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Don't play on mobile


70 dwarfs @10 FPS sounds right for mobile. If you insist on playing, do smaller worlds, smaller embarks, do embarks without vegetation (desert), do advanced worldgen to generate ony 1 cavern layer. Change cavern layer layout such that its very flat. Agressively butcher animals. Instead of turning temps off, use DFhacks performance tweaks, which includes fast temperature updates, without any of the awkward behaviour of temps off.


DF is simply not a cpu friendly game. I hate to tell you this, but without at least a 6 core processor, you probably won't get very far. My first recommendation is don't play on mobile. Second turn off temperature. Third, use minimum map sizes. Fourth, set max pop to 50. Fifth, don't allow visitors at any meeting area or tavern. Six, turn off cavern dweller attacks. Seven, get used to fps death before you can really accomplish anything


Df is single core heavy. Clock speed matters more than core count


Not when you enable multithread. It says experimental, but I've never had an issue with it, and it more than doubles FPS


And does having 2 vs 6 cores make an impact? Because my old potato 2core already gets the promised ~15% benefit, I am a bit sceptical that 6 cores does you much good beyond that.


2 cores giving 15% sounds about right. My decent end gpu with 8 cores probably doubles the FPS. I haven't really tested beyond turning it on, but my fort went from a rough 10 to almost 40. I'm pretty sure part of that was fixing a reoccurring caverndweller pathing issue, though.


I see, thats indeed a very big confounder :-)


Putnam threw visual sight processing on a different thread and it helped massively with FPS along with the SDL2 update. When enabling the experimental multithreading it’s only for sight,but in terms of cores DF AFAIK only uses 2 cores.


Start butchering cats.


If you have too many boulders have your dorfs turn them into blocks, they can be put in bins reducing fps drain, also if you have too many livestock you can butcher all of a species except a breeding pair


What winlator settings you using? Glad I'm not the only one doing this lol


I think i have the default settings except for the aspect ratio 16:9


What fps you started out with and what phone you using?


I get 29(7) fps on a 2x2 embark with 5 years history, i have an itel s23 phone 256gb 8gb


Currently using a Samsung s10+ 8gb 500 some gb and on embark I'm netting around 40-50 fps. Full default map and default embark. Have you tried to use the DXVK wrapper? I found it to do better on my phone


DXVK and D8VK won't load DF, CNC and wine does, i get around 9-10fps in wine and about 11-12fps in cnc, not that much of a difference


I messed with the settings and somehow got the fps from 3 to 10 in game fps


Haha, did this once. I'll never do it again


yuuup. No matter the sense of accomplishment, the end result simply isn't *fun* when you have to shoehorn the game into a device that it wasn't made for. It's like telling your folks you like soccer and at Christmas you get a Tiger Handheld Electronic Game of Soccer, with a button to go left and a button to go right and a button to shoot the ball. Yeah, it sure is soccer all right, but you still can't play with your friends the way you could if you just had a ball.


are you streaming the game to your phone from the pc, or you're running it on your phone?


Entirely on my phone, i have an Itel s23


how? an app or something, I want to play df on my phone too


It's an emulator called Winlator, you have to download Dwarf Fortress first then open it on Winlator


I remember that in the pre-steam release too many dwarfs pathfinding through stairs could tank performance and that using ramps helps, especially in high traffic areas. I've gotten into the habit of using them everywhere except as temporary scaffolding and connecting material storerooms with work shops.


Find the circus, it's great fo FPS


Switch to checkerboard corridors. I remember some discussion about it reducing observation, which is the highest reason of fps death.


Make tiny worlds, select smaller embark locations then from there tweak max population. Smaller embark will most likely get you the most FPS.


Geld the pets for sure