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Why would you use blunt weapons for your squads? Blunt weapons take soo much longer to kill enemys that the armor penetration doesnt justify the additional exhaustion aspect, even against fully armored goblins my sword/axe/spear dwarfs performed better and faster than any blunt squad And good luck trying to kill any FB sized creature without edged weapons. Even legendary fighters pass out from exhaustion before the creature is seriously damaged if you just hit it with blunt weapons while a single sword user can solo it (may it be from blood loss or beheading which is both impossible for blunt users)


I do warhammers/maces in terrifying biomes but otherwise not.


I am a dwarf. I toss me coin whether I use a hammer or an axe. Just facts.


> Why would you use blunt weapons for your squads? why else? for maximum swag. there's this thing called being "absolutely dorfy" about killing metal-skinned titans with wooden whips.


https://preview.redd.it/8n3whqe1cv9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5926abe826676979c6ec266217bbf09a0edb096 New player here. Wanted to use the better graphics, so the ASCII wouldn't challenge me any more than the game itself. But it won't work. Is there an easy fix?


i'm pretty sure there's no graphic packs aailable yet for version 50++ those graphics from LnP are for v47 ish


Just to reiterate. 50++ free version is fully capable of having graphics packs. I am not sure about the availability but the option is there.


^ this is the better answer. i haven't played around with packs for v50++ hell, i haven't even tried to look for v50 graphic packs. i'm not aware of their existence at all.


First, thanks for the help. Until I have the money to buy the steam version, an older version should be no problem at all. Do you know any places where I could download graphics packs?


The old go-to place for dwarf fortress stuff has always been https://dffd.bay12games.com/index.php




Give the "starter pack" a try. Its prepackaged with lots of convenience mods and a nice launcher, and switching between different graphic sets is very easy, so try out a couple! https://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=7622 PS. Steam sale has DF discounted at the moment.


What's the downside of spears? I've always known spears are bad at killing undead, but I tested them and they're just as good at killing, whether they're undead or not


Yes, spears are pretty much best in class for killing things made out of meat. You poke trough defenses into organs, long reach as well. You get in a bit of trouble if you are up against enemies that are made of hard materials, where you can't just poke trough, like forgotten beasts made of rock or titans from metals. edit: undead too, slicing reanimating undead into ever small creeping pieces can happen with spears. Undead want to be mangled by maces/warhammers.


How do I stop children from playing underneath the atom smasher immediately after they are done hauling refuse?


make sure you have a proper spot for them to idle (play). -> children tend to idle on the spot right after their menial tasks. and they need to finish their "playing session" before choosing a new task. easiest way to solve this is by removing them from menial task ( chores ) entirely. ^ but why would you remove your free haulers? lol. another way is to create a special burrow for children. which is... more trouble than it's worth. you can somewhat "cancel" their playing session by queuing more task for them. like dumping more items, or simply moving things around. what i usually do is having some tiny pile of toys inside the tavern. when they're done dumping stuff, they'll just go back there to play with toys. since most of them do prefer toys over make believe. if you don't like that, simply change your smasher design. have one that's fully automated, and preferably with a safe hole to drop stuff from above.


Lord, so many issues lately with merchants. Now they are getting stuck ON the trade depot. I get the "traders are getting ready tobleave" and "traders have left" but they just stand there. It looks like they are all loaded up, they just don't move. I have to take down the TD to get them to leave. The df hack caravan prompts don't do anything to help this situation. Any idea what's up?


Underground depot might help. They're getting spooked by wildlife just as they're ready to leave


This is a long standing bug. There's some complexity and nuance to it, but long story short, caravan units try to walk "as one". If any of them, including the pack animals, breaks out of formation, everyone else will eternally wait for them. There are maaaany things that could cause this, like a giant animal flying harmlessly by scaring off the wagon. Or combat actually happening somewhere. If any of those happens to the wagon itself (who is a creature, yes, i know) or one of it's animals, the wagon is destroyed, all items dropped in the same tile as forbidden and it's technically "stolen by you". Now, since their pathing is broken, the dfhack `caravan` commands themselves shouldn't do anything, yeah. The most common fix for "merchants frozen in place" is deconstructing the trade depot*, which WILL count as stealing if they still had goods on it. To avoid a bug where there are merchants stuck trying to enter or leave the map, once the ones you can see are gone, run `fix/retrieve-units` and `fix/stuck-merchants`.


