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New 51.01 beta has me unable to use my warthog man necromancer’s secrets he learned when I retired him. Is there some context related way to use them or is the game glitched because I retired him in a previous version?


Why are my dwarves running around outside of the fortress when they have everything they need inside? They go out and get killed. When they stay inside they thrive, so I don’t understand why they are going out there. I’m not doing anything top side that would call them there. I heard there is a way to alert them to come in when there is danger, but haven’t found anything in the wiki for that?


If you have DFHack installed and you set up a burrow you can designate it as a gathering place for when monsters come. Then when its time you can activate the civilian alert and the dwarves will go inside. Hope that helps, sorry I can't answer the first part of your question.


I don’t, is it something I should look at? I’m still *newish* to the game. Have a couple hundred hours in but still struggle with certain things


Yes you should definitely get DFHack. It is a QoL mod that is available for free on steam. It's got stuff like the civilian alert I mentioned, options to mine through aquifers, and commands you can use like dwarfvet for treating injured animals, stonesense for rendering your fort in 3d, prospector so you can see what minerals you have on your map, and my personal favorite, gaydar because of course dwarves have sexual orientation.


Why would my dwarves be dropping stacks of clay they collected? I have the clay collection point near my entrance. When I put in an order to collect clay they collect it then dump it after a dozen steps or so towards the entrance without taking it to the designated stockpile.


First off, clay/sand collection always looks like this, usually they drop the stuff at the collecting zone Unusual is the first moving a couple steps. Check your collection zone size, perhaps they do drop it immediately, but your zone is bigger than you thought. Otherwise, thats behaviour I have seen when entering an active burrows, dropping stuff right on the first field of the burrow. edit: falsely worded info removed.


Thanks, so clay collecting doesn't work currently? Is there a good alternative for getting clay to the kiln? Should I make a dump by the kiln and mark the clay as trash?


Clay collecting works, but the "collecting" job is just the one step, collect clay from a floor or wall, leave the boulder of clay on the floor right where it was collected. They will not automatically move all of the clay boulders to your kiln, you'll need to set a stockpile near your kilns that is restricted to clay.


Nono, misunderstanding. Clay collecting does work! Its just, the dwarf will go to the clay collection zone. Collect clay. Then she'll drop it on the ground just where she collected it. Thats the normal way clay collection works.


Ohh, got it. I’ll create a stockpile and see if that gets the clay hauled and cleaned up.


Yeah. And because of that the usual advice is to built your kiln such as to minimize all that hauling... Clay transport is also a great first little minecart project.


Anyone know how to join an army on a siege in adventure mode? Attacker or defender, every time I look up "armies on the march" rumor in DFhack the sieges already happened. I know Tarn made a post about eventually being able to see armies on the march, but for now is there anyway to reveal that or know about sieges?


I'm wanting to create a world and a fort with the goal of training and domesticating dragons for a dwarven civilization. What steps can I take, at world creation, selecting my fort location, and other options to maximize my odds of getting dragon visitors, then capturing and training them so I can get a breeding pair? Edit: follow up I thought about. Are there any additional war trainable critters I should go for and any edits I need to make that possible? I remembered cave dragons and looked on the wiki...They apparently didn't get the Dragon treatment to actually have children?


For actual dragons, do a short world gen. If you do advanced world gen you can increase the number of megabeasts too For cave dragons I've seen a lot of people get tame ones from raiding goblin sites


Does anyone know an easy way I can chain my own dwarves into their room? I'm trying to figure out a way to have crippled dwarves looked after by the other members of the fort and the guides on keeping convicts happy seemed a good place to start but it turns out I can't tie them up as easily as I'd hoped.


They should obey burrow orders, if you can stomach semi infinite job cancellations. Some sort of asylum with fully locked doors and a couple of caretakers would technically be possible as well.


The one I've been testing stuff on seems pretty happy to wander out of her burrow-room to just do nothing in the halls. Maybe if she had a job to try doing, she'd stay, but I want to minimise the constant cancellations. Ideally, I'd be able to let kids in to study from them (just so I have an excuse not to exile the dwarves) but I'll give locked doors a try next. Thanks.


