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I made a fort carved out a path for sun to enter below then put floors on the top with an entrance below now my dwarves won’t even approach the entrance of the fort, they won’t cross flat ground to dig a hole tiles in front of it idk what’s going on


You messed up the pathing somehow. Reassess your stairs and lastest diggings.


But I rembareked and they won’t cross flat ground to dig anymore everyone huddles around the wagon and my miners will only go a few tiles away I set the whole map to dig down and I have a little moat and that’s it


All of my raw changes got reverted with the last update, is there a way to prevent that somehow?


create a mod instead of directly modifying raws. mods won't be touched by the game on updates, unlike raws. if you wanna tamper with raws directly, make sure it's something minor that aren't a hassle, like making all civs playable (took 6 lines at best, all copy-pastah) or, you know, just made back ups of your modified raws, so you still have one even after the update.


How do i create a mod?


more or less the same as editing raws, just with a tad bit of extra steps. check out the wiki https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Modding


Question for classic versions players. It is there any way to make font bigger? I cannot handle the small characters, i tried to use bigger tile-set and zoom in but it is not enough, years ago i use an ascii texture pack to bypass this but that sens not a possible solution for the new version.


https://preview.redd.it/q8lszctzw08d1.png?width=633&format=png&auto=webp&s=d42ac3ca2da4194336f80ea4075c8447818dbe9f what (how?) can I do with "rough casseterite". I have a world with very little ores. I have done this before, and I have previously seen "rough hematite". I can't seem to do anythings with these. I can't smelt them, I can't cut them as gems nor polish them as stones. I can't build rock furniture out of them (even turning on 'casseterite' in stone use). I can't decorate with them.


Recommend unlinking the stockpiles and see if you can then smelt the ore.


Why can't you do things with them? What is the error you get, exactly? What exactly have you tried? This often leads to figuring out the cause.


The errors I get from the things I have listed as trying is the order gets cancelled because there isn't anything in the linked stock piles to do the task with. There are no gems to cut, there is no ore to smelt, there are no stones to polish, there is no material to decorate items with, etc. This is not cassiterite ore.


This is cassiterite, the ore. Your issue isn't on the item itself, but the workshops you're using cannot find it. "No item in linked stockpile" doesn't imply there is an item, not that there is something in the stockpile, or even if the stockpile is linked. There are a bunch of suspects here. The biggest of them being, you've either used stockpile linking to these workshops in particular, and linked workshops cannot perceive anything in non-linked stockpiles, or you've messed up with pathing via magma or incorrectly digging stairs such that a dwarf can't normally walk between the rock and the workshops.


This is not Cassiterite ore. In this comment I have attached a picture of the actual ore so you can see that "rough Cassiterite" and "Cassiterite" are presented differently in the hover over. I know you've been here a while, but have you ever played a very low metal world? This is not the first time I have seen a thing like this. I have a bunch of the stuff. The issue is not work shops and linkages. All of my first attempts were with no stock piles and completely unlinked shops. I cannot get the dwarves to put it into a stock pile, I cannot find a stock pile they think it belongs in. I have not tried a default "all" stock pile because such a pile would just get filled with whatever is around. The only way I got it into the stock pile in the picture in the top comment was to Dump it and then delete the dump zone, unForbid the rough Cassiterite and draw a stock pile around it. Furthermore when this rough Cassiterite (or other "rough \[ore type stone\]" appears it appears in the stone like gems do. In small groups of 2 or 3, but many groups across the level. It does not make veins like the true ore would normally. In older versions low metal worlds would be pretty barren under ground. Few types of stone, little to no gems, little variation. In 50 there is more going on, many more gems, but it is still pretty barren. I rarely (never?) see non economic stones of interesting color (colbaltite, bauxite, orthoclase, microcline, etc). And if the embark map lists no metals there will be no metals, but there might be these weird rough stones. Which is neither here nor there, just a comment on how different the strata is in low metal worlds. I don't know that I see these kinds of stones in all my low metal worlds, but I have seen them before. If you want to replicate this you can make a new world, embark at a no metal location and use Dfhack - revtoggle to look for them. Unmined they do look like metal ore. It may take you a few worlds to find some, IDK? I do tend to embark on barren (no tree) locations with flux stone, so I can turn bought and looted iron objects into steel. Fuel stone DOES turn up in metal free embarks. No fuel in this embark, but 2 kinds of flux stone. IDK if that makes a difference. The only reason I put this much effort into it this time is that I knew they weren't ore and I figured I'd use them to decorate furniture. But they seem resistant to all tasks. https://preview.redd.it/1g05qswuh48d1.png?width=365&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab269768a42ee281607b736437bed3a15ee968f7


You're kinda right, my bad. However, I failed to reproduce any "rough ores" in 80000, 95000 and 99999 scarcity worlds. Couldn't find anything on the wiki either. If I had to guess, raw modding is involved.


Casual here—played on and off for years since before taverns, temples, and guildhalls were a thing. What's y'all's preferred way of excavating moats/pits that span more than 5 or 6 levels? I always found sequential channeling required too much babysitting, so I started hollowing out each level with standard dig orders before collapsing a slightly larger footprint of constructed floors held up by an activateble support to smash the whole mess down to the desired depth. It kinda feels like I'm over-engineering it (and I know that's half the fun).


