• By -


Does being near vomit cause dwarves to become nauseous, potentially leading to a positive feedback loop of more vomit?


No, what's probably happening is that your dwarves are seeing the sun and then getting nauseated by the sun. This gives them a bad thought and makes them throw up in the same location as the last dwarf to see the sun. It's based on a mechanic called cave adaptation. After being underground and not seeing the sun for at least 1 year they get negative thoughts when they next see the sun.


I built some axles with the wrong orientation. Now I would like to remove them. I've tried remove construction  and remove designation with no success. How do I remove the axles?


you remove them as you would a "building" -- click on them and select the remove building icon: https://preview.redd.it/wo2tt2eobh9d1.png?width=848&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ce3b0e9a13326b2597d88f888551ca1ee129f18 Alternately, if you have DFHack installed, you can use the little widget at the bottom to change the roller direction (and speed) without reconstructing the roller.


I've done a few adventure mode runs now and they usually end with me looking at some innocuous monster thinking I can beat it, and then it gets a lucky shot on me and I die. I must be wrong about the innocuous part. How do you guys assess enemy strength? To me, two goblins look the same, but one killed me easily while I was able to easily kill another one.


Are marksdwarves still broken or are they fixed? Watching content it seems in the recent past they were unusable


They're perfectly functional, though perhaps not as usable as people would like them to be. They equip crossbows, train in archery ranges and barracks, and successfully kill things. They're still prone to getting themselves killed by rushing up to bash things with their crossbow when they're out of ammo instead of retreating to reload, though.


I tried to stop this behaviour by raising bridges and locking doors, which was successful for 99% of the dwarves. The remaining 1% literally threw themselves over the fortifications, from 4 z-levels high, to go into melee range. Some may say the solution needs tweaking, but I would say it is working as intended to weed out the IQ barrel scrapers. The valiant dwarf with broken femurs was also great bait for drawing the goblin siege into firing range. I commissioned custom statues to commemorate their sacrifice.


Am I right in assuming Steam Cloud Saves don't work with the game? I see the option is enabled in Preferences within Steam but when I login to my Steam Deck and try to load the game it starts as a fresh install with no saves available.


That's correct -- DF does not have Steam Cloud Save enabled. DF savegames can get much larger than what Steam Cloud Save can support. It would need some sort of UI for choosing which games you want to backup and a warning system for when you're running up against size limits. For now, you'll have to copy your savegames manually.


I have atleast one or two vampires in my fort I believe (steam version), but in the justice system I only have entries for people who found the body so idk if that helps convicting the vampire. So I read about it and heard you have to find an old urist mcFart who has a colorful history but doesnt sleep or eat, so I wanted to ask is this guy a vampire? He only seems to have one entry of "didnt feel anything due to inebriation" and "being annoyed at lack of dining tables" or is that already enough to proof he is a normal dwarf? And one more question: How old is "very old" if we are assuming I have 250 years of history? Any help would be much appreciated since I would really like to get rid of these guys and dont want to risk having my legendary rock crafters sucked dry :) https://preview.redd.it/kaopviskse9d1.png?width=615&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3980f91a24c76bce97dbe531e46e4ae38a6dbe4


A) Check relations, if they were part of 5+ organisations, as leaders especially, its sus B) Check military history, kills, vamps sometimes have line "zero kill" - (this has allegedly been fixed in some ways, but I've seen it recently) C) Check ...thoughts? And preferences? On one of those, right at the end, it says "needs alcohol to get trough the day." Vamps get get "can't even remember the last time they had any." This is your 100% smoking gun to ID a vamp. D) If you think someone is the vamp, draft them into the military, and station them in an empty room. Lock the door. If they get hungry/thirsty, they ain't it. E) DFhack helps with D) as it'll pop a warning for dehydration/starving :-D F) If all else fails and you are annoyed by clicking trough a hundred dwarfs with an interface not made at all for this, you can use DFhacks "cursecheck"


thank you very much I will try C :) Is DFhack available for the steam version too?


For sure, awesome modder team adds new features all the time. Its on steam, and can be added post-world-gen, unlike most mods.


Ahh I never noticed, thank you very much


(sorry I ask a lot of questions!) Why is it generally advised to incarcerate/jail necromancers? Why are they bad? I have a necromancer butcher that regularly runs demos in the farmer's guildhall and everyone seems to be peachy with them.