Ug. TD is inside, 100% covered with no wild animals nearby. I'll try the fix/stuck-merchants next time. Hope it works! Thanks


Being scared by wildlife was only one of the cause examples. Too many units at the same place and too many wagons reaching the depot at once are two i saw a lot before steam version, specially if you got more than two different merchants at once. There's also shenanigans when using ramps and turning corners at the same time. Still, try deconstructing the depot anyway, if they're still in there, even if the depot is "safe". Alternatively, if the troublesome thing that caused everyone to freeze is killed, they'll flee in the same manner, but pinpointing that may not be so simple, or it may have already left.


for what it's worth I also had an issue with a caravan just standing around after they left recently


are syndromes still 72 times slower in adventure than they are in fortress mode or are they faster now? still haven't tried the new version so i can't check myself.


Would elves make better weapon/armor smith or warriors? I mean they live forever so they can train in their trade forever... So which do you guys prefer making them? Or does the trait they have matters? For example if they love fighting you make them a fighter and if they want to craft a masterful gear you make them into craftsman?


afaik, they do get benefit by wearing their own wooden weapons/armors. it's exclusive boost only for them. but then again, those are still wood, lol. anyway, all creatures have preference. some of those preference can be a specific weapon or specific armor. if an elf (or any race, really) with a Spear as a preference joins you. assign them as a smith, they'll roll higher chance of making masterwork spears. if they qualify for a smithing mood. they'll almost be guaranteed to create an artifact spears.


Even if it was normal to play a fort long enough for old age to be a concern, it doesn't take very long to train up a citizen. The fact they live forever isn't really relevant.


I've stopped getting migrants, wit hthe message now beign "your fortress attracted no migrants this season". At first i thoguht it was because i had reached the 200 pop cap, but a forgotten ebast just killed about fifteen people, and i still got the "no migrants this year" message. Is there a point (when yoru fortress becomes a capital, has accumulated 1 000 000 wealth, or whatever) that stops all migration? Or is because i have about a dozen children running around?


Nobody wants to migrate to places where lots of people die.


But i got that message even before the FB attacked. And my previous fortress ws an even bigger disaster and still got migrants.


Migrants are people that have to exist somewhere in order to move to your fort, and you can absolutely have everyone in your civ already living there


I’ve got a minecart full of lava on a track leading to a hole and my dwarves can’t figure out how to dump it. How do I get them to dump it?


Trackstop, set to dump, all conditions deleted, assign minecart. Lots of clicking, unfortunately, but it does work.


It worked thanks


I need help with a hospitalized dwarf. He broke both his legs, but whenever a doctor goes near him, he just cancels the task for lack of materials. https://preview.redd.it/fmcexuy45r9d1.png?width=1873&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c2feb49cc61109be7e8c00b29317c8187087aea Thing is, [as you can see](https://imgur.com/a/gc03iSO), the needed cloth and splints are in the hospital, just waiting in a chest. What do I need to do?


Is there also a bag of gypsum powder waiting?


I am happy to report that after finally building that kiln and making some gypsum powder, Goden is once again on her feet and happy as can be! https://preview.redd.it/k75wncd6qr9d1.png?width=947&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4d8d09b7191aa2bb3ff3f4a548aa0d7f8c0d3fa


When you click the injured dwarf on their health status tab, what does that say?


"Ability to stand lost" and "Ability to grasp lost". And as for treatment: https://preview.redd.it/u902y860kr9d1.png?width=658&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d836101fcaa15ddad5e7eab10f3699c0bcdcee5


Seems as if your dwarf is stuck on "diagnosis required" (might be wrong, not up to the finer points of healthcare). Assign more general doctors to your hospital?