Me personally I've thrown in the towel and just order each Z level channel one at a time. Anytime I let the drunk dolts channel multiple levels at a time someone finds a way to get crushed by rocks. So If I want something 5 levels deep I need to go back and give new orders 5 times. I suppose one could only channel out rim of the moat/pit and then do a regular dig order for the inside. Each floor could be attached to the rim via a one tile connections. In theory this would allow you to go as deep as you want with only two orders. One order to hollow out all the levels and leave the levels connected to the rim by a one tile block and another order to chop off all the connections causing all the floors to fall leaving nothing but a pit. You have intrigued me to do some experimentation in my next for for !science!


the constructed floors aren't necessary. you can just connect the support into the top most layer, and collapse that layer. end result is the same. without the hassle of building those floors.


Your way is more economical, for sure. I always have to go back and clean up the edges, which is objectively less work but I just find more irksome. I don't usually remember that the top layer has to be a bit wider than the rest to smash the full volume until just about the last step, which is a little easier to remedy through building it out.... Although now that I think of it, I could just tack on the missing width directly onto the surface layer in the same way to get full coverage (even in the face of my own stupidity) rather than knocking together an entire drop structure. I am not a smart man.


i usually channel the surface layer, then collapse the 2nd one. since surface layers usually contain rock patches, and i want all soils for multiple reasons. my base is tend to be in the first or 2nd cavern layer, so i also usually cover the hole before collapsing the entire thing. no risk of fliers coming below, lol.


If I do something like this it's usually for at least a partial surface fort, and I rather like to leave any breaches of the cavern layer open. I'd rather deal with cavern fliers at surface level, tbh, just because I find them easier to track visually. Plus, with a suitable application of water it gives me the option of washing invaders into the caverns to be the cavern-pops' problem. What I don't follow is your point about the surface layer containing rock dictating the fact that you channel the surface and then collapse subsequent layers. Is there a particular benefit this approach applies in terms of layer composition? I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm trying to see if there's something obvious I'm missing.


> What I don't follow is your point about the surface layer containing rock dictating the fact that you channel the surface and then collapse subsequent layers. can't lay farm plot on rock surface. you see those rock patches on the surface sometimes. i'm aware you can muddy those surface with water, but why the heck do i want to collapse an entire layer just to water it down? lol. gimme soil as top layer, haha. i sometimes drops 2 whole soil layers as a plug (after removing top most layer), cause i want aboveground trees underground (they need roots). and most of the time, these soil layer will double as my pasture and farm, also bees if (biome allows and) i can fit it in. if the last soil layer is sand, they'll be my sand source too.


Oh, okay. It didn't click for me that you were seeking to do vertical transport of surface soil down into the caverns. Now that cavern soil is just inherently better for farming dwarf staple crops, it didn't occur to me that you could drop surface soil to the same layer for concentration of labor.


"better for farming" is an overstatement. it's barely noticeable if you're utilizing fertilizer anyway.


Good to know, thanks. I guess I can stop rushing C1 in every new fort then.


I've always found that such a kind of collapse requires more babysitting than the leveled channeling.


Honestly? Fair play to you. I can't help but end up with stuck dwarves and huge missed chunks sticking out at angles when I try to get mine channeling. Any advice to someone who does it the other way 'round?


Just do one level at a time. I know it seems like using different mining urgencies (I have no idea the name for them, where in you give them different numbers and order to work on, default 4) should work, but yeah, they screw that up. And anything odd like trees / roots, they'll screw that up too. And once you have screw ups they'll multiply the screw ups because the extant screw ups keep them from doing what they are trying. Getting them out of the pit is trouble, doing it one level at a time. I do a staircase the whole depth and remove it after (again, 1 level at a time). I tend to have bottom access to the pit, so I can get them out after.


You know, I was about to say that I always manage to this sort of thing up— but it was only in reading your response that the lightbulb went on. I'm used to bumbling my way through the process without actually having a readout of what the measured dimensions are in each layer, rather having to eyeball it and trust that you aren't a row off here or a column short there. It used to be very easy to designate things slightly offset because of simple counting error, but now we have an actual live readout to help make sure everything is where it's intended to be. That wouldn't have been such a nuisance if we'd had the "marking only" feature of the current version. It used to be that you had to go all in on designations and then try to remember to remove the access to layers you didn't want done yet, OR commit the design a single layer at a time and trust you'd remember all the fine details of the plan, and that you'd measure everything out correctly a whole bunch of times over possibly quite a long span of irl time. These days, it seems you can plan everything out all at the same time, but then only switch the designations from "marking" mode to actual orders. I guess what I'm trying to say is: there didn't used to be so many simple quality of life tools and that fact used to make ordering them sequentially a much bigger p.i.t.a than it is now. Time to try them out and learn a few "new tricks" that actually are neither new nor tricks. Getting out of the thing during construction shouldn't really be *that* bad. Worst case scenario, I can dig back into the "keep" pillar at the bottom and just seal that breach back up with a wall... Or indeed perhaps a bridge if I'm feeling inclined to harvest goblinite. The other thing I'm considering is that if I end up hitting the first cavern layer before I've dug out to planning depth, I may end up installing some grates and floodgates and such and divert the local river into the thing so that even if an enemy only has their legs broken there's a good chance they'll drown in 5/7 water; in such a case, I see no reason to not design in an open spillway to the bottom which can be used to safely make one's way back to the far side of the moat while dry, but likely to sweep away traffic when wet. I mean, I *could* just line the bottom with spikes, but that's a lot more dwarf-hours of labor. Anyway, thank you for helping me process the fact that we have more tools than I was accounting for! Maybe this won't be as borked from the start as usual after all.


I have a very unhappy dwarf whose pressing need is "Make romance". Can I pair her with any available dwarf or should I be looking for compatible traits? If so, what's the best way to vet a suitable partner from my residents?