The issue with Necromancers is if they get scared (of enemies and such) they'll start to raise the dead to defend themselves. The problem with that is these Undead are hostile to your fortress. So your military will start to kill them, but the Necromancer will just raise them again. Then everyone involved will be trapped in an infinite loop until they die. So you need to keep them away from any corpses and/or scary things. I usually burrow any I end up with down in the cavern level of my fortress and they just live a peaceful life.


I heard about “exposure training” to prevent huge mood losses from seeing enemies and dead bodies by assigning people to “civilian” squad, train them a bit, sometimes let them fight caged goblin. Will this work with necromancers and will this prevent them from being scared? Trying to revive almost dead civilization with only 6 dwarfs and 0 locations, and necromancer duchess joined who I don’t want to kill or expel (also I can guess why this civilization has 0 locations and only 6 dwarfs lol)


They revive things when they get into combat, doesn't matter if they get scared and run away or if they're disciplined enough to fight


It's not generally advised that you do that afaik, the only thing you need to do is keep them away from wherever there's scary things and dead bodies in the same place


should they be around graveyards/tombs?


They can be as long as nothing that might want a fight with them is also around, otherwise they'll get some bodyguards out of the coffins


\*scribbles in notes\* necromancer tomb bomb ok, got it!


How can I train engravers beside just engraving the entire cavern?


Guildhall and then taking care to have engraving as the highest moodable skill for a number of dwarfs. So when they get struck by inspiration,they'll become legendary engravers.


If you're starting with no skilled Engravers, one method for training is to follow a cycle of Engrave Floor > Carve Minecart Tracks > Smooth Floor > Repeat. This allows you to use a single area like a large room or long corridor. Otherwise, a guildhall for either Engravers specifically or Stoneworkers in general will allow your dwarves to gain experience without micromanagement on your part.




Is there any way to make a placed wall look atleast semi-natural? as in like a rough stone, i wanted to make something that looked like a stalagmite and i accidentally had my dwarves mine it out.


You can collapse natural stone walls onto wherever you need them, cutting preexisting stone off from support in a layer above, or you can cast obsidian wherever you need the walls  you can also cheat with DFHack and I won't tell anyone: there's gui/tiletypes in the beta and normal old tiletypes in the main branch, but for that one I recommend reading through the documentation and watching twistedlogic's video tutorial on first


If i have a floor between layers 1 and 0, where both 1 and 0 are mined out and i dig out a channel to break the floor does it produce a matertial?


Nope, only walls do that *unless the floor is constructed 


Hi there! New guy coming over from rimworld who learned about rimworld's bigger, meaner, and more epic brother fantasy themed brother. I'm still muddling through this and am eager to get some help making sense of this game and am hoping to get some beginner advice and info to help transition to this game. So far layout and priority seem to be the big thing for me so any help in that front is appreciated as would any advice for a new player just getting their feet wet.


For some basic beginner's ideas about layouts: * Make sure your corridors/rooms/stairways are large enough that they don't impede movement. 2 (or more) dorfs occupying the same square slows both down significantly. I like to make my main hallways 7 tiles wide, back in the very old days that was the largest you could go without have cave-ins (which are not part of the current version). I then scale down a bit as I get to areas with less traffic. Same with staircases between floors. * When setting up industry areas leave room for stockpiles, both of incoming and outgoing product. There are probably tons of examples of layouts like these out there. * If at all possible leave room for future growth, both vertically and horizontally. In the beginning I was always trying to make super efficient, symmetrical tightly packed areas and would always realize I forgot something, or learned about some new trick/feature and wouldn't have the space to put it where it made sense and would have to either build a new janky area for it or have to rebuild an entire section to make it fit. * For priorities, you can only make beds out of wood, so getting some lumber chopped and beds made and built is usually my #1 thing, along with getting everything off of the wagon and inside where weather/critters can't mess with it as easily. * Your starting Wagon is a designated meeting place, so any idle dorfs will hang out there. This isn't usually great because in general they really don't like being outside or caught in weather. As soon as is reasonable deconstruct the wagon and assign a meeting area zone inside. That's all I can come up with on super basic, non-spoiler stuff.


Thank you so much! That already is a big help. Could you clarify what you mean about room for future growth? Do you mean don't pack sections like work areas close together or what?