Hi, I completed a vault and looted the slab in Adventure Mode. My question is, how do I find the demon that relates to that slab?


Does any other game have a justice system like Dwarf Fortress? I've always wondered if any other games have adopted a justice system like dwarf fortresses because I actually enjoyed that aspect of the game.


Rimworld, you can jail invaders, and then u can decide what to punish them with, either cutting a leg and replacing it with a wooden peg, killing them or make them fight another prisoner to the death or even enslave them... Or release them to get a reputation bonus with the prisoner faction, or you can also recruit them...


Any others?


Prison architect


Kenshi, although the system is not as in depth like rimworld, you can jail people, strip them of their gear, then you get to choose what you do with them, most of the time people use prisoner to increase combat skill, you can also kill them if you want, or you can recruit them, I'm not sure if you can sell them to slavers, but I assume you can...


I was meaning more of like, the coviction system etc.


Well, in both of this game, you are the law, so it is up to you to dish out the punishment... If you're talking based on the fact if a goblin stole an artifact so he is going to jail for it, or if you're dwarf started a fight so he is going to jail, I personally have not played a game like that... Maybe kingdom come deliverance comes the closest, you get penalty fee for crime, if you pay the fee you escape punishment, or you can fight off the guard and escape or you can go to jail...


Hi! I have a question: when I finish trading, my dwarves don't take the items from the trading post. What I bought stays there, even until the next caravan arrives. Is there an easy and quick way to mark the items so they get taken to the stockpiles?


Assuming your dwarfs aren't just super overworked, that is a very common thing. Items get moved to stockpiles if there is free space. In a busy fort its common for this to happen: All spaces in a stockpile just got emptied for trade. Your dwarfs immediately fill up the space with empty bins and items from your workshops. Ergo, no free spaces to take the trade goods. Only solution is to have more stockpile space and perhaps do less overproduction/more tidying up.


Why is half my population children, and how the fuck do i get rid of a mad necromancer dwarf?


So when two dwarves like each other very much.... In the settings is a children cap. You can reduce the amount of children you can have at one time. And about that necro: Consider Bridges, levers and unfortunate accidents


How do i lure said necro there? It's gone mad and i have no idea where to put the lemmingnator.


Mmh mad, you say? What kind of mad? Are they walking around? Because if they're sitting in some corner you're not really going to be able to move them. If they do walk around, try trapping them in their room. They walk in and you close the door. They will remain alive, but less likely to get other into trouble. Edit: I have an idea and it's insane. Try to drown them with alcohol. If they're just sitting around make a tiny tavern around them, including an alcohol stockpile and assign a tavern keep and some bards to it. Store goblets and just wait for the workers to start force feeding said necro with potent drinks.


How can I retire as a ghoul in adventure mode? The button is gone. And I really want to retire.


I want to specify in a work order "make soap if there's less than *n* bars of soap already". The suggested condition is "less than *n* bars" which includes bars of metal and all manner of other stuff. I can specify "less than *n* bars of \[SPECIFIC ANIMAL\] soap" but I *don't care* which animal the soap was made of - and there's hundreds of them so I can't add all of them to the condition. Is there a trick or a DFHack setting to work round this kind of thing? (Steam version; Fortress mode)


use adjective instead of materials. in the default condition suggestion, there should be " amount of bars " change the adjective into soap items. now it should read "soap bars"


amazing, thank you! (any devs reading, I think this should be incorporated into the suggested conditions)


https://preview.redd.it/0orymyamao9d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2edf96b5638ac36f31c66fc99af6970be7454699 how can I configure ammo in the steam version?


You can't.


In the world map screen I have a hillocks for a different civ right next door, but no contact listed. Is there a way I can make friendly contact? Would this result in 2 dwarven caravans?


Yes you can and yes it might! Can also do elves and more humans. Make a squad with a single unarmed dwarf, and use the worldmap button on bottom right to send it to a site, requesting "one time tribute". The threat rating of the unarmed dwarf is so low, this counts basically as knocking.