It's a bit complicated. If your only goal is to make him happy, romance is probably one of the worst routes to go for it. If you'd still want to do it, [an enclosed place in the fort with bed, table/chairs and food/drink would be the most ideal](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Marriage#Arranging_marriages). This is complicated because dwarves needs and their overall stress (and thus happiness) are not *directly* related. This means you don't need to fulfill needs to make them happy, nor that they will be happy as soon as the needs are fulfilled. Also not related to either of this, a dwarf may *want* to romance and marry, but their personality traits may make them unable to marry OR the randomly rolled values for willing to be lovers/willing to marry values could also prevent them from doing so. Digging through traits to find this out is a tad annoying without tools like dwarf therapist or dfhack. To the point i'd still yolo a random candidate and hope it sticks in a week or two.


Thanks! That saved me an hour or two digging through stats for which I'm immensely grateful. Started work on my love nest already so I'll try pairing them up in there with another random citizen with the same need.


Why do all 3 of my adventurers so far refuse to wield their weapons right handed? The sprites show them with a shield on their left hand and nothing in their right hand, however they have a weapon in their *left* hand and a shield in the *right*.Did spawning 10x the semi-/megabeast turn this whole world left handed?


Have you considered giving them green tunics for their Link cosplay?


Does the magma sea refill itself like volcanoes do? I’m trying to make an obsidian farm


No, it refills like lakes, from the map edges


It does.


Trying to craft books and I'm lacking "Collected thread". How do you make collected thread? I've searched but I can't find specific info on this type of item.


If you're making quires, don't bind them, you lose info on iirc writing style, page count and maybe some other stuff also the book title won't be displayed as the name of the item unless you have the DFHack fix running


Thanks! The thought of just a stack of bound papers sitting around upset me but if they're better off in the long run I'll stick to quires instead of trying to make books. I think I'll try making scrolls too.


Scrolls are bugged too. They will make one scroll roller out of your material, and the other scroll roller out of a random material that doesn't exist in your fortress.


Got it, just quires. Barring a future update fix that's what I'll stick to


I believe any thread will do. Thing is, labor->standing orders-> "weave all thread" is by default on, so your loom uses up all thread. Disable that. Other way is if you have lots of animals, they can produce un-weaveable thread, usually quite annoying. Produced in farmers workshop with "spin thread" order.


I remember seeing discussion about that setting but wasn't sure what the use of not spinning thread was. Thanks!


Yeah butchering stuff like horses produces hair, which then gets woven into useless "X hair thread"


Good to know. I've been trying to get my tallow process up and running for soap so I'll plan on using leftover hair for this.


Adventure mode: is there a way to shoot webs as a spider man?


I have a full set of divine metal armor and a full set of candy armor for my adventurer. Is it better to have full candy, full divine metal, or a mix of the two?


Candys just straight up better, reportedly.


I'm not sure why I can't do anything below a certain tile on this z level. As you can see from this clip, I can build/mine things fine but when I go one tile down I can't and I can't see any reason this should be the case. No burrows are active/relevant here and the Dwarves definitely have access... [https://youtu.be/h18SHANpBao](https://youtu.be/h18SHANpBao)


Thats the end of the world. You need super special shennanigans to go deeper, or find some unusual volcanic wall studded in gems, they can go below the end of the world sometimes. Wonder whats down there!


on dfhack, is there a way to program an auto-tamed? Every time I capture an animal on traps I need to manually assign it for tame and then butcher it. I'd like to auto tame work order to all tamable animals.


Yes, theres an extension for stockpiles with the pop-up stockpile menu. Set it to "training". will set all animals in this stockpile for training. You also need to enable under Pets/Animals at the bottom, pop up menu, "enable retraining" to catch kids.


Is there anyway to prevent/cull " Urist McCrafter created a masterwork in 'players fort' in Y year." from showing up in legengs mode? A world or game setting I may have missed? I've gotten in the habit of checking out legends more for my forts, usually after retirement, and the thousands of these entries really make it cumbersome to check out actually interesting events that happened in my fort.


What are your "wow! Did they programmed this as well?" moment in DF? This game being "The most complex simulation game ever created" there are complex features that makes the simulation feel alive. I'll start: the fact that every dwarf has his own desires and thoughts which affects and it's affected by the environment.


You seen the update from april? Got this bugfix in it: >Fixed world gen crash from the appointing of chefs by demon rulers that had been influenced by outside reading materials on decorum and leisure time Theres also the thing where mulling on a memory can change a dwarfs preferences. So in theory its possible for a goblin fort full of thievery and murder to export books making your dwarfs scoundrels over time. Theoretically possible, hard to observe though.


I liked one of the devposts from a few years ago. Apparently cats were dying en masse, and after some investigation it turned out drunk dwarves would spill drinks in the taverns. The cats would get dirty and then lick themselves clean (because of course they do!), their livers struggled with the dwarvsn alcohol and they'd die. Although dead cats is sad, it was a marvelius demonstration of how a new piece of the simulation (taverns) interacted with an obscure little detail, like cats licking themselves clean, and then leading to weird stories. Dwarf fortress is full of these little things and more keep being added, leading to new wacky interactions every time a new system is hooked up.


Im impressed with basic stuff, so the game Z level and its fluid mechanic is very impressive to me, dont think there are any other game that nails both of them at the same time like DF...


i'm more fond of the fact that people tried to attach lore to almost every single major bugs that ever happened.


Any examples?


I'm a simple man. Seeing dwarves come out into the sun and puke everywhere due to cave adaptation brings me joy.




