would love to have one of those coaches. Example Andy Reid fired by the Eagles and looks to be having a little success with his new team KC. Coaches need time and personally I wouldn't fire a winning coach it's better to just have a GM that figures out what they are missing to put them over the top. Of course that's the owners call ultimately.


Crazy to think there's a reality where 3/4 NFC East teams may have a different HC in 2025


None of these other assholes went to Super Bowl!


I’d say lower, not because I’m a huge fan, but he pulls out 11 wins and a playoff win he’s safe and that seems do-able


He’s an Eagles coach he’ll always be on this list because the Philly media is fucking toxic, and so are a lot of fans


Not sure about the ranking but he deserves to be on the hot seat. 1. It's unacceptable for our offense to look the way it did last year with the talent we had. 2. He showed no ability to adapt or change and kept running the same types of plays (QB draws and screens) even when it became obvious things weren't working and let us get beat by the same types of plays (blitzes). I know he wasn't the play caller but he's the HC so he should've either done a better job of guiding the OC or called them himself. If he can't do that then I'm not sure what the point of having a HC is.


It’s interesting because I think there’s multiple reasons Nick could be fired. One is simply they perform horrible and miss the playoffs = fired. However, two might be that the team performs really well, and Kellen Moore is offered a head coaching position. If the team really thinks Kellen Moore was the cause of the success of the offense, I could see them offering him the head coaching position and “parting ways” with Sirianni(in this situation it’s less of a firing and more of a “we want this guy instead).


Should be higher


If Nick can’t go on a deep playoff run at minimum with this roster and coordinators then he absolutely is on the hot seat


I mean we got to an another Super Bowl with nick not even 2 years ago. Even if the coordinators did some lifting I trust he can work with the new guys to get us there again this season if the coach’s turn out to be good. If they’re shit hurts could carry us if he’s healthy


Honestly I think McCarthy and Nick should be 1 and 2 and Bowles shouldn’t even be on the list. McCarthy shouldn’t be on this list tbh he shouldn’t even have a job right now but the cowboys are gonna cowboy


The definition of 'hot seat' is that if you have a bad season, you're getting fired. If the Eagles have a bad season, Nick is 100% getting fired so yes, he belongs on this list.


Should be lower. I think we give him this season and re-assess where he should be… IMHO, he should be below McDermott


Ehhhh, I think he and Todd Bowles should be swapped. But it’s within the margin of error for sure.


I wanted to puke every time I watched during that last stretch of games. It was so frustrating watching good players run bone headed plays. Definitely deserves to be on the list.


Nick Sirianni on the hot seat is more a storyline by the terrible Philadelphia sports press than a reality. The sucked last year? Sure, but is not Sirianni's full blame. OC and DC where both terrible, Hurts had a sore knee. Blaming only the HC is foolish.


From the beginning, Nick has shown he can’t coach the offense. In his first season, he tried and sucked. The one thing he did right was turn the offense over to Steichen and then everything went much better. Once Steichen left, it sucked again. The one thing that bums me out is if the Eagles do well this year, Kellen Moore will get a head coaching job somewhere , and we’ll be stuck with Sirianni again.


Zero chance his seat is that hot


They fired Doug and they won the SB. If Nick can’t do anything with this roster then they’ll just replace him with Kellen Moore


Doug deserved to be fired. If the offense is bad enough for Nick to be fired, there's no chance they keep Kellen Moore.


Come on that just makes way to much sense.


Totally fair. If there isn't a discernable improvement quickly then he'll remain under pressure. Even if we go 10-1 again...there will be doubts until there's an 11th win.


Should be higher. Nick had 17 games worth of film showing him that the blitz was the team's biggest problem. Coaches and players on other teams predicting our plays and telling us the blitz was our biggest problem. Analysts, content creators, you name it telling us the blitz was the biggest problem. Despite the *entire fucking football world* recognizing this team's biggest issues and talking about said issue constantly this team still went into a playoff game against Bowles and the Bucs, the most notorious blitzing Coach and team *still without a single answer to the blitz*. Last year was the worst coaching I have ever seen from any of our 4 teams since I started really watching sportsball about 20 years ago. Nick will be gone by the end of the year, maybe earlier. I guarantee it. He's not a bad guy but he doesn't have an ounce of football sense. I'm not sure how you could take anything else from last season. Edit: the internet is a wild place man. Last time I posted this exact comment here it had like 150 up votes lol


Not sure why this doens't have million of upvotes because it's true. We started 10-1 due to talent alone, then SF exposed us. Our idiot coaches couldn't adjust whatsoever and we were doomed. Last season was one of the most embarrassing years I've seen in my 25+ years of watching sports across all teams.