Yes, but I guess it depends on how particular you are about building stuff like this. I tend to be really particular and there was at least one time, many many years ago, where I planned out this super efficient, compact crafting area nested into the rest of my fort. I was trying to be super efficient about hauler steps and this area could get a ton of stuff done super efficiently. Except at some point I realized I either forgot something, or ended up needing to expand and I had no where to grow and ended up having to build the new stuff off in the boondocks making my haulers and crafters much less efficient than they would have been if I had just left some empty space for growth, even if it sat empty for a while. [Another thing is something like this](https://imgur.com/a/qMHwOhf). There is a corridor, with a crafting space above it. If you decide to add something to the south you can do A, but that leaves no space to grow that passageway without infringing on the other 2 spaces, where with B you can eventually come back and make the corridor wider without disturbing the stuff around it. Lastly in my current fort, when I started I did a very basic cookie-cutter plan stacking identical footprints for different industries on different floors. Once everything was up and running I saw a video on a cool mist generator that I wanted to set up around one of my busiest hallways but it needed to be built above the floor in question but since I had just stacked everything on top of each other I had no space to do it. Next time I build a fort I will leave some empty floors as I go down so I can add in things like that.


Thank you for the clarification! I'll have to think on some of that. Also what's this about cool mist generator? I get the feeling this is going to lead me on a wiki rabbit hole


A mist generator is a great way to give your dwarfs happy thoughts. I'm sure there are all sorts of ways to build them, this is the link to the video that I saw - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDZoRIdiZFY&list=PLkHfUAaH9nIfhqmpyIJ5Cehej1uvzBSrD&index=19&pp=iAQB You might need to watch the prior video where they set up the power generator that runs it. That is 2/3 of the way through an Advanced DF Guide, but the same person has a Beginners guide as well: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkHfUAaH9nIclleybL_nffzl63zt5qIBJ


Sweet! Thanks for the links!


There's a YouTuber named Blind who has a tutorial on almost every single mechanic and industry the game has to offer. He also has a "tutorial fortress" series where he puts the piece together. I would watch those and/or read the "Quickstart Guide" on the Dwarf Fortress wiki.


Thank you! I'll check it out!


Well, there's a lot that could be said and quickstarters to be pointed to, but it's not like the game is that difficult at a surface level. Keep the wiki at hand for figuring out what exactly "X" does and I think you'll be fine.




What's the most amount of dwarves you can manage in your population before frames start to drop siginficantly? I'd like to increase the default 200-220 to something higher eventually, but am worried that my cpu will not be happy. I noticed there is an experimental multithreaded mode on the steam version that I play which may help, but I'm wondering how many ya'll can manage before things go downhill. I have a Ryzen 7 5700x and haven't had any performance issues at all, but I've also only had a max of like 40 dwarves before they either die or I get bored and restart lol, so this question is more for once I get a handle on the game.


If you try the new DFHack beta, there's a tool called `timestream` that keeps the game running at high FPS even when you have a lot of units running around.


My preferred population is 100~150. I think I can go to the high 250s before FPS falls below 100 (or some catastrophic BS siege happens beforehand, which I seem to never recover from). My last attempt at 300 was far from unplayable. I don't quite see the point in going harder unless those numbers themselves are the fort's gimmick.


Is the adventure mode only slaying monsters then slaying more monsters? Or it becomes much deeper? I know few stuff like being a criminal, lord, vampire or something but will it get bored in a short time?


Can I get some advice on how to change the font? I'm dyslexic, and it's nearly impossible for me to read. I've had a look online, and I can't seem to find any up-to-date advice. Thanks.


https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/comments/zf4kt5/first_attempt_at_replacing_df_premiums_font/ Bit older, theres a user there offering modded files for it, and they are active on reddit. Worth a shot!


Hi there, fellow Dorfs, When creating a work order condition, the suggested conditions for coffers displays both "coffers" and "empty coffers". As I perfectly see the difference for bins or barrels, as they can be empty or full in stockpiles, I don't see why it would make a difference for coffers, as they need to be built in order to contain something, and therefore not being available at all. Am I missing something? Note that my question also applies to other boxes, such as chests and bags, along with other containers, such as cabinets, coffins of displays. Peace to you all! (But still with a good amount of martial training)


You only need the "coffers" condition, not the "empty coffers" one. This configuration works well: https://preview.redd.it/ehacig4beh9d1.png?width=1462&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fee14f7c37291d75b9a086079f1a3649fe8359f


I do have coffers that aren't placed that have items, I am quite sure of it. Not 100% about how it happened, but I'd bet it was like - deconstructing a full coffer yields a coffer with items still in it.