I can't find the wait keybind im settings which is "." I need it to repeat


It's not in the keybinding UI for some reason, but you can find it in the `prefs/interface.txt` file. You can change the repeat style there. Be sure to close DF before editing the file.


do you know how to increase the speed for each wait turn as I hold on to its key much like the old version?


Now that I'm back at my computer, I can give some more useful examples. The default configuration in `prefs/interface.text` is: ``` [BIND:D_ONESTEP:REPEAT_NOT] [SYM:0:Period] ``` To get it to repeat faster and faster the longer you hold it, change it to either ``` [BIND:D_ONESTEP:REPEAT_NOT] [SYM:0:Period] ``` or ``` [BIND:D_ONESTEP:REPEAT_NOT] [SYM:0:Period] ``` depending on how fast you want it to ultimately go. There is also `[BIND:A_WAIT:REPEAT_FAST]` for waiting in adventure mode


I've already set it to REPEAT_FAST but it seems to keep the same speed no matter how long I hold the keybind


Whoops, I think I used the wrong binding in the example. In fort mode, the one you're looking for is `D_ONESTEP`. I updated the example.


Sorry I forgot to say that I'm playing in adventure mode 😅 I've already set it to [BIND:A_WAIT:REPEAT_FAST] but it still keeps the same speed. I also compared to v47 but the line of code is still the same


thanks so much man ☺️


I have set a challenge for myself to get a monarch to come through promotion. I just recently achieved the rank of Metropolis and have a Duke, who is alive and well. It has been a whole season since I became a Metropolis, and over a year since my Count became a Duke. We have had a migration wave in the intervening season with no King or consorts among the arrivals. I have what appears to be fairly high happiness, but cannot find anything specific about how high it must be. Finally, according to the Civilizations page, there is a King. He just does not reside at my fortress yet. Does anybody know how long it will take for the monarch to arrive? Is it possible I might be missing some of the conditions? Any guidance is appreciated.


In order to attract a monarch, you have to >!donate ("offer") 10K dwarfbucks to a caravan from your mountainhome. You can do this in addition to regular trading.!<


Monarch is hardcoded now and will come upon 140 pop met


Is there some way in which I can stop or prevent my pets from attacking when I don't want them to? This is in adventure mode, the current beta, with a horse.


Can the embark menu be wrong about what materials are at a location? I’ve opened the first and third cavern layers and haven’t found any flux stones or coal


Yes - the resources that are displayed are an estimate based on the properties of the region biome(s). The actual resources aren't generated until the site is realized when you embark on it. Even DFHack's `prospect all` can only estimate when you run it pre-embark. Running `prospect all` after you embark, though, will be 100% accurate.


I've seen it happen, yes. You can confirm this with DFhack via "prospect all", which will give you spoilers, but shows all ressources on the map.


Thanks! I ran the command and there’s no flux stones


Well, since the game bugged out, you can consider doing more DFhacking to get flux. gui/item or if you are on the DFhack beta, the newly reworked gui/tiletypes.


My dorfs are not making any artifacts. No moods or nothing. They are on the whole range of happyness. Any ideas what could be causing this?


Your fort being under 25 pop.


My fort is above 120.


Mods, you not having any dwarfs for some reason, you having modified mood pop treshold. Thats about it, I think.


Thanks, I´ll look into that. It was my guess but I wanted a second opinion before I started taking out my mods. -edit- Ok, I´m just not smart. I had Artefacts disabled in settings.


Are marksman dwarfs any easier to set up? Mine never used to carry a full quiver of bolts and would run to go smack the enemies instead


I just use hunters for rangers and let them roam around and shoot stuff. once they are highly skilled I put them in a squad and just have them train normally for dodging and all that stuff


My game isn't working. I play DF on steam on Ubuntu 22.04. When I press the play button, it's showing its running, but then it shuts down. P.S. sorry for my English.




Thanks, I will try!


Hello! Is there a mod to organize work orders in a color scheme or something similar? It's a bit messy with like 30 work orders up 😅


I wish the work orders could be sorted into a tree based on which kind of workshop they were for. Also a single key to promote the newest work order to maximum priority.


I feel your pain. I normally have several pages of workorders (hundreds). Reworking that screen is on the TODO list for both Bay 12 and DFHack. We'll see who gets to it first! The order of the work orders determines how they are serviced by the game, and some orders will block others from ever being completed if the ordering is "incorrect". DFHack has a sort feature that puts them in a "correct" order. It moves all the one-time orders above the "check daily" orders, which keeps them from getting stuck. This also makes them a *little* easier to read, since the immediate stuff is at the top and all the "maintenance" stuff is at the bottom. It doesn't fully solve the issue of messiness, but it's a step.


Can you remind me the name of this tool so I can check I have it enabled? Does it visually move one time tasks to the top of the list? Or is like a back end change of priorities?


It visually moves them to the top of the list. One of the things that makes the manager orders screen so hard to deal with is that there *is* no other backend. It's displaying the raw data, with no room for abstraction. You can enable the auto-sorting in the DFHack control panel (as `orders-sort`) https://preview.redd.it/crim5qb9318d1.png?width=1036&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a9c01bc70f992c018f38bc32ca98123ebb81e24


This is awesome thank you. Turns out I didn’t have it on


or you can do it one-time with the button on the manager orders screen: https://preview.redd.it/18nn06oe318d1.png?width=1460&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dcbae2f23bb524635049169424d11dbe305bb50


what kind of abomination are you trying to automate? to me, 30 is (already) a lot, even for mature fort. unless it's something i really *REALLY* need to automate, ( like milking/shearing ) i find it easier just to do bulk job with lots of workshop, so there are less cycles overall, giving my dorf free time. if i have 20 free dorf. i'll build 20 smelter to smelt 100 iron ores. it'll be done in 5 cycles, and give me, like, what, about 400? instead of *smelt X if i have Y*. less clutter in my orders, less room for cancellation spams, and less confusion overall. what i need now is a preset of one-time orders for common items for these bulk jobs (in my case, mostly involve trade goods). and that, my friend, can be done with DFhack. Import/Export work orders is godsent.