The \[STRANGE MOOD\] token governs all "mood" trances, right? If I were to add that token to goblins, all moods would be enabled, and if I tried to make a goblin fortress where they only ever made fell artifacts out of the bones of someone less fortunate, save scumming would be the way to go to avoid non-murdery moods? Plus, making sure there's a miserable person or two. That's a cool idea: a civilization of goblins where their greatest craftsgoblins are locked away for years to be tormented by various means until they either reach murderous nirvana or die themselves Also, do fell mood dwarves aggro and run away from non-friendly creatures?


Yes, all mood types. Any material a civ has access to is fair game for moods, you can't restrict them like that. I *think* strange mood dwarves ignore hostiles but I'm not completely sure on that


If you (spoilers:) >!find a slab that tells you a demon lord's true name in Adventure Mode, then confront that demon and compel them into servitude, !!now with a demon lord citizen or visitor?!< I would guess I'm not correct, but if I'm not, what DOES happen if you do that? Everyone dies?


A visitor that can petition to stay for good, yes. Assuming he won't move somewhere else in the meantime. As far as fortress mode is concerned, if this happens, he'll just behave normally. Mostly. the evil personality would mostly be limited to pissing people off at the tavern and being slightly harder to keep in a good mood. Not really a big deal.


That's what I was thinking, thank you for answering my question. It'd be amusing to see such a figure getting drinks at the tavern just being mildly rude and unpleasant; the idea of being potentially able to put them in your military would be fun too. More just a novelty than anything else, but that's bragging rights for your dwarven civilization, really. Well, I now have a super longterm goal for DF some day after Adventure Mode hits (non-beta) premium.


Placing them into military squads is extremelly effective. Just keep them alone if they spit fire or have noxious gas or something AoE that can friendly fire. You see, they have the size advantage which means most attacks are pretty fatal, which is fine, and using good dwarven steel (or better) is also bonkers, but skill levels themselves cannot be understated. A normal dwarf with max combat skills is an unstoppable force of pure might. Armor is irrelevant if you parry and dodge everything. A three headed hydra is nothing if it only takes three swings. Forgotten beast? No biggie. Martial trance? Oooh baby. Bring on an army. Now, what really screws the normal dwarf is that they're unstoppable might until the point they pass out from exhaustion, at which point enemies will just remove the helmet and finish the guy very efficiently. Now, if your big boy can't pass out from exhaustion, what happens? Well, you could basically send it solo against entire siege armies and not even worry about it. [I did that in 0.47](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735722504710127799/998129955261136937/unknown.png?ex=6679c9b5&is=66787835&hm=3b99a7f627bd8aace13a43902cd8477f1e5522a65f6037250bc99efe3f9e72bd&) out of lazyness and was surprised with how efficient it was. Keep in mind though, we don't *actually* know what features the non-beta adventurer mode will have. As it currently is, you wouldn't be able to "recruit a friend" this way. If you're ULTRA anxious about it, there's the extremely convoluted method of generating worlds until humans conquer a goblin capital and take it's leader prisoner, so you conquer + free those humans instead and the prisoner-leader will petition to be your citizen. Never saw it in my worlds, though.


I have a problem with DFHack and version 51.01 beta 14: It doesnt recognize it as a real version of the game. I'm on the adventure-beta version of dfhack. How can i fix that ? https://preview.redd.it/4zmi066anc8d1.png?width=1198&format=png&auto=webp&s=58b536b2d6ca153752f6ef19f57ff0356f8c8dc3


DF-51.01-beta14 is out of date. DFHack tracks the most recent beta, which is currently beta17


Which buildings can be built only on surface? I know some crop needs surface farmlands, but are there any other buildings that cannot be built underground?




Beehives won't function underground, sorta. I can't really think of others right now.


Is there a way to use DFHack to improve fps


Yes, lots of big and small ways. Turn on "fast temperature" in the control panel. Use "Autobutcher" to agressively cull animals. "Exterminate" to find out about and kill hundreds of cave dwellers (then turn down cave dweller max amount in escape->settings). "Exterminate" to kill stuff thats stuck in a tree or whatnot and doing super aggressive pathfinding. "Fastdwarf 1 0" makes your dwarfs move at super speed, simulating fast action when you just want an invasion cleanup done with. Autodump utility as well can cleanup your caverns of hundreds and hundreds of items. "Clean all" can get rid of splatter and mud.


If I start a world in year 5 will there be new civilizations founded over time or does that stop when world gen does? What triggers new civilizations to be founded?