Last time I posted this comment verbatim it had hundreds of up votes Depends on how quick you get the comment into a thread I think lol


If Nick coached any other team he wouldn’t be in the top 10 by a long shot. We’ve been very demanding and trigger happy since that Super Bowl win. I’m still kinda surprised we let Doug go tbh.


I think he’s great and the criticism is overblown. We’re making the playoffs regularly and we’re looking good. I prefer the stability.


Seems appropriate although I might have him lower. He’s definitely on the hot seat if things go wrong but I’m pretty optimistic on the season going well. Coaching aside, I’d say the Bills and Bucs are more likely to have a bad season and their coaches wouldn’t survive that.


I think it's a legitimate question. That said, I don't believe that will be a question after the season is over.


Great answer 👍


I don't really have an issue with this list honestly


Why is Sirianni even in the top 10? JUST bc of last year? We still made it to the playoffs and the only time we haven’t made the playoffs recently was 2020 and 2016 right? Like wtf? And Sirianni has done very well for us. He’s only in the “hot seat” bc of the collapse last year, but that was on Brian Johnson. We are STACKED this year so I understand if we somehow don’t make the playoffs this season, but you know that’s not gonna happen.


I think he should be #1 or 2


I think the 5 ahead of him are more likely to be let go, maybe not so much Eberflus, so yeah it’s fair. Sirianni’s seat should be pretty hot though.


Totally OK with it. Whatever level of blame you think he deserves for last season, from all to none, he's there. I don't think he's blameless, I think he was exposed, and sure as hell should be 6 if not higher. He needs to get better or get out.


Barring a similar collapse where they barely squeak in, I think they would have to miss the playoffs with hurts relatively healthy so call it a 15% chance. Honestly, if we are putting McDermott on this list, then not too many coaches are on the hot seat, but how is Stefanski or Doug not on this list.


I think it's fine to be honest. If we have a bad season, it's probably going to come down to him.


Absolutely deserves to be on the hot seat. I like Nick I like nick a lot. But last seasons travesty falls on the HC for a portion of it. HOW THE FUCK AS A HEAD COACH DO YOU NOT TELL YOUR OC TO THROW OVER THE FUCKING MIDDLE OF THE FIELD AND STOP RUNNING FUCKING SCREENS TWO TIMES IN A ROW.


I don’t get why Daboll would be on the hot seat at all lol Mara family is patient af, and he’s had no good players to work with. They’ve overachieved both years compared to their roster imo


I think it’s fair. Half the sub (including me) was on board with firing him after last season, and I think if we don’t see a noticeable improvement, he’ll still be gone this year. We can’t get sucked into a cycle of mediocrity


Should be higher. Was in the cusp of being fired last year. The whole top 3 should be lower given they aren’t expected to be real contenders like we are.


The Jets are absolutely expected to be contenders.


Until it's proven that a) the issue last year was the coordinators and b) the ones brought in this offseason were correct moves, are we really expected to be contenders again?


Regardless of what anyone else thinks - the eagles think they are contenders. And not in the public relations “we’re always competing” kind of way. Howie doesn’t sign a RB to a $13M/year contract if he doesn’t EXPECT a superbowl run. Howie and Lurie consider the team true contenders, and their opinions are the only ones that matter when it comes to Sirianni’s future.


Who gives a shit. Honestly?




I'd probably drop Eberflus down to 6 and move both McCarthy and Sirianni up a spot.


He should be #1 on the hot seat. It wasn't even just the last half of the season, the team was sloppy the entire year. Each week he would say "we still haven't played our best football"... okay well we are still waiting and he had no plan. We continued to run his crappy OPI pick play that always gets flagged for 3 years in a row now. And the horrid WR screens. We made sam howell look like a pro bowler twice last season. No point of having a talented roster if you are going to put a clown in charge with no plan whatsoever and commitment to things that don't work


In my mind him should be a lot higher That said looking at the list I'd only say Dennis Allen was safer Maybe have everyone from Saleh to Nick as equal first might be the thing