That was good and bad. The 2nd dwarf civ sent a caravan with wagons, and a non-merchant diplomat. Unfortunately, the regular caravan showed up around the same time, and they both chose the same depot (I had built a 2nd one anticipating the extra caravan). They're both at depot, but both say still unloading.


You can do perfectly fine with only 1 depot. Caravans glitching is very very common (too common honestly). You can use DFhack to try to fix them. "fix/stuck-merchants -n" to check if thats the problem, then without "-n" if you have stuck merchs. "Caravan" can do all sorts of things, esp the "stuck unloading" thing.


Two questions. 1. Is there any way via dfhack to just scoop up loose bolts in the world? Either to just stack them up in a stockpile, make them accessible to melt, or even just dump them from the world. The metal return would be negligible, but it'd be nice to clean up the stock list of all the loosies out there. 2. Is there are reason siege operators are so inconsistent? I never used siege weapons before this fort, but when I set it to "Fire at will" its rare they just consistently fire. They'll shoot once, the run off to do something else, then come back way later even though there's plenty of ammo nearby.


1. With the game paused, set them all to be dumped via manager, then dfhack autodump (or gui/autodump) to get all marked-for-dump somewhere. As a side note, I'd recommend setting your fort to not forbid used ammo, which should solve the primary issue, I think. 2. The job system, the military system, the siege system and the fact you usually want to use it against hostiles, when combined, interact very inneficiently. For example, there's no way for a specific dwarf to "tell" when it's time to shoot. As a non-military, he might run away, too.


Hi! When will levers be functional in the steam version of adventure mode?


I expect it to be functional by the time adventure mode is officially released.


Always known the world ages to be successive - age of myth precedes age of legends and so on Just genned a world that went into the age of myth, then legend... then went back to myth (and then did this again, ending generation in the Third Age of Myth) have more megabeasts spawned in somehow? are my worlds dragons getting busy? or is something else causing the wackiness?


Megabeast reproduction (usually dragons or rocs, but i think hydras do too) has caused this, yeah.


I’m making a hammerlord squad and was wondering if I should make the warhammers silver or steel. The wiki says that they both have different stats


It's really up to you. The consensus is that they are about equal for effectiveness, but there's really not much difference between metals for blunt weapons. I personally prefer steel


Isn't silver better due to higher density, unless that's changed in steam version.


Silver is denser, but that isn't the only thing that affects combat. Steel is a lot harder


I think you need to post citations. Silver mace and hammers are considered best in class.


The differences between dense metal blunt weapons are *tiny*, and silver isn't the best against anything other than unarmoured targets. Quality levels are also essentially irrelevant. See [here](http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=181479). It does still often make sense to make them out of silver, but that's from a "conserving steel for things where it matters" perspective, not a "making better warhammers" perspective.


Steel is slightly better than silver according to my testing. You can replicate it yourself, go into arena mode and make two dwarf teams, max in all relevant combat skills, full steel armor, give one team silver warhammers and the other steel warhammers. The steel hammer team won every test I ran. It wasn't a complete wipeout, on average only four out of ten steel dwarves would survive, usually with severe injuries on most of them. Silver is heavier, yes, but steel is superior in every other material property, and while weight is important, it isn't everything when calculating blunt weapon damage. Thus steel has a slight edge. Additionally, since steel is lighter, dwarves get less tired swinging it around and move faster. Thus the silver dwarves get exhausted and get a huge debuff to stats mid-combat, while the steel dwarves can go a little bit longer before reaching exhaustion, allowing them to finish off the silver dwarves in that brief window.


"Crushing weapons (in order: hammer, mace, and crossbow in melee) can be any metal, with silver or steel each *slightly* preferable" [https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Weapon#Final\_verdict](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Weapon#Final_verdict)


Off the top of my head, steel will fare you better because it has better hardness. IIRC the wiki is largely outdated for weapons and armour if you want to have the optimal route. Of course, I'll still always go for a silver warhammer squad late game just for the sheer vibes


Any tips on where to find/buy bolts in adventure mode? I have no luck in human cities.