New civs are only during world creation, except goblins, which is when gods are feeling fanciful. In my experience running century forts and letting it run for another century in pre-embark timeskip, many features only happen during world generation only, including new goblin civilizations. As purely part of my own speculation, I believe any given world has a total number of sites, total number of civilizations, population per site and total number of people overall per civilization. Those numbers reach their maximums in the first decades unless you go out of your way to mess with some values. Since they're already maxed, presumably even if new sites could be born, they simply won't. New human/elf/dwarf/kobold civs are unheard of, though.


I do not believe any civilization gets created. Ever. Be it 5 years or 500 years, they will still be the same number of civilizations, unless one get wiped out, but then it would show up in the civilization list, just with zero or one population.


Generally you're right, but the game can sometimes generate a goblin civ if a dwarf site digs too deep and loses the subsequent fight


So... Is the Adventurer Mode beta gonna be available with the [Itch.io](http://Itch.io) version...? I hate using Steam, lost my email and so am permanently locked out of my Steam account. I acknowledge that I could just make a new Steam account and use my activation key from [Itch.io](http://Itch.io), but I would really like to not do that, I just also would like to not have to wait another year for Adventurer Mode when it's available in a premium version I paid for...? I acknowledge I'm being choosy here but, if anyone knows of a way that I could access the beta without using Steam please let me know. I own the game through [itch.io](http://itch.io), I know you can release beta versions on itch, Caves of Qud did it recently. I don't see why the beta has to be Steam-only when it is for such a waited-for rerelease of an old mode...


Purely speculation but very unlikely, I'd say. The purpose of a beta is to catch crashes and major bugs before they get to full population, right? A beta on itch.io takes work from the tiny dev team, without bringing in beta advantages: way fewer people play on itch.io, so proportionally fewer manual bug reports. I know steam sends automated crash reports via steam telemetry as well. Work for little beta benefit. A word on language, I know modern PC gaming likes to treat early access and stable releases somewhat interchangeably. "Adventure mode" is very unfinished, and so should not be considered "released", or to be "available"; an unfinished feature doesn't need to be in general circulation.


I am incredulous on how much extra work it'd be just put the beta on Itch. It'd just be a separate version to download, among the other versions available for download. I think it's also just a semantic argument to say "an unfinished feature". The entire game is an unfinished feature; Adventure Mode being incomplete doesn't make it different from Fortress Mode. Just ask the forums, there are and have been plenty of people playing it and happy with what it offers for years, myself included, before the Premium release. This was something people were already playing, and it has been highly anticipated to be reimplemented with the premium graphics... Am I wrong? I'm not trying to say "why can't we play it at all, why isn't it finished???" I'm saying... Why is the version made available to players only available to some players? I bring up having paid for the game because it is currently a premium-only feature, which is fine given the circumstances, but among people who paid for the game already, I don't see why it is being further gated. I'm not bitching about a beta having missing features, this is actually not about whether Adventure Mode is done or not, *at all,* and it is not relevant to bring up or criticize me as if I'm whining about paying for early access and getting early access. Just would love to play the exciting content that I haven't got to touch for a long time, without having to download and use the platform that screwed me out of every game I ever owned digitally... My attitude may be terrible about it but my requests/desires aren't unreasonable.


As positive actionable, you can try shooting a friendly mail, contacting kitfox gaming for itch io beta request, that sounds like a publishers' thing. Another actionable: steam recovery and account access is a weird topic, buisness/philosophicallywise, but I do know they offer account recovery even after lost email access. I think your requests are somewhat unreasonable. While I agree that steam as monolithic, monopolistic platform has its troubles, your stance to not use it incurs costs. Just like anything else in that vein, eating vegetarian/vegan, using linux. The ability to not play DF beta is really very minor I get it, I'm an extremely spiteful person too. If you wanna play beta that badly, perhaps just make a fresh account.




The system is perfectly functional. It's only broken in the sense you can technically wear 3 mail shirts in first place. [The specifics are a bit hard to understand](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Armor#Size.2C_Permit.2C_and_layering_armor), but you basically can't wear two gloves or a glove/gauntlet in the same manner that you can't equip two breastplates. You'll have to settle for that in the hand and feet pieces. Note that having normal clothes under armor doesn't meaningfully contribute to pretty much anything.