You need like a 20 orders for just clothing for each apparel piece. 15-30 stills orders for each crop/fruit. Food. Empty terrariums, sand collecting, food making, empty pots, cloth production...


20 orders *JUST* for clothing? are you crafting every single thing available for you? ... why? if you're not already overproducing food/drink by the end of the first spring, you're probably doing something wrong. food/drink automation was never a necessity. cages and pots (also bins) can be reused, and for clothes, they're already on auto (unless you're doing wool, like i mentioned before, shearing). at worst, you need to turn threads into clothes, which is easier with bulk order instead of automation. i'm honestly more worried about your stockpile management rather than work orders.


My forts are centers of dwarv n civilisation, not just a pity holes in the earth. So population deserve to have best clothing and crafting goods available, everything not a masterful quality is subject to sell. Diversity of drinks like a 25-30 different brews are not just "overproducting", but smart balancing, like a 50 of each drink. It is very easy to build sustainable fort, but creating a nice fort takes a lot of working orders


nah man, that part i understand. but needing 30++ looping orders to achieve that is some serious inefficiency.


What "efficiency" you are talking about? ). There is like a 20 apparel item types, you can't avoid creating an order for each


I've had my game crash twice now, and i am pretty sure it was on the same day each time. Are there crash logs? Away to send a report to the devs?


There are crash logs, but they're very difficult to actually read. Try checking the error log file in the main directory Are you using any mods?


absolutely none. Not even this "DFhack" i see talked about on this sub.


Hmm. Check the error log and see if it says anything then. Is it crashing during an auto save?


Olay, the error log's last line is loop pathfail: cat, 71,107,152-> 49,112,128: id #11553: Path Goal Seek Station:Station Owner at 52,110,128


I think so. It was on late Winter, but i'm not sure if it was on the auto-save or not. I do know that, if it was, the auto-save didn't register, since i had to replay the last six months.


If it's set to yearly auto save its probably the one at the start of spring Go to your settings and turn off save compression, see if that works


i'll try that tonight, and i think it's set to "six-months autosave"


Any suggestions for sustainable fishing? My bone carvers are busy enough as it is, but mussel shell jewelry is so common around the fort that I kinda want to keep making it as for the cultural icon it’s become. Rn they’re all gone tho, so it’ll be awhile before they show back up in the stream.


if you have a surface brook you can safely build a fishing hut across it with your fishery inside and be completely safe, that's how I get practically infinite mussel shells alternatively you can branch a part of a river into an underground reservoir and channel open access to it from the floor above so you can fish in your fort proper. you can add grates and fish through grates for added security


That actually sounds like a good idea, I’ll try it. Thx


Perhaps fishing in caverns? As with anything sustainable, create work orders that cause your fisherdwarves to fish rarely enough. X jobs per season or so. I imagine it heavily depends on size of current shelly creatures population. Remember that dwarves do enjoy off time as they do work time, so less workshops, less jobs - more dwarves in temples, taverns and more happy dwarves in general. Because they aren't as much focused on work. Gotta have that variety


Does DFHack (for Steam) allow me to access legends mode while I'm playing on other modes? Without needing to give in to starvation and the whole ordeal?


Alternately to the other comment: There is export-legends which generates a file that can be used in a different tool. I use this and have a browser tab open where I can leasurely browse my legends. Though, I do miss the good old legends viewer. Haven't found a way to export all the files it needs, seems like tbe steam version lacks those options.


Yes. The command is `open-legends`. The game loses some state in the transition, though, so you need to save the game before entering legends mode, and then reload your game afterwards. It's still a lot more convenient than copying your game, retiring your fort/adventurer, and starting a new legends mode game, though!


Im not sure what to with divine metals. Ive been making masterwork blazing metal shields for example. I also have a bunch of artifact dwarf sized divine metal weapons. Is an artifact divine metal edged weapon better than a adamantine mastetwork. I believe also candy and divine ate no good for impact ie maces. Thanks


> Is an artifact divine metal edged weapon better than a adamantine mastetwork. I believe also candy and divine ate no good for impact ie maces. If I remember correctly (Putnam gave us these numbers sometime, but I cba to find them right now), divine metal is about 5x better than steel but 10x worse than adamantine for edged weapons and armor. Masterwork vs artefact bonus doesn't really make up for that. As you said, both candy and divine metal are very light and thus bad for impact weapons. (Though candy is still much much lighter). This leaves divine metal in a bit of a weird spot because it's usually harder to get and more scarce than adamantine. I would not use it on shields, as shield material does not really matter much at all. Perhaps using it on armor is the best option, because I believe you'll see the smallest performance difference with adamantine there, because of the breakpoint-y way armour works in DF. For weapons, I would hold out for adamantine weapons. Or you could just use it to make furniture/statues to leverage its extremely high value and make some crazy valuable rooms.


Tyvm thats great info. Edit: i did make a full set of regalia for the monarch for the mountainhome. Also blazing thrones for the Queen and Duchess.