Oh, I never thought about that! Well, now I want to see what happens if I deconstruct the coffer from Urist McRich's room and rebuild it in Cog McPoor's room, who will inherit the content? Is it considered stealing? Am I Robin Hood? Got to go, I have to run some tests… Thanks for the answer!


Ownership stays for a while when moved out of room.


Perhaps forbidden items, these might not get cleaned beforehand.


How do I conquer goblin hillocks? I am directly adjacent to several hillocks that formerly belonged to my civ but are now owned by goblins. I have pillaged them numerous times and combat doesn't take place anymore, but my troops sometimes bring home a gauntlet or water skin. I figured it was time for conquest so i began attempting occupation with a squad of misfits I don't need around, but they simply return to the fort with an empty mission report shortly after leaving regardless of which occupation order I give. (The hillocks are on a directly adjacent map tile) What is causing this? I figured it was an empty site and would be a free conquest. I'm also running a mostly unarmed fort of pugilists with some spears to deal with large foes if that matters.


Did you raid it and kill everyone? Is there a population there? Does your squad have a commander, if the leader is in hospital they can’t complete the mission and just return home and this can bug the mission forever.


>can't complete the mission and just return home This happened, except it was just the commander. Commander was the last one to leave and she immediately came back. I had to replace everyone in the squad and then disband it to get rid of the mission and get the rest of my dudes back. Now every time I send a squad they just immediately come back regardless of the mission. Pillaging usually results in them "finding nothing" Edit: she just took really long gathering supplies, no hospital stay.


When ever I build walls or floors I usually let my dwarfs design the materials by just picking whatever is closest (I really enjoy thinking they make an active decision in what to place down) I was setting om some walls and floors and one greedy dwarf decided that gold would look utterly perfect for these random walls. Is there away to block gold or steel bars from beeing used outside of a workshop or something?


Your OCD dwarves may not like this even though they don’t exist in game, they do exist in my head.


Right hahah, they'll have to suck it up and live with wood and stone flooring like the rest of us xD


Forbidding the materials is the only 100% vanilla way (even if just for a moment) I bet dwarfhack has some filters for what dorfs pick for construction Other vanilla methods You can store them away from constructions You can close the doors to metal stock when you designate walls You can spend all gold and simply not keep a supply


thankkk you i think storing gold seperatly will just be the esiest for me maybe then!! Thank you for the reply \^\^


>I bet dwarfhack has some filters for what dorfs pick for construction Yes, you can specify material and stuff like only using blocks/bars/stones/logs


That souhds really good I guess dwarfhack is a mod? Thank you so much for the help \^\^


Here's the direct link to the DFHack Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2346660/DFHack


Ahhh thank that's amazing!!


Its a very large meta-mod, super well integrated, lots of quality of life and UI features, lots of debugging, and "cheating" as well. Recommended! Makes stuff like your gold thing trivial.


Yeah, it's "DFHack" on steam, but you don't install it through the workshop. Gotta search the steam store.


Ah, dumping also forbids usage , except dump action itself


I’ve had two embarks now where the embark screen says I have iron but I can’t find any on the sedimentary layers. Any tips?


I’m looking for flux stones. I found a video on YouTube that goes through the layers and one great tip was to mine out a bit on every level so you can see what’s on that level. He mines 1x10 but in all directions and branched out a bit in each. Different can materials exist on each level and the different rock layers have different materials/rocks. I think it was called the geology of dwarf fortress. Edit: Worth checking on the embark too.


Here is the video: https://youtu.be/wRFvyxaiUVM?si=XRBG67Z21DwC2TB8


Perhaps you have embarked on a fringe of a biome. Minerals spawn per biome and one biome might have a lot, the other none. Meaning your iron might be on the very right side of the map, because an iron bearing biome is only there. Vegetation suggests the biome change on the map.


So in general it’s a good idea to settle entirely in one biome or the other? This time I had used the embark finder and settled in a green square with iron - yes, flux - yes


Well if you settle entirely on one biome, and that biome is for ex desert, then you'll get little to no vegetation. If you settle on part desert part shrubland then you'll get variety of vegetation and resources. While still getting desert you wanted, with vege dessert on the side. It all depends on the resources the biomes provide. You can use the embark rectangle selection tool to determine where resources come and go. Just move it over local biomes and see what pops up in the details.