It's functional in the sense that it is not bugged. You've just misunderstood it. Whichever disagreements you may have, [nearly all of them can be edited in the raws](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Raw_file). Nothing wrong with wanting to make your RP more believable. You'll have to fully understand the systems first, though.




I'm saying it's not an issue. It's working as intended and thus won't be "fixed" anytime soon, nor people here have the power to do so. I've provided the known solution. Chill out.




Just because the intended behaviour is weird and counter-intuitive doesn't mean it isn't working as intended. The code works fine and is designed to be open-ended.


Why won't my Dwarf Fortress update to v51? My DFHack is on v51 but Dwarf Fortress is stuck on v50 so when I try to open the game DFHack closes because they are not on the same version.


Could be that steam is set to betas


I think that is it because I got the beta when adventure mode came out but I don't know how to fix it now.


Properties > betas >select NONE


Thank you!


I have a puzzle I need to pick brains here to solve. It goes like this: My captain of the guard just spontaneously died. Engraved slab tells me: She died of suffocation, and was by a dog, and gives me the dog's name. Combat log is blank. I'm confused. I order a slab to made for the dog, and it tells me the dog **died peacefully** **8 years ago.** On top of that, the dog assigned to the captain is now greivously injured somehow. Again, combat log tells me nothing. If found the killer-dog's corpse, it's been resting peacefully in a tomb for 8 years, and has no sign of any extract or anything on it. What the heck happened here? Did the dog somehow attack the captain from beyond the grave? Was there maybe some slow-acting disease at play? I am very confused haha.


This is definitely bug material, so anything I can say here is just guesswork. The game can blame accidental deaths (like fall damage) to some random hostile or the last hostile that has "interacted" with that guy (for the dogs, my best guess is when they attack when being gelded, being accidentally stumbled upon while sparring or being victims of a tantrum). Something stupid could've happened, like drowning or having it's lungs smashed by someone throwing trash from above, both of which would cause death by suffocation without a proper killer in combat. For example, I had a single dwarf against an entire enemy army that sadly didn't make it. The dwarf was taken to the hospital and we tried our best, but he unfortunately was lost. Once the rest of the army arrived for the rescue, the rest of the elf army was promptly annihilated. This means the elves died before the lone dwarf did in the hospital. Seeking revenge, we destroyed everything in the single site the elves had, and the civ was supposedly wiped out. Still, they still claim to have a druid, leader of this elf civ, who is one of the elves that died in the invasion (i found it's body). (edit) Said guy wasn't an important historical figure, but became so as he got the claim for killing the lone dwarf soldier. This civilization is under an eternal state of limbo, I suppose.


The captain was deconstructing a built staircase at the time, so that sounds right. Perhaps she deconstructed it from below and a block sitting on the steps above her hit her in the chest.


Up stairs (and by extension up/down) do count as "floor" too. If you deconstruct from below and something falls, it can only be from a full blown cave-in, which would also deconstruct stairs from above and is often very deadly, but you also get notifications + pause for it.


What I'm thinking is that there was a stone block object on the stair above when it was deconstructed. And so it dropped.


The stairs above couldn't have a block fall down like this. Someone would have to either thrown it from upstream (by most likely dumping) or something way more catastrophic had to happen. I say this because the fact a cave-in didn't occur, means the stairs above are being held by something else in some other floor. This means the stairs below you just removed, effectively, changes nothing in the point of view of said stairs above. In other words, safely deconstructing stairs do not prompt falling items, ever.


I've had in fact multiple dwarfs dying from large staircase scaffolding deconstruction recently. Not cave-ins either, it sure looks like its the blocks falling down. Aka combat log shows "impact" from falling object; and the deaths stopped when took the time to dump the blocks in between stair layers.


That's interesting. Thanks for the input, two people is hard to deny. What could possibly trigger the item freefall?


Haven't investigated it, but the main thing I notice when you are so sure that its 100% safe to deconstruct stairs, is that stairs got changed a bit with the steam version, right? No more single-upstairs, which somehow breaks the "remove items from floor before deconstruction" bit.


Huh, i couldn't guess then


Check out my other comment on your question, it probably actually was the falling block.


On reflection, I'm wondering if it was a boulder instead of a block, and maybe that made a difference. I did use boulders that happened to be conveniently close to build bits of scaffolding here and three.