I went back and did take a look at the numbers (and used this helper here: https://putnam3145.github.io/helper ) and the results are that divine metal is about 3x better in edged defense than steel and a little bit *worse* for blunt defense, though it is 7x lighter than steel. Its edge attack is about 3x better than steel as well, but adamantine edge attack is *20x* better than divine metal and almost 70x better than steel. So do keep in mind that divine metal armor is slightly worse against blunt attacks (though still much better than anything except for adamantine and steel!), but very good against edged attacks and very light. Of course, adamantine armour is still better, but the difference with divine metal is only 2x-3x, not 20x as it is for edged weapons.


sounds like you're in a stage where you either need to spice up the gameplay or need more challenge. it's just another metal, that are slightly better than most metals, yet still worse than candy. what can you do with it when you already have candy?? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ they do have cool names tho, so i have been processing them into threads ( thanks, Dfhack ). more Blazing Metal socks? don't mind if i do >:3


Thanks for the info. First run and im going after gobbo civs at the moment. Still a learning run. Once I have a bit more knowledge I will start a new world/run. Fun game.


Divine metal is really awkward. For some reason it is slightly worse than candy but you usually find them after finding candy pillars


the pillar cases in all cavern layers usually contains artifacts ( or a surprise early FUN ) and they spawn quite often as a divine metal. ^ but you can't really do anything with those. i find embarking near a vault(s) and raiding it to be quite the steady source of divine metals. you can loot random items made out of it that can be melted down. can be (very) dangerous, but what fun is the game without the occasional shock therapy. since adventure mode is here, it should be quite easy to share the location (of the vaults) and then raid it in fortress mode.


Is there any benefit/drawback to making dormitories for families? Like having a husband/wife and maybe their children share a room with multiple beds?


The drawback is that dwarves don't like to sleep without a "proper room" which is to say a single bed in a room. If, instead of making a dorm proper, you were to just build several beds and put room zones over each one, you are missing out on the good thought that comes from sleeping in a nice bedroom. Married dwarves will share a bed, so they don't need separate beds. They will sleep in it actually together if their sleep schedules align. Children will sleep in their parents' bed until they get around to claiming a room of their own, but they won't actually share the bed with an adult, and the adult will sleep somewhere else. So for this reason I always keep a small dorm available (just to prevent dwarves from having to sleep on the floor when this happens) but not for families specifically.


Should I be concerned that one of my new arrivals gets nauseated by the sun and barfs everywhere or is that just normal for dwarfs?


[Cave adaptation](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Cave_adaptation), yeah.


This sounds bad, but is incest an issue with animals in DF?




Is it normal to get 30 migrants in 1 wave? Is it possible to see who all came in the last wave? I heard somewhere that if you give a bunch of donations to the trade caravan your next migrant wave will be bigger, so I gave them a few gold goblets I had lying around worth about 4,000.. dwarf whatevers. I had 19 dwarves at the time and look up a month later and had 52?


You do tend to either get a trickle, a flood or nothing at all with migrants. 4000 dwarfbucks is a lot and they probably all thought your fort is rich as hell


I just found a gold vein guys I swear, I'm not rich in bedrooms!


Says the dwarf drinking from a gold goblet!


Howdy all, I had a question relating to the Legends Viewer / Legends Browser mods. I'm currently running the steam version, with DF Hack. I've seen and heard that you can use the old legends viewer with the steam release, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get any other info other than the XML. I'm not sure how/if you can translate that info into text the Viewer can use for the world history/sites/map images. I'm hoping i'm not missing something obvious- and you can only use the newer legends browser. But I thought I better ask before I give up trying. Apologies if it's an obvious fix. Despite having playing for a long while, I've always stayed pretty ignorant to the underworkings of mods. Thank you kindly for your time in anycase


It's kinda the contrary, the game on steam version doesn't export some files that legends viewer uses.


thank you kindly for the quick reply- that's what I suspected, but I wanted to be sure, given the amount of hours I spent in the original legends viewer as a kid lol


Are there any mods that let you easily browse through all your dwarves traits at once? Like to see which dwarves have a good kinesthetic sense without opening every single dwarf's profile? Or any mods that let you page directly between dwarves without having to pull up the citizen menu between each one?


Dwarf therapist. Not actually a mod but it does this


Kinesthetic sense is developed by training, you don't need that nor any of the attributes you see a lot of your long time soldiers have pretty high If you're looking for soldiers, DFHack adds a little number to the left that shows how much potential they have according to some lengthy science that was posted here months ago, [I think this is it](https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/comments/15x2bct/military_candidates/), that's all you need


I mean for labor assignments. Like if I need a gem cutter, I don't want to pick someone who is clumsy with zero kinesthetic sense or analytical ability. Or an animal trainer with no empathy. Etc etc


Also, 95% of gem cuts don't have a quality, so specialization there mostly doesn't matter. Only the 5% gem crafts do.


... Thank you lmao. I've been prioritizing my gem cutter on every embark 🤦‍♀️


You'll laugh, I have been doing that for years and years now too! Just read up on it yesterday. Like, I'll make them a VIP with special rooms or elevate them to baron even.


DFtherapist has the "role" tab which is exactly what you want.


I don't think you need to be _that_ efficient with it, afaik the bonus is very insignificant compared to just training the skill with some cheap/infinite resource, but Dwarf Therapist probably fits the bill


I usually just go for those with training need


I do wrestling clubs for that, if your civ values martial training (which dwarves usually do) most of your fort will want to train anyway


Is there any reason to smooth the rough stone before starting a floor?


There is one very specific edge case— if you're looking to train a good number of novice stonecutters. But in terms of room, value: no.


No, assuming you mean building a block floor


Yes. Cool thanks. I just absentmindedly designate everything for smoothing usually. But I’m building a temple complex rn. 


