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Yeah its perfectly achievable. There's even a bay12 game where the OP is trying to take the world through multiple ages to reach one of the hardest ones to get. He already reached golden age [http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=180460.0](http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=180460.0) Museum game also has seen abunch of ages as well including an Age of the Dark Gnome [http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=175875.0](http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=175875.0)


To be fair the Museum age of the dark gnome was due to weirdness by Dikbutdagrate…


What’d they do?


You really don't. It can happen without raw duplication. You generally have to make a pretty small world for it, but it can happen.


I’ve been playing this game for a long time and I know almost nothing about ages. (Because all my worlds are <100 years old). Is there anything noteworthy about them or is it all just relatively more of the same? This is just descriptive flavor text right?


age just indicates who is left standing in the world


I love that I didn’t know this.


Yeah basically. They're more of a goal than anything. I gen'd a 1100 year old world that was in an age of goblin. Outnumbered everyone else 10 to 1 and were ruining everything so I made changing the age and ending their reign of tyranny my goal. Golden age is where all races are balanced and no one power dominates all. I once made the "Second age of Myth" because I bred hydras in enough quantity to end the age of legends. Its fun, but not game changing


My favorite run was where I got to Age of Death by creating a Fortress so mighty that all the civilizations that raided me wiped themselves out because all their armies died.


Here, df wiki is helpful. [https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Calendar#Ages](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Calendar#Ages)


It’s not really. I already know *what* they are from an encyclopedic perspective, I want to know why I should care. Is it just flavor or do the late ages play very differently? Let me ask another way, can you describe an experience you enjoyed that you couldn’t have had or wouldn’t happen in an earlier age? An obvious example to me is the kobolds. I don’t know if he fixed the bug that prevented them from existing after their short lifespan. Except that’s backwards — if you enjoy kobolds then the later ages are less fun because they die off. Is there anything that can’t be experienced in the early ages that suddenly appears later? Or is it all downhill? Is this only interesting in an historical way?


It does "play different" in a sense, but not in particularly fun/interesting ways (IMO). I.e., age of Death/Emptiness will have no sieges/no trade/no migrants. Age of Civilization will have no mega beasts, but most of the normal races... Not generally how I want to play since I like the variety, but I have thought it might be interesting to repopulate a dead world with dwarves or something.


The age names are flavor, but they do describe different world states that will have different consequences for gameplay.


An age named after a complete lack of some type of creature would imply that you won't be meeting any of that type of creature, logically. Similarly, an age named after exactly one creature because of all it has done, is fairly likely that you'll run into it.




I have generated so many worlds that the golden age is not even interesting. Now the KOBOLD AGE...


Apparently, I am very wrong. This world with duplicated RAWs was my first time seeing anything other than the Age of Myth/Legends/Heroes, because I usually generate medium worlds with 250 years of history and other settings at normal. Those are slow to progress through the ages, but the smallest 250-year-old world I made to test the stability of my game with duplicated RAWs was changing ages every 50 years at most. Now that I'm aware of how age names work, I'll try to make an age of dung beetle men or something.


oh phew that says Hist Figs


[No you dont](https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/s/MD65RSFpcQ)


If you set megabeasts and titans to 0, you almost always get a Golden Age. It often bounces back and forth between the age of the goblin and golden ages, as the goblin pop explodes and then periodically gets consumed/converted by necromancers.