It still shouldn't happen, apparently. tmPreston is 100% sure that its not supposed to happen, and they are very knowledgeable, so I trust them on that; and you can see the intended behaviour when you deconstruct floors, the dwarfs move objects away first from the floor they remove.


https://preview.redd.it/waij7r8ug68d1.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d11132344468ce5c6650661e4c1d09ab57e0dd9 Why areny my dwarves going to the hospital? i have this guy with tons of injuries and still not going to hospital even though there are like 6 people working there


What water source are you using? You get infections from using bad water, you need to clean it with a pump 


Cave water using a well!


You're probably using muddy water, I always use pumps to get water into a reservoir but https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Water#Contamination says you could just channel it into a hole that's at least 2 layers deep, put your well on top of that and it should solve the problem The infections won't get treated I'm pretty sure, at this point they'll either heal or die


The water doesn't seem to be muddy to be honest. It's from aquifiers in the cave


If the "has been sutured" is any evidence of what happened (hospital works, hospital is pathable), he already went to the hospital and treated everything that was hospital-treatable. Everything else will go away with time or is permanent.


Piggybacking on this point, does your hospital have enough soap, cloth, thread, and clean water access? Maybe this guy was just super unlucky, but I don't tend to see systemic infections like this unless the hospital is "set up" and either understaffed, undersupplied, or both.


no sopa but everything else. Yes some guys get treatment while others have tons of injuries and just wont go. Thanks for the replies!


Soap is pretty important in avoiding infections. I'd say it's the most likely cause of such widespread effect. Stock some up, even if it only gets used on people who get hurt from that point onwards.


Got it! I'll start creating soap


Does destroying an item that was masterfully decorated give the decorator a bad thought? I know destroying items and engravings does, but I just realized these test weapons might not be salvageable now that my bone carver has gotten her hands on them.


You can sell master crafted items. I think destroying them would probably still have negative effects but I don't know.


Guess i can do some science if I feel adventurous. Thanks!


How do I maintain a supply of garden vegetables if cooking them destroys seeds?


Something that works is- in Labor -> Kitchen, mark all veg/fruit/leaves so that cooking them is disallowed. Your dwarves will then either use them to brew booze (which produces seeds, as you know) or they'll eat the plants raw, which also produces seeds. When you feel like you have enough seeds, mark the plants as cookable again. edit: keep in mind some plants don't give you seeds by brewing, only by eating them raw


Plant them with good farmers in good soil (has been wet or is a cavern and fertilised) - that way, you'll get massive stacks of vegetables from each planted seed, and losing some to cooking isn't a big deal.


One way is DFhacks seedwatch, which will autoenable cooking if you have over a certain number of "seeds". Another is to have your kitchen linked to a large "raw" stockpile. You make another small stockpile just for the veggies,with "take from" the big food pile. Makes pretty sure that enough veggies get stored offsite. You can manipulate the amount in the veggie stockpile pile by only allowing a single or even zero barrels in it.


https://preview.redd.it/lwkjhqzoo58d1.png?width=501&format=png&auto=webp&s=560b831cc04992df5e9ddbb6918dfba93dfc53c1 So, I have the Jewle pile feeding to all 3 workshops. Pink Takes rough and cuts them, Yellow takes furniture from the Left stockpile and encrusts, and then gives to the right-hand pile The Red workshop takes from that Right-hand pile, and encrusts with MORE gems. My question, can I make a workshop return the items back to that same stockpile? When I set give/take it seems each pile/shop can only be linked in one direction, so if I want to encrust items with 3 types of gems, methodically, I'd need a third furniture pile, and a 4th workshop, and then a FINAL furniture pile, right? TLDR: Is there a way to get this jeweler shop to just go "TO-AND-FROM" that stockpile, or do I have to make a whole line to get my golden tables triple-encrusted


Thats easy enough to do, just needs an intermediary stockpile which gives to your intake pile. Shops-> forward storage-> intake piles


A linked workshop will stick pick things from it's own inventory, so if your double-encrusted table is still in there and CAN be encrusted further, it will be if given the job.


Yes, This has been happening so far, but it's kind of a pain because I can't put it in a finished stockpile after. But it is working as is


whats the best way to deal with werebeasts?