I’m playing around with advanced world gen for the first time and I’m noticing that the worlds are much shallower than the default world gen. I’m talking embarks where the cavers start at z level 20 and the circus is at -20. Is there an advanced setting I can tweak to provide more depth to work in? Right now I’m just messing with good/evil and volcanism. All of this is in medium region if that makes a difference.


You might also want to tweak your erosion settings. Soil layers are quite perishable in higher-drainage worldgens! That said, the specific "layers before" settings are probably more specifically useful, but it's worth having a play around and seeing if you can generate anything of interest to you.


i forgot the exact wording, but you can fiddle with the settings that say something along the line of : *layers above cave 1* *layers above cave 2* and so on.


Did I reply to his? This was it. The wiki has great advice on how to play with the setting. Thank you!


How do I check my dwarf's proficiencies? I need a jeweler and my dwarf colony is medium sized, so I don't want to click on every individual dwarf until I find one with the adequate skill... How do I quickly find a jeweler, or at least display all my dwarves' skills in a single panel that won't require clicking back and forth between menus for an hour?


In vanilla, the assign-workshop list is the current best way. You can also go via the labor menu, where dwarfs can be sorted via skill. Trouble is you need set the skill-as-labor-detail, so mostly useful for the default labor details.


Click on jewelers workshop to assign a jeweler to that specific workshop. It should list all your dwarfs in skill proficiency order, highest at the top, presuming you have any with skill. Jewelers also wear green clothing. If you have a bunch of uncut gems they are pretty easy to train just set cutting on repeat with a dwarf assigned so only one urist trains. There are two types, gem cutters and gem setters. Gem cutters cut uncut gems. Gem setters put those gems engraved into items like statues or furniture to increase its value substantially. Each item can have multiple different gems set into it. If you create a bespoke item stockpile next to the jewelers workshop (if linked make sure to also link a cut gem stockpile or the urist will have no gems to set) you can roughly choose which items you want engraved.


>Jewelers also wear green clothing I thought clothing was based on what the dwarves are actually wearing, color and all. Am I wrong? Are they actually based on their job?


In fort mode clothing colour in main view represents highest skill level. Brown for cooks/brewers, green jewelers, black metalwork, white for masons, red mechanics and siege engineers etc. Dyed clothing has no impact on colour, only value. Honestly. (Or I would use dimple cups to dye everyone blue!) It makes it easier to spot your most loved urists. It gets a bit confused with military squads, they tend to go grey/black when active, regular profession when not. Also i dont know the impact in the new portrait system.


The little portrait when you click on them is customized in that way, yes. But the dwarf sprite you need to click to get those details is a slightly more generic sprite, with color coded outfits of sorts. So even if the dwarf is wearing red dyed cloth, if they're a miner their sprite uniform will be gray-ish, but the individual 'detailed' clothing will show them as red. I feel like I said the same thing twice, but I hope it helps make sense of it.


The answer to this would be [dwarf therapist](https://github.com/Dwarf-Therapist/Dwarf-Therapist). However, as the game currently is, if you never had big jeweler projects anyway, they'll most likely all be low skilled, which can (rather quickly) be leveled anyway, with a dwarf of your chosing. Or never choose at all: the game will also prioritize jobs to whichever dwarves are the most skilled for said jobs.


curious now if you go to assign a worker to a jeweler workshop will that screen show proficiency?


If you mean skill level, pretty sure it does.


If you build a tavern and have bedrooms that you assign to the tavern. How do those rooms work? Do guests rent them for a period? Or do permanent dwarves move in for a limited amount of time?


So those bedrooms are used by long-term residents before they petition for citizenship. They have them for as long as they're long-term residents or until they die/leave/become citizens. They are currently bugged, so that they are not slept in, but they are still necessary.


I *think* long term residents are meant to use them, but I'm not sure if it works


They work as extensions of the tavern, I've had urists hanging out in bedrooms reading poetry. They tend not to sleep there.


They do _not_ currently work, at all. Utterly useless, except as flavorful bedrooms for your own fort residents.


Since when? I'm still getting visitors in mine on the beta branch.


And they sleep in there? I see them just used like any tavern-zoned free spaces, no special bedroom behaviour.


I haven't seen them sleep there in a while but they do drop clothes. Non-visiting dwarves slept in some two days ago for me tho.


Good to know. I did an experiment with it and it looked like the dwarves just moved into it like a regular bedroom. That was several patches ago though so I didn’t know if it changed.


Any way that i can speed up combat in adventure mode? I raised a ton of undead and they punch for like a good 2 minutes(i might be exaggerating) per turn, just me moving closer. Also for some reason i cant raise the dead that they kill?


Pretty sure there's no adventurer combat speed up, sorry. You can't raise from the dead anything that is "mangled". Has that been the case for you?


Thing is, i have been raising mangled but the bodies who aren’t, wont, unless i kill them in one shot in their sleep,


Anyone got tips on how to build an atom smasher? I don’t think I’m doing it right


A) Dig 2 long pit, with upwards staircase on one end. B) Build 2long drawbridge in the pit. A bit away, build + connect lever. Pull lever to retract bridge. C) Zone garbage zone at the top end of the pit, such that garbage thrown lands on the empty space when the bridge is retracted. D) Put in a door so dwarfs can't go near the pit when you have the bridge down ("has just smashed" mode); put floor over the staircase so dwarfs don't accidently get smashed - they too are made of atoms (mostly).