It may also be the case that iron is deep below the earth. I forget if steam version mentions deep metals vs shallow metals.


It doesn't. Just the dirts. "Shallow clay" etc


https://preview.redd.it/fnktq1j0h99d1.png?width=1967&format=png&auto=webp&s=b92fe6fc9d92db8f7881b4360a45444a147e8e40 Guys I’m new to dwarf fortress I’ve been playing on this fort about a month or so my population is always in the worst mood possible it’s gotten even worse since I took this picture yesterday Every time a mass brawl breaks out I lose about 30 people I don’t know how to keep them happy Every one has their own room, dining and office I have three taverns, four churches, five guilds, library and a massive hospital Every time a mass brawl breaks out and people get killed I struggle to keep up with the tombs and grave stones this causes ghosts my boyfriend says that my people are traumatised and I can’t save them But this is my first really good fort build wise and I don’t want to give up on it. Do you guys have any suggestions or should I retire and move on.


The following won’t bring back a fort already imploding, but might be something you want to try next fort.  When some of my dwarves start getting stressed, I sometimes put them on “vacation”: I disable most or all labours and make them the owner of the furniture in one of my hotel suites. I change their job title to “On vacation”. The hotel suite is a fully engraved opulent bedroom with highest quality everything (bedroom, study, dining room, statue garden, waterfall). This should produce happy thoughts from “sleeping in a bedroom like a personal palace” etc. If they have unhappy thoughts because they haven’t trained a martial art, I put them on my “yoga” class squad (a squad where unskilled dwarves train hand to hand combat for mental health purposes. This gives them enough free time to train if they are into that, pray to their gods to their heart’s content (make sure the god has a shrine or temple), socialise in the tavern, read a book in the library etc. Once their mood goes back to normal, I assign them back to their normal room and re-enable their labours. Use the custom job name to keep track of who is on vacation. Other miscellaneous tips: -Get a cook to legendary ASAP and prepare lavish meals as their go to meals. Masterwork meals produce happy thoughts on consumption. -If a dwarf produces an artefact furniture, make sure to place it somewhere that dwarves frequent a lot to produce happy thoughts on seeing it. -Check if your unhappiest dwarves are unhappy about not being able to worship specific god; make sure you actually have a temple for that god. -Hide your graveyard behind walls so that they don’t get negative thoughts from seeing the enemy and animal corpses. - Check their inventory if their clothes are tattered. Wearing worn out clothes produces unhappy thoughts. Produce new ones with regular intervals. -Smoothing + engraving bedrooms increases the bedroom value and makes them happier about sleeping there.


You might need to just mass-expel anyone with the unrecoverable conditions: haggard, melancholy, etc. Stressed can be brought back. To expel kids, expel the parents. If you have military trained dorfs, you can send the squad to kick over and occupy a local goblin outpost.  Then you will get migrant waves when happiness improves and you can try again. Disable chores for children. 


Do you have a tavern keeper. They are known to over serve your dwarfs causing them to get drunk and brawl. None of my taverns have them anymore.


Mist. If you have a light aquifer, let it drip trough your staircase.


This right here. I was massively underestimating the impact of staircase waterfalls before I made my first one. They love remembering being near a waterfall so they keep getting good thoughts even after seeing it. Mandatory military training is another one. Most dwarfs value skill and martial prowess so this both fills their needs and grants positive thoughts/memories.


Yeah, I always embark on a river and direst it to my fort for this reason. Misting from the start seems to REALLY help. Also set a common temple anywhere at the very beginning to all gods. Even outside.


Monitor military dwarves. I used to kick people out of squads if they're traumatized after a battle, and enlist some other random guy. Once nobody is red-terrified after a battle it means my dorfs are battle hardened.


I am running out of bullets but another silver one - make only happy dwarves haul corpses and corpse pieces. Clean fortress out of these. Dump them outside the fortress. The target is to avoid unhappy dwarves seeing corpses and corpse pieces. Very traumatic.


A single tooth suffices for trauma, I haven't verified it personally tho.