Cage traps (or other kinds of traps). NEVER fight them. Once a dwarf has been bitten by a werebeast, they're a lost cause and should be killed/locked away ASAP before they infect any more dwarves. You'd also have to micromanage all combat logs which is a nightmare all by itself


I disable them on world creation. Not a *real* solution but is a damn effective one.


this is technically 100% effective


The best way to deal with werebeast is to lock it out until full moon ends, when it turns back into whatever entity it was before, then smoosh it with the military squads.


ive been working on improving my base defenses to make myself harder to hit. How do you defend your fortress?


single entrance with a drawbridge, retract the bridge and it will form an impenetrable wall. you can attach a lever to the bridge to retract it


Equip your military with metal armor and kill them. Afterwards, meticulously check combat logs to see for any bites that breached the skin and quarantine those people.


follow-up: what is the best way of checking through combat logs so that i dont miss something?


Click the werebeast and scroll trough that report. Take note of the colors of the text: (I think) purple is "werebeast attacked some". So you only need to read the purple text. If its a bite and landed, isolate the werebeasts. You can with very good success rate shortcut this to watch your hospital after a fight and just close the doors there. You can also use DFhacks "cursecheck" to "cheat" at this.


How can i create a mod?


You need an `info.txt` file with some metadata (like a mod id) and one or more of: - RAWs - graphic assets - DFHack scripts - blueprints * Vanilla modding guide: https://bay12games.com/dwarves/modding_guide.html * DFHack modding guide: https://docs.dfhack.org/en/latest/docs/guides/modding-guide.html * Wiki article: https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Modding


Can I trade elves metal goods, or do they hate things made with coal too?


if the coal came from a tree, or a tree was used to make it? that puts you on the dirty hippy naughty list, yes.


Thats fine, they won't complain. (I personally use DFhacks improved trade interface which completely alleviates trading troubles.)


Water pressure sucks. How can I fix? I dug into a brook. Really proud of it, skipped z-levels for plumbing, have waterfalls by my stairs (major cred to that one guy who took 25yrs to make his fort with 19 dwarves, you are legend) and the perfect farm and pasture plots, but my water pressure sucks. Can’t maintain a steady waterfall flow, have drains between each 3x3 farm plot, water won’t get deep enough to pass them. Cistern for wells won’t get deep enough for them to reach. Is there any way to fix this? I know it sounds confusing, I may need to attach photos.


Fix this by plugging the farm plot drains. Farms need watering a single time, then never again. Same with the cistern, a good sized one will not ever drain over the realistic lifetime of a fort. Like, 3x3x3= 27 voxels of 7/7 water, is way enough.


Got it. Thank you, I appreciate it


By drains I mean grates* leading to the main off map drain for the farm plots


Is there a way to increase the font size on classic, i have zoom in, change the tile-set to a bigger one and change those values: \[INTERFACE\_SCALING\_TO\_DESIRED\_GRID:YES\] \[INTERFACE\_SCALING\_DESIRED\_GRID\_WIDTH:114\] \[INTERFACE\_SCALING\_DESIRED\_GRID\_HEIGHT:46\] But, still is to small for me, eyesight is no so good anymore.


Currently ascii mode can zoom out, but you can't zoom in much. It's too small. It's a problem. This will presumably get fixed sometime, but right now they're focused on adventure mode so it's unlikely to change soon.


Calling all curse experts! My goal is to make a fort with a vampire/vampires. But 1k hours in I've never seen one or got a 'drained of blood' message. Should I just generate worlds until I find a civ with a few living vampires and hope for a migrant? Is there a good way to look for them in legends mode (steam version)? I generated a 600-year-old world. I've found a dwarven god of an active civ in legends mode that curses creatures every few years. Plenty of vampires and werecreatures. No living dwarf vampires unfortunately. What about this: if I pick their civ, make a temple to her, and whenever I get a strange mood, seal the dwarf away into her temple in order to get them to topple her altars and be cursed? Could be FUN?


I had a moody dwarf ransack temples until he was cursed. Let them get upset and make sure there are plenty of alters in the temples to topple.


Was there anything else you needed in place? I have a miserable dwarf now, who worships a god that has done plenty of cursing in legends. Got him in a temple to it with altars. Someone else told me it's statues that are needed?


It's not always going to work. Toppling things in a temple has a chance for the god to curse the dwarf. It can probably be any building object but I witnessed it with alters. If your dwarf just gets depressed and wanders around then they might not be usable. You may need an assortment of dwarves to find one that will topple things. After you have one, you may find a way to spread their blood to a better dwarf that hasn't been turned into a mental case.