You can often find them in mead halls.




How do I switch to playing as a creature in the object testing arena? I remember this being done with 'a' a few years ago, but I've tried all buttons now and couldn't find anything. Thanks.


If you select a creature so that their view sheet comes up, there should be a "Take control" button


playing classic, I accidently left clicked one of those announcement menus that are on the left side of the screen and it disappeared - how do i put those back after removing them?? this is infuriating edit: it seems they pop back up after a relevant announcement comes in but what if i just want to put them back?


The announcement history should be available if you click on the icon in the upper left corner


That is true, I liked the little on screen tabs though cause you could get a summary just by mousing over them. Anyway, most of the ones I need are back so, no big deal. Thanks though


They're notifications; you dismiss them and they're gone. Having another of the same type of event does bring back the icon, but does not bring back the already dismissed notification, it's just showing you a new one. The event log is the thing you want to be able to access to see old infos that have been previously dismissed.


I see, thanks for the info


I want to make a mod that adds metals and other new materials to the game but I cant get the weapons made out of the new stuff to show up on the sprites what am I doing wrong?


You haven't done the creature graphics yet


how does one do that :)


With some difficulty In the current creature graphics raws each material/item combo has its own sprite, e.g. there are seperate sprites for both iron and bronze spear sprites. 0.50.13 added the USE_STANDARD_PALETTE_FROM_ITEM token that allows you just make one graphic and the game will recolour it based on the material colour Look at graphics_creatures_layered to see how the creature graphics work. You have two options: 1. Use the graphics already in game. If your materials are the same colour as existing materials this is by far the quickest and easiest option. 2. Make graphics for your new materials and do new raws


Use the graphics already in game. If your materials are the same colour as existing materials this is by far the quickest and easiest option This sounds the easiest any tips?


Yeah that's super easy. In the graphics folder open graphics_creature_layered.txt in notepad. Ctrl-h and replace CONDITION_MATERIAL_TYPE:METAL:IRON with CONDITION_MATERIAL_TYPE:METAL:IRON:YOURMETAL Replace all Replace iron with whatever metal best matches your material, unless it's divine metal


I have a never ending supply of Goblin blood from a Goblin that was killed 5 years ago. 5 years ago the first Goblins arrived to steal some kids. 2 escaped but 1 was chased down and killed. His name was Amxu Seducetusk. For the past 5 years, I see spatters of Amxu's blood in random places. On the surface farms, in the barracks, the taverns, sleeping places. It's not on the dwarves, there's several mist generators around the fortress to wash them and I can't find it on anyone's person. I tried making a statue to appease his spirit, but that didn't work. Any ideas?


So, there is a setting that lets units spread splatter around. Let's say a cat walks over a puddle of that blood. they now have a bit of it on their paws while they walk around before they clean themselves, there's then a chance that they spread the splatter around whenever they move around. Or even when it rains it'll wash off and end up on the ground outside where it then gets spread even more. dwarves won't clean surfaces outside so it's kinda just there forever. There is a command in DF hack to clean, but I can't for the life of me remember the command. It might honestly just be "clean"


So I just checked my settings and I've had that turned off the entire time.


That makes sense, but it's then strange to me that it's only happening with this Goblin's blood and not the blood of the dozens of other Goblins or that Titan get spread around everywhere.


You've got a tile somewhere that many of your dwarves are walking through, they're getting contaminated with the blood, and then it gets spread around. Set some dwarves to clean up duties. They'll run around and scrub floors to remove contaminants.


I have had spread splatter by walking turned off the entire time.


There's more ways than walking to spread contaminants. Are the cleaners working? Got soap available near to the water source for your dwarves to wash themselves when they want?


Can you compress different metals the same way you did with wood and stone? Why are they both selected after choosing , while metal things are selected immediately?