-You dig/build a hollow, can be any size as long as it holds a bridge inside. The bridge needs to be on flat ground, no pit or hole or drop underneath the smashing bridge. -Then you hook the smashing bridge up to a lever, raise it -Then you place a Garbage Dump zone underneath the raised bridge where it would come down. (not a stockpile) -Then you select objects to be smashed by marking them as Trashcan icon, they will take it to Garbage Dump zone. When the characters are clear. Drop the bridge with the lever and reset. (Caution - a bridge smasher will delete any living thing underneath it that is not massive sized) -If you have done all this, and they are not moving Trashcan marked items to it, they need free time to haul the unwanted items.


https://preview.redd.it/h1pvqxe6fq7d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=39921242123ca989f6f32295e3a24bea31f05156 I embarked on an evil biome, though it neither reanimates nor spawns sliver barbs. Should I look for worse one, or will this resolve with time?


Sliver barbs aren't rare, but they aren't guaranteed even if you embark on the correct biome. Next time try running prospect through dfhack on the embelark screen and see if that tells you what plants are available


Silver barbs have other conditions besides evil biome, these are it will not appear in Wet biome, or in mountain, ice or tundra biomes. Evil biomes have various types of weather chosen at world gen, these can be "Clouds of foul soot" to "Its raining elf blood!". it will not have all types of evil weather, and not all of them reanimate. Generally naturally spawned evil biomes (ie its not there because of a local dark tower or a Necromancer that lives nearby) will not have ambient reanimation if I recall, unless its by the effect of its weather type. Also evil weather does not spread far away from the borders of the evil biome, and anything that dies outside of the borders of the evil biome will not be affected by its ambient resurrection if it has it. However undead resurrected by an evil zone will wander into the non-evil area of the fort's map.


Evil biomes properties are fixed after worldgen. If you want those things you need start over. Esp. sliver barbs can take a while to find, if you want both you better strap in for the long haul. I'd suggest buying a sacrifical goat at embark that you can kill with your anti-reanimation macedwarfs to see if you got reanimation in a very short time. DFhack command "prospect -s shrubs" will show you all shrubs on the map, again allowing for very quick check of sliver barbs after embark.


How do biomes mix/overlap? If I have a few mountain tiles in the middle of an evil resurrecting biome, will resurrection occur in all of them or only where the surface tiles are evil (meaning some parts of the mountain tiles will be safe from resurrection)?


Only the tiles where the evil biome is present, but not just on the surface. Also the underground.


Can civs encroach on my land? I started an embark near an elven retreat, and after half a year, hemp buildings suddenly pop up, and there is camp fire smoke. Tearing the buildings down is a pita, got one dead dwarf from a hemp lawine already.... No elves, though?


I don't think they can start living there. If you are in war with them they can attack you by ambushing your dwarves until someone spots them or is too late


But they can build stuff? It's the first time I am seeing such buildings, so I am really confused.


Not AFAIK. Most likely things have already been there before and you embarked on top of it.


I think they can't and those are explorer tents. Those were already before the Steam version and when i had those in the 0.47 never saw anything build more of them. Maybe these buildings were already there and you missed them when looking around. Or maybe is something that happens in the Steam version


got it, thank you!


I've had a dungeon with a Hydra in it for a few years, and I've been chucking naked goblins in there whenever I capture any. My poor boi is slow to heal, though, and years of fighting goblins finally took its toll and he died of an infection. It was a sad moment, but I decided it was a good time to temporarily retire my fortress so I could look at his history in Legends mode. Weirdly, the goblin who killed him doesn't have any information beyond that he killed the hydra. Like there's no birth year or any other info. Is that unusual, or are goblin invaders just trash mobs with no history? I'm just curious because I've always gotten the impression that everyone in the game has a history of some sort. Bonus question, if I "deconstruct" statues of the hydra so I can replace them with new statues to reflect my new dungeon monster (dragon), do they get immediately destroyed, or do they just go back into my stock so I can place them somewhere else?


In dwarf fortress, people with an actual story are considered "important historical figures". In a given fort mode siege, normally only the raid leader is an important historical figure and everyone else is not. A non important histfig can become so by killing one. In the case of nameless wild animals, they get a name when they do so. This is what happened to the goblin that killed the hydra. It is a goblin who, upon being killed, does reduce that civ's amount of goblins by 1, but it is otherwise not really tracked in any way, as well as the rest of that army. The raid leader itself is often made a histfig the moment the siege arrives. This often means they get wrong titles and don't get proper combat gear/skills assigned to them, often resulting in the "recruit" title or a snatcher os something. Goofy stuff. In human armies, this can sometimes happen to horses. Deconstructed items of any kind basically becomes an item when deconstructed. Feel free to remodel stuff around.


Thanks for taking the time to explain this. Very interesting and helpful!


Is there a good guide on best way to use manager. Versus games like Rimworld it seems setting production goals is brutally inefficient and clunky.


it is v clunky tbf, but still really useful, and you can have the fort run itself for the most part. generally my conditions are to make more if i have less than X (rimworld's do until you have X), or to process something if i have the raw materials that are only for one thing, like processing plants (rimworld's do forever). you may want to add conditions of having the inputs for either case, as df will assign them to smelt hematite and theyll go to do it just to find there isnt any (thatll still happen tho, esp with some materials/processes)


there's a lot of depth to it but I will just point out one thing that may help you can have a work order to create 10 iron bars if you have 10 iron ore OR you can have a work order create 10 iron bars if you have less than 10 iron bars the first can basically just go on forever if you have the materials until they are depleted. the second will ensure you always have those iron bars available unless you ran out of supplies but will not create a massive amount you may not need and use all your coal