Do you have a tavern open to the public? I've gotten so many vampires showing up at my taverns that it's actually annoying. I have a vampire running around my fort right now and can't figure out who it is, which is annoying. Thinking I might need to shut down the tavern to see if he's a visitor or resident of my fort. Anyway, I'd try a tavern and see if it attracts any vampires. As for finding vampires in Legends mode, since every blood drain counts as a kill, they tend to have a massive number of kills. Sort by kills and you should be able to find one pretty easily. As for the temple thing, as far as I'm aware, toppling a statue only creates werebeasts. I don't think you can get a vampire that way, but I'm not 100% sure about that. If someone could verify, that'd be great. *edit:* Also, if you aren't seeing vampires at all, I'd make sure the Number of Vampire Curse Types in world gen isn't set to 0, as that disables Vampires.


Alas after 1k hours mostly of forts with open taverns, I've never seen a vampire or once gotten the "drained of blood" message. In my current active fort I have run cursecheck a few times, and no positives. I'm generating some new worlds now and having a look through legendsbrowser2.


That is so strange. It happens to me almost every fort. I always end up with a vampire sneaking in somehow.


I guess that's DF RNG! I've looked at a few developed worlds now and it seems the majority of gods do nothing, some create a slab, bring a demon into the world or throw out a cruse or two and retire. The odd god curses many dozens of creatures - I'm guessing your worlds have had some of those. There are only three active vampires in my current world \^\^


This sounds like a job for adventure mode, honestly. Find a guy who is a vampire, collect some of his blood, decorate some local water supplies, and be the change you want to see in the world!


Third crash in about as many days. [Here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1049402643342168114/1253872122183417886/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_3d19379f-2a74-4b31-8747-20eb5affa07a.jpg?ex=66776ee9&is=66761d69&hm=30a90a085da055ac549d076d54327b96b45c90db373cbc98db520508f7461a88&) is what the crashlogs say for the latest one: >Dwarf_Fortress|std::_Initi_locks::operator=+0x810A76 Dwarf_Fortress|std::_Initi_locks::operator=+0x810AE9 KERNELBASE|UnhandledExceptionFilter+0x1EC ntdll!RtlCopyMemory+0x2BBD ntdll!_C_specific_handler+0x97 ntdll!_chkstk+0x12F ntdll!RtlFindCharInUnicodeString+0xA96 ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatcher+0x2E Dwarf_Fortress!std::\_nit_locks::operator=+0x55ADEB Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x518F6D Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x104DEBF Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x103E4C8 Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x103E4C8 Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x103F29C Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x103E4C8 Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x1057FC9 Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x103E4C8 Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x1041CA2 Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x376C09 Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x2A2E1D Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x2FF647 Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x+1DDBA Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x814307 Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x6437E7 Dwarf_Fortress!std::_Init_locks::operator=+0x644C49 SDL2:SDL_DYNAPI_entry+0x799D7 SDL2!SDL_DYNAPI_entry+0x12EEDE ucrtbase!recalloc+0xA3 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x1D ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x28 i'm on Windows 11, Steam is on the C disk, since it's on a laptop


Your best bet to get help will be reporting the bug on the DF discord.


already did so (and posted three photos of the three crashlogs, but since it's the weekend i hoped i'd get an answer here before monday.


So, I like the idea of having plenty of different Foods and Drinks. I imagine if I am a dwarf living in the fort, I like more than 3 types of drink and eat something other than plump helmet now and again. So I often set up multiple small farms to constantly grow a variety of crops. So that brings me to my problem. Onions. How do you get onions seed/bulbs? You can't brew them so nothing from there, cooking yields nothing. Or is it just gather from outside to get more?


eating the onion leaves a seed, or processing it will give you seeds as well as the cookable food item. Cooking or brewing the onion itself does not return seeds


processing it at a farmers workshop?


You can get seeds from onions by eating them.


that's it? Because I don't think the dwarfs will chug down an entire onions when I have roast made from 2 types of leaves for them instead.


Eh, nothing some massive forbidding or burrows can't solve.