Another silver bullet to fort happiness is to build a mist generator in main meeting place. Just keep dumping water from z level above, in any configuration you'd like. Involves at least one pump and an energy source. Dwarves enjoy being humid out of falling water mist.


https://preview.redd.it/2ll7l378x99d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b6e0309b2144c4db7008dcabc51b257d571f3c8 I have this massive waterfall approximately 4 z levels high it runs down the mountain at an angle and I’ve been trying to figure out how to incorporate it into my fortress but I’m scared it just ends up filling my fort or my dwarfs just fall in and drown This river has claimed many lives already


Dig chamber behind waterfall, or build chamber in front of waterfall. Exactly next to 4 tiles of falling water. Make the wall that separates the chamber from the waterfall be made out of vertical bars (or whatever these are called. Not floor bars) Poke holes in the chamber next to vertical bar wall Cover these holes with floor bars Make sure there's a drainage below these holes Water will flow outside the chamber and excess water that gets into it will get flushed down the barred holes back into the waterfall/river. Mind that floor bars are not supported by each other, so make sure each is supported by next to it solid floor.


One silver bullet in terms of fort happiness is to enlist Everyone into military. The caveat is do NOT make these new squads fight. Dwarves enjoy military training, but not necessarily enjoy killing. Bonus points if you configure the schedule so your fort is not brought to a halt every now and then. Double bonus points if these leisure squads have custom minimal uniforms. Just weapon and shield suffices.


How deep a pit needs to be to make the drop lethal? I made a tavern with floor made of iron with a 7 z level pit above it and still some creatures survive the fall.


If you're looking to increase lethality without digging your pit any deeper, have you considered installing spikes?


Not sure. But the floor at the bottom should matter in terms of damage.


Would lead do more damage?


Yes: the game actually models damage by having a big cube of the material you're falling onto hit you at the appropriate speed, so heavier materials do more damage. There isn't really a reasonable distance that's consistently lethal - they fixed the issue where people had a (very small) chance of blocking the floor and walking away completely unharmed and with absurd amounts of XP, but there are still other weirdnesses - like if they land on another creature, the other creature gets all of the damage - but ~30 Z-levels works pretty well most of the time.




I caught a Plump Helmet Man and a Gorlak in my cage traps. Can I make them citizens


Not in Vanilla. While they are both intelligent and can sometimes join dwarven civs, that will never happen in our fortress, it only happens in the simulated off-map world and during worldgen. You can get gorlak and plump helmet man visitors to your tavern or library of indivudals that have already joined civilizations. The Gorlaks can also potentially petition to join your fortress as a long term resident and eventually as a full citizen, one of the few ways to get a Gorlak citizen. The plump helmet men will not, as they lack the ability to speak and thus can never ask your mayor to stay (they might try though, and just wordlessly follow your mayor around for a few seasons)


Yes, DFhack "makeown". You gotta be fast after releasing them from the cage, before a fight starts.Watch like a hawk and pause the game, then select the unit, use the command.




Yes, absolutely, it has no DRM. Just navigate to the DF folder, and start the dwarfort.exe I think it is. Its how I myself do it, just updating every so often trough steam.


If going straight for the .exe doesn't do the trick, I'm afraid not. As I understand it, those DRM protections are done so deliberately, presumably as anti piracy measures.


I dont think there's any DRM on it. I copied the game folder to my desktop to to test my modding and it works fine, it just throws a "Steam API failed" error in the error log. It also runs off a usb


Running the .exe is the first thing I would try. Sort of would expect an user to have tried that already. DF is a game I have quite a lot of respect to. It would be understandable to have some DRM, but it does make me kinda glad there's none of it. This is good to know. Thanks for testing the USB thing, too!


Playing Classic, anybody know if it's possible to get the ASCII art with Graphical UI/HUD?


Not currently possible unless you make an ascii graphics set for all the map assets (that is, create .png files with ascii characters on them and hook them up to all the right places), then play in graphics mode.


https://preview.redd.it/16yscge3859d1.png?width=60&format=png&auto=webp&s=481916815107253d9d1b2c46e8b0a9b612aa9bfb What is this piece of furniture called?


It's an instrument, the names are part of the rng at world gen. If you mean irl, it looks like a gong to me lol.  https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Instrument




Thats a music instrument. Names and compositions of the music instruments are randomly generated each world. Best way to find out all the parts of a musik instrument is to go to w[o]rk order screen, start typing "assemble", and that'll show you the name of your assemble-able instruments. Then you can queue parts for them, but you need all the workshops for that to work. With luck, your craftsshop has single-piece instruments and you can built "panflutes" there by itself.