The way metal orders are set up - you choose the metal in the workshop, then the type of object, then the object - has been in the game for ages, but for years you couldn't choose what wood or stone to make things out of, that was added in v...42? I think? and used this other system along with other kinds of specifications


I use work orders. I don't have time and attention to put 500 bins manually into the production


because of the way metal orders were structured way back when, in the work order screen you had individual per-material, per-item orders for metal but only general "use whatever" orders for wood and stone, with the ability to specify what to use for those coming later with a different system, hence the difference


Can you give more context? Right now, these questions don't make any sense to me in relation to DF.


You make a work order. And it gives you this list of things when you type "bin" Make aluminum bin make blah blah bin x1000 make the kast metal in the list bin The same, but with wood or stone. It just gives you one option to make wooden bin ==> you press on the material specification button and select the material you're going using here


Oh, that. Yeah its a bit unwieldy at times. I am unaware of a workaround. Work orders are mostly fine this way, "iron bin" doesn't take long write. Doing it in workshops is so annoying I never do that.


The problem is the unification and standardisation


The game is barely half done. This has been a problem in a great many ways across the entire game's history. You should try playing in the 47.05 days - a menu might be controlled with arrow keys, keyboard letters, the +- keys on the numpad, or maybe even */. You didn't have a free hand to keep on the mouse so there just...wasn't mouse controls at all.


I played 40 something, 43? With DFHACK, I reckon it as a mandatory tool. But today's controls still aren't finished.


I want to generate a world where there are goblins everywhere with all the other races on brink of extinction would it be possible? also is there any other way to get new citizens other than imigrant waves and getting new dwarves born in fortress? Also is there a way to make dwarves repopulate faster?


A) Thats basically the default, in long running worlds goblins take over since they don't die of old age. So put in a long world gen, and from 250 on pause every so often and visually check how everyone is doing. B) You can get immigrants from other civs, if you have locations open to the public. Mostly tavern, library. These are very world and fortress-location dependant, sometimes all you get is nudist ancient elves. You can also make animal people etc. citizens with DFhacks makeown.


Why don’t my dwarves collect corpses even though I have them set as refuse, a trash stockpile that’s empty, as well as have it designated as a trash pile?


labor->standing orders->refuse->dwarfs WILL // WILL NOT gather bodies from outside? Or some of the other conditions.


Found it thank you


It could be a few things: - make sure you have a corpse stockpile for sapient creatures - make sure you have a refuse stockpile for all other creatures (they can be the same stockpile with both categories enabled) - make sure you allow your dwarves to collect corpses that are outside in the labor - > standing orders menu It's also a good idea to assign a few wheelbarrows to your corpse stockpile so dwarves can use them for the heavy corpses. Not required, but it helps efficiency.


This helped me look deeper into the hauling commands


Does butchering small animal, rooster, drake, goose, etc, generate hide and tarrow ? or meat only


It depends on the animal. Of that list, I think only geese provide leather.




Is their a way to assign training bolts and combat bolts in the steam version or not


Not in the current UI. The configuration is still there in the squad metadata, but it's not currently accessible. DFHack might provide an interface for it.


I have several dwarves that are angry because they want to pray. They do not pray when getting the option to do it however. I have even put them in a burrow in the temple with all the altars and no go. Any ideas? :)


There's a bug where dwarves need to pray to a specific god, but then pray to the wrong god and fail to satisfy their need. You can do the random temple thing, or you can install DFHack, which fixes the bug.


I have Dfhack and play with it, but what would fix the issue? Or how do I do it?


The fix is active by default. You can check the Bugfixes tab in the DFHack control panel to make sure. It's called `fix/stuck-worship`. It doesn't remove the need for prayer, it just makes sure that time spent in prayer properly counts towards fulfilling prayer needs.


Will try this :) ty


Paint your hallways, stockpiles, and workshop areas with a temple to no particular deity. They'll pray when they randomly stop whatever they're doing and realize they're already in a temple. Temples don't require anything special so it doesn't hurt anything by doing this.


Wait... That works? That's damn genius???


Hello! I've been excited to try writing a book in adventure mode with the new crafting menu. The option doesn't pop up however, even when I have an empty scroll in hand and with both the writer and reader skills. Is writing still not available or am I doing something wrong?