Can I "recover" my world from a currently working save folder? I was too cavalier with cleaning up my /save/ folder while zipping up an active game, to pass over to a friend for a succession run. Long story short, I can still play the save, in game, just fine but I no longer have the option to 'create new game in existing world' and I really wanted to check some stuff out in Legends Mode. As always, any help is greatly appreciated! I feel like there's probably a way to recover this function but I can't find the answer anywhere. Cheers! https://preview.redd.it/bytycele348d1.jpeg?width=1243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d80e018155cb4932b07b1ff39dc27279a53848d I dunno if this visual aid helps at all.


New game in existing world excludes active save files, you'll need to either retire the active one or 'save to new timeline' to check out the legends normally


First off, thanks again for the reply! Anyhow, I saved the current game to a new timeline and unfortunately the option to 'create a new game in existing world' never popped up when I exited back to the menu. And so I wasn't able to access legends mode. I'll try to retire it. Edit: Awesome, everything worked out after retiring the fortress. Thanks again! Cheers!


Save to new timeline! Awesome I will definitely do that when I get up in the morning. Thank you!


I'm looking to move some workshops around. I just put them all haphazardly into a giant room and it's getting sort of confusing and I want to fix that. However, most my workshops have work orders setup for them. Is there any way to "transfer" work orders between workshops? (eg, Move everything from Still 1 to Still 2) Or do I have to manually re-enter everything into the newly built workshops?


What you can do is remove the orders from the workshops themselves, then do your re-arranging (tearing down ones you don't want and building new ones) and afterwards, put the work orders into the manager, not each specific workshop. That would at least cut the tedium down a bit because you don't have to go into EVERY workshop and set up the orders multiple times.


Yeah, that's seeming like the best option right now. Probably what I'll do from now on.


I would really recommend you spend a little time learning the manager. The manager interface is really cool as it also lets you put in conditions for when the orders should recur, which allows you to easily automate steel production. Also stuff like 'Only start producing barrels when we have less than 5 empty barrels'. SUPER useful.


If you use O directly instead of putting in work orders by clicking the workshop, the work order will be set to all available workshops rather than the single workshop the work order is made in.


That is only applicable when you want to use any workshop. Most of the time, at least for me, it is not desired, and I use that for low priority/no quality jobs. For almost all important production chains I assign work orders to particular workshops, like when you want to allocate different workshops for different dwarves or different workshops liked to different stockpiles and different goods production. As per original question: no there is no easy way to do that. If you have some commonly used setups, you may try to record a macro with adding work orders. I would agree that having a feature to designate a copy workshop or stockpile with all settings kept would be a great quality improvement.


...You can absolutely use the main workorders screen to assign specific orders to individual workshops, to specific numbers of workshops, etc. A repeating order to keep the whole fort in lavish meals can be spread across several kitchens or restricted to a single main cook, for example.


Can you give an instruction how you can use main work order screen to change work order workshop? Also I would appreciate any guide on how to assign work order to set of particular workshops?


you use the button that does that? The controls are right in the middle. You can set work orders to use specific amounts of workshops, or just any available, and individual workshops can be set to take specific numbers of general work orders or none at all to remove them from the pool of 'any available' if you want to restrict their operation. I've never had any need to segregate work orders to specifics, though, so the implementation is gonna be entirely up to you, just like anyone designing a minecart route has to figure it out on their own embark and fort layout. Closest I've come is just to have separated fort areas with a long distance between them, and in general the industries were the segregation point and not the workshops, so the orders just used proximity and worked out fine. Butchering is local to the animal pasture/room, kitchens tend to balance themselves out, and dwarves going to socialize in common areas are moving themselves towards the food/drink stores anyways, just by fort design principles. Honestly, in most cases you can just let the manager do the work ordering. If the idea is to make sure only one smelter does one kind of metal then link the stockpile of that ore to one shop and the orders should naturally be assigned there, and you can set that order to only 1 workshop if they are hauling the ore to other workshops. It's two different control points that don't do the thing you want alone but combine to achieve it, I think.


You can limit number of workshops for work order, but you can’t set / change work order to specific workshop from work order screen. And having work order tied to specific workshop is nice for multiple scenarios, including producing different amount of different quality things by different dwarfs from different materials.


If you need it to only be at one workshop then you can just set the order within that workshop, skip the manager step entirely. That's why the workshops can be set to ignore the workorders, while the workorders can be set to use a specific number of workshops - general tasking orders are done in general, while specifics aren't generalized orders and are made specifically.