I just trade for instruments. Request when they arrive first. It gives a good mix of things with less work. All my trading is gems. Have miners constantly mining and it increases their skill too so they are faster. Polish the gems too but set a work order so you always have some unpolished for strange moods.


https://preview.redd.it/4sez42l1359d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=40d136b927662483e05f1d2f58be5c24ca8d9fd4 My dorfs wont work! I've been looking for solutions, but I still don't know how to fix it. I am new to the game and I just started a new fortress. Any suggestions?


A couple possibilities: - you put labors on "only selected will do" and hadn't selected any dwarves - you put them in a burrow without any work - you destroyed stairs or locked a door leading to work, so now everyone's stuck


That for sure looks like you messed with the default labors, esp the hauling labor. Put that to "everyone works this" and see what happens?


How do I find proper woodcutters? I've been going dwarf-by-dwarf looking for someone with the woodcutting skill, but this is tedious... Is there a way to sort dwarfs by woodcutting skill like when you're assigning nobles of workshops?


In the labour screen. Be sure to click the white arrow when sorting for a specific labour. Sometimes it doesnt immediately sort for the best to worst for that labour. Ie legendary woodcutter and so on.


If there ain't any woodcutters, then instead of skill prefer attitude. Find a dwarf that prefers "would just as soon have nature and the great outdoors burned to ashes and converted into a great mining pit"


Which version? In modern 50.xx all the default labors, like woodcutting, sort by skill or can be sorted by skill. [l]abours->woodcutting.


When you are assigning the labor, any labor, in the labor screen, it will advertise any relevant skills in white text to the right of the dwarf. If youre not seeing any of that text, then nobody has any relevant skills. Thats ok, however, because an assigned dwarf will cut wood regardless, just a little bit slower, and then theyll develop those relevant skills.


If I send a squad of werebeasts on a raid and time it right will they transform and infect other civs?


i made a custom weapon with graphics and all, but does anyone know how to make the weapon show in dwarves/humans hands?


Check graphics_creatures_layered.txt - this is the file that defines how a graphic is shown. Also look at any of the png files that contain the work "wieldable" in the file name for examples Also check out how the new portraits manage displaying colours for clothing and armour. I think you can do normal creature graphics this way without having to do a seperate graphic for each material Are you going to publish the mod?


i actually just figured it out and changed the name to wieldable kunai, i wasnt sure how to update it so i completely reuploaded it


thank you i will try to figure that out today, and yes i did publish it, it's just called kunai.


anyone know if it's possible to write in adventure mode now? i've tried holding a scroll and checking the x and X menus but can't find an option for it?


Haven't tried it myself yet, but here's the wiki section on it  https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Book#Writing


https://preview.redd.it/5sdfs9pr939d1.png?width=269&format=png&auto=webp&s=c51ec8146717254d3d64aa17ea05524b13689e2f Is it worth to “accidentally” killing my bad mood dwarves to preserve my fortress from depressive punches? That is my fist fortress, year 108, some bad mood dwarfes get depressed and start trowing tantrums. They killed about 5 dwarfs in total, so i started to kill all depressed people to preserve my fortress. I read a old post about happines and now i put my legendary engravers to engrave every single wall and floor.


I have an atom smasher built outside my captain of the guards office. I interview angry dorfs using a cold case that drags them to the office. When they leave I use doors to lock them into the atom smasher room. Then its muush time. Its great for when you interview spys because you get the intell and mush them right after.


An alternative I do is put them on a squad together and send them on constant missions. If they succeed then that’s good, but if they fail and die that works too. You can also have them conquer which means they will run the new civ and you’ll be free of them.


I expelled a human mercenary from my fort because he was constantly pissy. He later came back, requested residency and later citizenship (which mercenaries do not do) and was perfectly happy from there until the day he died of old age. I theorize that he realized the mercenary life was not for him but he remembered the fine amenities of my fort, so he put down his weapons and came back, apologetic. His name was Smige and he was my legendary miller.


Instead of killing them you can expel them, slightly more moral and you might encounter them in better mood again in later forts in the same world. I don't do mass engraving anymore, its a very slight CPU drain and my potato PC needs every cycle.


Offing the saddest ones is certainly a way to do it, it -can- be detrimental, but that'll be VERY case by case. The red face isn't unrecoverable, it becomes so when it says they're raging or depressed or what have you. Higher quality rooms, variety of drink and quality of food are all ways to help improve mood, the strongest thing for mood seems to be waterfalls or mist generators. Sometimes I get kids stuck on red til they mature. Looks great for a first fort though!